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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1890 12 December

Tuesday 2 December 1890

DIED at Uitenhage on Nov 25th 1890, Rebecca, relict of the late John STOW (born AMOS). The deceased came to this Colony with the British Settlers of 1820. Friends please accept this notice.

The Rev. Alexander McAULAY died yesterday morning at Somerset East, having been ill for some ten days, through an internal complaint brought on by fatigue and exposure in the prosecution of his mission. He was taken ill, we understand, at an outstation, and was removed to Somerset, where he could enjoy the advantage of medical treatment, and was also constantly attended by the Rev. N. ABRAHAM. On Friday last Dr. GREATHEAD of this town was in Somerset, and in consultation with Dr. BUTLER, Mr. McAULAY’s physician, was able to give some temporary relief; but though the venerable patient was for some time better, there was little prospect of any permanent improvement, and he breathed his last yesterday morning early. The Rev. W.M. DOUGLAS of Cradock was with him in his last moments, owing to the enforced absence of Mr. ABRAHAM, who had tenderly nursed him almost up to the last. The funeral is to take place today, and will be conducted by the Rev. T. CHUBB, Chairman of the District, who left for Somerset by rail last night. The Rev. Alexander McAULAY entered the Wesleyan Ministry in 1840, and spent the first seven years of his ministerial life in Scotland. He subsequently laboured in important circuits in Leeds, Manchester and London. In 1876 he was appointed Secretary of Home Missions, a post he held for 10 years. He was elected President of the Wesleyan Conference in that year, as a mark of recognition of his indefatigable and successful labours, through which quite a number of new “circuits” were formed in the Eastern part of London. In 1886, having retired from circuit work, he visited the West Indies and Demerera, where he stayed nearly three years, conducting evangelistic services. He came to this country on a similar errand in the early part of the present year, and his efforts have been very highly appreciated, and productive of much good effect, in all the places which he has visited, including this city. ....Mr. McAULAY was in his 73rd year of life........

Thursday 4 December 1890

DIED at Grahamstown on 3rd Dec 1890, Mrs. Joseph EDKINS, aged 68 years.

We deeply regret having to announce the sad news of Mrs. Joseph EDKINS’s death. The deceased was an old resident, and much esteemed and respected. She had attained the age of 68 years. We offer our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family.

Tuesday 9 December 1890

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 4th inst, the wife of D. HISCOCK, of Somerset East, of a son.

PASSED AWAY at Grahamstown Dec 8th 1890, Mary Boyce, beloved wife of Stephen MUNDY, aged 81 years.

DIED at Kimberley on the 6th Dec 1890, Francis BROWN, Barrister of the Eastern Districts Court, aged 44 years.

Another of our oldest citizens has passed away in the person of Mrs. Stephen MUNDY Sen. The deceased lady had been an invalid for years. She was much esteemed and respected here, and will be sincerely mourned. The widower and bereaved family have our sincere sympathy.

No further particulars to the tragic ending to the Rev. J.C. COYTE’s life on Sunday last have yet reached us. The received report is that the rev. gentleman, who was universally liked and esteemed at Peddie, had concluded the evening service and was on his way to the vestry when the lightning struck him. We shall await the details with interest. The deceased’s brother, Mr. H.D. COYTE, left at once for Peddie.

We omitted by an oversight to mention the funeral of Mr. DELL senior, which was conducted by Mr. WILL at Barville Park on Thursday last, the Rev. W.R. BRUCE conducting the service, assisted by the Rev. J. THOMPSON. The deceased was 74 years old and one of the oldest residents in the Bathurst District. In bygone days he was a very acceptable writer to the Journal, and we have known him compose very creditable poetry on occasion. He will be much missed by those who knew and respected him.

The sad news arrived last Saturday afternoon of Mr. Advocate BROWN’s death at Kimberley. Everybody in Grahamstown was acquainted with Mr. BROWN, and may have listened with admiration to his legal eloquence at the E.D. Court in days gone by. He was a general favourite wherever he went, and many a friend will sorrow sincerely at his death. He was easily first of the local Bar, and after his removal to Kimberley his talents speedily obtained recognition. Like other advocates in good times he had the refusal of a judgeship, and declined to accept it. The body was brought down from Kimberley and the funeral took place today, the Rev. M. NORTON officiating. With the bereaved widow and her fatherless children there will be no lack of sincere sympathy, and we add our heartfelt condolence. The deceased was only 44 years old.

Thursday 11 December 1890

DIED at Barville Park on the 3rd Dec 1890, Samuel William DELL, aged 74 years and 8 months.

Particulars about the Rev. J.C. COYTE’s death at Peddie last Sunday evening have taken a very long time to come to hand, and in the meantime at least four mutually contradictory accounts of the tragic affair obtained currency. It now appears that the evening service was just concluded, and the congregation waited in the church for the storm to abate. The Rev. J.C. COYTE was sitting in the Vestry talking to the Rev. Canon WOODROFFE, who had assisted in the service, when the lightning struck him, killing him on the spot. The mournful occurrence has spread a gloom over the entire community, and much sympathy is expressed for the young widow, deprived in this tragic way of her husband.

Saturday 13 December 1890

DIED at Kingwilliamstown on the [5th] December 1890, Thomas INGRAM, in his 66th year.
Scotch papers please copy.

DIED at Vaalboschfontein, Transvaal, on the 18th Nov, Charles Henry GRANT, formerly of Grahamstown, aged 26 years and 9 months.

We regret to hear of the death of Mr. Charles H. GRANT at a place called Vaalboschfontein, somewhere near the Waterberg. The unfortunate young man was well-known in Grahamstown, when he was in the Market Office. It appears that he went out bathing and was drowned, owing to an attack of cramp or something similar, for he could swim like a fish. The man with whom he was working behaved very strangely in the matter, for although there were hundreds of Grahamstown letters to tell where the deceased came from, it was twelve days before the news reached a Transvaal paper, and Mr. MACKENZIE, we believe that is the name, never took the trouble to notify the relatives. We tender our sincere sympathy to the mother and family of Mr. GRANT.

Tuesday 16 December 1890

MARRIED on the 11th Dec 1890, at the residence of the bride, Beaufort-street, Grahamstown, by the Rev. Henry Cotton, Edwin BLAKE of Yoxall, Staffordshire, England to Charlotte (Lottie), third daughter of the late Mr. Joseph EDKINS, of this city.

Mr. Edwin BLAKE (of Yoxall, Staffordshire, England) but at present on Messrs. Muirhead & Gowie’s staff, has been married to Miss Charlotte EDKINS, daughter of our late townsman, Mr. Joseph EDKINS. The ceremony, which was of a quiet description owing to recent bereavements, was performed by the Rev. H. COTTON. We congratulate the newly married couple and hope that they will experience all of the sweets and none of the bitters of connubial life.

We have to record the sad news of Mrs. CURRIN’s death at the age of 59 years and 11 months. The deceased, who was the relict of the late Mr. Richard CURRIN, had been an invalid for a long time past, and was for some time in a dying state, but the end was deferred until 5 o’clock yesterday morning, when she passed peacefully away, as is falling asleep. During her long and painful illness, Drs. GREATHEAD and CHEW have been most assiduous in their exertions for her relief. The funeral will leave the residence in Carlisle St. at 4 o’clock this afternoon. We offer our sincere condolence to the bereaved family.

It is with sincere regret that we have to chronicle the death of Mrs. Jonathan AYLIFF, which occurred at her residence yesterday. The late Mrs. Jonathan AYLIFF was the eldest daughter of the late Hon. Geo. WOOD; and in her young days did much to make the early life of the Settlement pleasant and agreeable. She is remembered as an unusually apt scholar, and in after years, as possessed of a remarkable energy, which was able to overcome difficulties of all kinds. After her marriage she became the bright companion of her husband, the late Hon. Jonathan AYLIFF, and there was no feature so marked in her character as the love for her children, who have up to the last rewarded her kind motherly attention by lives of devotion. Her hospitality was unbounded, and numbers of the citizens of Grahamstown will for a long time recall her pleasant reunions, which were of the brightest and happiest description. Her naturally good constitution for a long while enabled her to perform her life’s duties, till her husband’s health failed, when she accompanied him to England, where he died, but the strain on her mind from constant watching so impaired her health that her friends could not but see after her return to the Colony that she was not so robust as she once was, and in spite of the loving care of her children, and all that the skill and kindness of her medical advisers could do, she daily became weaker - until yesterday morning, the 15th inst, when surrounded by all her children, excepting the eldest daughter who is now living in Scotland, she so peacefully passed away that it was almost difficult to say when the last breath escaped, and her spirit returned to the God who gave it. We would join with the hosts of friends in expressing sympathy with the children deprived of the best of mothers, and also with her other numerous relations. The funeral takes place this afternoon at the cemetery of the Wesleyan Church, of which Church Mrs. AYLIFF was a consistent and esteemed member.

Thursday 18 December 1890

DIED at her residence, “Greystone”, Dec 15, Susanah. Widow of the late Hon’ble Jonathan AYLIFF, Colonial Secretary. Deeply regretted by all who knew her.

The funeral of the late Mrs. J. AYLIFF took place on Tuesday afternoon, leaving the residence, Greystone, a little after 4. The pall-bearers were the Bishop of Grahamstown, Mr. Justice JONES, Mr. Justice MAASDORP, the Solicitor General, Drs. E. ATHERSTONE, J.B. GREATHEAD, and FLIGG. There was a large attendance of friends and relatives, both on foot and in carriages. The chief mourners were the children of the deceased lady, and her brothers, Messrs. John E. WOOD, Jos. WOOD, H. WOOD, R. AYLIFF and Hon. W. AYLIFF. The procession halted at Commemoration for a portion of the service, which was conducted by the Rev. T. CHUBB, H. COTTON and J. PENDLEBURY. Revs. G.W. CROSS, W. HOLDEN, B.J. SHAW and S. HELM were also present. At the grave hymns were sung, in which a number of ladies from the Diocesan School for Girls took part; and the remainder of the beautiful office for the funeral service was then completed. An unusually large number of wreaths were placed upon the coffin, which was very tastefully constructed of polished oak, and bore the simple inscription of the name and age of the late Mrs. AYLIFF.

On Friday evening (says the Advertiser) a serious accident occurred in the Kimberley mine, by which a European miner named Samuel COCK was killed. A native was also killed, and another so injured that he is not expected to live. COCK was engaged in blasting the Central Shaft, and had fired the shot. It did not however properly explode, only the outside dynamite being affected. COCK, evidently labouring under the impression that the hole had not been properly drilled, proceeded to drill it again, with the result that another portion of the charge exploded, blowing COCK, and one of the natives who were assisting in the operation, into eternity, and injuring another boy so severely that grave doubts are expressed as to his recovery.

Monday 22 December 1890

The watchman records the death of Mr. GILMER, a station master at Kingwilliamstown, [next line rubbed away].. We tender our sincere condolence with the bereaved family.

Yesterday morning between one and two o’clock the eldest daughter of Mr. O. ESTMENT died very suddenly. On Saturday evening Miss ESTMENT was apparently well and made all her ordinary preparations for the morning’s household duties, but about half past one she was taken with a fit, during which she passed away. Yesterday three doctors made a post mortem examination. Deceased was about twenty or twenty-one years of age.

Wednesday 24 December 1890

MARRIED at Pretoria on the 17th December 1890 by the Rev. Underwood, Wesleyan Minister, Marthinus Andreas BEGEMANN, of Johannesburg, to Matilda Maude, third daughter of Mr. George BAKER, of Grahamstown.

The marriage of Miss Maude BAKER, daughter of our townsman, Mr. Geo. BAKER, took place at Pretoria on Dec. 17th. The happy bridegroom was Mr. M.A. BEGEMANN, of Johannesburg. The service was conducted by the Rev. Mr. UNDERWOOD, Wesleyan Minister at Pretoria. The hearty congratulations of many Grahamstown friends will attend the honeymoon trip, and we wish the new couple every happiness in life.

Tuesday 30 December 1890

MARRIED at the residence of Mr. J.S. KEMP, Lawrance-st, on the 15th inst, by the Rev. G.W. Cross, assisted by the Rev. E.G. Evans, of Port Alfred, Mr. Robert MORRISON, Clyde Bank, near Glasgow, to Joan MILLAR, late of Hawick, Scotland.

We deeply regret to learn that information reached town today from Johannesburg that this gentleman, who is a younger brother of Dr. GREATHEAD, has died, owing to an accident in which fatal injury was done to his spine. The particulars are not given in the telegram. Mr. GREATHEAD was, we believe, connected with the Boksburg Colliery.

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