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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1875 - 4 - October to December

Friday 1 October 1875

Mr. Hollings OGILVIE contemplates a return to England, where he anticipates making a permanent stay, with a view to entering into business arrangements on his own account.

It is currently stated that the large ironmongery business of the deceased will be carried on under new arrangements by Messrs. R. TILLARD and John OGILVIE

Wednesday 6 October 1875

BIRTH on Tuesday the 5th instant at Table Farm, the wife of T.C. WHITE of three boys.

We (Herald) regret to announce the death at Uitenhage on Sunday morning last of the Rev Alexander PATERSON, son of the Rev J.T. PATERSON. The deceased gentleman had only recently completed his studies at Home and returned to this country, and his untimely death will be a sad blow to his relatives, who have our warmest sympathy in their sad bereavement. The cause of death was consumption.

Monday 11 October 1875

BIRTH at Grahamstown on 1st October 1875, the wife of Mr. Thos. CALDERWOOD of a son.

MARRIED at Blake Ridge on the 6th inst, by the Rev John Wilson, Wesleyan Minister, James HISCOCK, eldest son of Edward HISCOCK Esq of […ke], Somerset to Miss Letitia BRENT, oldest surviving daughter of John BRENT Esq of Blake Ridge, Graaff-Reinet. No cards.

DIED suddenly at Grahamstown on Friday 1st October 1875, of heart disease, Thomas PERRIN, aged 55 years 10 months and 14 days.
[illegible Biblical quote]
Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
The Widow and Relatives of the deceased desire to express their sincere gratitude to the numerous Friends who kindly [obscured] and condoled with them during their heavy affliction.

Friday 15 October 1875

MARRIED at Cradock October 6th 1875, by the Rev E. Lones, William Francis, eldest son of Mr. George KING, Bedford, to Louisa Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. Peter K. WRIGHT, Cradock.

DIED on the farm “Hopewell”, district Somerset, on Tuesday 5th October 1875, Lydia Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Robert and Mary POTE, from catarrhal consumption, aged 13 years and six months.
“God has taken her to reign with him in Heaven.”

Monday 18 October 1875

DIED at Oatlands of heart disease and dropsy, on Wednesday the 29th September 1875, John […ace] WARREN, aged [40] years and four months.

The Argus reports the death, very suddenly, of young Mr. MANN, a son of the late Mr. MANN of the Royal Observatory, and grandson of Sir Thomas MACLEAR. He was employed in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works and was highly esteemed by all his associates.

Friday 22 October 1875

BIRTH at Victoria Cottage, Market-square, Alice, on the 18th inst, Mrs. George MURRAY of a son.

MARRIED at Commemoration Chapel on Thursday October 21st 1875 by the Rev W. Tyson, Barnabas John, eldest son of the Rev B.J. SHAW, of the Ghio, to Mary Ann, second daughter of the late Mr. James DOLD.

DIED at Clumber, Lower Albany, on Wednesday 3rd October 1875, after a long and painful affliction, which he bore with Christian fortitude, Joseph BRADFIELD, aged 74 years. Deceased was one of the Nottingham Party of British Settlers of 1820.

DIED at Grahamstown on October 18th at the residence of Sir Henry LINTON, Harry Montague Stewart BROWN, aged 4 years and 2 months, only son of Mrs. A.S. BROWN.

Friday 29 October 1875

BIRTH at Colesberg on Thursday morning, the 21st instant, Mrs. Louis ABRAHAMSON of a son.

DIED at Durban, Natal, on Thursday 14th October 1875, from injuries caused by a fall from his horse, Frederick William HAYTON, son of J. HAYTON, Ashbridge House, Kent, aged 28.

DIED at his residence, “Jones Farm”, near Bathurst, on the 22nd October, after a short illness, Mr. J.H. BANKS Sen, aged 58 years and 5 days, leaving a widow and large family to mourn their loss. Deceased came to this country with the Settlers of 1820. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

Following so closely on the loss of so many other worthy old colonists, great indeed was the shock occasioned in town on receipt of the intelligence that Mr. John GAVIN had accidentally lost his life. From a letter received by Mr. CRADOCK from Mr. COWLEY, who rode with the deceased from the Ispingo last Monday, the Mercury says, it appears that they reached their destination, Mr. ARBUTHNOT’s, at the Umzinto, about 2pm the following day, Tuesday. Having completed his business, next morning, Wednesday, about ten o’clock, Mr. GAVIN left again for Mr. HEATH’s, the [E…fa] Estate, an account of the opening of the sugar mill of which is given in today’s Mercury. It was while examining the [clari…] in walking along the ledge of the battery, that the said accident happened. Mr. GAVIN’s foot having slipped, he fell into the large pan, which was boiling at the time, and though promptly rescued from the seething juice, was so seriously scalded that death [chased] at 7 45 pm on Thursday, twenty four hours after the catastrophe took place. Mr. HEATH had the poor sufferer removed to his residence, where that gentleman and his housekeeper, aided by lady neighbours, Mr. COWLEY and other friends were unremitting in their efforts to alleviate his pain. Dr. HOOPER was in attendance as speedily as possible and applied every available remedy. According to the medical report the scalding was very severe, death in a great degree resulting from the shock caused to the nervous system. Coma gradually supervened, and the sufferer breathed his last in calmness and perfect peace. Mr. GAVIN was a worthy colonist of over 24 years standing, much esteemed in every station of life. To the [obscured] he is an undoubted loss, having been more or less connected with every estate, and will be much missed, for it is not easy to replace such a thoroughly practical man. Nor is it in the busy workshop alone that his loss will be felt. In works of charity he was always prominent: not giving contentiously, yet none the less surely, as many who peruse these lines will bear testimony. His was not the charity to wait until asked to aid fellow [creatures] standing in need, he being of those who “do good by stealth and blush to find it fame”. Of this we could name several instances within our own knowledge. In John GAVIN, indeed, was recalled the poet’s words “An honest man’s the noblest work of God”. Mr. GAVIN leaves a widow, and son eleven years of age, to mourn him, having in years past lost several children by the hand of death. Mrs. GAVIN being in a delicate state of health naturally feels her loss very acutely, and has the sympathy of the whole community in her especially sad bereavement. The remains were brought into town on Friday and the funeral takes place today.

Monday 1 November 1875

BIRTH at Lawrance-Street, Grahamstown on the 31st October, Mrs. Robert KING of twin sons.

DIED at Lawrance-Street, Grahamstown, on the 31st October 1875, Robert KING, infant son of Robert and Alice KING.

Monday 8 November 1875

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 5th Nov, the wife of Mr. W. KEEN of Carlisle Bridge of a son.

DIED at Queenstown on the 22nd October, after a long and painful illness, which she bore with Christian fortitude and resignation to the Divine Will, Matilda, relict of the late J.C. WARNER, aged 61 years and 10 months. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

One of the latest English papers contains the following: “SMITH – TRAVERS. Sept 21 at St.John’s Church, Ryde by the Rev Henry Ewbank, James SMITH Esq, eldest son of the late John Owen SMITH Esq of Port Elizabeth, Cape of Good Hope, to Ellen Cole, widow of Capt. J. Dalgairns TRAVERS, late 17th Regt.”

The death of this gentleman, well known in these parts and Natal as Capt. SHAW of the 45th, and son-in-law of the late Mr. CHRISTIAN, of Capetown, although an occurrence of some four months old, may be new to some of our readers outside the circle of deceased’s connections and more immediate friends.

John GAVIN, whose death from falling at Natal into a pot of boiling sugar was lately reported in the Journal, was a man of the Geo. SHEPPERSON class. A correspondent to a Cape paper describes him in the following appreciating terms: “John GAVIN, without any of the advantages of education, was a man of remarkable intelligence and sound judgement, and that not confined merely to his adopted profession. He took a keen interest in all public questions and spoke his mind with a blunt independence and force by no means always welcome to the powers that be, who accordingly, though they would not [seldom] seek his opinion, in business matters for many years gave him the cold shoulder. He never went out of his way to speak his mind to them, but woe to the public man, from the Governor downwards, who gave John GAVIN the opening to [obscured] his plainspoken keen, honest sense upon his shifty politics. Honest as day itself, he could brook no double-dealing or trimming in others. If his wits were keen and his tongue outspoken, he had a heart as large and generous as he was modest and self-containing in giving its impulses play. Few – none, perhaps, he would say – of even his most intimate friends knew what the real motive was of his last visit to England. He had certain business to transact, machinery for himself and others to look to, and this seemed a sufficient reason to all. Few perhaps, even now, are aware that the real object of his going was to take upon himself, we believe, no fewer than eight orphan nephews and nieces, whom he brought out to the Colony that he might see to their welfare and establish them in life. It was on the occasion of the visit to England, if we mistake not, that he took smallpox, and we well remember the anxiety with which, from mail to mail, the intelligence of his recovery was looked for by his fellow colonists. The blow was deferred, to fall at last, now, in a most terrible way upon his family and the colony. It is a truly public loss. We expect none will differ when we say we doubt if there is a man in Natal whose loss will be more widely and deeply felt. Plain and unpretentious, he was one of whom any man would be proud to say that he was his friend, and when the book of Natal Worthies comes to be written, none will have a more honourable place than John GAVIN.”

One of the oldest and most worthy colonists (says the Uitenhage Times) has paid the common debt of humanity. R RESTALL Esq died after a general decay of nature on Monday morning last, having reached the unusual age of 77 years. Mr. RESTALL came to the colony in 1831, and commenced farming in the style of what is known the “English gentleman farmer”, in connection with Messrs. DUCKITT, in the Western Province. In 1840 he established himself as a sheep farmer in the Humansdorp district, where he married one of the universally esteemed family of METELERKAMP. He subsequently purchased one of those rich farms on the coast at Oliphant’s Hoek, where his spirit as a farmer was only excelled by his hospitality, which was of the old English type. His decease will be mourned by a very numerous circle of friends and relatives, as well as by several sons and daughters. His eldest daughter, married last year to Mr. Advocate Ross JOHNSON MLA, is absent from the Colony. His eldest son, Mr. R. RESTALL, Government Land Surveyor, arrived in town just in time to join in the long procession which followed his father’s remains to the grave. A large number of gentlemen from Port Elizabeth attended the funeral and thus paid a last tribute of respect to one who will always be remembered for his honesty and geniality.

Monday 15 November 1875

MARRIED at St.John’s Church, Winterberg, on Thursday the 11th November 1875 by the Rev W. Madon, James, second son of Mr. Charles BOUCHER, of Berkshire, England, to Margaret Magdaline, fourth daughter of the late Mr. George EASTLAND of Alexandria.

MARRIED at Kimberley on the 21st October 1875, William Samuel [obscured], late of D’Urban, Natal, to Mary Ann [JERVIS], late of Grahamstown. No cards.

MARRIED on the 14th November at Richmond House, the residence of James [GOSDEN] Esq, by the Rev J.C. [Marshman], Mr. William HAY, Baptist Minister, and Editor of the Cape Mercury, to Camilla BOWEN of [Holt] House, Wiltshire. No cards.

DEATH by drowning on the 13th inst, at Eschol, Bushman’s River, Robert W. REID, aged [19] years and 3 months, third son of Mr. W. REID, Nanaga.
“In the midst of life we are in death”

DIED at Middelburg on Monday morning, the 8th Nov 1875, after a few hours illness, [] Rose INNES, youngest daughter of George INNES Esq, aged 12 years and 10 months. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

Wednesday 17 November 1875

It is our painful duty this week to record the death, after a short illness, of Mr. Matthys Johannes WESSELS Senr, of Harrismith, one of the best known and wealthiest of our Dutch farmers. The late Mr. WESSELS formerly, and for many years, was resident in the Wynberg district, and always took an active part in politics. He was one of the delegates elected to take over the country from Sir George CLARK. Deceased was a strong man of a powerful frame, a determined will, constitutionally given to grumbling and not generally satisfied with any Government, or greatly prepossessed in favour of “the powers that be”. He was a true specimen of an independent, well-to-do African farmer, and looked, when we knew him first, as one likely to reach a very advanced age, but he is gone, and it seems that he had not yet reached his 67th year. The late Mr. WESSELS was one of the patriarchs of this country, and has left a considerable inheritance to his descendants. – Friend.

Yesterday at Commemoration Chapel Mr. Reginald Heber RICHMOND was united in marriage to Miss Lydia Sophia, daughter of the late Mr. William Horatio PIKE of this town. The bridegroom was the first Worthy Chief of the Ark of Safety Lodge of the Independent Order of Good Templars, and the numerous friends of both parties mustered strongly to witness the event, which passed off most auspiciously. After partaking of breakfast the happy pair left for the country.

Monday 29 November 1875

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 29th November 1875, the wife of Mr. John QUAIL of a son.

DIED at Port Alfred 28th Nov, Elizabeth COCK, beloved wife of Mr. William COCK Senr, of Port Alfred, aged 83. The funeral takes place at 3 o’clock tomorrow.

Friday 3 December 1875

BIRTH at Queenstown on the 25th November, the wife of J. Drought BIRD Esq MD of a son.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 2nd inst, the wife of Herbert Augustus JENNER Esq, Sub-Inspector of the F.A.M. Police, of a son.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 29th November 1875, the wife of Mr. John QUAIT of a son.

MARRIED at Grahamstown on 29th Nov by the Rev Mr. Packman, William Henry, eldest son of Mr. John SWAN, Port Alfred, to Emily Mary, third daughter of the late Mr. John ROBOY, Manley’s Flats, near Grahamstown. No cards.

Monday 6 December 1875

BIRTH on the 3rd inst at Carl’s Rust, the wife of Hugh Campbell HUNTLEY of a son.

On Wednesday last the bachelors of Cradock sustained a severe loss in the defection of one who, during the days of his single blessedness, had been an ornament in that happy class of beings – we allude to Mr. Chas. HEATHCOTE, the genial and much esteemed owner of Steenbok Vlakte, who was on that day united in the bonds of matrimony with Miss Ida PHILLIPS, a daughter of the late Mr. F.S. PHILLIPS of this town. The ceremony was performed in St.Peter’s Church by the Rev M. NORTON, and was witnessed by a large and much interested assemblage, in which the ladies – as is usual on such occasions – greatly predominated. On the previous evening, to mitigate in some degree the pain of this bereavement – the bachelors, with some of the benedicts, were entertained by Mr. HEATHCOTE at the Victoria, and if only half the good wishes there expressed for the happiness of the bride and bridegroom are fulfilled, they will enjoy no small share of good fortune. - Register

Friday 10 December 1875

BIRTH on Wednesday 8th inst, the wife of Mr. Wm. WALKER of a daughter.

Friday 17 December 1875

BAPTIZED by the Rev W. Tyson, Superintendent of the Methodist Circuit, Grahamstown, on Sunday December 12th 1875, in Commemoration Chapel, Bertha Marion Florence, born 12th November 1875, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Anna HANN.

DIED at the residence of his son, Myrtle Grove, District of Bathurst, Dec 11th 1875, Charles COCKCROFT, aged 96 years, one of the British Settlers of Wainwright’s Party. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

Friday 24 December 1875

BIRTH on the 24th at Oatlands, Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. Recorder BARRY of a daughter.

DIED at Bedford School-house, the residence of her son-in-law, on the 21st inst, Mrs. J. INNES, aged 63 years, formerly of Doull’s Burn, Scotland.

DIED at Somerset East on the 21st December 1875, after a lingering illness, Archibald John McCluckie, infant son of F. and Jane GOWAR, aged 2 months and 6 days.
“Suffer little children to come unto me”.

Wednesday 29 December 1875

BIRTH on Saturday the 25th inst, at Market-square, Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. Charles WEBB of a son.

DIED at Fort Peddie on the 23rd December 1875, after a lingering illness of four months’ duration, at the residence of her son-in-law, H. GARDNER, Amelia SHELVER (born DICKASON) relict of the late Jonathan SHELVER, aged 60 years 9 months and 21 days. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
The family tender their sincere thanks to those kind friends who manifested their sympathy and attention at the funeral of the deceased.

DIED at Sea Coast, near Umtata Mouth, Tambookie Land, on the 6th December 1875, while on patrol, Mr. James George TREADWAY, Sub-Inspector of the F.A.M. Police, nephew of Mr. James BARTHOLOMEW, of Peddie, and suddenly cut off in the prime of his life, at the age of 37 years 6 months and 18 days, leaving a disconsolate wife, [6] young children and mother to mourn their irreparable loss, deeply and sincerely regretted by relatives, friends, and by the Force of which he had been a member for nearly 22 years.

Friday 31 December 1875

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 29th Dec, at the residence of Mr. C.R. GOWIE, the wife of Mr. W.W. PADDON of a daughter.

BIRTH at Fort Peddie on the 25th December, the wife of Inspector NESBITT of a son.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 28th instant, the wife of Mr. D.C. GRADWELL of a daughter.

It is with deep regret we have to report that Mr. Thomas HAYTON, one of the members of the firm of HEIDEMAN, MINTO & Co, of Grahamstown, lost his life on Wednesday afternoon whilst boating at the Kowie. Mr. HAYTON was an ardent canoeist, having an elegant imported boat of his own upon the river, and had gone down this Christmas to enjoy the exercise. Having with his friends voyaged the river very successfully as usual, Mr. HAYTON gave way to a temptation to venture over the harbour bar, and twice accomplished the feat. A third time he went, and in returning to the river the frail boat turned over upon the bar. A gentleman swam out, without avail: our unfortunate young townsman sank, and the body could not be found until Thursday. Thus a gloom is once more cast upon the holiday season at our little port, and a well-known face will be long and severely missed by many in Grahamstown. The interment of necessity takes place at Port Alfred.

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