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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1885 04 April

Saturday 4 April 1885

DIED on March 4 1885, at Powerscroft Road, Lower Clapton, Middlesex, Marian, the wife of the Rev. John LARDNER-BURKE MA LLD.

Robert McCARTNEY, until recently a member of the Cape Police, Kimberley, was brought up at the Court of the Police Magistrate there, charged with deserting from the Police Force stationed at Kimberley in the month of March 1885. The case being proved, the Magistrate said he hoped the sentence he was about to pass will be a warning to those who until recently were the prisoner’s comrades. He inflicted a fine of £40 or, as an alternative, six months’ imprisonment with hard labour.

Tuesday 7 April 1885

A Queenstown contemporary writes: Master Clement BROWN, son of Mr. S.J. BROWN of Lily Vale, we regret to say met with a rather serious accident on Wednesday evening. The lad, a fine healthy young fellow of fourteen, was home on his holidays from school, and in the absence of his father, who was in Queenstown, he looked after the loading up of a wagon of pumpkins for the Queenstown market on the following morning. It happened that as the wagon moved off from the homestead, some of the ostriches, which were rather vicious, broke loose from the camp and followed the wagon for a considerable distance, unobserved by the youth, who busied himself in looking after the oxen. One of the male birds made a furious charge from behind and kicked the young fellow a distance of almost five yards, right under the wheels of the wagon, one of which passed clean over his legs. He was picked up almost insensible and conveyed to his home. A messenger was dispatched to town in hot haste informing Mr. BROWN of the sad event, and he at once posted Dr. BATCHELOR to Lilyvale. We are not yet in a position to state the exact nature of the injuries sustained, but it is to be feared they are rather serious, as the wagon was heavily laden. Needless to say the mishap caused a rude shock to Mr. and Mrs. BROWN and in tendering them our sympathy we trust their boy will speedily get over whatever injuries he has sustained.

Wednesday 8 April 1885

We (P.E. Telegraph) regret to have to record the demise at the early age of thirty-two years of Lieut. Ernest BIRT, who was so well-known in connection with Prince Alfred’s Guard, with which he was always a popular officer. He accompanied the contingent that served in Basutoland during the war, and was wounded in one of the engagements. He also served in the Transkei; and always took an active part in any movement connected with the corps with which he was so long associated. His early death will be sincerely regretted by his brother officers and a wide circle of friends in Port Elizabeth. The cause of death was dysentery, from which he had been suffering for some weeks past, and which has been very prevalent for some months past.

Friday 10 April 1885

DIED at Queenstown on the 4th April, Annie Edith, youngest daughter of W.M. and M.E. STAPLES. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

Today is the anniversary of the landing of the British Settlers. Since the last anniversary death has thinned the ranks of the few remaining veteran colonists, removing the two most distinguished, the Hon. Robert GODLONTON and the Hon. George WOOD Sen. The Hon. S. CAWOOD, we are glad to say, is still a vigorous representative of the men of 1820. The flags were flying in honour of the day, and the bells rang at twelve. Special sermons are to be preached in Commemoration Church on Sunday.

St.Mary’s Church (writes the Telegraph) was filled with a large and highly fashionable congregation on Tuesday last to witness the marriage of Mr. H. LESLIE, master of the Port Elizabeth School of Art, and Miss Ellen Niven FRENCH, a member of the Royal Academy of Music, and the representative of Trinity College, London, with which she has for some years past been associated in the local examinations. Miss Mary FRENCH and Miss WALLIS as bridesmaids, and the best man were Mr. W. ANDERSON and KIRKWOOD, whilst Miss V. ISITT, the Lady Principal of the Ladies’ Collegiate School, and Mr. H.W PEARSON, Mayor, chairman of the committee, performed an important part in the ceremony, the former “giving the bride away” to her future husband. The marriage service was very impressively conducted by the Rev. Dr. WIYMAN, who was assisted by the Revs. T. BENNETTS and C. MAYO, and the proceedings were greatly enlivened by the organist and choir ably rendering a selection of appropriate music.

Saturday 11 April 1885

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on April 5th, the wife of Arthur H. REID C.E. of a son.

Monday 13 April 1885

It is with extreme regret that we (Queenstown Representative) record in this issue the death (at the early age of 19) of Miss Annie STAPLES, daughter of Mr. William STAPLES of this town. The deceased young lady had been in declining health for a considerable time, and though her removal was not altogether unexpected it has nevertheless plunged into the deepest grief her parents, by whom she was fondly loved, and a large circle of relatives and friends to whom she had endeared herself by her many excellent traits of character – an amiable and gentle disposition, and a winning, affectionate manner. After a lingering illness, which she bore with Christian resignation, she passed away peacefully and calmly on Saturday morning, surrounded by her family and friends, and retaining her consciousness to the last. Her remains were interred on Sunday afternoon, the funeral cortege being large and [sympathetic], including representatives of nearly every family in Queenstown, and many from the district where Mr. STAPLES and his family have been long known. Messrs. MACKAY, JOHNSTON, ABEL and ROBERTS acted as pall-bearers and, on arriving at the Presbyterian Church, where the deceased worshipped, the coffin, which was strewn with immortelle, was taken inside and the solemn service for the dead read by the Rev. J. RITCHIE, pastor, who afterwards delivered an impressive address to the assembled mourners. The same gentleman also conducted the service at the grave.

Tuesday 14 April 1885

DIED on March 14 at Powerscroft Road, Lower Clapton, London, the Rev John LARDNER-BURKE MA LLD, formerly Principal of Bective College, Dublin, and curate of Castlehyde, Diocese of Cloyne.

Thursday 16 April 1885

We learn that this is the birthday of Mrs. ROBERTS, who thus enters her ninetieth year. Although we have other honoured survivors of the original band of British Settlers amongst us, and these, such as Mrs. AYLIFF and Hon. S. CAWOOD, need only be named to show that full Settlers’ honours are justly attributable to them, yet we believe that Mrs. ROBERTS is the last Grahamstown resident who at the Jubilee in 1870 was reckoned among the formal list of Settlers. Mrs. ROBERTS is now residing with her son, Mr. John ROBERTS, and although she is, we are sorry to learn, in weak health at present, we would wish her happy returns of the day, and should rejoice if it please Providence that she might still remain awhile with us as a living memory of the honoured Settlers of 1820. We should be glad if correspondents in other parts of the Colony would let us know of other Settlers who still survive. At present we are not aware of any other survivors of the Settlers throughout this Colony, than the following; Mrs. PEEL of Clumber, Mr. PANKHURST of King Williamstown, Mr. HARTLEY of Kimberley, , and Mr. W. HARTLEY of Bathurst; but there may be others. On this subject we might give a suggestion that has been made to us. It is that Government should be memorialised to make the 10th April an annual holiday for the Colony, or if preferred, at least for the Eastern Districts. We think the sons and grandsons of the Settlers might well take up this idea. Let us have another social meeting, and put it into shape. This would furnish a lasting memorial of the Settlers. And we could make it our annual Arbour Day, on which a main part of the festivities should be the planting of trees in all parts of the country. This was the way in which the Settlers’ memory was appointed to be kept alive at the Jubilee celebration; and we could not have a nobler plan for “keeping their memory green” than by increasing the foliage of the Colony. What do the descendants of the Settlers, and those also who, like the present writer, are connected to them by affinity, say to these proposals? We might form a Committee, or perhaps the existing Committee could be enlarged, for the purpose. Another thought we should like to see worked out is that the Home or Colonial Government, or both, might be addressed by a general memorial, pointing out the great results which have flowed from the Settlement of 1820, and urging that another emigration scheme for the interior districts just annexed be formed, for the colonisation of those rich countries and the enrichment of British and Colonial commerce.

Saturday 18 April 1885

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 15th inst, the wife of W.P. OXENHAM, Station Master, of a son.

Friday 24 April 1885

BIRTH at Beaufort House on the 16th April 1885, the wife of Mr. E.B.C. HOOLE of a daughter.

Monday 27 April 1885

We regret to hear of a very serious accident to Mr. John SPEAR of Grasslands. Mr. SPEAR was firing a rifle which exploded in his hands, the fragments flying into his face, which we learn was cut and disfigured in the most frightful manner. His eyesight is said to have been endangered. One of the arms was also severely injured. Medical assistance was secured with all possible speed, and every attention was paid to the sufferer. We sincerely hope that medical skill may prevent the loss of eyesight and restore Mr. SPEAR to speedy convalescence. Since writing the above we have heard further particulars, from which we fear that the injuries caused were more severe than we at first supposed. We learn now that one eye at least is lost, one ear blown off, and the right hand shattered. Dr. DILLON is still at Grasslands. The rifle used was a Remington.

Tuesday 28 April 1885

We are glad to say that the accounts circulated yesterday of the accident to Mr. J. SPEAR, of Grasslands, were much exaggerated. Mr. SMITH, a farmer in that neighbourhood, saw Mr. SPEAR yesterday and reports that he is progressing favourably. It appears that Mr. SPEAR was shooting at a hawk with the rifle barrel of a double barrel rifle and smooth, when the cartridge in exploding seems to have forced the breach open, while at the same time it divided the barrels near the breach. The powder and flame flew in Mr. SPEAR’s face, slightly affecting the right eye which would be sighting, and blocking the closed left eye. At the same time the side of the face received a few scratches. Mr. SMITH reports that Mr. SPEAR can partially see with the right eye, and will, it is expected, regain the sight of both eyes in a few days. We join with Mr. SPEAR’s numerous friends in congratulating him on having escaped the fearful accident reported yesterday to have happened to him. Dr. DILLON, who returned last night, reports very favourably of his patient, who was able to take lunch yesterday. The right eye is still swollen and closed, but no permanent injury is expected.

Wednesday 29 April 1885

It is with a profound sensation of regret, says the Kokstad Advertiser, that the intelligence of Captain LONSDALE’s death was received last week. A sad and unexpected ending to the few gala days which Kokstad annually allows herself. Though known to be in extremely delicate health for the past year – so delicate indeed that on several occasions the gravest fears have been entertained – still the late officer’s spirit and pluck were such as almost to justify the hopes of his friends that he would yet live to refute all the prognostications of his medical advisers. Only last January he returned from consulting Dr. ALLEN in Maritzburg, so ill from the effects of the journey that he was scarcely expected to live through the night. Devoted nursing in his home, however, and the constant attention of Drs. GUILD and McCREA, pulled him round again, and if, during the last months, there was no increase of strength, at least there seemed no apparent sinking. Captain Edgar LONSDALE was the eldest son of the late Colonel William LONSDALE of HM 4th King’s Own Regiment, afterwards High Commissioner of Victoria, a man whose high public and private character obtained for him the greatest regard and esteem in that colony. Deceased, who was born in Melbourne, 26th November 1839, obtained his commission as Ensign in HM 19th Regiment [29]th November 1859. He was Lieutenant in 1862, and Captain in 1870. He served in the East Indies from August 1865 to December 1866, and from January 1869 to October 1871, exchanging into the 7th Royal Fusiliers in January 1873, and retiring on temporary half pay in July 1875. He joined the 104th Fusiliers in September 1876, and from this regiment was transferred to the 75th Foot in November of the same year. Captain LONSDALE retired from the service on February 7th 1879, and two years later left England by medical advice and sailed for South Africa. Here he raised and commanded “Lonsdale’s Rifles” under the Cape Colonial Government, and served in the Basuto War from March 1st 1881 to December, when the corps was disbanded. On his return from the front he was Acting A.A.G. Colonial Forces for some time and was appointed Captain and Adjutant of the Cape Infantry in 1882 at Kingwilliamstown, from which place he was transferred to Kokstad three years ago. Capt. LONSDALE was a true type of the chivalrous, high-minded and conscientious soldier, whose ill health and the physical suffering to which he was constantly a martyr never interfered with the faithful performance of his duties. In him the Government has lost a valuable servant, his comrades a generous, kindly friend, and his subordinates one who ever made their interests and welfare his own. Unselfish in his thoughts for others, rigid in the maintenance of right against wrong, patient under personal discomfort and, as has been said before, bravely struggling against weakness and pain which would have entirely prostrated most men, Captain LONSDALE was to be seen every morning, up to within a week or two of his death, at his post at the camp. Last Monday week, however, the 6th inst, he for the first time acknowledged himself too weak to leave his bed; the undaunted spirit seemed at last broken, and four days afterwards, at 7pm, on the 9th April, he peacefully breathed his last, in the presence of those who loved him best and valued him most.

Thursday 30 April 1885

BIRTH on Tuesday April 28th, the wife of Mr. R.H. RICHMOND, Lawrance-street, Grahamstown, of a son.

MARRIED on the 30th April 1885 at Commemoration Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. R. Matterson, Alfred Carter GALPIN, eldest son of Mr. Henry C. GALPIN, to Lettie, youngest daughter of Mr. Brooke ATTWELL.

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