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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1883 06 June

Friday 1 June 1883

Last Tuesday (writes a correspondent of the Argus) a feeling of gloom was spread over this neighbourhood by the report of a fatal wagon accident which had happened that morning. Mr. Thomas Jacobus THERON, one of the most respected farmers in this district, had, it appears, gone to Tulbagh Road Station that morning on some business. He had six frisky horses harnessed to a small and light wagon, one of the regular old Cape style, with the side ladders. Unfortunately the wagon was, while still staunch and strong, quite out of proportion to the team. Everything went along smoothly from the farm “Winterhoek”, about twelve miles from the station, to Tulbagh Road, and the return journey was nearly completed when, at about two miles distant from the farm, a level bit of vlei ground is reached. Here the wheelers pressed rather sharply upon the centre horses, and these, in turn, sprang upon the leaders, the result being that the team bolted. After they had run a short distance, the bolt which connects the long-wagon and the after-tongue gave way or slipped out, the consequence being that the hind wheels and axels were detached from the rest of the wagon, and the support of the side ladders being gone, they too fell to the ground, and with them went the seat of the driver. THERON had a young coloured lad with him, and this boy states that when the side ladders fell he was thrown off the wagon and stunned, but his master was still on the bottom board, which was attached to the front wheels, and that he was holding the reins. Be that as it may, his master could have had no more control over the horses, and from the marks and traces there seems to be no doubt that THERON was thrown between the horses, and that he was kicked to death. From the spot where he fell to where the cap of the skull and the brains were found was not more than ten yards, and he was dragged after that for a distance of about 30 or 40 yards more. Death must have been instantaneous. The whole of the cranium was smashed, rendering the features almost unrecognizable. When deceased’s brother and friends reached the scene of the accident they found life extinct. Great sympathy is felt for his widow and three young children. THERON was a hard-working and persevering man, honest to a degree, and his death is to be deplored. The usual inquest has been held, and report made of the accident to the Magistrate. On the Queen’s Birthday the mortal remains were interred in the graveyard on the farm of the deceased, and (though the present is a very busy season) it is computed that no less than 300 persons followed the coffin to the grave.

Monday 4 June 1883

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Friday June 1st 1883, the wife of Jos. LAWRANCE Esq of a son.

DIED at Yarrow, near Grahamstown, on the 1st inst, Elizabeth BOYD, the wife of William CROSBIE, aged 65 years.

Tuesday 5 June 1883

The following is from the South African just to hand:- Our readers, and especially our colonial readers, will deeply regret to hear that Colonel Sir William Owen LANYON’s wedded life has been brought to a sudden and melancholy termination. It will be remembered that Sir Owen married, just before he left for the Egyptian campaign, Miss Florence LEVY, daughter of Mr.J.M. LEVY. The daily papers of Monday last announced that Lady LANYON had died in childbirth on the preceding Sunday, and that the child was still-born. We are confident that we give expression to the feelings of our readers when we tender to Sir William Owen LANYON their deepest and heartfelt sympathy in his sad bereavement. Sir William held several distinguished offices in South Africa. He was for several years the Administrator of the Government of Griqualand West, and afterwards held the same office in the Transvaal during the time that State was annexed to the British Empire.

Thursday 7 June 1883

We (G.R. Advertiser) regret to have to record the death of Mr. W. BAILIE, cashier of the Cape of Good Hope Bank, Murraysburg, which took place yesterday morning. Mr. BAILIE had been long suffering from consumption: and although he withstood the fell disease with courage of a strong hope, he had to succumb at last. Mr. BAILIE came here first as manager of the Telegraph office, where his civility and efficiency in the discharge of his duty gave much satisfaction to all who had business there. He afterwards entered the Cape of Good Hope Bank here, and after some time was transferred to Murraysburg as manager of the Branch there. Much sympathy is felt for his young widow.

A correspondent writes to the G.R. Advertiser from Murraysburg as follows:- A trader by name Jacob Van Rensburg VAN NIEKERK, on his way from Paarl to the Free State, arrived late on the night of Tuesday at the above farm, asked and obtained leave to outspan, purchasing and paying for a joint of mutton with which he appears to have returned to his cart, and subsequently to have gone to sleep on the cushions of the cart placed upon the ground, and it is presumed his boy lay down within 6 or 7 feet on a sack, and from there drove a rifle bullet through his master’s head, as he slept, then decamped with rifle, ammunition and contents of his master’s pockets &c, the body being found in the morning apparently not having moved. As the servant had not been seen by any person owing to the late hour of arrival, it was not possible to give a description of him. Immediate information was sent to the R.M. at Murraysburg, who left the following morning with the District Surgeon and Chief Constable (a six hour journey). As soon as depositions were taken, which lasted until too late to travel, and a post mortem examination was made, it was decided that the Chief Constable should go to the last outspanning place, Waaitfontein, when he ascertained the servant was a youth about 16 or 17 years of age, and subsequent telegrams state he was engaged at Beaufort West. They had only parted from some fellow-travellers at Waaifontein. There the lad can be recognised, as also the rifle, by the people. The trader’s satchel was not taken, and was found to contain promissory notes &c to a good amount, it further appearing he had undertaken the collection of moneys for other parties. We await the inquest, and until such time it will be as well to be content herewith.

A tragically romantic incident occurred at the New Somerset Hospital, Capetown, (says the Argus) on the afternoon of the 31st inst, when a man named Henry BRUGGEBRUCK, the assistant cook in the establishment, committed suicide by hanging himself. It appears that at about half past two in the afternoon in question, the deceased went up to his room. The cook, about two hours later, went up to call him. He knocked at the door, but heard no sound in reply. He then peeped through the keyhole and saw the deceased, as it appeared to him, sitting on a box in front of the window. Not requiring the deceased’s services just then, he again went below, but discovering at about half past five that BRUGGEBRUCK had not made his appearance, he again went up to his room and, on looking through the keyhole once more, saw the deceased in the same attitude he had been in an hour before. He now became alarmed, and reported the circumstances to the House Surgeon, Dr. PARSONS, who immediately ordered the door to be burst open. On the room being entered, it was found that the deceased was dead, and that he was hanging suspended from the top of the window by a piece of sash band. On farther investigation it was seen that the case must have been one of determined suicide. The man got a box beneath the window, upon which it seems he must have sat while fixing the noose around his neck, and then, having accomplished that preliminary, he had wriggled off the box, and thus destroyed his life. The height of the framework to which he had affixed the sash band was only six feet two inches, and the man himself was five foot nine inches, so that when the box was put underneath the window there must have been very little room for swinging. It is said that the cause of the deed was disappointed love, the object of the deceased cook’s affections being a nurse in the hospital.

Friday 8 June 1883

In the House of Commons recently Mr. HUBBARD asked the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he had yet received any details of the barbarous murder of Mr. James Scott McGILLVRAY and another Englishman by the Boers in the Transvaal last September, as recorded in the colonial papers brought to the knowledge of the Colonial Office last January. Mr. ASHLEY – Our despatch to the High Commissioner instructing him to make enquiries relative to the death of Mr. McGILLVRAY and another Englishman on the borders of the Transvaal crossed despatches from Sir H. ROBINSON in which he informed the Secretary of State that the matter had been brought to his notice by the Cape Government and that he had instructed Mr. HUDSON to make representation on the subject to the Government of the Transvaal state. We have not yet heard anything further in the matter.

P.A. Budget June 7 says: A most daring and villainous outrage was committed in the neighbourhood of Shaw Park on Friday the 26th ultimo, by a Kafir man, which has caused quite a stir among the farmers of that part; and it is said that had the full extent of the injury done been known at that time, the probability is he would not have reached the gaol alive, public indignation being so great. It appears that Mrs. POULTON, wife of Mr. C.G. POULTON and daughter of Mr. Edward TIMM sen. of Clumber, was visited by a lady friend, who spent the day. On leaving in the evening Mrs. POULTON, with her four children, accompanied her a short distance from the house. On returning home, she had to pass through a small bush, at which spot a Kafir rushed out, threw a blanket over Mrs. POULTON’s head, and forced her to the ground. The children bravely rushed to the assistance of their mother, upon which the Kafir left Mrs. POULTON, and in a most savage manner knocked one of the children, a girl of eleven years old, down. He immediately after doing so turned round again and attacked Mrs. POULTON for the third time, throwing her heavily to the ground, knelt on her and tried to choke her with his blanket. Failing to accomplish his evident intention, he with is [sic] hand injured her in a most brutal and inhuman manner, particulars of which are unfit for publication. Probably fearing Mrs. POULTON’s screams would bring assistance, he made off into the bush, but fortunately not before he was recognised. Mrs. POULTON, with great difficulty, reached home, barricaded the doors, and sat up in a state of terror all night. As soon as day dawned, Mr. POULTON, who was away from home on business, was sent for. On his return he, with the assistance of Mr. PURDON, followed up and, we are glad to state, succeeded in apprehending the Kafir, who was at once handed over to the authorities. The preliminary examination was to have taken place on Monday, the 28th ultimo, but Mrs. POULTON was not in a fit state to leave her house. It was accordingly postponed until Friday last, when the evidence of Mrs. POULTON, Dr. PRESTON and others was taken by the Resident Magistrate (G.C. BAYNE Esq) when he remanded the prisoner till Tuesday, on which occasion he was committed for trial.

Saturday 9 June 1883

There was quite a flutter of interested curiosity and excitement at the Wesleyan Church, Russell Road, on Thursday morning shortly before eleven o’clock, consequent (says the Herald) upon the marriage ceremony that was about to be solemnized between Walter STANFORD Esq, Magistrate of [Eng…bo], Tembuland, and Miss Alice WALKER, second daughter of our respected townsman and old colonist, Joseph WALKER Esq, M.L.A. The morning was a bright one, and the scene in church was very pretty. The bridesmaids, who were most tastefully attired, were Miss Maude WALKER, Miss May WALKER and two happy looking juveniles (Miss SKEAD and Miss GODLONTON). Mr. CUMMINGS, of Kingwilliamstown, (assisted by Mr. B. WALKER and Master Holford WALKER) was the “best man”. The nuptial knot was tied by the Rev. W.H. PRICE, and after the ceremony the party repaired to Hamilton House, Pearson-street, the residence of the bride’s father. The healths of the bride and bridegroom were proposed by the Rev. Mr. PRICE; Mr. A.R. ORPEN proposed the “parents of the bride”; Mr. TUDHOPE the “mother of the bridegroom”; and the Mayor, (who in happy terms referred to matters mythological) proposed “the bridesmaids”. In the afternoon the happy pair left for the country. Mr. STANFORD, we may state, was a very active member of the recent Commission on Native Laws and Customs. In the hostilities against Umhleshlo he was second-in-command under Commandant FROST C.M.G. With the exception of Mr. BROWNLEE, Mr. STANFORD is the oldest servant in the extra Colonial Government service.

Durban Advertiser, June 4
On Saturday afternoon one of those locating misfortunes which can scarcely be called “accidents” happened in the bay, and by it one man lost his life, while four other people had a narrow escape from drowning. Early in the afternoon three men named J.D. JACOBSEN, Point Road, J. OGILVIE and Charles CHAPMAN, Palmer Street, Black Beach, and two children named Louis and Isabella WARREN, also living with their parents on the Black Beach, started in a little boat to sail to Congella, for the purpose of getting some shells. The boat was a rather old one, and it leaked somewhat the whole distance, while it was heavily weighted with three large bags of sand besides the people mentioned. At first there was little wind, and that came from the east, but suddenly the wind shifted and came from the south-west. The boat proceeded all right until it nearly reached Cato’s Creek, although it listed considerably and shipped several seas, but at the place indicated she veered over, the water poured in, and she sank slowly down. The occupants tried to seize the top of the mast, but that disappeared and they were all floating on the water, some distance from land, and with a strong ebb tide flowing. A yacht was sailing by some hundred yards off, and JACOBSEN made straight for that, his efforts being successful, for he was fortunately picked up. Either he or the people in the yacht are said to have then picked up the oars and rowlocks of the sunken boat and to have gone right away from the Creek, where JACOBSEN was landed. In the meantime OGILVIE swam towards a boat which was being impelled by two Kafirs, and in his wake little Louis WARREN followed, but though the girl could not swim her clothes held her up to a great extent while she had presence of mind enough, although only 9 years of age, to put her hand to her mouth in order to keep out some of the water. CHAPMAN poor fellow could not swim at all, and was carried away by the current. The Kafirs rowed towards OGILVIE and picked him up, and then rowed towards little WARREN, whom they also managed to get into the boat, a result also successful in the case of the little girl, although at that time she was almost gone. By now CHAPMAN had got some distance off, and the Kaffirs at first stubbornly refused to go after him, but OGILVIE, who was himself very much exhausted, promised them money, and they consented to row down what proved to be the dead body of CHAPMAN. When they got alongside it, OGILVIE had to drag it into the boat, for the Kafirs would not touch it, and then, struck with horror at the thought of having a dead body in the boat, they rowed hard to a sand bank, where the boat was grounded, and cleared. There was yet some distance between them and the shore, and all the rescued party were very exhausted, the little girl being nearly dead, and the darkness coming on, but luck had it that another boat, belonging to Mr. Arthur CHAPMAN, sailed by, there being on board besides the owner Mr. BROWNLEE and Mr. J. TILBURY. They heard OGILVIE’s cries for help and immediately went to his assistance, both the dead body and the living persons being taken by them to the bathing jetty. The two children were at once carried to Mr. TILBURY’s house, and every care and attention were paid to them, but it was a long time before they were restored to consciousness. Mr. C. CHAPMAN’s body was carried to Mrs. GOODWIN, Beach Grove, and there everything that could be done to restore life was tried, though without effect, Dr. COLLENSO, who was sent for immediately, assisting in and directing these efforts. Mr. Superintendent ALEXANDER was sent for and he, with the assistance of Sergeant HAMLIN, had every attention paid to the body, which was then conveyed on a stretcher to his late residence on the Black Beach. He was only 31 years of age and leaves a young wife, to whom he has only been married four months, to mourn for him, and great commiseration with her is felt. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon, many of the deceased’s old comrades on the railway, in the fitting shop of which he worked, joining in the procession, in order to show their respect for the deceased and sorrow for the catastrophe. It was a most fortunate thing that the sailing boat of Mr. A. CHAPMAN passed the place when it did, for it was then almost dark, and had assistance not come very quickly the two children would probably have died also. Too much praise cannot be given to Mr. J. OGILVIE for his conduct, which was truly manly and humane.

Monday 11 June 1883

We regret to record the decease of this veteran missionary, which occurred yesterday evening at his residence. He had been suffering from an internal ailment which, though exceedingly painful, was not specially dangerous, and was making good progress towards recovery when he unfortunately took a severe chill, and this led to an attack of diffused peritonitis under which he sank, dying in peaceful hope. Mr. DAVIS was an old and highly-esteemed missionary of the Wesleyan church, having entered the ministry in 1831, though he had retired from active work for some years past. He was an excellent Kafir scholar, and was the author of two standard works on that language – a grammar and a dictionary. He had recently bought a residence in Grahamstown and had removed to this City, where he had laboured with acceptance in former years. From his general health and vigour we should have supposed that he would have had before him still a good period of life. Mr. DAVIS leaves a large family. One of his sons – Rev. W.S. DAVIS – is a missionary in the Transkei, and several of his daughters - including Mrs. LONES, wife of the Rev. E. LONES – are resident in this City. The condolence and sympathy of a very large circle of friends will be with those who have thus been somewhat suddenly bereaved. The funeral of the late Mr. DAVIS will take place on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock.

Tuesday 12 June 1883

The following is from the Harrismith Chronicle: It has seldom come under our notice to narrate such a sad event as transpired in our district a few days back. Such things are often pictured in fiction, and the height of colouring lends to them a dramatic effect. But this case in point is colourless, and the pure facts will speak for themselves. On Saturday May 19 all that remained of an Englishman was brought into the town and handed over to the Landdrost or authorities. From information we have gleaned, George HARRIS left his home, in the south of Cornwall, in July 1881. After being newly married to a young wife, he was compelled, through failing health, to break up his happy home and sail to more genial climes. He chose South Africa; and on arrival at the Cape he was recommended to try the Free State, where he eventually reached. We learn that he last sojourned at Heilbron, and from letters he received from his wife (who had since given birth to a daughter) he was desirous to return home again. The wife was naturally anxious for his return, and looked forward to a happy meeting, when she could show him their child, about which she said that the word “Dada” was constantly on its lips. Fate, however, ordained otherwise. Only a few miles from town the unfortunate man grew worse, and eventually became victim to that most insidious of diseases – consumption: and, amongst strange yet feeling Dutchmen – whose language he understood not – yet whose kindness he appreciated, he breathed his last many miles from his native home and all those who were near and dear to him. Our authorities deserve credit for the manner in which the last respects to the unfortunate Englishman were carried out. On the deceased were found several letters, and about £24, watch and chain, which, along with a portmanteau, the Landdrost with the kind assistance of the Union Company will see they are forwarded to the proper quarter.

Wednesday 13 June 1883

Yesterday afternoon a large number of friends followed the funeral to the Wesleyan cemetery. The pall-bearers were Messrs. Jno. WOOD, Henry WOOD, B. ATTWELL, E.B. DRIVER, J. AYLIFF and J. WEBB. At Commemoration Chapel the Rev. Mr. WALTON alluded to the valuable services rendered to mission work in South Africa by the Rev. W.J. DAVIS, whose researches in the Kafir language, and compilation of a Kafir grammar, had afforded great help to missionaries. Mr. WALTON said he would not then dwell at length upon the work which the deceased minister had done during a long period of 50 years, but would take a further opportunity of referring to the subject. At the grave the service was conducted by the Rev. J. WALTON, assisted by the Rev. J EDWARDS. The Chapel was draped in mourning out of respect for the memory of the deceased pastor, who had so often ministered within its walls.

Wednesday 20 June 1883

DIED at Somerset East on the 7th June 1883, Levenia Jane HALLIDAY (born McAULIFF), aged 20 years 9 months and 29 days, after an illness of 26 days, leaving a sorrowing husband and two children to mourn their irreparable loss.
Safe in the arms of Jesus
The bereaved Husband sincerely thanks those kind Friends who assisted during the illness.

Thursday 21 June 1883

This morning at Christ-church a fashionable assembly gathered to witness the marriage of Mr. Advocate BLAINE and Miss Matilda F. COLE, niece to Mr. W. GILBERT. The Rev. Canon ESPIN officiated. The bride looked beautiful in a cream broche skirt, and plain satin bodice with wreath. She was attended by Miss HESS, Miss CHRISTIAN, Miss HAYTON and Miss HUNTLY, who were charmingly robed in cream nun’s cloth skirts, plush bodices, and cream plush muffs with flowers to correspond with the cream plush Langtry hats with wide satin strings, and terra cotta leaves and flowers. Mr. A. HUTTON was groomsman. The fair bride was given away by Mr. Ewan CHRISTIAN, and the bridal party after the ceremony drove to the station, when the newly married couple left for New Brighton.

Friday 22 June 1883

D.S. ROBERTSON – With deep regret we (Cape Times) record the death, after two days’ illness, of Captain D.S. ROBERSTON, Acting Staff Officer of Colonial Forces for the Western District, and of late commanding a company in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Own Rifle Volunteer Regiment. Captain ROBERTSON was one of the militia officers who volunteered for active service during the Zulu war, and on his arrival was attached to the Royal Scots Fusiliers, with whom he shared the campaign ending in the victory of Ulundi.

Saturday 23 June 1883

From a gentleman who has just come down from the border, says a Natal paper, we received late on Friday night confirmatory news of the death of the Rev. Mr. SCHROEDER on the 6th inst. The deceased gentleman was not, it seems, any relation to the late Bishop. He had been in the country only twelve months, and was stationed in the extreme north of Ohamsland. Living entirely alone, he was unable to speak the native language, and had given no offence to any party or section of the people. He had built a substantial dwelling and furnished it, and expected shortly to be married to a lady who it is thought probable is even now on her way from England to South Africa. Our informant states that the murdered missionary was about 28 years of age, and much esteemed for his good qualities and kindness of heart. His dead body, pierced with many wounds, was found lying amongst the wreck of his chattels, for the murderers had broken up and destroyed every article that they could not conveniently carry away.
In regard to the Rev. HOERMAN, who it is feared has shared the same fate, he was thirty-two years of age, and had been for four years in the country. He was a married man, and nothing has been heard of him or seen of him or his wife since the beginning of March last. There is therefore, we fear, but small hope of the report proving groundless that he has lost his life at the hands of assassins. The courage of the Rev. F. WEBER in going into the country to the scene of the death of the Rev Mr. SCHROEDER, in order to perform the last rites of the Church over the unfortunate gentleman, and to bury the body, cannot be too highly commended. The risk he ran in performing this service is spoken of as great, seeing the state of that part of the country, Oham being in hiding, and the place at the mercy of his foes. The murder of the Rev. Mr. SCHROEDER was committed, there can be little doubt, in pursuance of the order of Cetywayo that all men, women and children found by his impi were to be slain. These Mission Stations in Ohamsland are part of the number to which the German Missionary Society were granted titles by Panda; and it is not at all improbable that, when the facts are communicated to the Berlin Government, reparation will be asked for the outrages committed upon German subjects. The matter has been reported to the Government here.

Monday 25 June 1883

Mr. GRASSMAN, who is reported to have committed suicide on Thursday morning, was (says the Argus) the leading man amongst the Germans at Worcester. He lately exhibited a statement of his affairs, showing a surplus of £7,000, but the greater portion of his assets were locked up. It was in order to get out of the embarrassments thus caused that the foolish man committed the crime which had such fatal results.

We (E.L. Advertiser) are sorry to have to record a sad and fatal accident which occurred on the sandy beach on Thursday morning, by which a young girl, only 16 years of age, was drowned. It appears that the deceased, Charlotte ADENDORP, who was a boarder at the convent at Kingwilliamstown, and down here on a visit, had permission of the Lady Prioress of the convent here, where she was staying, to make some visits with three other girls younger than herself. The Mother Prioress cautioned them about going down to the beach, considering the weather too cold. The girls, however, went down and bathed near the rocks which crop up in the water just beyond Blind River. It would then appear that one of the younger children got out of its depth, and was becoming exhausted and carried further out by the receding waters, when Charlotte ADENDORP pluckily went in to the rescue and brought the child safely to the shore. She was herself safe on one of the rocks then, and stepped off into what she must have thought to be shallow water, but which through the wash of the tide round the rocks, has been cleared of sand to a considerable depth. It is presumed that she was somewhat exhausted, and the strong drawback proved too much for her, and the unfortunate girl was swept out and drowned. The body, however, was soon afterwards recovered. Dr. [DATLEY]—HARTLEY was summoned, too late however to be of service, as life was extinct. Deceased’s parents, we believe, reside near Fort Peddie, and the news will be a sad blow to them. We beg to tender our sympathy with them in their affliction.

[No further editions of the paper are available until mid September 1883]

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