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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1890 08 August

Saturday 2 August 1890

MARRIED on Wednesday 30th July at St.John’s Church, Walmer, by the Rev. Dr. Wirgman D.C.L. R.D., assisted by the Rev. Cuthbert Mayo, Allan Percy JAY of Queenstown (sixth son of James J. JAY Esq. of College Park, England) to Bertha, daughter of the late ben. ROBERTS Esq. of Grahamstown.

Tuesday 5 August 1890

BIRTH, Burnham House, the wife of Mr. Ben. PREW, a daughter, Sunday 3rd inst.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 31st July, Alfred William, son of Alfred and Martha WRIGHT, aged 4 years and 8 months.
“Suffer little children to come unto Me”

Another of our best known and most widely respected citizens is dead, in the person of Mr. Robert ORGILL. The deceased has for many years carried on a prosperous coach and cart building trade at the premises in Bathurst St., and during his long business life in our midst he had built up a solid reputation of unassailable integrity and uprightness. None ever said anything against Robert ORGILL. The conscientious work which he put into his carts, and which made his workmanship famous for being almost indestructible by time, he carried into all the details of his life. His friends were legion, for most of his acquaintances were proud to be considered also his friends; and his honest independence and general cheery individuality gained him crowds of friends in every walk of life. He had reached the advanced age of three score years and nineteen, and was up and about till a short time before his death. The sad event will be widely mourned in this district, and the esteem in which he was held in life was manifested by the number of mourners who followed his remains to the grave. We beg to tender our sincere sympathy with the family whose head has been thus removed by death.

Saturday 9 August 1890

BIRTH at Grahamstown, August [8]th 1890, the wife of Andrew HOARE of a daughter.

BIRTH at Brookville, Grahamstown, August 6th, the wife of Mr. Horace O. DOLD of a son.

BIRTH at “Sarnia Cottage” on Friday August 8th 1890, the wife of Mr. D. KNIGHT of a daughter.

Tuesday 12 August 1890

At Christ Church yesterday morning the Rev. Mr. NORTON joined in marriage Mr. James LONG, the proprietor of the Masonic Hotel, and Miss STEWART, daughter of Mr. James STEWART. There were several friends of the bride and bridegroom present, and considerable interest was taken in the happy event. The bride was tastefully attired and looked exceedingly well. We join with their many friends in wishing long life and happiness to Mr. and Mrs. LONG.

Saturday 16 August 1890

DIED at Seymour, Aug 10, Caroline, the beloved wife of the Rev. Purdon SMAILES, aged 64 years.

Tuesday 19 August 1890

On the 4th inst (says the Mercury) Mr. Gustav HOWE was burning the grass around his house at Stutterheim, when one of his children, a little girl of five years old, by some means ignited her clothes and ran screaming towards the house. Her father, who was some distance off, ran up to her and tore off the burning garments; the District Surgeon was called in at once, but the little sufferer, who was badly burnt about the arms and lower part of the body, expired in the afternoon of the same day from the injuries and the shock to the system.

Thursday 21 August 1890

In the Intestate Estate of the late Robert EMSLIE, Division of Albany
All Persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are requested to file their claims with the Undersigned within six weeks from this date, and those indebted thereto are requested to pay the amounts owing to them forthwith to
Executor Dative
Hill-street, Grahamstown
30th July 1890

We regret to announce the death of Mrs. GOUGH, wife of Mr. C. GOUGH of this city. The deceased had been suffering for some time from a painful and incurable malady, endured with considerable fortitude. Widespread sympathy is felt for the bereaved widower.

A very prominent frontier figure has passed away in the person of the Hon. Chas. BROWNLEE, who died at Kingwilliamstown on Sunday morning, after patient suffering from an insidious malady which owed its origin to exposure in the execution of his duties during the troublous times of native fanaticism and infatuation of 1856.
The present generation knows little of the heroic band of native administrators to which Mr. BOWNLEE belonged, or perhaps more properly succeeded. John Mitford BOWKER, Sir Theophilus SHEPSTONE, Rev. Joseph WARNER, Colonel MACLEAN and Hon. Chas. BROWNLEE (only one of whom remains) have laid this colony under a deep debt of gratitude for their devoted services, carrying their lives in their hands in the days when Hintza, Gaika, Pato, Macomo and Umbala, the savage warriors of bygone times, laid the frontier in blood and ruin. But when the history of the Frontier is written these names will find due prominence, for no authentic account can be given without their heroic deeds coming to the front.
[continues in like vein for five paragraphs]

Saturday 23 August 1890

The King papers announce the marriage of Mr.John WEBB’s son, Thomas Guard WEBB, captain of our tournament team, to Miss Ilva Sarah SHORT of Kingwilliamstown. The ceremony was performed by the Ven. Archdeacon KITTON, assisted by the Rev. J. GORDON. We join with the numerous friends of the bride and bridegroom in wishing that every happiness and blessing may attend their union. A sumptuous banquet was served at Burnt Kraal upon the arrival there of the newly married pair.

Tuesday 26 August 1890

On Sunday last we noticed one of those touching episodes in humble life that forcibly illustrate the value to a working man of belonging to a Benefit Society, particularly to one of those that have branches all over the world. We allude to the funeral on Sunday afternoon of the late Patrick MALONEY, a member of the Kowie Court of Foresters. Besides the pecuniary benefits received in the lifetime of a member when sick, there comes the consolation that the widow and orphans are spared the trouble and expense of the funeral. The Foresters’ Court Queen Victoria represented the Kowie Society by assembling to the number of about 17, to perform the last sad office due to a deceased brother, no matter what his circumstances may be or what his need. The procession left the Albany Hospital about 4 o’clock, and after stopping for a short service at the R.C. Church, the cortege proceeded to the Cemetery. The religious service being over, the C.R. of the Foresters (Bro. J. JEFFREYS) read the customary funeral address over the grave. We believe the Benefit Societies are doing more good in our midst than is generally known.

Thursday 28 August 1890

The Port Elizabeth papers report the marriage of Miss Josephine SISSISON, daughter of Capt. SISSISON, to Mr. R.W. WYATT of the Bay. Rev. J.F. SINDEN, Vicar of St. Cuthbert’s, Port Elizabeth, performed the ceremony. We wish them every happiness in their new relations.

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