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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1886 02 February

Tuesday 2 February 1886

BIRTH on the 30th ult, the wife of the Rev. H. COTTON of a daughter.

DIED at Kimberley on the 1st Feb 1886, of Consumption, Harriet H.S. SEYMOUR, second daughter of George SEYMOUR of Grahamstown, aged 19 years.

DIED on Thursday Jan 28th 1886, at the residence of his son-in-law Jonathan HOBSON Esq, “Harefield”, Daniel ROBERTS, formerly of Grahamstown, at the age of 79 years and 11 months.
“Thou shalt come to thy grave in a full age, like as a shock of corn cometh into his season” Job v.26

(Alice Times)
It is our melancholy duty to record the death at Woodstock, near Alice, on Monday evening last, of Mr.William WYNNE. The late Mr. WYNNE was in Alice, as usual, engaged at Mr. Attorney WYNNE’s office on Monday, and left for home about six o’clock in the evening. Those who saw and spoke to him on that day thought that he was in his usual robust health, as he evidenced a cheerful and happy disposition. Upon reaching his home at Woodstock he had dinner and heartily joined in the conversation of his household, and up to about ten o’clock did not complain of being ill. About ten o’clock he retired to rest, and after a short time complained to Mrs. WYNNE of feeling pains about his left side, and particularly in the left arm. Mrs. WYNNE rubbed the side with some medicine used before for the same purpose. As it was plain the deceased was getting worse, the other members of the family present were called in to render assistance, and Mr. Attorney WYNNE came on with all speed to Alice for medical aid. Dr. NANGLE, in the absence of Dr. LAWRENCE, went out with all due haste, but his arrival proved too late, as the deceased had died about a quarter of an hour after he first felt the pain. Death is attributed, we understand, to spasms of the heart.
The late Mr. WYNNE has been about fifty years in this Colony, and had taken his part in the defence of the country in the several Kafir wars. He went over the Great Kei with the expedition against Histza, and it was always interesting to hear from him the part he took for his country’s good. He was for some years Commandant of the Fort Beaufort Police, and also held a commission of Captain of “WYNNE’s Horse”. He resided for several years both in Grahamstown and Fort Beaufort, and under Sir Walter CURRIE he held the position of Inspector of Police at Siberia and other places. After he left the police he came to reside at the farm Woodstock, near Alice, where, for about thirty-five years, he has been resident. The deceased gentleman has, for many years past, been practising in Alice as a Law Agent, and many will remember that he possessed good legal abilities; but during the last few years he has been assisting in the office of his son, Mr. Attorney WYNNE, at Alice. The deceased was well-known in many parts of the Colony. The late Mr. WYNNE married the sister of the late Hon. Geo. WOOD, and leaves six children who, with the exception of Mr. Attorney WYNNE and one daughter, have married. The four married daughters are Mrs. W. WRIGHT, Mrs. H.G. MURRAY, Mrs. Thos. STACK and Mrs. T. WARD. The deceased was in his 72nd year.
Many will miss a true friend and genial companion in the late Mr. WYNNE, and we are sure that the whole community joins with us in tendering to Mrs. WYNNE and family the most sincere sympathy in their affliction.
As it was always the wish of the deceased that he should be buried next to his father and the Hon. Geo. WOOD, the remains were taken on Tuesday afternoon to Grahamstown, where the funeral took place on Wednesday last.

Thursday 4 February 1886

DIED at Sunnyside, near Salem, on February 1st, Olive Laura, tenderly beloved daughter of Arthur DALTON and Annie IMPEY, aged [5] months.

We record today the death of Mr. Daniel ROBERTS, for many years a resident of this town. Deceased came to the Colony in 1820 at the age of 12, and after a varied and chequered life, embracing many eventful circumstances connected with Kafir wars (in one of which he lost his all, and nearly dear life itself), he retired to Grahamstown somewhat advanced in life, to enjoy his well-earned repose. Here he lost the dear partner of his life’s joys and sorrows, and the large family being already grown up, it was decided to break up the home. His declining years were passed with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan HOBSON, in the Karoo, where he had a comfortable home, and loving hands ministered to his wants. Here he breathed his soul into the hands of the Lord he loved so well, at the ripe old age of 79 years and 11 months, on the 28th January 1886, surrounded by a large number of his children, grandchildren and friends.
Among his papers was found a letter addressed to him by the Rev. Wm. SHAW, afterwards President of the Wesleyan Conference. This is dated Grahamstown, Feb 22nd 1848, and is in connection with the mission work in which Mr. ROBERTS took so active a part. The following is an extract from it, and shows the high esteem in which Mr. SHAW held him: “I am very sorry that you have resolved to resign your situation in connection with the Society. At the same time the reasons you assign for so doing are of such a nature that I have nothing to urge against them. I trust Divine Providence will favour your efforts in providing for your family. I feel it to be a mere act of justice to you to state that your conduct during the time you have held an office in connection with us has not only been without blame, but highly satisfactory. You have proved yourself a faithful and diligent labourer for the good of souls, and the Head of the Church has greatly owned your efforts, and made you very useful, especially since your residence at Farmerfield, where your services have been very valuable, and I shall greatly regret the loss of them.”
Kind and unostentatious in his manners, he won for himself the love and esteem of all who knew him, and his Christian influence will be much missed by those with whom he came in contact. Truly might it be said of him “Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile.” He died as he lived, “in sure and certain hope of a glorious resurrection.”

Saturday 6 February 1886

Through an accident which took place at her house in Princes Street on Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Lieutenant LEWIS of the Salvation Army met her death. It seems that some of the Salvation Army officers who live with Mrs. LEWIS have unfortunately been in the habit of pouring paraffin on the fire in order to fan the flames, and that on Thursday afternoon about five o’clock, the Lieutenant took up a large tin of oil and began throwing the contents on to the fire. The next moment the tin exploded in the hands of the unfortunate woman, burning her frightfully about the body and face, and putting her clothes in one blaze. Cadet CLARK, who stood nearby, was slightly burned, and the kitchen was set fire to by the explosion. Meanwhile Mrs. LEWIS had run, screaming with pain, into the yard of Mrs. VARLEY’s house next door. Mr. VARLEY was fortunately at hand, and after he had poured some water on the poor woman he got carpeting and blankets, with which he speedily subdued the flames. Mrs. LEWIS never lost consciousness while efforts were being made to stamp out the flames, and when she was gently carried in to her own house and placed in bed she bravely bore the pain. She however expired next day.

Saturday 13 February 1886

BIRTH at Silverstone Villa, Grahamstown on Friday the 12th instant, the wife of Mr. George ROWLEY of a son.

MARRIED by Special Licence at the residence of the bride, by the Rev. N. Abraham, William Thomas [SPIRES] to Margaret McARTHUR, both of this City.

We are pleased to hear yesterday that our respected fellow-townsman was partially recovering the use of his limbs, which had been affected by a paralytic stroke; but owing to a sleepless night there is less improvement visible this morning.

Tuesday 16 February 1886

We (E.L. Dispatch) regret to hear that a little girl of Mrs. CORNELL’s, of less than two years of age, has died from the effects of what is supposed to have been the poisonous bite of an insect. The little one was found suddenly ailing; presently its arm swelled and became useless; and it succumbed within two days of its falling ill. There was a small mark distinguishable on the arm of the child, and decomposition set in very rapidly after death.

Saturday 20 February 1886

DIED in England on January 4th 1886, Mary SARGEANT, widow of the late W. SARGEANT Esq, aged 86.

Monday 22 February 1886

It is our painful duty to announce the death of Mrs. WYLDE, wife of A.C. WYLDE Esq. C.C. & R.M. of this town, which sad event took place about 5 o’clock yesterday. The deceased lady had been afflicted for many months past with a very painful illness that left no hope of recovery, but which she bore with Christian fortitude and resignation, hoping and waiting for the end that would release her from sufferings. Her death, therefore, though not unexpected, will leave a painful blank in every circle of this community, as she was esteemed alike by rich and poor; and had spent a very useful life in our midst. To her husband and family connections we (Telegraph) tender our sincere condolence in their bereavement.

Tuesday 23 February 1886

John HEMMING Esq, Resident Magistrate for the Division of Albany
To the Fieldcornets, Constables, Police Officers and other Officers of the Law proper to the execution of Criminal Warrants
Whereas from information taken upon oath before me there are reasonable grounds of suspicion against John George MEREDITH, of Grahamstown, that he did on the 3rd, 7th, 9th and 12th day of February 1886, commit the crime of Perjury and Subornation of Perjury.
These are, therefore, in Her Majesty’s name, to command you that immediately upon sight hereof you do apprehend and bring the said John George MEREDITH, or cause him to be apprehended and brought before me to be examined and answer to the said information, and to be further dealt with according to Law.
Given under my hand at Grahamstown this 23rd day of February 1886
John HEMMING, Resident Magistrate
Age about 25, height about 5 feet 5 inches, complexion sallow, hair dark, slight whiskers and small black moustache, slightly turned-up nose; has a twitching upward [inkblot] the eyelids when speaking.

Thursday 25 February 1886

We regret to have to record the death of Mr. William TRIBE, which took place early yesterday morning after an illness of two or three weeks. The deceased was an old and respected citizen of Grahamstown, and leaves a widow and several children. The funeral, which was largely attended, took place yesterday afternoon.

Mr. W.E. PAGE, a young farmer residing on the farm Wilger Kloof, about 12 miles from Sterkstroom, was drowned on Friday the 19th inst. The Free Press hears that the deceased, and his partner Mr. John ERLANK, went to a sluit [passing] close to their homestead, after a shower of rain, and saw the water running strong, but did not think it dangerous. They returned to the house and partly undressed, and went back to the sluit with the intention of crossing over to the other side. Before they had ventured in, Mr. W.J. PRETORIUS, who is living on the opposite side of the sluit, , saw them going to it, and went down at once and called out to them not to venture in, but without any effect. They both went in together, but had not got in very far when they were swept off their legs in a strong current. Mr. ERLANK, however, succeeded in catching hold of a branch of a tree and got out. The deceased after several struggles called for help. Mr. PRETORIUS tried to save him by throwing in a rein for him to catch hold of, but he was too far gone and disappeared. Mr. PRETORIUS had his horse saddled and rode down to the farmers living near the sluit, and asked them for assistance in searching for the body, which they did for about four hours after the accident, when one of Mr. VAN HEERDEN’s boys found the body about 6 miles below the place they got in, drifted in to some sand. Mr. VAN HEERDEN got the body out, and had it taken down to his house, where several of the deceased’s friends had just arrived, who took charge of the body and had it brought into the village. The deceased had several wounds in the head when found. The deceased was a son of Mr. Joseph E.PAGE of Grahamstown, and brother-in-law to Mr. J. BLACKBEARD of this village.

On Sunday the report got abroad that Mr. MOLLOY, the gaoler, had shot himself. From what we (G.R. Advertiser) have been able to gather of the dreadful affair, for some time past the deceased seemed much troubled in mind so as to lead those about him to think his mind was giving way. About a month ago a constable had to take a gun from him, thinking he was going to shoot himself; and for two nights before his death he walked nearly the whole night with a revolver in his hand. On Sunday morning he was up early and opened the cells to let the prisoners out, and then went back to his room. Mrs. MOLLOY had to pass through his room and some altercation took place, when he took up a gun that was in the corner of the room and threatened to shoot her. Then putting down the gun he went away, saying she would hear of a terrible tragedy shortly. Shortly after that a shot was heard in his office, and a prisoner going to see what it meant found that he had shot himself through the head. He left a letter behind him, which showed that embarrassments in money matters had much to do with his fatal resolve. He had taken over the ground of the prison erf, and put up a windmill on it, hoping that from growing vegetables he would make some profit. But the fall in garden produce on the market of late must have led him to feel disappointed in his undertaking, and discouraged. Probably he feared being summoned for debt, and the fear of dismissal as a consequence had a depressing effect on his mind. It appeared from the letter he left behind him that whatever of religious belief he once had, he had lost it all, seeing nothing beyond this life but non-existence. At the grave – he was buried the same afternoon – the Rev. Canon STAABLER said a few words to the bystanders on the awful nature of the occurrence, impressing on them the need of firmly adhering to the principles of religion. Mr. STAABLER did not read the funeral service of the Church.

Saturday 27 February 1886

DIED at Grahamstown on the 24th February, William TRIBE, aged 45 years and 2 months, leaving a sorrowing wife and eight children.
[Verse too rubbed away to read]
Mrs TRIBE begs to thank those kind friends who helped her in her sad trial, especially Dr. HAMILTON for his unremitting attention and kindness.

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