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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1873 - 1 - January to March

Wednesday 8 January 1873

BIRTH at Oatlands, January 7th, the wife of Mr. Geo. REYNOLDS of a son.

(Queenstown Representative)
It is our painful duty to record the death by drowning, on New Year’s Eve, of two younger daughters of Mr. Stephen HARDING, of the farm “Queen’s Park”, adjoining the commonage [obscured] to the town. [Transcriber’s note: The rest of report missing due to a torn page. A fuller account can be read in the Queenstown Free Press here]

Friday 10 January 1873

BIRTH at Skitkop Farm, January 5th, Mrs G.R. OWEN of twin sons

BIRTH at Alice on the 26th inst, the wife of Mr. Charles HARPER of a daughter

Monday 13 January 1873

BIRTH at Bishopsbourne, Grahamstown on January 11, the wife of Arthur C. TAWKE Esq, 32nd Light Infantry, of a son.

Few announcements will cause wider or more heartfelt sorrow in the Province, not to say the whole colony, than the announcement we make today, taken over from the London and Colonial News, of the death of the Rev. William SHAW, sometimes designated, and that not altogether inappropriately, “the Apostle of Kafirland”. Everybody at all conversant with the history of this Province will know that Mr. SHAW came to this colony in 1820, as the spiritual guide of a party of British emigrants. It was one of the largest parties then formed, consisting of upwards of a hundred families, associated under the conditions prescribed by the imperial Government. Any party so formed had the privilege of electing their own minister, and though the party in question was composed of members of various religious denominations, all by common consent accepted Mr. SHAW as their future pastor. And perhaps it will not be too much to affirm that no better selection could have been made. It is true he was at the time a young man of but twenty two years of age, but it is no less correct to remark that this juvenility was blended with a gravity of deportment, a considerable amount of practical experience, and by a depth of piety, which placed him at once on a level with men of far more mature age. His extraordinary administrative ability and his consummate discretion were soon seen in reconciling conflicting interests and in maintaining harmony amongst parties of diverse religious opinions, and modes of thought on other subjects. In doing this, nobody could have assumed a less exclusive position that Mr. SHAW, for, although coming hither as a recognised member of the Wesleyan Church, and thus primarily attached to a particular body of emigrants, yet the broad catholicity of his mind, and the manliness of his nature, led him at once to contemplate the general wants of the whole settlement, and to lay himself out to do the most extensive good irrespective of sect or party. And in all this there was the utter absence of ostentation. It must be borne in mind that at the time referred to there was almost an entire absence of religious instruction throughout the settlement, and hence the physical labour of supplying, even in a limited degree, this great want can scarcely be understood or appreciated at the present day. Many who came under the influence of Mr. SHAW’s labours at that early day are still living to testify to his unwearied labours and his devoted endeavours to promote the common good. He himself records, referring to this period, “I ride every other week upwards of one hundred and thirty miles, and must, in future, regularly preach eight times during my round, independent of my Sabbath labours at home, and occasional labours in other places, but after all I cannot go to many who are saying ‘come and help us’. I should desire occasionally to go to the frontier, to the Keiskamma, where there are a thousand British soldiers without any chaplain, and also to visit Bruintjes Hoogte, where there is a considerable population of Dutch and Hottentots without a minister. I am anxious also to visit Somerset, where I hear a number of people are collected together, and to preach regularly on the Sabbath at Grahamstown and some other places.”
This will show the yearning desire he felt to be made the instrument of extensive good in the country, and though he despaired of overtaking the work before him, or of meeting the wants of the community in which he found himself placed, no individual could apply himself to the task with more singleness of aim, or could be expected to achieve greater triumphs than he with the means at his command. These means, regarded from a worldly point of view, were exceedingly small and insignificant. But then, to compensate for all this, he carried with him, so to speak, a charmed life. His character was absolutely beyond reproach; his influence was operative on all around him. Wherever he went all felt they were in the presence of a good and sincere man. His very deportment commanded respect, vice of every kind standing abashed in his presence.
But even here, wide as was his range of exertion, the colony itself was far narrower than his humane sympathies. He looked beyond the colonial boundary; and he saw thousands of heathen Kafirs living without God and without hope, a scourge to the colony, and slaves to the worst passions of man’s fallen nature. After reflecting upon the state of these people, and the means he had of meeting their case, he determined to make, at all events, an effort in that direction. “I saw”, he says, “great and serious difficulties; the greater part of our friends regarded us as rashly throwing away our lives in going among a people who, they seemed to fear, would certainly murder us. They had within the previous six days stolen many cattle from the colonists, and a commando of soldiers was expected to be sent into the country immediately to punish them. All this appeared to portend danger and difficulty to us”. Such were the discouraging circumstances under which Mr. SHAW founded the Kafirland Mission in 1823 – a mission which has continued to spread and take deeper root to this day. The stations planted by him have opened up a highway to Natal, and have been the means of extending British commerce and the prestige of the British name throughout the land.
After labouring himself as a missionary in Kafirland for several years, aided by his excellent wife, and seeing many other stations established in that country, Mr. SHAW returned in 1833 to his native land and was there when in 1835 the news reached him of the invasion of the colony by the Kafir hordes. All who are familiar with the public records of that day will be aware that that outrage was charged by the Home Government to the account of acts of injustice first committed by the colonists, the Secretary of State of that day going as far as to justify the Kafirs for their murderous aggression. Mr. SHAW was too manly to suffer this to pass unrefuted; he immediately addressed a letter to the Secretary of State, the Earl of Aberdeen, in which occurs the following passage:-
“Everyone asks ‘What has been the cause of this ruthless attack by the Kafirs?’ Doubtless your Lordship would be glad to obtain a satisfactory answer to this question. I will endeavour to give it. But before I do so permit me to perform an act of justice to the British Settlers of Albany. Some of the public prints, in reporting these occurrences, have charged the settlers with exercising cruelty and injustice towards the native tribes, and have more than insinuated that the Kafirs have been thereby goaded into retaliation. Now, my Lord, I wish distinctly to state that I believe this to be an unfounded calumny. I profess myself, and am very well known to be, a devoted friend to the native tribes, but I will not be a party to the advocacy of their rights on principles which involve an aggression on the character and claims of others "Fiat Justitia riat calum". I cannot perceive that true philanthropy requires me to blacken my white friends for the purpose of making my black friends white….It is manifestly unjust to charge upon a whole body the faults of individuals. The ready cooperation of a very large and influential body of the settlers in every religious and benevolent institution established by the missionaries of various denominations with a view to propagation of the gospel, and the general improvement of the native tribes, ought in justice to be taken in full evidence of their friendly feeling toward the aborigenes, and of their being incapable of the cruel conduct which has so thoughtlessly and unfairly imputed to them.”
But beside this letter to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr. SHAW was examined at great length on the subject of the Kafir outbreak before a Committee of the House of Commons, and his evidence as recorded in the minutes of the House will not only show his sterling independence of character, but will also evince his intense sympathy with the Colonists, and his determination to defend them against the unjust imputations to which they were then so cruelly exposed.
Early in 1837 Mr. SHAW returned to the Colony, resuming with all his wonted vigor his duties of General Superintendent of Wesleyan Missions in the Eastern Province and regions adjacent. It is hardly necessary to remark that this appointment gave him extensive control over the Missionaries of his Church employed in this wide field of missionary labour. And yet, it is worthy of remark, that the closer his intercourse, and the more perfect his control, the more highly was he loved by all parties. His peculiar talents claimed for him the deference and regard of all with whom he was associated. His catholicity of spirit secured him the respect and confidence of all parties. So much was he esteemed, and so highly was his judgment estimated, that the late eminent Bishop GREY, when on visitation in this quarter, never failed to make an early call on Mr. SHAW, in order to discuss with him those important matters in connection with the spread of Christianity in which both took so deep an interest, and to which both had so earnestly devoted their whole lives.
In 1853 Mr. SHAW felt compelled by failing health, partly induced by severe domestic bereavement, again to return home, leaving as a result of his labours in this country a chain of missionary stations extending across Kafirland to Natal, and to the north as far as the Vaal-river, the now celebrated diamondiferous region. In 1820 he stood alone; in 1854 he had associated with him 36 accredited missionaries: 90 paid catechists or schoolmasters, and of unpaid agents or assistants no fewer than 688. He witnessed the Kafir tongue reduced to a written language, the Holy Scriptures translated into the vernacular, and schools and chapels established throughout the land. He stands in short an example of what a single individual may accomplish, when his aim is pure, and his whole life devoted to the accomplishment of a well-defined object. Nor has this work been done in a corner. It stands in the full blaze of day, and it says, as plain as example can speak, "Go thou and do likewise”.
It was at this period that Mr. SHAW published a volume entitled “The Story of my Mission”, in which he narrated in concise terms his adventures as a missionary in this country. This work is a worthy contribution to the missionary annals of the age, and will convey better than any other monument to a future age an idea of the privations and difficulties of one of our noblest pioneers, in Christianising the savage wilds of this country.
To give an outline of Mr. SHAW’s character is not difficult, so perfectly free was he from everything that could create doubt or excite suspicion. His very bearing was indicative of his ingenious character. And the better he was known, the more highly he was reverenced and appreciated. To describe his peculiar idiosyncrasy, the single word “Solidity” as designating the British army, will be the last term that can be applied to him. His intellect, though not what could be termed brilliant, was solid, and that, not simply as related to Theology, of which he was a master, but in respect to things in general. He kept abreast with the times, and though a minister of the Gospel, never forgot he was a member of the civil community. Whatever his duties, he always came up to the level of them, and whatever his position, whether in the pulpit, on the platform or in the social circle, he never fell into the rear of any of his co-adjutors. His advice was sought by people of all classes, whether native or colonist, and no aid he was able to afford to the indigent was ever sought from him in vain.
The influence of such a character, so unostentatious and yet so influential, was markedly seen in his late years by the honor conferred on him by his compeers in the Wesleyan Ministry. The President of that denomination is annually chosen at what is known as “the Conference”, an assemblage of some six hundred men, distinguished for their intelligence and for the important positions in which they are severally placed. It follows then that Mr. SHAW, on being elected to fill the Presidential chair, had conferred upon him the highest token of respect it was in the power of the Wesleyan Church to bestow – a choice, the propriety of which his subsequent administration of the duties of that high office abundantly confirmed.
In this country, especially in Kafirland and the Eastern Province, the name of William SHAW will ever be regarded with affection as a household word. He has left his mark upon this country – one impressed so deeply as never to be erased. Without the merest semblance of pretension he commanded the reverence and respect of all with whom he was brought into communion. All his instincts were benevolent, all his aspirations were to leave the world better than he found it. That he accomplished a great work in this country, facts abundantly testify. He stands before us as the [trained] Missionary, as the faithful Pastor, as the upright Citizen, and as an example, which claims our admiration and is worthy of the closest imitation. His unostentatious habits gave a dignity to his deportment, before which no loose frivolity could find a place. It would be rash to say we shall never look upon his like again, but it may be safely averred that he was a man, take him for all in all – that was an honour to the country and a distinguished benefactor to the human race.
His death was unexpected, and humanly speaking, premature. The particulars, as yet received, are meagre, and simply state that he passed away without a struggle, conscious that his work here was done, and that he was called to higher and holier employment. Mrs. H. BLAINE, his eldest daughter, and other members of his family, ministered to his dying wants, and he seems to have had all that consolation which is alone to be derived from the Gospel it was his life’s labour to proclaim. Those who knew him best will feel they have lost a friend in whom they could put implicit trust, that the Church is bereft of one of its staunchest defenders, and that the World is deprived of one whose memory is deserving of especial record.

(London Colonial News)
A good and venerable man has just departed from our midst, whose name is a “household word” in South Africa. Few men, indeed, have been so honourably associated with Cape history, during the past fifty years, as the Rev William SHAW, whose decease we have to record. He had for some sixteen years past resided in England, and expired on Wednesday last, the 4th inst, at his house at Brixton. He was within a few days of attaining his 74th birthday, and it is a pleasure to know that up to the last he retained full possession of his faculties; and a conscious sense of having been usefully and happily employed throughout a long lifetime. Mr. SHAW had been unwell three weeks before his death.

London, December 6 1872
All your readers will be grieved to learn of the death of the Rev W. SHAW. His illness was sudden, arising from a severe cold, caught while bidding farewell to a mission of the Wesleyan Church who was leaving for a foreign land. The day was wet, but Mr. SHAW always showed his deep sympathy and affection for anyone leaving for the missionary field by seeing the last of him in this land if circumstances at all permitted. He was thus engaged almost a month ago, and lingering about in the wet, caught a chill, which developed itself into a severe cold. This settled on his lungs, and gradually got the upper hand of all human effort. After lingering for about eight or ten days, confined to his room, he died in the midst of his labour, it may be said, and within a few days of his 74th birthday. He maintained his consciousness to the last, and spoke peacefully and triumphantly of death. Great sympathy will be felt throughout the Connexion for those who are left sorrowing in this and other lands.

Wednesday 15 January 1873

The painful news was received in town yesterday that Mr. JOHNSTON, nephew of Mrs. GEARING of this city, had been drowned while bathing in the sea at the Kowie. At eleven in the morning he left the Pavilion and went down to the beach to take his customary bath. As he did not return at the time expected, and as his clothes were found on the beach, alarm was felt. Several people began to search, and the brig in the outer-anchorage, having been signalled to, lowered a boat. All attempts, however, were without avail. No signs of anyone in sea or on the beach could be seen. After several hours’ search, the conclusion was reluctantly arrived at that the current had swept Mr.JOHNSTON away and that he was drowned. Up to the time of publishing the Journal this evening no new has been received of the recovery of the body. Mr. JOHNSTON, who had but lately arrived from England, was with his sisters and Mrs. GEARING, on a visit to the Kowie, when the fatal accident occurred.
On the same morning a coloured boy about nine years old, in the employ of Mr. John HODGKINSON, was drowned while bathing at about the same part of the beach from which Mr. JOHNSTON went in to the sea. These fatal occurrences have cast a gloom over Port Alfred. We need not say that everyone deeply sympathises with the relatives of Mr. JOHNSTON. We are informed that the deceased gentleman, who was an expert swimmer, was seen to strike out for the open sea, beyond the surf.

It is with much regret that we have to report the death, from lightning strike, of Mr. Hancorn SMITH. On Monday last that gentleman was on a visit to his neighbour, Mr. GARNE, of [Palm’s] Kraal, about 18 miles from Grahamstown towards Sidbury. At about 3 o’clock in the afternoon a storm came up, accompanied by thunder. Mr. SMITH, Mr. GARNE and Mr. FOWLER were standing in the dining-room doorway, watching the lightning, when an electric discharge immediately overhead was followed by a shock. The current entered the house by the gable, passed into the bedroom, where it set the bed clothes on fire, pierced the partition wall between that apartment and the dining-room, and in escaping by the door struck the three gentlemen who were standing there. Mr. GARNE was knocked down but not injured. Mr. FOWLER received a blow in his leg, but Mr. SMITH was immediately killed. The lightning appears to have struck him in the neck and to have traversed his body along his back, on which, on examination, red marks were visible. Death was instantaneous and most likely without pain. At the moment he was offering some money to Mr. GARNE, saying “By the bye, I have not given you that…” The sentence was left incomplete by death. According to one report given us, it appears that this discharge was followed in rapid succession by two others, one of which struck the kitchen chimney, shivered the bellows which was hanging on the wall, knocked down three coloured servants and carried away the window frame. The third discharge then took affect about a hundred yards from the house, struck the ground, and killed an ox which was grazing on the spot. Mr. GARNE, however, is of opinion that there was but one explosion, and that the several accidents occurred about the same time. He says that at the time he felt as if a hatful of fire had been suddenly put on his head and as if a thousand artillery guns had been fired close to his ears.
Mr. Hancorn SMITH was the eldest son of a well known and much respected family, long resident in the neighbourhood where the fatal accident occurred. He was for some time an officer in the Mounted Police. He was unmarried. The body was brought into Grahamstown yesterday and the funeral, attended by Mr. G. SLATER MLA, Mr. GARNE and other neighbours and friends, took place this morning. The event is a very sad one and the relatives of the deceased have the sympathies of all.

DIED on the 13th inst, Mr. Hancorn SMITH, eldest son of the late J. Hancorn SMITH of Melville Park; aged 36 years.

Friday 17 January 1873

LAWRENCE, Joseph, Church-square
POTE, Peter, Church-square
Drapery Warehouses:
BIRCH & COPELAND, Bathurst-street
DAVIES, J.E., Bathurst-street
HOWSE, REYNOLDS & Co, Bathurst-street
RYALL & KING, Church-square
HEPBURN, F.W., Bathurst-street
WALLER, W., Anglo-African-street
Public Companies:
E.P. Guardian, Loan & Investment Co, Anglo-African-street
Grahamstown F & M Assurance Co, High-street
Mutual Life Assurance Co, W. OGILVIE, Agent
Standard Life Assurance Co, W. WILSON, Agent
Telegraph Co, High-street
Union F & M Assurance Co, High-st.
Fancy Goods:
JAMES, E.B., Bathurst-street
MUNDY, S., Church-square
RICHARDS, GLANVILLE & Co, Church-square
Books, Music & Stationery:
RICHARDS, GLANVILLE & Co, Church-square
Groceries &Provisions:
FLETCHER, W.A., Church-square
HILL, Henry, Bathurst-street
MACKAY, J.S., Bathurst-street
LOWE. D, Church-square
Passenger Carts:
COBB & COBB, Diamond-Field and Port Elizabeth Carts, Jas. WOOD, Agent
Masonic, J. McLAUGHLIN, High-street
THOMAS, J.A., “Railway Hotel”, New-street
Boarding Houses:
Mrs. MOYS, Agricultural, Commercial and Private Boarding House, 17 High-street
The “Albany”, Travellers’ and General Boarding House, 105 High-street, Walter SMITH, Proprietor
Florists & Seedsmen:
GOWIE, W.M., Seedsman and Florist, 21 High-street
VROOM, J.J., Nurseryman, Oatlands
Coach, Cart & Carriage Builders:
KAY, M., opposite Drostdy, Somerset-street
WEDDERBURN, J., (established 21 years) New-street
Gun & Rifle Makers and Dealers in Ammunition:
FURMIDGE, H., High-street, opposite the Court House
GRAINGER, J & Son, Church-square
SOUTH, G.H., Farrier, 34 Somerset-street, opposite residence of Dr. DAVIE
Bakers and Confectioners:
DICKS, Joseph, Somerset-street, near the stone bridge
Diamond Broker:
BARR, Fred., High-st, next to the Post-office
Jewellers and Watchmakers:
WILLCOX, J.S., Bathurst-street, near Style’s Hotel
House Painters & Paperhangers:
LEVINGS, J., Bathurst-street, next London Studio
Tinware Manufacturers:
BENNETT, L., Albany Tinware Manufactory, corner of Bathurst and Beaufort-streets
General Smith and Locksmiths:
BURGESS, W., next to D. SIMPSON’s Factory, Bathurst-street
General Commission and Market Agent:
H. WHITEHORN, No.1 Market-square. Established 1859
Soap Manufacturer, Tallow Chandler & Melter:
D. PENN, Soap Works, Beaufort-street
Drapery and General Store:
TEMPLER, T., 50 Beaufort-street
Government Surveyor:
F. GILFILLAN, Grahamstown

Monday 20 January 1873

BIRTH at Tukula on Saturday Jan 18 1873, the wife of Mr. J.E. SLATER of a son

DIED on January 17th 1873, at the residence of Mr. H. WOOD, Grahamstown, Anne, the beloved wife of the Rev W. SARGEANT, aged 46 years and 9 months.

Friday 24 January 1873

BIRTH at Colesberg on Sunday the 19th inst, the wife of Mr. Louis ABRAHAMSON of a son.

DROWNED while bathing near the Kowie, on the 13th January 1873, Mr. Henry J. JOHNSTON, son of the late M. JOHNSTON Esq of London, aged 26 years and 2 months. The deceased gentleman had only been two months in the Colony.
The Aunt and Sisters of the late Mr. Henry JOHNSTON return sincere thanks for the ready help and kindly sympathy which they have received from the residents at the Kowie during their recent sad trial. This kindness has been so general that individuals cannot be named.
Pavilion, Jan 23rd, 1873.

Monday 27 January 1873

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 27th January inst, the wife of Mr. James M. GIBSON of a daughter.

Friday 31 January 1873

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 29th January inst, the wife of Mr. D.J. ROBERTS of a son.

MARRIED on the 30th inst, at St.Bartholomew’s by the Revd. R. Mullins, assisted by the Rev L.S. Browne, Arthur Edward Cecil, youngest son of Sir William Henry FELDON Bart, of Feniscowles Hall, Lancashire, England, to Helen Pauline, second daughter of the late N.P.KROHN Esq, of this City.

Monday 3 February 1873

DIED at Dagga Boer’s Neck on Monday 27th January 1873, Mrs. John THOMAS, aged 49 years and 17 days.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 3rd February 1873, the wife of Mr. W. KING Jun of a daughter.

Friday 7 February 1873

DIED at Aliwal North at his son’s residence (G.A. ORSMOND), on the 29th January 1873, Charles ORSMOND, aged 57 years and nine months.

Wednesday 12 February 1873

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Sunday morning, the wife of Mr. W.C. MINGAY of a son.

MARRIED by Special Licence on the 12th inst, at Commemoration Chapel by the Rev R. Lamplough, John Henry WEBSTER, eldest son of John WEBSTER of Bedford, to Charlotte MARSH, second daughter of Mr. G.D. MARSH of this city.

DIED near New Rush, Diamond-fields, on the 2nd February 1873, Charles, second son of Mr. Henry DENNISON, aged 24 years.

A fine young man of the name of DENNISON, aged 24, was buried in the New Rush cemetery yesterday afternoon, the service being performed by the Rev J. Priestly. It appears that he was attacked with dysentery at the Orange River on his way hither, and died at WESSEL’s Farm, about nine miles from the camp. Deceased was accompanied by his father, who is naturally much distressed.

Friday 14 February 1873

BIRTH at Queenstown on the 1st February 1873, the wife of Mr. Ebenezer PARKER of a daughter.

DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 2nd inst, Mary Willett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George AYTON, aged 3 years and six months.

Monday 17 February 1873

MARRIED at Aliwal North on the 4th instant, by the Rev Mr Rossiter, Rector of St.Paul’s, Mr. R. LAING to Mary Anne, only surviving daughter of the late Thomas LOWRY Esq of Capetown. No cards.

DIED at Ebenezer on the 9th February 1873, Edward Tucker, the youngest son of S.B. and S.M. HOBSON. Aged 4 months and 19 days.

Among the passengers lost by the wreck of the steamer Germany, bound from Liverpool to New Orleans, were Miss BAYLEY, Mrs. EARLY and four children. The Mrs. EARLY in the above list was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. Isaiah TITTERTON of Port Elizabeth. She was married to Mr. Edward EARLY in Queenstown about seven years ago, and shortly after proceeded to reside in England. In December last Mr. EARLY and family left England in the ill-fated steamer Germany, intending to settle in America. A full account of the calamitous occurrence is given in our English letter.

On the 18th January, at Hermon, Basutoland, the Rev Samuel ROLLAND of the Paris Evangelical Missionary Society expired in his 72nd year. He was the oldest of the Society’s missionaries in Basutoland, and had been employed in mission work in South Africa for about 44 years, of which 38 were spent in Basutoland, with the exception of 3 years during which he was banished from the sphere of his labours by the Free State authorities in consequence of the war. He was born at Pierrefontaine (Doubs) in France on the 13th May 1801, and his early years were spent amongst the vicissitudes of camp and garrison life, his mother having followed his father, who was an officer of engineers during the Peninsular and Italian campaigns. At the age of 20, having become deeply impressed with religious things, he commenced a course of training for mission work, being at the same time actively engaged in France. He came out to this country in 1820 and founded a mission, with the late Rev Prosper LEMUE amongst the Baralongs at Motito in Mahura’s country. A few years afterwards he founded a new station near Mosiga (now in the S.A. Republic). Disturbances among the native tribes supervened, and the station being threatened by Moselekatso, he removed with a portion of his congregation to Beersheba near Smithfield in the Free State, at that time in Moshoshoe country. Previous to this he had married Miss Elizabeth LYNDALL, who [line cut off at bottom of column] and Christianisation of the Basutos. The station at Beersheba rapidly increased in population, numbering at one time about 3,000 souls. It soon became the most flourishing in Basutoland, and was highly prosperous until broken up by the Boers in 1865. A new station was then founded at Poortje, and this also succumbed to the war of 1865, at which time the native ministry of the veteran missionary may be said to have terminated. His strength and spirit were broken, and he was overtaken by blindness, arising from too long continued night work. He undertook a journey to Capetown in 1866 in the hope that the recovery of his sight by an operation would be attended by a renewal of strength and life. This hope was not realised; although he recovered sight his strength was spent. He settled at Hermon in 1868 and by slow degrees sank, as it were, into his grave.
His labours extending over so many years were necessarily of the most varied description, from the work of the handicraftsman and the pioneer to that of the printer and the pastor of souls. In all he displayed a wonderful aptitude, and his unflagging energy was crowned with exceptional success. The considerable buildings and plantations on the different stations built by him still bear witness to his skill, energy and industry – but more enduring than these are the monuments of his labours in the religious literature of the Basutos. More than 160 hymns composed by him are still read and sung wherever the Sesoto language is spoken, and they continue from their excellence and [obscured by ink blot] Christian poetry they breathe, to be the means of comfort, edification and conversion to many. Notwithstanding the difficulty of reducing to writing a hitherto unwritten tongue, and of making it a vehicle for the communication of the highest truth, he succeeded in translating or revising the greater part of the Scriptures. The purity of his language and the felicity of most of his renderings bear witness to the careful and conscientious labour he bestowed upon this task. To it the greater portion of his latter years was devoted, and the close application and night work which it involved were the causes of the failure of his sight, as well as of his health. Faithful to his post, however, he clung to it until the very last, and died among the people for whose welfare his strength had been spent.
Endowed with unusually sound judgment, great good sense and a keen insight into character, tempered by a large-hearted and generous charity, which endeared him to all who knew him, he obtained a widespread influence. His gentleness and wonderful meekness went hand in hand with a great decision of character and unflinching courage. Men yielded to him willingly, and as a matter of course his advice, both in matters secular and spiritual, was generally implicitly followed. Until his retirement from active work he held the position of President of the Missionary Conference in Basutoland, and the influence thus acquired was always unostentatiously and judiciously exercised. One of the most unobtrusive and least self asserting of men, his one aim in life was the glory of God and the good of souls, and to this everything in his life was made subservient. Among the Basutos his name is almost reverenced. In his daily life his simplicity and humility were most touching. He lived out of the world and free from its preoccupations. His discourses were thoughtful and earnest, and often replete with pathos and eloquence. He never fell into the common mistake of speaking in a childish or trivial manner to the natives. His sermons cost him much labour and thought and were as closely reasoned as the generality of those preached to educated audiences. The pulpit with him became not only the means of converting the soul but also of elevating the intelligence of his hearers. Forcible and to the point and withal penetrated by a deep and reverential piety, his words went straight to the hearts of man – and are still remembered by many. Nor was the service of song neglected by him; a sweet singer himself, he loved to train the voices of his people to sing the “songs of Zion” fitly and well. He was peculiarly careful also in the training and selection of those he admitted to Church membership. Most of them spent from three to six or more years in the preparatory or probationary classes which he conducted himself; and previous to their admission to full membership they underwent for several months a thorough course of doctrinal theology. There was nothing narrow or bigoted in his religious belief; it was characterised by great simplicity whilst his views of Divine truth were reached by great clearness and depth. The influence of his character and earnestness under the Divine blessing was evidenced by the number of convicts under his ministry. His roll embraces over a thousand names, whilst the carefulness with which they were trained and selected is proved by the comparatively small number of those who have cast off their professions of faith – less than a hundred. Those who know what mission work is will appreciate this statement.
The great grief of his life, which broke his spirit and secured an inexplicably mysterious [dispensation] to him was the breaking up and dispersal of his flock on two occasions by the Boer Wars; still the scattering of so large a congregation has been the means of spreading the gospel far and wide to many an out of the way and inaccessible spot. Time would fail further to trace his work – the day will declare it. The last few months of his life were spent in the midst of much weakness and suffering. A dream-like lethargy seemed to close round him till he peacefully departed clinging to the one hope of lost mankind, to awaken, we trust, in a brighter world. His funeral was attended by a large concourse of weeping natives; several missionaries and other Europeans were also present. Such men as this veteran missionary with his great and child-like heart are few and far between. They leave their work on their generators, nor will their work be forgotten by those whom it has benefited, or by the master for whom it was performed

Friday 21 February 1873

MARRIED at Vooruitzigt, Griqualand West, by special licence, by the Rev Mr Louw VDM, on the 11th February 1873, John William HUGHES Esq of King Williamstown, eldest son of the late Francis HUGHES Esq of Port Elizabeth, to Hester Susanna, second daughter of John Lowne FROST Esq of Uitenhage. No Cards.

DIED at Peddie on Sunday evening, 16th February 1873, after a painful illness of three weeks, which he bore with the greatest fortitude and Christian resignation, Mr. William YOUNG, in the 76th year of his age, deeply and sincerely regretted by his family and friends.

DIED at Peddie on Saturday morning, the 15th February 1873, after an illness of about two months, Eliza Jane, the beloved wife of Mr. John PEVERETT, aged 40 years and 10 months, leaving a young family of eight children, amongst whom is an infant daughter of only six weeks old, to mourn the irreparable loss of a kind and affectionate Mother.
Mr. PEVERETT hereby begs to express his thanks to all those friends who so kindly tendered their help and sympathy during the illness of his late wife.

Monday 24 February 1873

Yesterday a gloom was cast over this city by the news being circulated that Mr. John TATCHELL had met with sudden death through being thrown out of a cart. It appears that yesterday the deceased and a number of his friends went out for a drive in two carts. On returning home in the evening about 8 o’clock the carts were driving down the hill at a terrifically furious pace – the one driven by Mr. TATCHELL being foremost of the two. On nearing the bottom of the hill this cart was trotted along leisurely for some distance until the hindermost cart overtook it, when an exciting race commenced down Prince Alfred-st, and so fast were the carts driven that a by-stander informed us that he was unable to distinguish the persons in them. All went well until the bottom of the street was reached, when in turning the Drostdy corner to go up Somerset-street, the velocity of the rate at which it was going caused the cart to turn over in crossing the wide sluit there. There were in the cart at this time four other persons besides deceased; James DELAHUNT, Patrick BRUCE, Miss CAPELS and a little boy, the son of the deceased. TATCHELL was driving and was sitting on the left hand side. The cart in turning fell to the left. The four persons above mentioned were thrown right out of the cart and escaped in an almost miraculous manner with some bruises of no very serious nature. TATCHELL was thrown under the cart, which turned upside down. He was dragged for some ten or a dozen yards under the vehicle before the horses were stopped, and when he was taken from under the cart blood was oozing out of his ears. Medical attendance was at once procured and he was conveyed to his home on a stretcher in all but lifeless condition. Until half past twelve all that medical skill could do was done for the sufferer when he expired, death resulting from a fracture of the skull.
Deceased was well known in town and had been for some time in the employ of Mr.W. HAW as storeman. He was much valued by his employer and respected by many of the townspeople, which is shown by the fact that in the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows, of which Society he was a member, he held the second highest office in the Lodge. He was also the Secretary of St.Patrick’s Society and was the Chief Ranger in the Forester’s Lodge. His funeral took place this afternoon, and was largely attended by members of the various societies above named. Deceased leaves to mourn their loss a widow and four children.

Friday 28 February 1873

BIRTH at Smithfield, Orange Free State, the wife of R.E. RUSHBY Esq, on the 18th inst, of a daughter.

BIRTH on the 24th instant, at [Cross?] Farm, Bathurst district, the wife of Mr.O.B.D. TIMM of a daughter.

Monday 3 March 1873

BIRTH at Alexandria on Thursday 27th February 1873, Mrs. Frank PATTISON of a daughter.

BIRTH in Beaufort-street, Grahamstown on Friday 28th February ult, the wife of Robert PRINGLE Esq, of Glen Thorn, of twins, boy and girl.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 2nd inst, the beloved wife of P. AMM Senr, aged 51 years.

DIED at Queenstown, February 19 1873, William GREEN, for many years a resident of Balfour, Stockenstrom, aged 55 years and 2 days, leaving a widow and twelve children to mourn their irreparable loss. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
“The remembrance of the just is blessed”.

Friday 7 March 1873

BIRTH at 7 Beaufort-street, the wife of Mr. James BELL, Dental Surgeon, [R.C.S.F.] of a son

BIRTH at Panmure, Vaal River, Albania on February 17th 1873, the wife of Mr. Alfred OATES of a daughter.

DIED at Grahamstown on Thursday morning, after a short illness, William, second son of Mr. Thomas BLACK, of this city, aged 22 years and 10 months.

Monday 10 March 1873

BIRTH on the 9th inst at Graham’s Town, the wife of the Hon. S. JACOBS Esq of a son.

A very sad occurrence took place on Tuesday morning by which a man named John COCHRANE was instantaneously hurled from time into eternity. The post cart (COOK’s) had just taken up in Caledon-street its passengers, Mrs. TANTE and another lady. The deceased, who was standing with two other men at the corner, near the Malay Mosque, got knocked down by the leaders and the cart passed over him, completely smashing his skull. The Magistrate, Fieldcornet and District Surgeon were quickly on the spot, and a post mortem examination was held by Dr. SUTHERLAND, which showed that death must have been instantaneous. The cart was driven by the well known whip, Kafaar Sen, and he was arrested and brought up from the Bay in the evening on a charge of culpable homicide, but on his arrival here was immediately liberated on bail. Deceased was the son of a former gaoler of Uitenhage, by a coloured woman. He had been all his life, with the exception of two intervals, in the ROSELT family, and was servant of Mr. Surveyor ROSELT when he was killed. He was highly respected by Mr. ROSELT for his fidelity and honesty. He was formerly a member of the Cape Corps; had a horse shot under him at Boomplaats; and was one of the few who remained loyal when the corps mutinied. – Uitenhage Times.

Friday 14 March 1873

DIED at Buxton in Derbyshire, England, on the 11th February, suddenly, the Rev Thos. SHAW, Wesleyan Minister, aged 54 years.

A DISTRESSING CASE of assault was heard before our worthy Resident Magistrate (Colesberg) on Thursday morning, when Mr. Samuel ALLISON of Grahamstown charged his son William with assault and threatening to take his life, but at the request of the complainant the prisoner was discharged with a caution. On the afternoon of the same day the son was again lodged in gaol on a charge of assaulting his father, and yesterday he was ordered to find two sureties in £10 each, and himself in £20, biding him to keep the peace towards his father and all her Majesty’s subjects. – Colesberg Advertiser.

Friday 21 March 1873

BIRTH at Trompetter’s Post on Friday 7th inst, the wife of Mr. W. MONTGOMERY, hotel-keeper, of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 19th inst, Matthew SWAN of Wangford, Suffolk, England, aged 74 years and 5 months. Suffolk papers please copy.

DIED at the Residence of The Rev Canon Henchman, Fort Beaufort, on Wednesday the 12th inst, Thomas GILBERT Esq of Tipton Manor, aged 57 years.

DIED at Clifton, Baviaan’s River, on Friday the 14th instant, Mr. William ROBERTS, formerly of Grahamstown; aged 49 years.
Grahamstown March 21 1873.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 21st March, Mrs. Katherine Kidd (relict of the late Joseph TROLLIP Senr) in the 79th year of her age.
Grahamstown, 21st March 1873

Monday 24 March 1873

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 17th March, the wife of Dr. T.J.L. DILLON of a daughter.

Monday 31 March 1873

BIRTH at Cradock on the morning of the 24th March, Mrs. Jerh. WOODLAND of a daughter.

DIED at her residence, De Beers, New Rush, on the 21st day of February 1873, Elizabeth Eadon MOSS, beloved wife of F.T. MOSS, aged 38 years, deeply regretted by her relatives and friends.

DIED at Stoke Newington, London, on Monday evening 27th January 1873, when on a visit to relatives in her native land, with the view of obtaining medical aid, Mary Ursula, the beloved wife of Martin E. SMIT Esq of Seymour, Stockenstrom.

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