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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1879 - 2 - April to June

Wednesday 2 April 1879

We have received information that a few days ago the body of a schoolteacher, Mr. W. JONES, was found in the Kleinemonde Church. Life was extinct. It seems that the unfortunate man, who was very poor, had been in the habit of sleeping in the church, and using the church rugs for a covering. He was found lying thus, quite dead, by someone who went into the church the other morning. It is stated that his habits were too much those of an inebriate.

Friday 4 April 1879

The Undersigned having been duly appointed by the master of the Supreme Court to administer the Estate of the late John R. HILDER, requests that all Claims to the same may be sent in within six weeks from this date.
James BLACK, Executive Dative
Grahamstown, 2nd April 1879

In the Estate of the late John Nevins DANIEL of Grahamstown
All Persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are requested to file their Claims with the first undersigned within six weeks from this date; and those indebted thereto to pay their debts within the same period.
Executors Testamentary
Grahamstown, 26th March 1879

BIRTH at Beaufort-street, Grahamstown on the 31st March, the wife of Mr. George Valentine DAVIES of a daughter.

Monday 7 April 1879

DIED at the residence of his son-in-law, J, WOODLAND, at Cradock, on the 3rd April 1879, Samuel FREEMANTLE, aged 76 years and 3 months.

Thursday 10 April 1879

MARRIED on Wednesday April 9 1879 at Commemoration Chapel by the Rev H.S. Barton, D. KNIGHT of [George] to Ida E. COCKCROFT eldest daughter of T. COCKCROFT Esq of this city. No cards.

DIED on the 9th inst at Donkin-street, James Scotland, eldest son of the late James HAMILTON, Grahamstown.

DIED on Tuesday 8th April 1879 at Worcester, Western Province, Lewis, third son of John and Ann R. EVENS, Oatlands Road, Grahamstown, aged 29 years and 6 months.

Tuesday 15 April 1879

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Thursday 10th inst, the wife of Arthur MATTHEWS of a son.

BIRTH at Collingham on the 5th inst, the wife of W. WENTWORTH Jun of a daughter.

DIED at Tarkastad on the 2nd instant, at the residence of his son Mr L.E. WALKER, John WALKER Esq, aged 80 years. He was one of the original Settlers of 1820.

DIED on Tuesday 1st April, at his residence Palmietsfontein, Tarka, Joseph Alfred WHITEHEAD, aged 54 years and 7 months. Deeply regretted, leaving a widow and large family to mourn their irreparable loss.
[Illegible Biblical quote]

Monday 21 April 1879

In the Insolvent Estate of Joseph DICKS
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are requested to take notice that the Undersigned has been elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the above Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown on Wednesday 21st May 1879 at 10 o’clock am for the Proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee’s Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate.
All Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned on or before the above-mentioned date, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Secretary, Sole Trustee
Grahamstown, 18th April 1879

The Funeral of the late Patrick SHEA will leave his late residence at Oatlands tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon, the 22nd instant, at four o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker

The following kindly notice id from the Worcester correspondent of the Cape Times:-
9th April 1879
It is with the deepest regret that we have to announce the death at this place of Lewis EVENS Esq, Manage of the Standard Bank. This sad event, which took place yesterday afternoon, was a great shock to many. Although Mr. EVENS had been ailing for some weeks, no fears were entertained for his life until a few days ago, when his illness took a [obscured] turn. He died at the early age of 29. We are sure that the loss of a man like Mr. EVENS, who by his kindness, affability and obliging ways contributed greatly to the success of the institution of which he was the manager, will be felt by his employers no less than by his many friends, who during the two years that he has been amongst us have learnt to esteem him highly. We tender our most heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved parents, whom distance prevented from witnessing his last moments, the more so as they experienced a similar affliction only a few years ago.

Wednesday 23 April 1879

BIRTH at Oatlands Park, Grahamstown on Monday 21st of April, the wife of W.W. PADDON of a daughter.

We (Argus) regret to record the death, at the good old age of eighty-three, of Mr. Robert SAUNDERS of Green Point, father of Mr. John SAUNDERS, secretary to the Harbour Board. Mr. SAUNDERS was connected with the old Commercial Advertiser, the first paper published at the Cape, and his name, as well as that of his son, is associated with the earliest history of the press in South Africa. Mr. SAUNDERS was in his latter days in the enjoyment of a pension as a government school teacher, during which period of his life he was known as the best calligrapher in the colony.

Mr. J.R. WILMOT, Field-cornet, has sent an account of this matter to the Resident Magistrate. He writes: On my arrival at Alicedale from a trip up country today, it was reported to me that a European named Robert McKEATING, a wagonmaker by trade, in the service of Cyrus SMITH, of Alicedale, had met his death in the following manner. He, in company with one Alex. WARE (also in the service of Cyrus SMITH) requested to be allowed to proceed to Riebeck station by [material] train yesterday (Sunday) morning. The stationmaster at Alicedale refused to grant permission, but the guard gave it instead. They went on to Riebeck station, and on their return from thence the deceased either fell out or jumped out of one of the trucks; of course he was literally cut to pieces. The man WARE states that both he and deceased were the worse for liquor. The body was sent down by train this morning (before I arrived) to Port Elizabeth, to his parents, who reside there. Deceased was about 28 years of age. Without doubt there has been culpable neglect on the part of someone, and I think an investigation should at once be instituted to prevent similar disasters. The engine driver’s name is KEMPTER, and that of the guard SHEFFIELD.

Friday 25 April 1879

The Friend deeply grieves to announce that this gentleman, whilst superintending the mill machinery belonging to the Woolwashery at Tuinplaats, near Philippolis, on Saturday last, became entangled in the wheels and was so dreadfully crushed that death ensued almost instantaneously.

It seems from the Natal papers that on the 7th November 1878 the Rev Otto WITT was convicted of having assaulted and threatened a native woman with a gun, and was fined in the full penalty of £3 with the alternative of three months’ imprisonment. (This is the man who goes home and tells the Londoners that colonists treat the Kafirs like dogs – Ed. Journal)

One account says: Sergeant SCOTT of the C.M. Rifles threw a shell into one of the shanzen, and it was immediately thrown back. He, seeing it was about to explode, dashed at it and pulled the burning fuse out. It was the most gallant act of the day. He had scarcely lit another when it went off in his hand, shattering him most frightfully.

The death is announced of Mr. CLARKSON, interior trader, from lightning.

Monday 28 April 1879

DIED at Blauw Koppen, Mount Stewart, Henry STRINGER, third son of Thomas STRINGER Esq of Sycamore Hill, Macclesfield, Cheshire, England.

Friday 2 May 1879

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 1st May 1879, the wife of P. AMM of a daughter.

On Wednesday evening Miss Helen HAYTON, fourth daughter of our esteemed townsman John HAYTON Esq, was united in the bonds of wedlock to Mr. W. HOLLAND, son of Frederick HOLLAND Esq. The ceremony took place at St.George’s Cathedral and was performed by the Very Rev the Dean, assisted by the Rev W. IMPEY. There were six bridesmaids, viz. Miss Alice HAYTON, Miss Agnes HAYTON, Miss HOLLAND, Miss BLAKEWAY, Miss CARPENTER and Miss WRIGHT – a charming bevy. The bride wore white silk with bridal etceteras, and the bridesmaids were attired most tastefully in dresses of blue cashmere. The bride was given away by her father. After breakfast with a large company at the residence of Mr. HAYTON, the happy couple left on their wedding trip, followed by the best wishes of a troop of friends.

Friday 9 May 1879

BIRTH at King Williamstown, British Kaffraria, May 5th 1879, the wife of the Rev John GORDON, Military Chaplain, of a daughter.

Friday 16 May 1879

DIED at Grahamstown on the 15th May, after a lingering illness, Jonathan San[...], third son of William and Clara TRIBE, aged 6 years 2 months and 15 days.
“The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the house of the Lord”

DIED at Mooirosi’s Mountain on the 7th May 1879, from a bullet wound received at the attack on the mountain on the 8th April 1879, James SURMON, aged 57 years and 11 months, Captain of No.4 Troop, Cape Mounted Riflemen. Deeply regretted by his two orphan daughters and all who knew him.

Wednesday 28 May 1879

A sudden death of a shocking nature occurred in Capetown. George PHILLIPS, a middle-aged white man, a blacksmith by trade, was in a canteen in Hanover-street at 12 o’clock, apparently in the vigour of life, and at one o’clock was found dead in a stable close by, lying on the horse bedding, with his pipe on his breast.

Friday 30 May 1879

DIED at “Onehanga”, Auckland, New Zealand on the 12th February 1879, Major William GORDON, Inspector New Zealand Militia, and late Captain HM 21st Regiment, aged 62 years. Deceased, who served some years in this colony with the 73rd Regiment, was eldest son of the late Lieutenant and Adjutant John GORDON, HM 91st Argyleshire Regiment, who fell at Fort Hare in the Kafir War of 1851, and brother of the Rev John GORDON, of King Williamstown.

Tuesday 3 June 1879

DIED at Adelaide on Monday 2nd June 1879, Harriet, the beloved wife of Mr. S. HUMPHREYS, and eldest daughter of the late Richard RALPH of Fort Beaufort.

Friday 6 June 1879

DIED on Sunday 1st June 1879, at Grahamstown, Maria, wife of Rickton HULL, aged 52 years. Deeply regretted by her family.
The wife of his youth has gone to rest;
Though her end was near, her life was blest.

Kimberley, Thursday
A storm of thunder and lightning from four in the afternoon lasting off and on till near daylight this morning. At about seven last night an electric explosion, equal in noise to that of dynamite, alarmed the camp. Just opposite your correspondent’s residence at De Beer’s, a Dutchman named VON TENDER was struck dead by the explosion in the doorway of his house; his body was sent some feet into the passage. The family in the same line of current were only slightly hurt by the electric fluid which filled the house with flames and smoke, escaping by shattering a side door in a rectangular direction. Three goats under the verandah were also killed.

Monday 9 June 1879

We (Uitenhage Times) regret very much to learn that Mr. Solomon ERASMUS, late of this district, and more recently of Aberdeen, shot himself on Monday last on a mountain near his home. We have heard no reason for the rash act. He was one of the wealthiest African farmers, and a very large landowner in the district. He had recently purchased another large farm, for which, we learn, as was his custom, he paid cash.

Friday 13 June 1879

BIRTH at Tarkastad on the 30th May 1879, the wife of Mr. L.E. WALKER of a daughter.

DIED at Cold Spring, June 7th 1879, Eliza GLASS, widow of the late Daniel GLASS, and daughter of the late John and Sarah WEBB of Mill River. Aged 68 years. Deeply regretted by her sorrowing family.

Mr. John O’BRIEN, an old inhabitant of Grahamstown, has died at Dordrecht.

The death of Mr. H. BROOKER, private secretary to the Free State President and Council, is announced.

Wednesday 18 June 1879

A correspondent writes from Berlin (Kaffraria) to the Cape Mercury: I send you particulars of an accident which has cast a gloom over the whole district and reduced a happy family to the deepest sorrow. Young William SANSOM was shot dead while acting as a marker to the Berlin Volunteer Cavalry on Saturday afternoon. The poor young fellow went up to the marker’s butt at 500 [obscured] range with another volunteer, Mr. SCHWARZ: the wind blowing strongly from the right, and the marker’s first being to the left of the target. The second shot was signalled a centre by Mr. SCHWARZ. Poor SANSOM objected, thinking it was an error. Mr. SCWARZ put up the danger flag and, looking over the butt to the shooting place, saw the red flag flying in answer, and both markers went out to look for the shot. Just as they were about to return to the butt a shot fired from the range sent a bullet through the body of poor SANSOM. The ball entered the back under the right shoulder, coming out at the middle of the chest in front. The wounded man, helped by Mr. SCHWARZ, had just strength enough to reach the butt when he fell down, and never spoke or moved afterwards. He died in fifteen minutes, his poor father supporting him and calling on his name. The young man who fired the shot was a bosom friend of the deceased. Seeing the centre signalled, he thought all was right. He lay down backwards to his shot, did not see the danger flag put up at either end, did not hear the word danger, and the wind being strong from the right he aimed off the target to the right to allow for the wind, so that he actually could not see the target at all, and therefore did not see the markers moving before it. It was cold, everyone not shooting was stamping about, and nobody saw the unfortunate man preparing to shoot. His aim, alas!, too true, pierced the bosom of his friend, and hit the target with a subdued thud, after carrying away a young life in its course. It is impossible for me to describe the sorrow this has produced about here. Willie SANSOM was only 22, one of the best of young fellows, and beloved by all who knew him. He had been an able and courageous volunteer through all the war. A large percentage of such distressing accidents as this would, I believe, be avoided by any competitor about to fire being strictly enjoined to open the breech of his rifle (having the cartridge in) and keeping it open until the danger flag is lowered.

Monday 23 June 1879

DIED at Glen Craig, the residence of her father, Mr. J. WALLACE Sen, on Monday 16th inst, after a short and painful attack of heart disease, Emily Helen, aged 18 years and 8 months, the beloved wife of Nathaniel TARR of Peddie, leaving a sorrowing husband and one little boy, aged 5 months, with a large circle of friends, to mourn their irreparable loss.
“She’s not dead but sleepeth.”

Friday 27 June 1879

DIED at her residence, Somerset-street, on June 20th 1879, Eliza GOLDSWAIN, widow of the late Jeremiah GOLDSWAIN Senr; aged 77 years 10 months and 18 days. One of the British Settlers of 1820.

Monday 30 June 1879

MARRIED in St.George’s cathedral by the Very Rev Dean Williams, on Wednesday 25th June, Mr. William HUGHES to Miss Jane DENT, both of this city.

We regret to see the death is announced of Mrs. CHALMERS, wife of the respected Civil Commissioner of Cradock.

The F.B. Advocate reports: Mr. Benjamin RORKE was found dead in his bed on Friday at Winterberg. He had been ailing only a short time before his death.

Mrs. EDIE, the wife of the Resident magistrate at St.John’s River, had a narrow escape from drowning; whilst landing last week the boat in which she and her husband were, was capsized, and it was with great difficulty that they were rescued by another boat. We (Uitenhage Times) are glad to learn they are none the worse for their ducking.

The Somerset Courant reports:- On Friday Miss Maria DE WET, one of the Belles of Somerset, was married to Lieut. CARSTENSEN of the German Army, lately Lieutenant in the 3rd Regiment C.M.Y. The ceremony took place in the Dutch Church, which was filled by a fashionable audience. After the ceremony a large party assembled to breakfast at Mr. DE WET’s house, where the health of the bride and bridegroom was proposed by the Rev Mr. HOFMEYR, and that of Mr. and Mrs. DE WET by the Rev Mr LEITH. The happy couple leave for Germany.

The following advertisement appears: A Child lost from the Mission Station at Glen Thorn, on Sabbath 22nd June 1879. A boy named Ebby DAVIDSON, aged 4 years, blue eyes, light brown eyes [sic], complexion fair and slightly freckled across the face. When [obscured] had on a brown twilled suit, white holland pinafore, trimmed with scarlet braid, blue mottled tweed hat, white socks, laced-up leather boots. Having found no trace of him after a diligent search of four days, impression has become general that he must have been carried off. Anyone restoring him to his parents in Adelaide, or giving such information as will lead to his recovery, will be well rewarded. P. DAVIDSON

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