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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1886 04 April

Friday 2 April 1886

MARRIED on the 31st March at Grahamstown by the Rev J.A. Chalmers, Alexander D. DIACK MD, Fort Beaufort, to Helen Heiton, daughter of the late Robert BLAIN, Edinburgh.

At half past 7 on Wednesday morning Dr. DIAEK of Fort Beaufort was married to Miss Helen BLAINE, at the house of Mrs. GOOLD in African Street, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. J.A. CHALMERS, and at an early hour the happy couple left town to spend their honeymoon at the Kowie. The bride’s dress was of pearl grey poplin trimmed with crimson velvet.

Monday 5 April 1886

MARRIED at Somerset East on March 30, by the Rev. C.S. Franklin, Arthur Frank SAWTELL, youngest son of Samuel SAWTELL Esq of the Barton, Bristol, to Sarah Jane, eldest daughter of Edward HISCOCK Esq, Somerset East.

The last, or almost the last, of the Old Settlers, has passed away in the person of Mr. William HARTLEY, of Kimberley, who died this morning as we learn from a telegram received by Mr. S. CAWOOD, brother-in-law of the deceased. With the exception of Mr. HARTLEY of Bathurst, who was one of the original allottees, though we believe he was not of the full age required when he came out, we do not know of any other man now living who has a title to be regarded as an original settler, though there are several ladies, Mrs. ROBERTS, Mrs. MUIRE, and others who have this claim.

It is with sincere regret that we announce the death of the Rev. Thurston BUTTON, which took place at Clydesdale, Upper Umzimkulu, at ten o’clock on Saturday morning. About three weeks ago the reverend gentleman, whilst visiting out-stations of his mission, was thrown from his horse, receiving internal injuries which necessitated his conveyance home. Under medical skill and careful attention it was hoped he would recover, but last week a relapse took place, which culminated in his death, as above stated. Mr. BUTTON came to Natal with the family when quite young, and for some time lived at Bishopstowe. Afterwards, and now more than twenty years ago, he resided for a time at Springvale and High flats, leaving about 1966 for England, to be educated at St.Augustine’s College, Canterbury. He returned to Natal about 1870, and shortly afterwards settled at Clydesdale, which has grown under his industry and supervision from being a solitary farmhouse to its present proportions. It is hardly possible to pay too high a tribute to the memory of the departed clergyman. He was a missionary in the truest sense, and combining a knowledge of the native language and character with an amiable disposition and common sense, was successful in his work. There are very few natives “down south” who did not know him, and he was loved and esteemed by all who were intimate with him, whether black or white. He could turn his hand to almost anything which required to be done in the country, and was as much at home in the saddle as anywhere. We believe the cause of the accident which proved fatal to him was the looseness of the saddle-girths at the time he was riding. The deceased gentleman leaves a widow and four children, who were with him when he died. His mother, brothers and sisters are known to many of us, and his death at the age of about 40 will be a heavy blow to them all. Mr. BUTTON was an archdeacon of the diocese of St.John’s, Kaffraria, of which Dr. CALLAWAY is the episcopal head. The funeral took place on Sunday morning. To Mr. BUTTON’s widow and children, as well as to his mother and other relatives, we tender our deepest sympathy. – Natal Mercury

Wednesday 7 April 1886

A contemporary reports a fatal accident occurred about five miles from Barkly East on Friday. A wagon belonging to a farmer named MARAIS whilst crossing the Kraai River capsized. Five of the occupants, a woman and four children were drowned.

Saturday 10 April 1886

(From the Budget)
In our last issue it was our sad duty to chronicle the death of Mr. Charles SAMPSON, of Sea View, Cuylerville. Mr. SAMPSON, a son of Capt. SAMPSON of Capetown, entered upon the duties at Capetown, having for a short time connected with the fine library of that city; he then removed to the Eastern Province, being appointed chief correspondent in the Commissary-General’s Department in Grahamstown. While in the service of the Commissariat, Mr. SAMPSON married Mrs. NORTON, the widow of S. NORTON Esq, and some time after his marriage took up farming operations, first in the Bedford division and afterwards on the farm Melville, in Lower Albany, where he lived seven years. In 1863 Mr. SAMPSON removed to Sea View, in the Cuylerville Ward, a farm belonging to the family, and on this farm he spent the remainder of his days, discharging with much zeal and activity the offices of Justice of the Peace and Fieldcornet, and for some time those of Forest Ranger. Mr. SAMPSON’s appointment as Fieldcornet bears the date of September 3rd 1864, and his commission as Justice of the Peace, 20th May 1869. As is well known, Mr. SAMPSON was ever enthusiastic in all things appertaining to the welfare of his ward, and took particular pains to promote the general interests of the ward and of those living within its limits, farmers and natives alike. During the late ward [sic] he became embroiled with the volunteers and burghers, who felt disposed to harry the natives living in the Cuylerville districts, but, as the result proved, Mr. SAMPSON was perfectly right in his strenuous but thankless efforts to prevent injustice and rapine being done to innocent natives. The high estimation in which Mr. SAMPSON was held, as a friend, counsellor and neighbour, was very apparent in the large concourse of gentlemen who gathered together to pay their last tribute of respect to the deceased. We tender our sincere sympathies to Mrs. SAMPSON and family in their bereavement, and we feel that we have lost a friend whose contributions to our pages were always worth reading and always most welcome.

Monday 12 April 1886

A little girl ten years old, a daughter of Mrs. POTGIETER, of Leo Bush, near Humansdorp, was bitten by a snake last Friday while plucking quinces, and died (says the Uitenhage Times) of the effects of the poison a few hours after.

Tuesday 13 April 1886

Only a short time ago it was our melancholy duty to chronicle the death of guard WILSON, who was killed whilst engaged in shunting. On Tuesday a similar fate overtook F. COOPER, a newly appointed guard to the same train, and whilst engaged in the same work. The train was a long one, and he was about to detach some trucks when his foot caught between the flanges of the rails at a point where they cross each other. Before he could disengage his foot the trucks knocked him down and passed over him, crushing his head into a thousand pieces. Death must have been instantaneous. The unfortunate man is widely known to the travelling public as a conductor on one of the through trains from Port Elizabeth to Capetown. The funeral took place on Thursday, at 10am, the Rev. W.W. TRELEAVAN officiating. He leaves a penniless widow and four children to mourn his loss.

Old residents will hear with regret of the death of Mr. C.J. JUTA, which took place on the 7th inst, at Chiswick, England. Mr. JUTA, who was sixty-two years of age, had been for thirty-five years connected with business in Capetown, and in that time had built up the leading bookselling concern in the colony, his name says the Argus being as well known in “the Row” as that of any English house. Mr. JUTA was rewarded with the prosperity that comes – or used to come – of steady application to business; but his career may fairly be looked upon in another light, as the existence of so fine a business of the kind was for many years, before present facilities existed, a powerful factor in the enlightenment of the Colony.

We learn from the Natal Witness that a few days ago while Mr. W. SHEPSTONE was passing the Crown Hotel stables, riding the young horse ‘Don Juan’, a dog rushed at the horse and caused him to plunge about so violently that one of the stirrup leathers snapped, and the rider was precipitated to the ground, still holding the reins. When on the ground, the horse trampled on Mr. SHEPSTONE’s right hand, with the result that one finger was completely broken. Beyond this and some bruises on the left knee, Mr. SHEPSTONE, however, fortunately escaped unhurt. Dr. SCOTT was close by when the accident happened, and the bones were st at once, and Mr. SHEPSTONE rode home on the Hon. Henrique SHEPSTONE’s well-known big black horse.

Thursday 15 April 1886

We (Bedford Enterprise) have heard of a very painful accident. Mr. J. NEL, formerly living in the Waterkloof, but now residing in the Somerset East Division, was driving home by himself when, from some cause or another, the cart capsized. Mr. NEL was discovered lying in the road, insensible, suffering from severe gashes in the head. He died shortly afterwards. Mr. NEL had only been married about eighteen months.

Friday 16 April 1886

Mrs. ROBERTS, of Oak Terrace, one of the now very few survivors of the original Settlers on 1820, attained her 90th year today; and we are pleased to note that this esteemed lady is still in the enjoyment of a fair measure of health, and able to receive the friends who came to congratulate her upon the return of her birthday.

A correspondent at Barkly East informs us (Dispatch) of a shocking accident. A Dutch family of New England, that of Mr. Stephanus MARAIS, was coming into town for Nachtmaal, and at Kokot’s Drift the wagon went over a steep bank, and turning over two or three times, pitched into the river with its occupants. The occupants consisted of the wife, two daughters aged respectively 18 and 21, and two small children. Nothing could be done promptly, and the whole five were entangled, smothered and drowned, the bedding in the wagon lying on top of them. The father stood upon the bank, quite powerless to assist, and we learn that the unfortunate man is now almost out of his mind.

Thursday 22 April 1886

On Tuesday evening a mason, named George KENDRICK, was chopping some wood in the yard of his house in Smith’s Avenue, and feeling suddenly unwell, put down the axe to go indoors, but he had scarcely entered the house when he fell dead. We are sorry to hear that beside this sad blow to the widow and family is the fact that they are unprovided for.

[no issues over Easter weekend]

Thursday 29 April 1886

Under the leaden sky and pouring rain of yesterday, wedding festivities were going on in Grahamstown. At St. George’s Cathedral Miss Annie Manley PALMER, the youngest daughter of the late Mr. Geo. PALMER of this city, was married to Mr. James FORD of Southwell. The Rev. E.M. BURNEY officiating. The bride’s dress was made of cream French Serge, with lace and hat to match. The bridesmaid, Miss Margaret NORTON, wore silver grey, trimmed with cardinal plush and hat to match. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. George PALMER. The best man being Mr. T. FORD. Immediately after the wedding breakfast the happy couple started on their wedding trip to Kingwilliamstown.
At St.Patrick’s Pro-Cathedral yesterday morning the marriage was solemnised of Mr. Percy PAGE, youngest son of Mr. Wm. PAGE Senr, and Miss Rose Annie FOX, daughter of Mr. FOX of this city. The service was performed by the Rev. Father FANNING, assisted by the Rev. Father TROY, in the presence of a large number of friends of the bride and bridegroom. The bridesmaids were Miss Jane FOX, Miss Myrtle PAGE and Miss Katie FOX. The bride was given away by her father. The bride’s dress and train were of ecru faille Francaise, a biscuit coloured overskirt looped up with orange blossom. The bridesmaids’’ dresses were as follows. Miss J. FOX wore a ruby plush bodice and light crushed strawberry coloured broché satin skirt, and plush hat. Miss Katie FOX and Miss Myrtle PAGE wore apricot cloth trimmed with ruby plush and ribbon, gloves and stockings to match, large flop leghorn hats turned up and trimmed with ribbons and lace. The happy couple started soon after noon for the Kareiga, where they spend the honeymoon.

Friday 30 April 1886

Yesterday at St.Patrick’s Cathedral Miss Marion Ernestine Lochee BAYNE, eldest daughter of H. Lochie BAYNE Esq, was married to Francis E. WOLLASTON Esq, Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Barkly East. The Rev. Father FANNING officiated, assisted by the Rev. Father TROY, and before the ceremony began addressed some impressive words to the bride and bridegroom. Only one bridesmaid took part in the ceremony, namely Miss Constance Lochie BAYNE, sister of the bride. During the service the church was crowded to the door, while many were unable to gain access to the building. Mr. WINNEY kindly played some nice selections on the organ during the service, and on the departure of the bride, Mendelsohn’s Wedding March. The wedding party then proceeded to the house of the bride’s father, where a handsome wedding breakfast had been laid in a marquee in the garden, the supports of which were prettily decorated with ferns and native flowers. Upwards of a hundred guests were present. Toasts were given by the Rev. Father FANNING, Sir J.D. BARRY, Mr. Justice MAASDORP and Mr. GUERIN. During the day 60congratlatory telegrams reached the bride and bridegroom, and 85 handsome presents to the bride were on view, among them some valuable china and jewellery, of description too numerous to mention.
The wedding breakfast was provided by Mr. W.A. PHILLIPS, and the bride-cake was the work of Messrs. W.A. FLETCHER & Son. The bride was dressed in rich satin duchesse robe with over-skirt of Frielle Mauresque lace, long train borne by her little brother, dressed as a page of the Court of King Charles II, hat and plumes en suite. This child’s dress was black velvet, slashed with white satin, and with large lace muffs, black velvet cape lined with white satin. The two other boys, also brothers of the bride, were dressed in black velvet with red satin linings, after the style of the Court of Henry IV of France. They attended the bridesmaid, sister of the bride, who was robed in cream Indian muslin, profusely trimmed with lace with braces of light blue satin and ribbons to match. A bouquet of blue and white flowers produced a very good effect. The dresses were made by Messrs. MUIRHEAD & GOWIE.
After the breakfast the happy couple left in a carriage drawn by four grey horses for Botha’s Hill. From there they travel to Kingwilliamstown and take the rail to Aliwal, where Mr. WOLLASTON has a carriage ready to take them on to Barkly, the seat of his Magistracy

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