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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1883 11 November

Friday 2 November 1883

DIED at Grahamstown November 1st, William WALLACE sen, aged 77 years.
The Funeral of the above will leave his late residence, Bathurst-street (opposite Mr. ATTWELL’s) at half past three on Saturday afternoon. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
A.WILL, Undertaker.

We regret to record the death at the ripe old age of 77 years of Mr. William WALLACE, an old colonist and resident of Grahamstown. In 1851 Mr. WALLACE was Garrison Sergt. Major, and was a well-known figure in Grahamstown in those stormy days. He subsequently retired from the military and acquired some property in the town.

At Capetown last Friday the Resident Magistrate, Mr. CAMPBELL, was acquainted with the fact that the body of a white man, supposed to be that of RUSSELL, a schoolmaster, had been found under a bush at the six mile stone, Maitland, in an advanced state of decomposition. Dr. WALKER, who examined the corpse, attributes death to rupture of the heart, caused indirectly through excessive drinking. A coffin was sent out into which the body was put and buried.

Monday 5 November 1883

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 1st instant, the wife of John Henry WOOD of a son.

DIED at Tafleberg Hall, Middelburg, on November 2nd, Anna DISTIN, aged 83 years.

The Friend of the Free State has the following:-
We are now in possession of a few circumstances connected with the untimely end of this well-known man. The following are the particulars as furnished by a correspondent:- “For the last six or nine months Mr. ROBERTS had been engaged at the Free State [side] of the Aliwal North Bridge. On the 8th inst he went across to Aliwal North with his boy to buy provisions. He bought the provisions, and sent the boy back, he himself remaining in Aliwal. At 10pm he left for this side, and the bridge gate being closed it is supposed that he climbed over one corner, lost his balance in so doing, and fell about 6 feet. Next morning he was found still alive, but died ten minutes after. Another report says that Mr. ROBERTS met with his death by foul play, because his stick, which he had in his hand when he left Aliwal, was found some distance on the bridge.” Thus as kind-hearted a fellow as ever breathed has passed away. Jack ROBERTS, as he was familiarly called, was an old Freestater, he having been in Bloemfontein at the time when the first number of the Friend was published in 1850. He served all through the Basuto wars. When he was in good circumstances many a one he helped. “No” was a word he could not say. He had a rough exterior, but a warm heart. In sickness, he was kind and helpful. He has left a widow and five children, one of whom is in the Home to mourn their loss. Mr. R. ROBERTS of Dewetsdorp, his brother, has written asking us to convey his heartfelt thanks to those who were so attentive to him at the last, especially to Mr. J. WESSELS, Mr. Isaak NIEKERK and Mr, Jerry WILSON, which we have much pleasure in doing. We beg to tender our sympathy to his family in the bereavement.

Wednesday 7 November 1883

DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday the 4th November1883, of inflammation of the lungs, Eliza Montgomery, the beloved wife of John SMITH, Crier of the Eastern Districts Court, in the 79th year of her age.

A very rare event took place here on Wednesday (says the Independent), the celebration of a marriage ceremony at the Jewish Synagogue. These interesting occurrences take place about once in two years. The building was crowded.
Transcriber’s note: Frustratingly no mention is made of the bride or groom!! The original was probably an extract from the Daily Independent of Kimberley, which would mean the marriage of Abraham BELCHER to Julia JOEL is the most likely]

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 6th Nov 1883, the wife of E. WICKS of a son.

Friday 9 November 1883

Yesterday a fair concourse of people gathered at Christ Church to witness the marriage ceremony between Mr. G.A. WRIGHT, son of our esteemed fellow citizen G.G. WRIGHT Esq, and Miss L. DRENNAN, daughter of C.E. DRENNAN Esq, engineer. The bride looked very pretty in a charming toilet of rich cream satin Duchesse, made in the elegant style now la mode, short bodice and full skirt, with a very long train supported by pages. She also wore a Brussels veil and wreath of orange blossoms, and carried a large bouquet of choice flowers, the tout ensemble being perfect. The bridesmaids, the Misses DRENNAN (3), Misses WRIGHT (2) and Miss BERTRAM, had very pretty veiling dresses, of the cool tint so much in vogue, Eau de Ville, trimmed with lots of ruby ribbon, the most distinguished feature in their toilettes being the large and becoming straw hats, Charles II shape, trimmed with cream lace and ruby lace, we believe, by the hand of Mr. GOWIE. The bridegroom was supported by Mr. Attorney A.S. HUTTON. The ceremony was performed by the Lord Bishop of Grahamstown.

Saturday 10 November 1883

On Sunday afternoon we (Watchman) regret to state that a bathing accident happened which unhappily terminated fatally. Some Cape Infantry proceeded to the Buffalo River for the purpose of bathing; upon arriving there one of their number named BERMINGHAM plunged into the water, but did not again rise to the surface. Search was made, and when the body was recovered life was found to be extinct. The poor fellow was only twenty three years of age. It is supposed that he struck his head against a stone in diving.

Tuesday 13 November 1883

DIED at Queenstown on Friday morning the 9th November 1883, George, the youngest and much-loved son of the late Honourable John AYLIFF(some time Judge of the High Court of Natal), aged 27 years.

The body of a white man was (observes the Cape Times) found on Friday morning by one of the water police at the ballast wharf, near the sheds belonging to Mr. [MADEROSE]. The corpse, which was on its discovery quite stiff and cold, was identified as that of Denis HAGAN, who is well known to the police for his intemperate habits, which have repeatedly brought him before the Magistrate. He possessed no occupation, but has been for some time past a confirmed loafer and wanderer. Death is attributed to exposure, combined with the diseased and weakened condition of his bodily frame consequent upon the excessive habitual use of alcoholic liquor. Intimation of HAGAN’s death was conveyed to the Magistrate, who visited the body between seven and eight o’clock, after which it was at his direction removed to the New Somerset Hospital.

Wednesday 14 November 1883

It is our melancholy duty (says the Free Press) to record the death of Mr. G. AYLIFF, son of the Hon. John AYLIFF of Natal. This gentleman came on a visit to his brother in the Lady Frere district, suffering from spinal affection which communicated with the brain, rendering all hope of recovery impossible. He passed quietly away on Friday last in the presence of his uncle, Mr. Reuben AYLIFF, his aunt Miss S.A. AYLIFF, who came from Grahamstown to be with him in his sad affliction, and his mother, who arrived from Natal just an hour before the final end.
Mrs. HILL sen, relict of the late Mr. John HILL, for some time Town Engineer of Grahamstown, was also taken from our midst during the past week. The deceased was conveyed to the Wesley Church, where the full burial service was read by the Revs. H.H. DUGMORE and J. THOMPSON MA, and from thence conveyed to the Cemetery followed by a large circle of sorrowing relations and friends.

An accident occurred on Friday afternoon in the goods station yard at the lower end of Adderley-street, which was unfortunately attended with fatal results. The deceased was a young lad named MOGADIEN, who resided in Broom-street, and was about ten or twelve years of age. It would appear (says the Times) that the boy was sitting alongside of the driver of a cart into which ballast was being loaded from the railway trucks. The necessary load of ballast having been taken in, the cart proceeded to drive off, and the cart was turned somewhat sharply round. The sudden turn and motion threw the lad from his seat upon the ground between the horse and the cart wheels. The driver immediately attempted to bring the cart to a standstill, but before he could accomplish his purpose the wheel passed over the child’s neck. Blood and other matter was forced from the mouth, and death resulted instantaneously from the broken neck. The cart was soon brought to a standstill and the body was extricated from its position, laid upon a bed of sand, and covered with some sacking. Notice of the sad event was immediately conveyed to the Resident Magistrate, who visited the body without delay, and caused it to be conveyed to the New Somerset Hospital for inquest purposes.

Thursday 15 November 1883

Early on Saturday morning (says a Capetown paper) the policeman on duty in Bree-street discovered the lifeless body of an elderly European named J.C. RHODES, who at one time, we are informed, occupied a very respectable position in this city. The Resident magistrate having viewed the body ordered its removal to Somerset Hospital.

Monday 19 November 1883

DIED at Queenstown on Thursday 8th November 1883, Celia Jane HILL, relict of the late John HILL of Grahamstown, in the 70th year of her age. Mourned by a large circle of friends.

We (Somerset East Advertiser) regret to have to record the death, on Sunday morning last, of Mrs. MADER, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.P. WEBBER of this town. The circumstances attending her illness are sad. Her husband but a few months ago left for Scotland to qualify himself for the medical profession. Mrs. MADER was left with her parents in Somerset, where she had every comfort, and her two little children were placed under the care of Mr. MADER’s parents, in the Western Province. Mrs. MADER, however, who had been ailing previous to this arrangement, gradually grew worse, and notwithstanding the kind care and attention of her parents, relations and friends, coupled with medical skill, she succumbed on Sunday morning at 6 o’clock. The funeral took place on Monday at 1 o’clock and was followed by a large number of townspeople. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved husband, who was not present to hear a parting word, and for the parents and relatives of the deceased lady.

Tuesday 20 November 1883

We regret to hear of the sudden death of Mr. William SAVORY of Fort Beaufort, who died at his residence in that town yesterday morning at half past three, very suddenly. Mr. SAVORY was a leading merchant in Fort Beaufort and took an active part in local affairs. He was a member of the firm of PAYNE and SAVORY. Of late he had been subject to very severe attacks of rheumatism, and it is supposed that the disease affected his heart. He leaves a wife and young family, to whom we beg respectfully to tender our sympathy.

Another fatal accident has occurred on Table Mountain. A youth named William JUDSON, son of a well-known feather cleaner and dyer, started for an excursion with some friends early yesterday. Whilst at the waterfall, he slipped off a small rock and fell over a krantz. He appeared at first to be uninjured, but it was found that he had sustained fracture of the skull. He was carried home with difficulty, and died this morning.

Friday 23 November 1883

MARRIED at Lesseyton near Queenstown, on Wednesday November 14th 1883, by the Father of the Bride, William B.G. BLENKINS, son of the late Major W.R.G. BLENKINS C.B., to Mary, second daughter of the Rev. Geo. CHAPMAN.

Monday 26 November 1883

On Sunday 11th inst Mr. VON MEYER was riding out with a led horse to the Woolwash, near the village of Reddersburg, when the horses became restive and ran away. The saddle-girth breaking, and the led horse tugging at the same time, pulled poor VAN MEYER off the horse and pitched him on his head. It is supposed that one of the horses also kicked him on the temple. Some native people, who live near the woolwash, having witnessed the accident, informed the engineer, who at once had Mr. VON MEYER removed to the house. Dr. POLSON was immediately summoned from the village, when it was found that Mr. VON MEYER was suffering from concussion of the brain. He lay four or five hours quite unconscious, and up to the time of his death, on the 19th inst, could only articulate “yes” or “no”. Towards the end of last week feverish symptoms appearing, Dr. SMIDLIN of Edenburg was called in to consult with Dr. POLSON. Dr. HALL, who was passing through en route to Jagersfontein, was induced to stay for a while and watch the case. All the doctors pronounced the case to be hopeless, as inflammation of the brain and its membranes had set in. The unfortunate fellow died at 10 o’clock on Monday, after lingering for more than eight days. Mr. Philip VAN MEYER, who was well known here, was about 30 years of age and was of remarkably fine, healthy physique. He was a nephew of Mr. Leopold MEYER, who had only just arrived on a visit from Germany. We beg to tender our sympathy to the afflicted family of the deceased in their awful and sudden bereavement.

The town received a rude shock on Monday morning last (says the Fort Beaufort Advocate), when it became known that Mr. SAVORY, of the firm of PAYNE and SAVORY, was dead. It will be remembered that some time since Mr. SAVORY had a very serious attack of illness, and his life was then despaired of, but under skilful attendance and good nursing he recovered, and took a trip to Oudtshoorn to thoroughly recruit his strength. It is little more than a month since he returned, and yet he has gone to that bourne from whence no traveller returneth. On Saturday he became unwell, and on Monday morning he was dead. In him Fort Beaufort has lost one of its most enterprising merchants; the municipality has lost a good commissioner, and very many have lost a friend. Poor SAVORY had his faults (and who amongst has not), but he was no man’s enemy. In business matters he was shrewd, persevering and enterprising; in public he was courteous and obliging, and in private life he was a kind father and a good husband. Although he did not enter much into public affairs, Mr. SAVORY was unanimously elected chairman of the municipal board; and was also one of the town members of the Divisional Council. Only last week he was discussing sundry means for improving the town. His head was full of speculations already entered into or contemplated; and to all appearances he was in full possession of bodily and mental faculties. Truly, may it be said, “in the midst of life we are in death”. In the prime of manhood, for Mr. SAVORY was only 36, death has claimed one who was popular with all classes of society. We respectfully tender, on our own account and on behalf of the town, the deepest sympathy to Mrs. SAVORY and her family in their distress and grievous affliction. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon. Every store in the town was closed. At the hour appointed, 3 o’clock, an immense number of gentlemen had assembled at the house of the deceased – including very many farmers, some of whom had come from places more than 30 miles distant. The Wesleyan Church was crowded, an attentive congregation listening in perfect silence to the opening service, which was most impressively read by the Rev. WILSON. After this service the procession reformed, and wended its way with sorrowing steps to the cemetery, where many other friends had already assembled. The Rev. WILSON officiated and read the solemn service set apart for the burial of the dead. At the conclusion, friends pressed forward to have one last look, and then broke up into groups, moralising on the uncertainty of life, and speaking in kind, loving and respectful language of poor SAVORY.

Tuesday 27 November 1883

There is living at 100 Buitengracht-street, Capetown (says a contemporary) and old lady named Mrs. ROSS, who it is stated was born at the Paarl in 1781, and is consequently 102 years old.

A man named ROHHOFF, living at the West End, Was (says the Kimberley Independent) found dead at his house yesterday morning, having apparently died from the effects of an overdose of morphia. Dr. NAHMACHER was first called in, and subsequently at 10:30 Dr. BIRD, who states that he found one packet of morphia, and another packet that had contained the opiate lying on the table near the deceased’s head. The deceased had been out of work for some time past, and is said to have been in very low spirits, and in consequence was in the habit of taking morphia to induce sleep. Further, we understand, he was given to drinking rather freely lately, and it is therefore not unreasonable to suppose the unfortunate man took the overdose inadvertently whilst in a state of partial inebriation. He was a native of Hamburg, Germany, and was very respectably connected, his father, whose demise occurred a year or two ago, having been the head minister of the Lutheran church in that town. A post mortem was to be made on the body by the district surgeon on Thursday morning last.

A case of awfully sudden death occurred last Tuesday morning at Tarkastad, says the local Herald. Mr. Geo. NEWSON, who formerly carried on the business of painter and glazier in this town, returned from England last week, apparently in good health and spirits. On Tuesday he complained of feeling unwell, and went to lie down. His wife sent for Dr. FERGUS, who was at once in attendance, but the unfortunate man breathed his last within two minutes after the arrival of the doctor. Deceased was a clever tradesman and well liked by all classes, and much sympathy is felt for his young widow, to whom he had only been married some three months. An inquest was held before the C.C. and R.M. (Thomas GIE Esq), when Dr. FERGUS gave evidence that death had ensued from a spasm of the heart, and a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence was returned.

Friday 30 November 1883

Andries BLATT, the murderer of VAN NIEKERK, a Paarl trader, was hanged on the 26th inst. He expressed himself as prepared to meet his fate.

(From a Correspondent)
Mr. Wm. KEYS, an old resident of Fort Beaufort, died at 10 o’clock on Tuesday night after a few hours’ illness. In the early morning after preparing the butcher’s meat for the market, he felt unwell and requested the market-master to sell the meat without his coming to market. In the course of the morning he attended to some [obscured] matters in the town, but at 11 o’clock he was seized with violent shivering and cramps in the bowels. Dr. BLACK was called in, who pronounced it a case of English cholera, of which there have been several examples in the town recently. The [disease] ran a rapid course. The usual remedies were of no avail. All pain ceased at about 9 o’clock, and he died an hour afterwards. The following morning the [obscured] was quite black. A post mortem examination discovered that the liver was very much enlarged, and that death had occurred from natural causes. The previous day had been excessively hot, the thermometer 98 in the shade, and it did not sink lower than [65] during the night, notwithstanding the terrific thunderstorm and tremendous downpour that had occurred in the afternoon. It was only three weeks before that Mr. KEYS had buried his youngest [sister] who had died in a decline. On the [occasion] of this attack of illness, their health necessitating change of air and scene, his family were all well away from him excepting his little granddaughter, a child 7 years of age, who besides attending a day-school morning and afternoon, assiduously performed the duties of “Grandpa’s Housekeeper”. As soon as it became known that he was [ill], the neighbours and friends in the town hastened to wait upon him. No one apprehended that death was so near. At five minutes to 10 o’clock some friends took leave of him for the night, when he was [obscured] composed and without pain. His attendants turned from hi to let him sleep. Five minutes after they looked again and he was a corpse.

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