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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1890 05 May

Thursday 1 May 1890

DIED at Grahamstown on the 29th April, David Williamson HAMILTON, aged 34 years.

DIED at Grahamstown on May 1st 1890, Mrs. GALPIN Sen, aged 64 years and 10 months.
The Funeral of the ate Mrs. GALPIN will leave her residence, in Bathurst-street, tomorrow (Friday) morning at 10 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited.

This morning it is our sad duty to record the death of Mrs. GALPIN Sen. The deceased lady, who had attained the age of 64 years and 10 months, was one of our oldest and most respected inhabitants, and her sons are all responsibly connected with the business life of the City. She had been for some time in feeble health, and endured much pain with Christian fortitude. The devotion of her family soothed her last hours, and she expired peacefully this morning. We tender our condolences to the bereaved family.

A few days ago (says the Express) the Landdrost of Heilbron, Mr. VAN BLOOMESTEIN, died with awful suddenness. He had been ill some time before, but on the day of his death was apparently in his usual health. He was our visiting in the afternoon, and on entering his house at 6 o’clock in the evening called for help. A few minutes after he was a corpse. Heart disease was the cause.

Saturday 3 May 1890

MARRIED on May 1st at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. W. Tees, Mr. George E. FOX, of King Williamstown, to Anne Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. E. LOWDEN of this city.

Thursday 8 May 1890

All Claims against the Estate of the late Frances Amelia JAMES must be sent in for adjustment to the Stores in Bathurst-street within six weeks from date, and all Persons indebted thereto are requested to settle within the same period.
April 10th 1890

BIRTH on the 6th May 1890, the wife of H. KENNELLY of a son.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 6th May 1890, Mrs. Barclay SHAND of a daughter.

An enquiry having been made into the circumstances relative to the death of Mr. Edward Tindall WATSON, a photographer, of New Brighton Villas, Woodstock, the verdict declares there to be no doubt that the unfortunate gentleman took poison, but expresses no opinion as to his mental state at the time.

Saturday 10 May 1890

Much sympathy (remarks the Diggers’ News) is felt for Mr. DELL and his family in their second sad bereavement within the space of a few weeks. The daughter who has just gone to her last long home was in church last Saturday, apparently well. Those who sat near her, however, remarked the far away look in her eyes, which to the initiated is the signal for danger. Her funeral was largely followed, and there are many who will sincerely mourn for one cut down so untimely.

Thursday 15 May 1890

Everybody will be sad to hear that Mr. LUCAS Sen. has had a fall in his house in Oatlands Road, by which he sustained a fracture of his leg. At his advanced age such an occurrence is a very serious matter, and Mr. LUCAS’s medical attendant is afraid that the process of recovery will be considerably protracted. The sufferer has our entire sympathy with him in his misfortune.

Saturday 17 May 1890

There can be but little hesitation as to whether William OGILVIE was murdered or not. He was an elderly man, between 55 and 60 years of age, who had been some months in the Albany General Hospital, and was only discharged from the institution on the 14th, when he was as far cured as he could be. A trusty native (he looks after Mr. COLDRIDGE’s farm) came into town late on Wednesday night, bringing the news that he had found a white man, subsequently identified as William OGILVIE, lying coatless and trowserless on the road to Stone’s Hill, and near the old wagonmaker’s workshop. The poor old man had seven fearful places on his head, and was almost dead when found. His shirt was stained with blood from his wounds, and he could only move one arm feebly. Inspector LACY and his men were promptly on the spot and the dying man was conveyed carefully to the Hospital he had so recently left. The operation of trepanning was performed by the District Surgeon, but the man died at 2:30 on Thursday afternoon, without giving any clue to his murderers. The blows were apparently dealt with a kerrie or a stone, and are suspected to have been the work of natives, whose motive was robbery. OGILVIE, however, had only 2s in his possession, and Inspector CURRIE’s men subsequently found 6d of that near the spot; so that the miscreants, if robbery were their end, effected this foul murder for a dollar. Cape and Town Police are trying hard to take up the scent, and we hop success will attend their efforts. The coarse white cord trowsers and blue cloth jacket, which the assassins bore off with them, can be readily identified, and may prove to be the only clue obtainable.

Tuesday 20 May 1890

The Klerksdorp Advertiser announces the death of Mr. George F. NEWSAM, who was formerly Town Clerk and Town Engineer at East London, and who had the supervision of the construction of the Amalinda Reservoir, which is a monument to the skill and sound oversight of the deceased gentleman. Mr. NEWSAM’s many friends (says the Dispatch) will receive the news of his decease with great sorrow.

Saturday 24 May 1890

DIED at her residence, Clumber, on the 20th May 1890, after a lingering illness borne with Christian patience, Elizabeth, widow of the late Joseph BRADFIELD, aged 78 years.
Joy after sorrow, gleam after gloom,
Love after loneliness, life after tomb;
After long suffering rapture and bliss;
Right was her pathway leading to this.

Friday 30 May 1890

BIRTH on Wednesday 28th inst, the wife of Alfred H. DAY of a daughter.

BIRTH at Trinity Manse, Grahamstown, on Sunday 25th May 1890, the wife of the Rev. William TEES of a son.

MARRIED on the 27th May 1890 in Trinity Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. W. Tees, Robert PALMER to Barbara Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. Jas. DYCE, both of Grahamstown.

MARRIED on the 27th May 1890, at the residence of the bride’s father, Somerset East, by the Rev. Nendick Abraham, Henry Mapleston NOAKES to Hannah Sargeant (Annie), youngest daughter of L. GREEN.

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