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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1891 05 May

Saturday 2 May 1891

MARRIED at Tafelberg Hall on Wednesday the 22nd inst, by the Rev. Father Simeon, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Lomax, Roland CHAMBERS to Ruby Mabel WORSLEY-MONTAGU, granddaughter of J.S. DISTIN Esq. of Tafelberg Hall, District Middelburg.

Yesterday morning, says The Friend, Mr. W.A. BULLEN, Manager of the Star Life Assurance Company, was married by the Rev. Mr. MORGAN to “Tibbie”, second daughter of the Rev. J. BREBNER, Superintendent of Education in this State.

It was our pleasing duty, some few months ago, to give a few details respecting a ceremony of the above description at the old Hall, and it was then known that another wedding would shortly take place. We shall now endeavour to satisfy in some slight degree the curiosity of our feminine readers by a few details respecting this second event, which took place last Wednesday when Mr. Rowland CHAMBERS was united to Miss Ruby Mabel WORSLEY-MONTAGU, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. DISTIN. The bride wore a lovely dress of ivory white satin, trimmed with chiffon and clusters of jasmine and the usual wreath and veil. She also wore a beautiful flower-brooch of pearls and diamonds, which, with the bouquet of rare [exotics], was the gift of the bridegroom. The bridesmaids – Miss MONTAGU, Miss Ida MONTAGU (sisters of the bride) and Miss DISTIN, were tastefully attired in cream, and carried bouquets of crimson and white, and wore gold scimitar brooches, the gift of the bridegroom. There were also in attendance two little flower girls, Edith and Olive FROMMER (cousins of the bride). The bridegroom was attended by Mr. Henry DISTIN. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Father SIMEON, assisted by the Rev. Mr. LOMAX, the bride being given away by her grandfather, Mr. J.S. DISTIN. The ceremony was a most impressive one, and the large Hall was crowded with friends and relatives. Miss Louie [sic] FLEMMER played the Wedding March. The wedding resents were numerous and costly and, if the number and heartiness of the congratulations foreshadow happiness, the young couple are bound to be happy. The wedding breakfast was most sumptuous, and there were the usual toasts and good wishes for the future happiness of the bride and bridegroom, everything passing off most enjoyably. The young couple left shortly afterwards for Capetown en route for England. – Cradock Register.

Tuesday 5 May 1891

BIRTH at Oatlands, Grahamstown, May 3rd, the wife of C.H. ABBOTT of a son.

[one BMD announcement for the 4th inst but paper torn away so only date visible]

Between six and seven o’clock last evening, says the Cape Times, a man, named A.N. HARDING, died suddenly while dining at the Silver Tree Hotel in Waterkant Street. A number of sailors were in the same apartment, and they saw him cease eating and lean back in his chair, but the act appeared perfectly natural and for a few moments they took no notice of him. His peculiar stillness soon, however, attracted their attention, and on examination he was found to be quite dead. He must have died instantaneously and without a sound or struggle. The cause of his death is conjectured to be heart disease, from which the deceased was known to be suffering. The police were immediately sent for and the body conveyed by them to the mortuary at the Railway Station. Enquiries at the Silver Tree Hotel elicited the following information about the deceased: He was a doctor and held a diploma of M.R.C.S. Among his acquaintances he was familiarly known as “The Doctor”. He was thirty-seven years of age, had resided in South Africa about six years, some period of which had been spent in Durban, where he had practised, and for the last two years had lived at the Silver Tree Hotel. He prescribed occasionally for his friends, and only a few minutes before his death he had been to a chemist’s shop near to the hotel to [obscured] a prescription for the landlord’s daughter. Yesterday morning he told one of his acquaintances that he had consulted a doctor about his heart, and had been told that his life was not worth two days’ purchase.

Major C.H. GORDON, of the Royal Engineers, who had been staying in Grahamstown for some time past, died peaceably at Mrs. JAY’s boarding house on Sunday. When he came here consumption already had a deadly hold on him, and his most sanguine friends could not hope that our climate would do more than temporarily extend his tenure of life. During his stay here the late Major made many friends, upon whom his numberless social qualities and never-failing gentlemanly instincts made a marked impression. Throughout his long and trying illness his devoted wife has tended him with loving solicitude, and sincere sympathy will be felt for her in her bereavement.
The funeral took place at 7:30 this morning from Mrs. JAY’s house, and was attended by a host of friends, including Mr. Justice JONES, Mr. Justice MAASDORP, Mr. H.T. TAMPLIN M.L.A., Mr. A.F.S. MAASDORP Q.C., Solicitor General, General HILL, Rev. Canon MULLINS, Rev. and Mrs. PARDOE, Dr. and Mrs. GREATHEAD, Dr. FLIGG, Mrs. WEBB, Mr. and Mrs. D.L. CLARKE, Mrs. JAY, Messrs. P. GORDON, A.S. HUTTON, D. MACPHERSON, W. YOUNG and other friends of the deceased officer. The Very Rev. the Dean conducted the ceremony, part of which took place in the Armstrong Memorial Chapel, and was of a very impressive description.

Thursday 7 May 1891

DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday May 3rd, Major Charles Hadfield GORDON, aged 41 years.

Saturday 9 May 1891

The funeral of the late Rev. W.R THOMPSON took place at Hertzog on Tuesday 5th inst. amidst a large concourse of people. The remains were brought from Mr. THOMPSON’s late residence, Balfour, on Tuesday morning, and for some hours placed in the Church at Hertzog, where, passing in procession, some hundreds took a last look at the features of their old pastor and friend. The funeral service was conducted by the Rev. A. FAURE, who succeeded Rev. Mr. THOMPSON in the charge of the Hertzog Mission, assisted by the Rev.J. READ Sen. (Independent Church), Rev. W.B. MOIR (Lovedale), Rev. A.J. LENNARD (Wesleyan Church) and Rev. PHILIP (Lovedale). The Revs. Canon WOODROOFFE and R. MARTIN (Church of England), J. READ Jun. (Independent) and WHITTINGTON (Baptist) were also present. The chief mourners were Mrs. THOMPSON, Mrs. BROWNLEE, Hon. John LAING M.L.A., and Mrs. LAING. The deceased, who was a minister of the Dutch Reformed Church and the first missionary at Tyumie and in Stockenstrom, had been over 70 years in this country, and had attained to the age of 95 years. In the earlier days of the mission and district he acted not only as Minister to the people of all classes, but rendered great service as a doctor, and was highly recommended for the soundness of his advice in all matters concerning a young and struggling community. He passed through troublous times, but his latter days have been peaceful and bright, in the midst of many friends and the abiding evidence of the success which attended his labours.

Tuesday 12 May 1891

DIED at Roipoort near Dordrecht on the 26th April 1891, Frederick Henry, fourth son of F.D. KIDSON Esq. Deeply regretted.

DIED at Ford’s Party, District of Bathurst, May 7th 1891, Richard Andrew HARMAN, aged 92 years 5 months and 3 days.
Southampton and Transvaal papers please copy.

DIED at Taaibosch Fontein, near Middelburg Road Station, on the 5th instant, James Weeks, eldest son of the late Rev. Jeremiah HARTLEY, in the 54th year of his age, leaving a disconsolate wife and 8 children to mourn their irreparable loss.
His life of suffering ended,
His sorrows all are o’er,
And oh! How precious is the thought
Those eyes will weep no more.
We would not ask him back, Lord,
Since Thou hast plainly said
Thou’ll come to take him to Thyself
And raise the sleeping dead.
The family take this opportunity of thanking the friends who showed such kindly sympathy with them in their time of sorrow.

Saturday 16 May 1891

News has reached Capetown (says the Cape Times) of the death which occurred at Zanzibar a few weeks ago of Dr. COWL, of the cable steamer Great Northern. The circumstances of his death are peculiarly sad, but show him to have been a man of high heroism and personal bravery. Whilst the vessel was lying off Zanzibar there broke out amongst the residents of that port a fever of an unusually virulent and deadly type. All the European medical men in that town left by steamer, leaving but one medical practitioner, a coloured man, in the place. Under these circumstances Dr. COWL naturally became in urgent request to attend Europeans on shore, and to the credit of his name and profession be it said, he never once refused the call. Night after night he was without sleep, and laboured heart and soul for the sufferers in Zanzibar. At length he was himself marked by the fever, and his system being utterly run down, he died in thirty-six hours, despite every attention. All Doctor COWL’s charitable work was purely voluntary, forming no part of his duties as ship’s surgeon. The deceased gentleman, who was known to many in Capetown, was a general favourite, and his death is keenly regretted.

Thursday 21 May 1891

According to the Fort Beaufort paper, a young farmer, named ENGELBRECHT, from Cathcart, called at his uncle’s place at Blinkwater and said that he had sent in some hamels to town for sale. Miss ENGELBRECHT, who had been governess at his father’s farm, came with him to do some shopping. This young lady and gentleman have since disappeared, and are supposed to have gone to Kimberley, though they have not yet been heard of. She left a note at the hotel for her parents, in which she says she will write to what address her clothes must be sent, and also that the horse has been left at the hotel in charge of her uncle, Mr. J.J. SMITH, to be called for.

A Pretoria paper announces the death of Mrs. PAFF, wife of Mr. P.C. PAFF, which occurred at the Military Camp under very painful circumstances. On the evening of the first of the present month, after retiring to rest, Mrs. PAFF was bitten by a centipede or poisonous spider. At the time she gave very little thought to the occurrence, the native throwing out the insect on the following morning. Last Sunday night, the first anniversary of her wedding, her arm commenced to swell to very serious dimensions, and it was at this stage that medical advice was called in. Two doctors attended her, and lanced the affected arm in several places; but the danger having been allowed to go too far, mortification set in, and the lady died as above stated. Deceased, who arrived from Holland about a year ago, was only twenty-seven years of age, and was on the eve of becoming a mother.

Tuesday 26 May 1891

DIED at Glen Craig on the 23rd May 1891, after a painful illness, of dropsy, Norman Edwin PAGE, aged eight years and four months, second and dearly loved son of A.C. and C.M. PAGE.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 24th May, of pleurisy, after a short illness, Bourchier BOWKER of Signal Hill, North Fish River, aged 46 years, youngest son of the late J.M. BOWKER.
The thanks of the Widow and Family are given to Dr. GREATHEAD and the officials of the Albany Hospital for their unremitting attention and kindness during his last hours.
“Thy will be done”.

We record with deep regret the death of Bourchier BOWKER Esq. of Signal Hill, North Fish River, who died at the Albany Hospital on Sunday last, aged 46 years and 3 months, after a short illness, of pleurisy. Mr. BOWKER was the youngest son of the late James Mitford BOWKER, and will be mourned both by the numerous members of a family which is distinguished, not only in its origin but also by its remarkable gallantry in the defence of this Colony during all the native wars through which it has passed, as well as by its public spirit in political and general affairs, - and also by a whole circle of friends by whom he was beloved and esteemed for his uprightness, kindliness and other sterling qualities. Mr. BOWKER had caught a chill on Monday the 18th, the result of active exertion, and in coming into town on the following day, was taken very ill. By the advice of Dr. GREATHEAD, he was removed to the Albany Hospital, where every effort was made to arrest the progress of the disease, but in spite of medical skill and careful nursing, the complaint took a fatal turn, and mainly owing to a weakness of the heart, the patient expired on Sunday afternoon last. Mrs. BOWKER, who had been sent for, was with her husband during the latter part of his illness and at his death. He was buried yesterday afternoon in the Anglican Cemetery, the Rev. R. MULLINS officiating. Owing to the suddenness of his death, and the occurrence of the holidays, but few of the relatives of the deceased and of his friends both in town and country, were apprised of the funeral in time to show by their presence their respect and sympathy. Mr. BOWKER was twice married, and leaves three children; his first wife having been a Miss DUTHIE, who died in her first confinement. Subsequently he married Miss HALLIER (daughter of Mr. T.B. HALLIER of Signal Kop) who survives to mourn his loss. He was an intelligent and industrious farmer, and took much interest in the proceedings of the Upper Albany Association, as a delegate from which body he with his brother, Mr. Duncan BOWKER, attended to recent Central Farmers’ Congress.

Among the candidates for ordination at the Cathedral on Sunday was Mr. A.L. SNELL, of Aliwal North, but formerly of the Grahamstown Public School. Before the morning service a telegram arrived briefly conveying the sad news that a cart accident had resulted in the death of one of Mr. SNELL’s children. The Dean prudently withheld the evil tidings until after the evening service, when it was gently broken to him. The poor father’s anguish can be better imagined than described, and he left for home at the first opportunity.

Saturday 30 May 1891

The death of the Rev. C. DENYER, of Cradock, has already been received by us. The local Register says that on Saturday evening [sic] last about 11 am he called on the contractor for the new library, of which Mr. DENYER was the Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, and after a few moments’ conversation regarding the completion and final payments for the building, he left in his apparently usual good health. He went down to the Standard Bank and transacted some business. Outside the Bank he met a friend with whom he conversed, leaving after a minute or two, laughing at a joke the friend had made. He proceeded a few yards along the street to Mr. [METCALF]’s office, and as he entered the room, supported himself against the door frame, remarking that he felt giddy. He was assisted into a chair, and died instantaneously. Medical assistance was sent for, but when Dr. IRELAND arrived it was evident that no human aid could be of service. The cause of death was disease of the heart. At the funeral on Sunday afternoon, which was attended by clergy and laity of all churches in town, the Rev. Mr. DOUGLAS B.A. said the community, through the death of such an active and hard working member, had lost a worthy man and a good citizen, and we have few if any who could grasp the broken threads of the many good and useful undertakings he so worthily sustained. He dropped down in harness, with all his responsibilities on his shoulders. Mr. DENYER, as Minister of the Union Church, was most earnest in his work, never sparing himself to further the cause he so earnestly preached. At all times both by precept and example he pointed out to his congregation their duties as Christians. He was making strenuous efforts to build a new Church, and already had some funds collected for that purpose. He was mindful of the wants of the younger members of his charge, with whom he identified himself as a friend more than a teacher. His congregation have sustained a loss the extent of which they cannot yet realise. Allusion was made also to Mr. DENYER’s work on the Rocklands Seminary Committee, as Secretary to the Colonial Temperance Alliance, the local Library Committee, and other matters in which the deceased had been busily and usefully interested.


  • Hits: 1926