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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1873 - 4 - October to December

Friday 3 October 1873

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 30th September, the wife of Mr. W. WEBB (Mill River) of a son.

DIED at her residence, Queenstown, on Sunday the 28th September, Mary, the beloved wife of William HARTLEY Senr, aged 66 years and 9 months, deeply regretted by a large circle of relations and friends. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

Another blank has left in the rank of the few survivors of those who came to the colony in 1820. Mrs. W. HARTLEY departed to her long home on Sunday last, after a trying and severe illness, having suffered during the last month as we would fail to describe. Mrs. HARTLEY was for many years resident in Grahamstown, where she was well-known and beloved. She was a sister of the Hon. S. CAWOOD, and was connected by family ties to most of the old families of Lower Albany. – Queenstown Free Press

Monday 6 October 1873

DIED at Grahamstown on the 3rd inst, Emily Jane (aged 18 days) beloved daughter of John and Elizabeth WEBB. Market-square, Grahamstown.
October 6th 1873

Wednesday 8 October 1873

BIRTH this morning at Hilton, the wife of Arthur DOUGLASS of a son.

Friday 10 October 1873

MARRIED by Special Licence at the residence of the bride’s father, on Tuesday Sept 30th 1873, by the Rev P.E. FAURE, assisted by the Rev P. Rosa PIETERSON, the Rev Abraham FAURE Jr, to Margaret Magdalene, eldest daughter of Mr. J.D. PIETERSON of Wynberg.

Monday 13 October 1873

BIRTH on the 12th inst at Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. Gilbert FARIE of twin sons (one still born)

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Saturday last, the 11th inst, the wife of Mr. B.H. HOLLAND of a son.
13th October 1873

DIED at Grahamstown this morning, 13th October 1873, of true croup, after a severe and painful illness, Claude Dexier, youngest and beloved son of Herbert and Mary GUEST, aged 7 years 8 months and 26 days.
Mrs. GUEST and family desire to return their sincere thanks to those kind friends who watched over and paid such attention to him during his illness, and also for the many kind offers that were made to render any assistance that might have been required.

Friday 17 October 1873

DIED at Cradock on the 10th October, Amy Gardner, beloved twin daughter of Wm. Joseph and Sarah Elizabeth TROLLIP, aged fifteen months.
“We shall part but not forever”.

DIED at Bloemfontein on the 5th October 1873, the youngest and beloved daughter of B. and Eliza HALL, Sarah Jane, aged 6 years 11 months and 2 days. Friends at a distance will please to take notice.

DIED at Bloemfontein on the 28th September, Herbert John Anderson, aged 4 years 11 months and 11 days, eldest son of Robert and Mary Ann INNES, and on the 3rd October, Roderick Robert, third son, aged 2 years and ten days. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

Friday 24 October 1873

BIRTH at Mount Pleasant, Bushman’s River, on the 12th October 1873, the wife of Mr. henry S. DENTON of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 22nd last, after a severe and protracted illness, John Ebenezer, youngest son of James and Catherine BLACK, aged 20 years and 8 days.
24th October.

The partnership hitherto subsisting between William and James GOLDSWAIN, trading under the style or firm W. and J. GOLDSWAIN, as Curriers, has been dissolved by mutual consent from the 1st August 1873. All liabilities will be settled by the first undersigned, and all accounts to be paid to the same.

Monday 27 October 1873

MARRIED at St.Peter’s Church, Sidbury, on the 22nd October 1873, by the Rev G. Thompson, Mr. Thos. NOSWORTHY, eldest son of Hy. NOSWORTHY Esq of Green Vale, to Miss Amy Jane PARKINS, fourth daughter of Mr. W. PARKINS of Howison’s Poort. No cards.

Friday 31 October 1873

MARRIED at Zeerust on the 7th Oct 1873, by the Rev H. Sadler BA, Richard, only son of Isaac PENNY Esq JP, Liscard Manor, Birkenhead, to Isabel Emmiline, second daughter of John E. HUTTON Esq JP, and Landdrost of the District of Marico, South African Republic.

MARRIED in Commemoration Chapel by the Rev Robert Lamplough, Wesleyan Minister, on Wednesday morning, October 29th 1873, William Bunting, second son of the late Rev Thomas SHAW, Wesleyan Minister, of Buxton, England, to Mary Evans, fourth daughter of William WEBB, Bathurst-street, Grahamstown.

MARRIED on the 14th Oct 1873, at Kimberley, Griqualand West, by the Rev F.W. Dorst, John E. DICK-LAUDER Esq, second son of the late Sir John DICK-LAUDER Bart, of Grange and Fountain Hall, Scotland, and the Lady Ann DICK-LAUDER, to Rosa Wright, second daughter of C.H. CALDECOTT Esq JP of Amalinda Park, Kaffraria, Cape of Good Hope.

MARRIED at Fauresmith, Orange Free State, on the 9th October by the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Bloemfontein, assisted by the Rev S,W. Steven and the Rev W. Barrow, Abraham FISCHER of Kimberley, son of the late George FISHER Esq of Capetown, to Ada, eldest daughter of J. Robert ROBERTSON MD of Fauresmith.

MARRIED at Fauresmith, Orange Free State, on the 9th October by the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Bloemfontein, assisted by the Rev S,W. Steven and the Rev W. Barrow, Richard Keats Henry D’ARCY, Acting Treasurer and Member of the Executive Council of the Province of Griqualand West, son of Major D’ARCY, late 18th Royal Irish, to Florence Annie, second daughter of J. Robert ROBERTSON MD of Fauresmith.

DIED near Ladysmith (Natal) on 20th September last, James, third son of the late Mr. S.T. JAMES, “James’s Party”, aged 50 years.

Friday 7 November 1873

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 1st Nov 1873, the wife of Mr. Charles WEBB of a son.

MARRIED on the 6th November at St.George’s Cathedral, by the Very Rev the Dean of Grahamstown, assisted by the Rev Canon Thompson, Francis BROWN Esq, Barrister-at-Law, to Elizabeth Mary, eldest daughter of the late Edward IRVING C.E. and granddaughter of W. COCK Esq of Port Alfred.

MARRIAGE – Yesterday morning a very interesting wedding ceremony was performed in St.George’s Cathedral, by the Dean, assisted by the Rev Canon Thompson. On this occasion Mr. Advocate BROWN was married to Miss Elizabeth Mary IRVING, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Edward IRVING C.E. and granddaughter of Mr. W. COCK of Port Alfred. The ceremony was witnessed by a number of the bride and bridegroom’s friends. After partaking of refreshments at the bride’s home, the newly married couple left for Nazaar.

It is a notable circumstance, one deserving of more than an ordinary passing comment, that the oldest of the British Settlers now living, Mr. COCKCROFT, of Myrtle Grove, who has attained the great age of 94 years, recorded his vote at Clumber on Wednesday last. The venerable colonist, who has always been remarkable for his sturdy independence of character, and indomitable pluck and perseverance, insisted upon being conveyed to the Polling Station, a distance of several miles from his place of residence, expressing his anxious desire to vote once more for a friend of more than fifty years standing. He recorded the whole of his ten votes for Mr. GODLONTON.

Yesterday the mortal remains of the late Dr. DAVIS were interred in the Church of England burying ground, the Dean officiating. A long line of mourners, including many of the most respectable inhabitants of the town, followed in procession from the late residence to the place of interment.

Monday 10 November 1873

DIED at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. A. KING, Grahamstown, on the 8th November 1873, Grace KESTELL, aged 88 years, relict of the late Charles KESTELL, both of Plymouth, and came to this colony with Dr. MORGAN’s Party in 1820.

Monday 17 November 1873

Should this reach the eye of Mrs. G. MORRIS, alias Mrs. VEZEY, alias Emma LANGLEY, who left Grahamstown ten years ago, if she will inform her father of her whereabouts she will oblige, as her mother is dead. Supposed to be at Tatin Gold Fields or Natal.
Address: E. LANGLEY, at Mr. ORGILL’s carriage builder, Grahamstown.

Eastern Province Guardian, Loan and Investment Company
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Estate of the late George WEDDERBURN and subsequently deceased spouse Mary WEDDERBURN, born CROFT
The Undersigned as the duly appointed Agent of the Executor Dative of the Estate of the late George WEDDERBURN, and subsequently deceased Spouse Mary WEDDERBURN, born CROFT, requests that all claims against the said Estate may be sent in to the office of the above Company, Anglo-African-street, Grahamstown, within six weeks from this date, and that all Parties indebted to the said Estate will pay the amount of their several accounts at the same place and within the same period.
Ben. B. ATTWELL, Secretary
Grahamstown, November 10th 1873

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, on Thursday 6th inst, the wife of Mr. James B. BROWN of a daughter.

Friday 21 November 1873

MARRIED at St.Michael’s, Queenstown by the Rev Lucius King BA, on Thursday the 13th November 1873, Frederick William, sixth son of the late Rev William SHEPSTONE, to Harriette Bedford, second daughter of Frederick Charles WEBB Esq of Peddie.

DIED at Birmingham October 10th 1873, Mr. Thomas SHORT Senr, father of the late Mrs. Thomas LANGFORD, aged 76 years.

DIED at Waggie, District of Alexandria, November 6th 1873, Richard SIMPSON, aged 73 years 7 months and 2 days, deeply regretted by his relations and friends. Deceased was one of the Settlers of 1820. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

DIED at the residence of his uncle at Bedford, on the evening of the 13th instant, Andrew James BRINK, aged 12 years and 5 months, son of A.J. BRINK Esq, of the Division of Cradock, and grandson of the late Hon’ble Colonial Secretary J.G. BRINK Esq. of Capetown. Deceased was thrown from a horse which had run away with him, and died shortly thereafter from the violence of the fall. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice of the early death of one beloved by all who knew him.
Bedford, 17th November 1873

Monday 24 November 1873

DIED at Grahamstown, 18th Nov, at the residence of Mr. S. ALLISON, after a week of intense suffering which he bore with Christian resignation, Mr. Daniel GLASS, in the 65th year of his age, leaving a widow and sorrowing family to mourn his irreparable loss.

The unexpected death of Mr. Hermanus VERMAAK, of Addo Drift, is announced in the Uitenhage Times. Deceased was a successful farmer and a Member of the Divisional Council.

We regret to hear of a sad accident which happened at Bedford on Thursday 13th instant, resulting in the almost immediate death of a promising boy of 12 years old, named Andrew BRINK, nephew of Mr. BRINK of Bedford. It appears that on Thursday evening Mr. Jan JORDAAN, of the Goba, rode up to Mr. BRINK’s hotel at Bedford and went in, leaving his horse (Callboy) in charge of the ostler. The deceased, with some other boys, was standing outside. They began chaffing him, and said he was afraid to mount the horse. They then went in and asked Mr. JORDAAN if they might ride the horse a little way. After some hesitation, Mr. JORDAAN gave them permission, and the deceased got upon the horse. He rode him a little way down the street, and on returning past the hotel, put him into a canter. Unfortunately the stirrups, being too long for the boy’s feet to reach them, struck against the horse’s sides and he bolted. The result was that the poor boy was thrown off and received such injuries that he died within an hour.

The gratitude of this world as a general rule is what our American cousins would call thin. But we have occasional instances that gratitude is not so much at a discount as some people assume. A short time back Mr. Maurice JOSEPH, of Capetown, helped a stranger he met on the road to the Diamond-fields. Time flew by, and the giver had forgotten his kindness, but not so the recipient of it. He arrived back in Capetown a few days back a wealthy man, and his first act was most graceful. He called at the house of Mr. JOSEPH, and laying his fortune of diamonds before him, asked him to help himself, for it was through him that they were there. Mr. JOSEPH very properly accepted a small token of remembrance, and we have no doubt will keep it as a memento that kindness is not always forgotten. – Standard and Mail.

Wednesday 26 November 1873

In announcing his removal from Church-square to Beaufort-street (late Joseph GREEN’s) thanks the Public for the Liberal Patronage accorded to him during the past eighteen months, and trusts to receive a continuance of the same.
Wool, Hides, Skins and Produce bought as usual.

Friday 28 November 1873

MARRIED on Tuesday November 25th 1873, at Commemoration Chapel, Grahamstown, by the Rev R. Lamplough, William George HISCOCK to Jessie, fourth daughter of Mr. John WEBB, Grahamstown.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 28th November 1873, Charles Cambert PERRING, aged 36 years and 7 months, leaving a widow and six young children to mourn their irreparable loss.
The Funeral of the late Mr. Charles Cambert PERRING will move from his late residence, Somerset-street, tomorrow at four o’clock precisely. All friends are invited to attend.
W. PAXTON, Undertaker

DIED at Grahamstown on the 27th November 1873, William SAMPSON Senr, aged 67 years 8 months and 19 days, formerly Schoolmaster in Her Majesty’s 27th Regt of Inniskilliners. Born in Maharafelt, County Derry, Ireland.
The Funeral of the late William SAMPSON Senr will move from the Residence of Mr. D. SAMPSON, Bathurst-street, on Saturday afternoon at four o’clock precisely. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker

Friday 5 December 1873

DIED on the 4th inst at Grahamstown, Reginald James Fleming, the infant son of Mr. Gilbert FARIE, aged 7 Weeks.

DIED at Middelburg on Tuesday morning, the 2nd December 1873, Daniel Petrus HAUPT, aged 37 years and 6 months, deeply lamented by all.

DIED at Middelburg, 29th November 1873, Catharine Susan, beloved wife of George INNES. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

Yesterday morning the dead body of a man was found by a police constable in one of the back parts of New-street. The body was that of a Prussian, a comparative stranger in town, named Frietz BOWDER. Deceased, who was well connected in his native country, and was formerly hcapital [sic] sergeant in Her Majesty’s Volunteer Regiment in the East Indies, arrived in town about a fortnight since from the Fields. Since his arrival in Grahamstown the poor fellow has been on the “spree” and death is supposed to have been caused by exposure and Cape Brandy.

THE LATE MR. D. GLASS, who departed this life in Grahamstown on the 18th ult, came out to this colony when a boy with the British Settlers of 1820. Throughout his career he was always known to be a thoroughly upright and consistent man of business, while his kind hospitality to those who visited his farm will long be remembered by the recipients. The precepts of the Bible were his chart in life and its promise his hope in death. The deceased was one of the oldest members of the Albany Brethren Society, and was a respected and esteemed member of the Bathurst Divisional Council. His loss to the neighbourhood in which he resided will be sincerely felt. (Communicated)

Monday 8 December 1873

DIED lately, in Australia, from the effects of fever caught in Mauritius, Mr. Denis KEIGHEY, formerly of Grahamstown.

Friday 12 December 1873

BIRTH at Aliwal North on the 6th inst, the wife of R. LAING Esq of a son.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 12th inst, the wife of Mr. Thos. CALDERWOOD of a son.

Monday 22 December 1873

BIRTH at Alice on the 15th December, Mrs. George MURRAY of a son.

DIED at the Albany General Hospital, Grahamstown, on the 12th Dec, Mr. John VERITY, aged 63 years. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

DIED at Queenstown, 13th Dec 1873, of Scarlet Fever, Florence Kate, beloved and only daughter of John Benjamin and Sarah Elizabeth WEAKLEY, aged 3 years and 11 days.

Friday 26 December 1873

DIED at Middelburg on Wednesday 17th December 1873, of malignant Scarlet Fever, Eleanor Mary, eldest daughter of Clinton William and Anna ANDREWS, aged four years and five days.

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