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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1884 04 April

Thursday 3 April 1884

DIED at Adelaide on Sunday the 30th March, Hardwick J. LOUW, aged 72 years and 2 months.

The Cape Times of Monday writes:
The news of the death of the Rev. Dr. ROUX, which sad event took place in Capetown on Saturday last, will recall to old colonists many events of the deepest interest in the history of this colony. Amongst the first of the pupils of the South African College, he had the advantage of attending the lectures of the Rev. Dr. FAURE of Brand, and of DE WET. In 1832 he went to Leyden to study Theology, and did so under VAN DE PALM – who was at that time considered to be the first Oriental scholar of Europe – with Professor HEGEL for exegesis and [CLARI…], KIST and others. On the 7th March 1838 he publicly defended his thesis De Aurelio Augustino adversario Donatistarum, on which he was created a Doctor of Divinity. Shortly after this he returned to the colony and was sent to Riebeck East as the successor to the Rev. Mr. PEARS. During the Kafir wars which ensued he was twice driven away from his parsonage, but with indomitable perseverance he returned to his work in that village, and managed by his influence to gather around him a large congregation, from the contributions of which he built one of the finest churches in South Africa, off which every farthing was paid by the time the edifice was finished. On the day that the church was declared open for divine service a magnificent presentation was made to him. His labours in the synodical assemblage of the Dutch Reformed Church were most valuable; he contributed very largely to the revision of the rules and regulations of the church; his acquaintance with its laws gave him great influence, and his labours in connection with the Clergymen’s and Widows’ Fund will not soon be forgotten. Finding his strength failing him he retired from active life at seventy years of age, receiving as he did so the most conclusive evidence from those amongst whom he had laboured of their affection and respect. Latterly he complained of growing weakness, and eight days ago he took to his bed, since which time he gradually and peacefully passed away to his last sleep.

Friday 4 April 1884

The funeral of this reverend gentleman took [place] at Capetown on Wednesday afternoon (writes the Argus) and was well attended. The Rev Dr. KOTZÉ delivered an impressive address at the late residence of the deceased, after which the Rev. A. STEYTLER offered up prayer. As the procession passed along the streets, the bells of the Dutch Reformed Church, Adderley-street, and those of the Lutheran Church were tolled, in respect to the memory of the deceased clergyman. The Revs. Dr. KOTZÉ, A. STEYTLER, A.D. LUCKHOFF and P. ROUX officiated as pall-bearers, and the elders of the Dutch Reformed Church as bearers. On arrival at the cemetery in Somerset-road, the Rev. A.D. LUCKHOFF delivered an oration, and the coffin was deposited in one of the vaults of the ROUX family. The deceased laboured at Riebeck East for forty-four years, and two years ago retired from the ministry. He was a valued member of the Synod, being thoroughly conversant with the laws of the Church. A widow and four or five children [are left] to mourn their loss – the former of a kind husband and the latter of an affectionate parent, who, after fighting the battle of life nobly, has gone to his reward.

Tuesday 8 April 1884

A fatal accident (writes a contemporary) happened at Wonderboom, near Burghersdorp. A party consisting of Messrs. SCAIFE, GRANT, BUTTERFIELD and HUDSON were returning in a trap from the Burghersdorp races, the last named driving. When they reached Wonderboom a wager was laid that Mr. HUDSON would not drive back again in less than an hour. He accepted the challenge, and without delay turned round a drove back, doing the journey in 35 minutes. The money was spent in refreshments, after partaking of which the party again mounted the trap and began the return journey. As HUDSON, however, stood up to whip the horses a bit, he lost his balance and fell heavily to the ground, on his head. He was taken up insensible and died in about half an hour.

Thursday 10 April 1884

POWELL – STIRK. Married on 27th Feb at Wesley, Peddie District, by the Rev E. Gedye, William Thomas, only son of P. POWELL Esq, to Alice Maud, eldest daughter of W.H. STIRK Esq.

DIED at Myrtle Cottage, Grahamstown, on the 5th inst, aged 16 years and 11 months, Emily Mary, beloved daughter of Mrs. [] HOLMES.
The Family hereby express their thanks to the many Friends who sympathised with them in their trouble.

[No paper published Good Friday or Easter Monday]

Tuesday 15 April 1884

We (Dispatch) have to report that Mr. Thomas BROWN, conveyancer, of this port, took his own life on Thursday morning last in a very deliberate and determined manner. The wife and three children of the unfortunate gentleman had gone to Kingwilliamstown on the previous day. On the same day Mr. BROWN wrote to one of the employees of Mr. Josias HOWARD, of Kingwilliamstown, stating that he intended to make away with himself, and on hearing of this letter on Thursday morning, Mr. HOWARD immediately telegraphed to his son here to look after Mr. BROWN. Going promptly to the house in Wellesley-street where Mr. BROWN resided, Mr. HOWARD Jun. was horrified to find the act of self-destruction had already been committed. The deceased had got into bed undressed, and whilst in a sitting posture had discharged a Snider rifle at his heart, having attached a shoestring to the trigger and fired it by that means. He was quite dead when found by Mr. HOWARD. He had been into town the same morning and seen more than one person, and had also written two or three letters, one of which, addressed to Mr. H.N. WILLETTS, requested him to meet Mrs. BROWN and the children at the afternoon train. On the previous evening he had attended the Good Templars’ Lodge, with which he was connected. In the family Bible in the house the deceased had written under his own name, evidently just before committing the act, “Died 10th April 1884” The poor fellow’s mind must have become unhinged by the difficulties of life in some shape or another, but we understand that only a few days before he had received material money assistance from Mr. Josias HOWARD, and no good cause for the commission of a desperate act is forthcoming. Great sympathy will be felt for the young widow and children in their sorrow.

Wednesday 16 April 1884

BIRTH at Market-square, Grahamstown, on Thursday the 10th April, the wife of C. HOLLIDAY Esq, Kimberley, of a son.

We (Cape Times) are indebted to a correspondent for the brief notice of the death of this estimable lady: “We regret to record the decease of Mrs. BUCHANAN, the wife of the Hon. Justice James BUCHANAN, President of the High Court of Kimberley. The deceased lady had been in failing health for a considerable period, and it was thought that a change to Durbanville might benefit her, as it had once proved to do in a similar attack now some years ago. Unhappily it was otherwise fated, and on Tuesday last she passed quietly away. She will be mourned by a large circle of sorrowing friends, who have become endeared to her by her many excellent qualities of mind and heart, and we can but tender our respectful sympathy to the Judge in this so great a blow to his domestic happiness. The funeral takes place at Durbanville this day.” There will be no special invitations, but all friends are invited. A special train leaves Capetown at 10:30am and returns at 2:15m.

Friday 18 April 1884

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 17th, the wife of Ernest Wm. WELLS of a daughter.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 18th inst, Mary, the beloved wife of Mr. P.H. SOLOMON, aged 46 years.
The Funeral of the late Mrs. SOLOMON will move from her husband’s residence, Market-sq, tomorrow, Saturday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
A.WILL, Undertaker

We regret very much to record the death of the wife of Mr. P.H. SOLOMON. Mrs. SOLOMON was taken ill last week, and in spite of all care grew rapidly worse, and died this morning, at half past 8. She leaves a bereaved husband and six children to mourn her loss. The deceased lady was the daughter of Mr. STEAD, an old and respected colonist.

Monday 21 April 1884

We, S.E. Advertiser, regret to state that an old, respected and most useful and enterprising citizen of Somerset East, Mr. William TUCK, left this week for Grahamstown, where he intends to reside. Off and on Mr. TUCK has resided in Somerset for the last 22 years – it was his headquarters, and although we wish him long life and happiness in Grahamstown, yet we say Somerset East ought not to have lost him. He was active and energetic. His hobby was horticulture, of which he was master. He was an ardent florist. He was a botanist. He was a lover of trees, and in all these ways he exercised his skill and ability in Somerset East to the best advantage. He had several properties in Somerset, which, although received in a very rough and uncultivated state, he left a picture of what skill, energy and labour can do.

We regret to hear of the death of Mr. W. SWANSON, Clerk and Storekeeper of this institution, which sad event took place on Saturday evening. To his bereaved widow and children we tender our sincerest condolence. By the death of this most hardworking officer the institution has lost a most valuable servant, whose duties were most arduous. It will be very hard to get one to fill his place with such tact and ability. He has been at the Asylum since its formation, and by his long experience on Robben Island has greatly helped to bring the Asylum up to its present state.

Tuesday 22 April 1884

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 21st inst, the wife of A.W. BAKER of a daughter.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 19th April 1884, W. SWANSON, at the age of 50 years and 8 months.
Mrs. SWANSON and family desire to tender their sincere thanks to Drs. [..GLISH], FLIGG and GREATHEAD, also to Mr. and Mrs. JACKSON, for their kindness during their time of trouble.

A remarkably sad case of poisoning took place at Dordrecht on Thursday last (writes the Guardian). Shortly after noon a young man named Francis OBRY, about 28 years of age, went to the chemist’s shop of Mr. R. JAMES and asked for a dose of poison to give to a dog. Mr. JAMES told him to bring the dog to the shop, where the poison could be administered; but OBRY made the excuse that the dog was old and unable to walk, and that he was therefore anxious to put it out of torment. A dose of strychnine was accordingly supplied to him. He returned to the shop about 7:15 pm and coolly said to Mr. JAMES “I have taken that dose of poison you gave me for the dog”. Mr. JAMES at first thought the man was joking, but, upon his repeating the statement, an emetic was at once given to him, and Inspector HUTCHENS (Cape Police), who resides next door, was called in. Dr. ROWLAND, District Surgeon, was on the spot within a few minutes, and unmistakable symptoms of poisoning presenting themselves, the stomach pump was set to work and the contents of the stomach emptied. The poor fellow rallied somewhat after this, and spoke plainly and sensibly, but a couple of hours later he was a corpse. OBRY was a comparative stranger in these parts, was by trade a mason, and had been working for Mr. J. McGREGOR at the toll-house on the Indwe road.

Thursday 24 April 1884

MARRIED at the residence of the bride’s father, Somerset-street, Grahamstown, on the 22nd inst, by the Rev. J.A. Chalmers, Edwin Stretton MACFARLANE, seventh son of the late Hugh MACFARLANE, Balfron, Scotland, to Emma Hayes, second daughter of Mr. Wm. JUBY. No cards.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 23rd inst, Mrs. Mary Ann MUIRE, aged 86 years. One of the British Settlers of 1820.

The Cape Times writes: Every year it is remarked how numerous are the bereavements during the season of the fall of the leaf, and yesterday afternoon those living at Somerset Road, in the neighbourhood of the cemeteries, witnessed the sad and solemn sight of several funerals. That of “Cobus” TIER was the most sad because of its suddenness and the youthfulness of the deceased. To those who have a long acquaintance with the Capetown press the name of TIER has a long record of interesting associations, and the large number of persons who followed the hearse from Sea Point proved how extensive was the friendly circle of the TIERs. Whilst the coffin was placed in the vault the funeral obsequies were being performed over the grave of the late Mr. NELSON, who was long connected with the Capetown Municipality. There were three hearses at one time in front of the cemetery of the Dutch Reformed Church. Yesterday Dr. BICCARD, after a long and useful life, died at the residence of an old friend in the valley of Table Mountain. Dr. BICCARD was a most popular man in the Western Province of this colony; he was for a long while a member of Parliament, and during the last ten years had charge of the establishment at Robben Island, in the management of which he showed wonderful activity when his age was taken into consideration.

Saturday 26 April 1884

We (Uitenhage Times) regret to have to record a very serious accident, which befell a young man named JOHNSON, a guard on the North-eastern line. From what we can learn he was in the act of shunting his train at Naaupoort Junction when he slipped and fell with his hands on the rails; the wheels of the van passed over, taking them completely off.

Tuesday 29 April 1884

James STROUD, who was so well known in Alice (writes the local Times) was found dead on Friday morning last in the waterfurrow near the prison. The gaoler first discovered the body lying with the face downwards in the waterfurrow, and help having been procured by the gaoler, the body was taken to the house of the deceased close by. The deceased must have been going home on Thursday night when he fell into the place where he was found. A coroner’s inquest was held on Monday before the Magistrate when several witnesses were examined. There were no signs of a struggle where the deceased was found. The District Surgeon’s evidence was also taken, in which he “was of the opinion that deceased died from ‘apnea’ – it means one form of suffocation, really want of breath, produced by having his face immersed in water, having previously fainted, from the effects of the pressure of an over-distended stomach, and a heart labouring to overcome the obstruction produced by the clot to the free passage of the blood.” The coroner returned a verdict of “death by suffocation arising from natural causes”. The funeral took place on Sunday morning, the Rev. T. CHAMBERLAIN officiating.

Wednesday 30 April 1884

Death made sad havoc in Fort Beaufort towards the end of last week, as the local Advocate reports. Mr. CUSENS’s youngest child died on Friday evening from convulsions. The same evening Mrs. ROCHAT went to bed apparently well, having performed her household duties as usual during the day. Shortly after 12 o’clock Mr. ROCHAT was awakened by his wife’s heavy breathing. After speaking and trying to wake her, he left the room to obtain a light, and when he returned he found his wife senseless. Assistance was speedily summoned, when it was discovered that Mrs. ROCHAT was dead. Early on Sunday morning Mrs. ANDERSON, who had been ailing for a long time, breathed her last. In this instance general decay from old age was the cause of death. We tender our sincerest sympathies to the bereaved families.

This morning in Commemoration Chapel a wedding was celebrated between the Rev. R.W. LEWIS and Miss Letitia LAMPLOUGH, eldest daughter of the Rev. LAMPLOUGH, Secretary of the Conference, and Chairman of the Queenstown District. Mr. LEWIS was one among the nine ministers ordained on Sunday, and in consequence of his appointment to the Pondoland mission, the wedding was arranged for an earlier date than was originally intended. Both Miss LAMPLOUGH and Mr. LEWIS have a large circle of friends in Grahamstown, and had there been the usual calling of the banns no doubt there would have been a very large attendance of friends to witness the interesting ceremony. As it was, however, a large number of ladies and gentlemen were present, including the choir of the chapel, a number of the ministers who attended the Conference and had not yet left, and the Wesleyan High School. The marriage ceremony was conducted by the bride’s father, assisted by the Rev. J. WALTON MA, President of the Conference. J.E. WOOD Esq gave the bride away. The fair bride wore a dress of cream nun’s veiling with wreath, and the bridesmaids Miss BATE of Queenstown and Miss Gertrude WALTON wore dresses of pink with cream hats. The bride’s young sister also attended and was dressed in a cream costume. The best man was Mr. GADD. After the marriage was concluded the bride and bridegroom received the congratulations of their friends, and left the church to the peals of the wedding march played on the large organ by Mr. W. HOWSE. The party then proceeded to the residence of Mr. J.E. WOOD, West Hill. We join in the hearty congratulations of many in wishing the happy couple success in their mission, and happiness.

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