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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1884 10 October

Thursday 2 October 1884

DIED at the residence of the Hon. Thos. BROWN, Guildford, Queenstown District, on the 24th inst, Mrs. Ann MILES, relict of Mr. Robert MILES, aged 86 years 11 months and 12 days. Mr. and Mrs. MILES were British Settlers of 1820.

Tuesday 7 October 1884

DIED at Grahamstown on the 5th October 1884, George Edwin Godfrey, infant son of Thomas and Frances HOOLE. Aged eight weeks.

Intelligence was received in Kingwilliamstown on Thursday (says the Watchman) that Mr. TURNER, Manager of the Standard Bank, Butterworth, had attempted to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head with a revolver on Wednesday. We understand that he is still lingering, but that no hope is entertained for his recovery. No reason can be assigned for this act, as Mr. TURNER was a gentleman widely known and much respected by all sections of the community.

Wednesday 8 October 1884

DIED at Grahamstown, South Africa, on the 7th October 1884, Annie, the beloved wife of James TALBOYS, aged 31 years.
James TALBOYS desires to express his sincere thanks to all the numerous Friends for their kind sympathy shown during his Wife’s long and painful illness.
The Funeral of the late Mrs. TALBOYS will take place tomorrow (Thursday) morning at 9 o’clock.

Thursday 9 October 1884

The funeral of the late Mrs. TALBOYS took place this morning at nine o’clock. The cortege proceeded to the Wesleyan cemetery, where the solemn service was conducted by the Rev. N. ABRAHAM, the Rev. Mr. MATTERSON and the Rev. Mr. FISH. Mrs. TALBOYS died at the early age of 31 years, after a long illness patiently borne. We tender our sincere sympathies to the bereaved husband.

Saturday 11 October 1884

DIED at Port Alfred on the 6th inst, John FORD of Southwell, in the 62nd year of his age. Deeply regretted. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

DIED at the Albany General Hospital on Friday the 10th October 1884, John SMITH, late Crier of the Eastern Districts Court, in the 76th year of his age.
The Funeral of the late Mr. John SMITH will move from his late residence in Somerset-street tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. Friends are invited to attend. No special invitations.

DIED at the residence of her son-in-law, Mrs. A. PURVIS, aged 77 years.
The Funeral of the above will leave the residence of Mr. A. ELLIOTT, Beaufort-street. tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.

Last night there died at the Albany Hospital a worthy old gentleman who for many years was a well-known figure in the E.D. Court. Mr. J. SMITH was for 10 years Court Crier, and won the good will of all for ready and courteous attention. He recently retired on a pension, but did not live long to enjoy it. In July he met with a bad accident, which confined him to the Hospital, where he has remained since. Although carefully attended he never recovered from the effects of a serious injury sustained when at the advanced age of 75 years, and last night succumbed. He has left, we believe, one son, Mr. E.J. SMITH, collector and accountant in the Town Office.

Monday 13 October 1884

MARRIED at Wesley on the 9th October 1884 by the Rev. E. Gedye, Joseph A.D., eldest son of John BRADFIELD Esq, of Melville Park, to Sarah Sophia, second daughter of W.H. STIRK Esq, of Hercules. Both of Peddie district.

Wednesday 15 October 1884

The following is a translation from the Graaffreinetter: On Saturday the 4th inst, twin daughters of Mr. D. GROBBELAAR, Snyder’s Kraal, were confirmed in the Dutch Reformed Church at Murraysburg. On the following day twin sons of the same gentleman were baptised, and the happy father stood at the font between his twin daughters, who on this occasion officiated as sponsors for their infant brothers.

The Aliwal paper reported the death, on the 25th Sept at Palmietfontein, of Mr. John H. WILD, from injuries received by a fall off a horse. The deceased was a young man in his twenty third year, and had only been married twelve months. It appears that Mr. WILD, who managed WHITTLE & LLOYD’s store at Palmietfontein, became uneasy about some wagons which were long overdue. He started in search of them on horseback, on the 24th ult. The ground was very slippery, owing to the heavy rains, and his horse fell, throwing him on his head, fracturing the base of his skull. Every attention that friendship and kindness could devise was paid to the unfortunate young fellow, but he breathed his last before Dr. NEWNHAM, of Ladygrey, could arrive. Much sympathy is felt for his young widow, who is left with an infant of only a few days old.

Friday 17 October 1884

In our last issue we (Budget) mentioned the lamented death of Mr. John FORD, Field-cornet of Southwell, and expressed a hope of being able, this week, to give a more extended notice of the life of one who, in his own quiet way, was an influence for good in the district; but it is scarcely possible to write much respecting him, seeing that his life, however useful, was, as we should say, a very uneventful one, passed in performing well the simple duties of every-day life. The son of a Settler of 1820, but born in the Colony in 1822, he was brought up to farming. This occupation he never relinquished, and with the exception of troubles, losses and anxieties caused by Kafir wars, he lived out the even tenour of his days. But everyone knew him for an honest and upright man, open and straightforward in all his dealings – one whose word was always to be relied on – one who was ever ready to do a kindness for a neighbour, or to help forward a good work. He was buried at Southwell on the 8th instant, and the esteem in which he was universally held was shown by the large attendance (in spite of the dreadful weather), not only of men, but also of women and young people.

Monday 20 October 1884

MARRIED on Monday Oct 20, at Christ Church by the Rev. Canon Espin, Herbert H. PARKER, third son of T.H. PARKER Esq, Grahamstown, to Emily G. WALLER, only daughter of W. WALLER Esq of Grahamstown.

This morning there was a large assemblage of people gathered in Christ Church to witness the marriage of Mr. Herbert PARKER, now of Port Elizabeth, and Miss WALLER. It was understood there was to be a quiet wedding party, and the bridal party was small. The service was conducted by the Rev. Canon ESPIN. The fair bride, who looked very charming, was supported by Miss PARKER and given away by her father. Mr. Walter DOLD acted as best man. After the ceremony the bridal party drove to the residence of the bride’s father, and then to the Kowie Railway Station, where they were seen off by train to the Kowie. Mr. PARKER has a very large circle of friends who sincerely wish him and his bride a happy and prosperous career of wedded life.

Another of our City worthies has passed away, and with him another connecting link with the British Settlers. On Sunday morning Mr. Samuel ROBERTS died in his 73rd year, and his death was yesterday announced from the pulpit at Commemoration Church, where, like so many of the brave and worthy pioneers, he was a worshipper. Mr. ROBERTS had been sinking gradually for the past three months, and the end was expected. His father, Mr. Daniel ROBERTS, came out with his wife and three children, Mary, Daniel and Samuel, in the Aurora with the Salem party. Samuel was then 7 years of age, and he has since then (with the exception of two or three years) resided in Grahamstown, which he saw develop from a collection of hovels to the present beautiful city of well-built houses, wide streets and handsome public buildings. His father was a local preacher in the Wesleyan church, and was possessed of great energy, which showed itself in the long walks he had periodically to make in visiting the scattered population. Often he would walk from Grahamstown to Bathurst, calling as he went at the different rude homesteads which had sprung up in the new country, and where his visits were appreciated. That country was far different from Lower Albany of today. It was more thickly wooded, batter watered, and thousands of game roamed over the green flats. Springbucks were counted in thousands, and in the lambing season the Settlers would go out by night and capture the young. Wildebeests grazed about in large herds, and at the approach of the rain would be seen trekking in long lines for the nearest kloofs. It was among scenes like this that “old Daniel”, as he was lovingly called, did zealous labour. His son was of a more reserved disposition, and did not take a prominent part in the public business of those early days, although he went steadily to work in other ways, and did his fair share as an honest and upright man in building up the community. Before his marriage to Miss SCANLEN, aunt to Sir Thos. SCANLEN, he was a teacher under the late Mr. GODLONTON in the first Chapel built, and many a grey-haired man can still recall the instruction received in that humble building. The marriage of a Non-conformist in those days was not made a very attractive ceremony. In the first place the young couple could not be married by a minister of their own denomination; that was strictly forbidden by a paternal Government, and recourse had to be made to a minister of the Established Church. Then again the bridegroom had to undergo a rather trying ordeal in “passing the Court”. This was a peculiar custom, adopted apparently from the Dutch, by which the bridegroom had to run the gauntlet of questions from a Court consisting of Government clerks. The questions as drawn up were not on the whole offensive, but the “Court” at times would be rather peculiarly constituted, and then the young gentlemen by way of a spree would put the most impertinent and sometimes offensive questions to the candidate. It is pleasant to find that at one time they caught a Tartar. A Sergeant would become a Benedick and was “passing the Court” when one of the examiners put a particularly impudent question. The Sergeant by way of answer drew his sword, placed it on the table, and significantly remarked that it would be better for the Honourable Court to limit itself to the usual course of questions. Mr. B.B. ATTWELL, we believe, was the last who had to pass the Court. The citizens were not going to submit to the intolerance longer, and the inquisitorial system was suppressed. In the war of 1835 Mr. ROBERTS joined the Corps of Guides, under Mr. SOUTHEY, afterwards Colonial Secretary. Among the corps we may mention the names of CURRIE, afterwards Sir Walter, and BISSET, afterwards General BISSET. Mr. WENTWORTH of Collingham was also a member, and rough campaigning they underwent. The men would gather at Collingham and then patrol towards the Fish River, having repeated brushes with the natives, and lifting cattle whenever they could. In one of these brushes the Guides fell into an ambush and many of them were cut up. Mr. ROBERTS has often told how in the rainy nights he and a comrade would prepare a couch by felling trees and sleeping comfortably on the branches wrapped in their blankets only, while streams of water ran on the ground beneath them. Mr. ROBERTS occupied no public positions, though he was well fitted to do so. For 52 years he carried on business in the well-known establishment in Hill-street, and during that long stay in the growing town he accumulated a vast fund of useful information and amusing anecdotes about the British colonists. His sons often made an attempt to make use of the interesting knowledge he had, but he was averse to putting anything to notes, and his store of information dies with him. Mr. ROBERTS had left three sons: Mr. S.H. ROBERTS, Inspector of Native Locations, Mr. T.J. ROBERTS of Cradock and Mr. C.J. ROBERTS, who carried on the business with his father in Hill-street. The funeral was announced to take place this afternoon, and no doubt there will be a large following to pay the last respect to the memory of a most upright and kind-hearted citizen.

We (Friend) regret to record that the eldest son of Mr. John KOLBE, “little Jannie”, a promising youth ten years old, was struck dead by the electric fluid on Thursday last, on his father’s farm five hours to the northward of Bloemfontein. The sad occurrence happened about forty yards from the homestead. It is needless to add that much sympathy is evinced for the afflicted parents.

Tuesday 21 October 1884

DIED at Oatlands, Grahamstown, on Sunday October 19th 1884, Samuel ROBERTS, aged 72 years.

Yesterday afternoon the funeral of Mr. S. ROBERTS took place, when a large number followed. The pall-bearers were Messrs. H. WOOD, S. CAWOOD, J. SLATER, C.R. GOWIE, J. ROBERTS and W.A. FLETCHER. The Rev. J. WALTON MA conducted the burial service, assisted by the Revds. HOLDEN, FISH and MATTERSON.

Wednesday 22 October 1884

MARRIED at Christ Church this morning by the Rev. Canon Espin MA, Herbert Hambly PARKER of Port Elizabeth to Emily Guy, only daughter of William WALLER Esq of this City.
Grahamstown, 20th Oct 1884.

Dr. W.T. HAMILTON MB and MC, Glasgow, has been licenced to practise medicine and surgery in the Colony.

Saturday 25 October 1884

We (Northern Post) are given to understand that last Sunday a Mr. PETRIE, who is a sub-contractor on the railway line, was coming into Aliwal from Burghersdorp with Mr. MACKAY in a cart, and that the horses bolted through some cause or other at present not ascertained, the reins broke, and Mr. PETRIE jumped out, fell on his head, and was injured so severely that he died within eight hours after the accident. Any further details are not yet to hand, but the bare fact is horrible enough, and adds another to the many awful accidents that have happened lately around us.

Tuesday 28 October 1884

The enquiry into the circumstances attending the death of the unfortunate woman Johanna SMITH, who was found dead at North End, Port Elizabeth, under very suspicious circumstances, was brought to a close on Friday last, when Mr. WYLDE returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence that deceased died from ill-usage and alcoholic excess.

Thursday 30 October 1884

It is rumoured (says the Beaufort West Courier) that Mr. W.C. SIEBERHAGEN, District of Fraserberg, was one morning found hanging by the neck, quite dead. The poor old man had been brooding over the depressed state of the times – politically as well as financially. He was reputed rich, and had some £2,000 cash at command.

Friday 31 October 1884

It is with feelings of regret we (Independent) have to announce the demise of Mr. James Cowan BUCHANAN, which melancholy event took place on Sunday night at the lazerette, whither the deceased gentleman had been removed on Thursday morning, suffering from smallpox. Mr. BUCHANAN was one of our oldest residents, having as far back as 1872 filled the position of Chief Clerk to the Resident Magistrate of Kimberley, which position he filled with credit to himself and satisfaction to the Government until 1879, when he left for the Free State and Natal. During those years he enjoyed the respect and esteem of all with whom he came in contact, whether in public or in private. About six months ago he returned to Kimberley, where he resided until his decease. Mr. BUCHANAN was born in Natal and was the son of Mr. Ebenezer BUCHANAN, late Town Clerk of Maritzburg, and brother of Judge BUCHANAN of the Eastern Districts Court, and cousin of the respected Judge President of our High Court. His death at the comparatively early age of forty-three will be deeply regretted by the many friends he leaves behind him, both here and elsewhere, to whom we tender our most respectful sympathy.


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