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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1872 - 1 - January to March

Tuesday 2 January 1872

The telegram from the Cape, to which we gave publicity on Saturday afternoon, announced the death of Mr. T.B. BAYLEY, of Wynberg. This event, wherever the deceased was known, will be felt as a loss of no ordinary magnitude. In Capetown, and within a large circle around it, Mr. BAYLEY’s name was familiar, as one whose steady aim was to advance the interests of the Colony. With a highly-cultivated mind, possessing fine taste, and having ample means, his constant endeavour was to elevate the tone of public feeling and to augment the resources of the Colony. Few have introduced into this country a greater number of valuable products, or imported finer live stock, in horses, cattle and sheep, of which our farmers are reaping the benefit. “The Oaks” in Caledon, for many years in his possession, was renowned far and wide as a model farm, on which everything was conducted on system, displaying at once the good taste and unbounded liberality of the proprietor. As such it was eminently calculated to improve the mind and instruct the Colonial farmer on subjects of the highest importance to his immediate welfare; and even after Mr. BAYLEY’s retirement to Wynberg there was no perceptible diminution in his desire or exertion to benefit the Colony. Residing in this beautiful village, as a Valetudinarian, he laid himself out to be of service to the country.
The Cape can ill afford to lose a member of Mr. BAYLEY’s high intellectual standard, and hence his death cannot be otherwise felt than as a severe public bereavement.

Friday 5 January 1872

DIED at Grahamstown on the 4th January 1872, Mr. Edward Thomas COOKE, late of Capetown; aged (about) 29 years. Friends will please accept this notice.

DIED at the residence of Mr. J.J.H. STONE, in Grahamstown, on Saturday the 30th December 1871, Mr. John FULLER, recently from the Diamond-fields, aged 43 years.

Monday 8 January 1872

MARRIED on the 4th instant at Commemoration Chapel, Grahamstown, by the Rev R. Lamplough, Benjamin, eldest son of the late Mr. B. SMITH, to Elizabeth Susannah, eldest daughter of Mr. G.F. BLACKBEARD, both of this city.

Friday 12 January 1872


Builder and Undertaker, Hill-street, Grahamstown

Enrolled Agent of the Magistrate’s Court, Auctioneer, General Agent and Collector, Cradock

General Landing, Forwarding and Shipping Agent &c &c, Port Alfred

Wholesale and Retail Store, Dealer in Wines and Spirituous Liquors, 47 and 48 Cathcart-street, King Williamstown

Enrolled Agent of the Magistrate’s Court, Auctioneer and general Agent, Alexandria. Estates administered; Insolvent Schedules drawn out, and Proofs of Debts framed; Accounts collected, and proceeds remitted immediately on receipt; Wills. Memorials, Leases and other documents correctly prepared.

Transfer and General Agent, Enrolled Practitioner in the Magistrate’s Court, Agent for the “Mutual Life Assurance Society”, the “Fort Beaufort Insurance, Trust and Loan Investment Company” and for the “Queenstown Fire Insurance, Loan and Trust Company”, Auctioneer and Sworn Government Appraiser, Seymour, Stockenstrom.

Monday 22 January 1872

DIED at “Pleasant View” near Alice, on the 14th January 1872, after a long and painful illness, Louisa HAYWARD, the beloved wife of Jacob TROLLIP – aged 41 years 8 months and 16 days – leaving a widower and eight children to mourn their irreparable loss.
“In the midst of life we are in death”
Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

Friday 26 January 1872

On Wednesday night last the store of Mr. J. ROBB, general dealer, of this town, was burglariously entered, and money and goods to a considerable amount stolen therefrom. A horse, also, was stolen out of the stable, which, no doubt, has greatly facilitated the flight of the robber; but the exact amount of loss Mr. ROBB has sustained is as yet unknown. We understand that during the night one of the inmates of Mr. ROBB’s private residence (which adjoins the store) heard some indistinct noise, but supposed it to be from the kicking of the horses in the stable at the rear of the premises. It appears that the door of the store was broken in by means of one of the weights of the scales, which are kept in front of the store; and some of the residents living near Mr. ROBB’s describe a noise heard by them in the night, as of someone smashing packing cases. It was reported to Mr. ROBB in the morning after the robbery that a Kafir had been seen that morning, on horseback, riding hard in the direction of the Orange River, which is, we believe, the only clue as yet to the burglar.

Monday 29 January 1872

MARRIED at Sidbury on the 25th inst, by the Rev G. Thompson BA, Hugh Campbell, second son of C.H. HUNTLEY Esq, C.C. and R.M, to Maria Louise, youngest daughter of the late C.F. POHL Esq, of Carl’s Rest, Albany.

Wednesday 31 January 1872

DIED at Burnshill on Sunday 28th January, after a week’s illness, from Pneumonia with Bronchitis, the Rev James LAING, Missionary of the Free Church of Scotland – aged 68 years.

Friday 2 February 1872

DIED at Burghersdorp from Fever, on the 27th inst, Ellen, the beloved wife of Mr. D.W. WHILY, of Groote Vlei – aged 28 years 3 months and 25 days. She leaves a sorrowing husband and four young children to mourn their loss.

Monday 5 February 1872

Grahamstown Fire and Marine Assurance Company
In the Intestate Estates of Margaret MURRAY and pre-deceased spouse Robert MURRAY, and of John MURRAY (pre-deceased)
Notice is hereby given that the Undersigned has been duly appointed Executive Dative in the above Estates, and all Persons having claims against or being indebted to any of the said Estates are requested to file their Claims or pay their Debts to him within six weeks from this date.
Executor Dative

In the Estate of Margaret MURRAY
At the Tannery in Queen-street, Customers and the Public are informed that Leather can still be purchased at moderate rates for Cash Only.

Friday 9 February 1872

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 9th, the wife of Mr. J.H. PINNICK, Fort Brown, of a daughter.

Terrible Warning
On Monday last before the Resident Magistrate an action was tried between Mr. Geo. KOLBE, plaintiff, and Mr. T. NELSON, watchmaker, defendant, Mr. WEAKLEY being agent for plaintiff and Mr. TINNENY for defendant. Mr. KOLBE sought to recover a watch which had been entrusted to defendant for repair, but which, despite repeated promises, the latter neglected to repair or to deliver. Mr. WEAKLEY gave his evidence, in the course of which he described the great difficulty he had had in finding the defendant, whom he at last met “in company with the hangman”. The judgement was for the plaintiff with costs. Mr. VON WITT has since forwarded to Mr. WEAKLEY the following letter:-
Colesberg, January 29th 1872
I am compelled to address you with a warning – referring to the insult offered me in the Public Court in your evidence to the Court this day you publicly declare that you met Mr. NELSON – Watchmaker- in company with the Hangman. Now Sir, I would have you beware how you express yourself in like manner again. I am not the Hangman. I am officely appointed Public Executioner by Government. And if you insult me in like manner again Public or Private I shall take the most strict proceedings against you.
I am, Sir, yours

Wednesday 14 February 1872

In the Estate of the late John FULLER, deceased
All Persons having claims against the above Estate are requested to file the same, and those indebted to pay their debts within six weeks from this date, with and to the first undersigned.
J. Montagu STONE
Executors Testamentary
Grahamstown, February 1st 1872

Friday 1 March 1872

In the Assigned Estate of W.H. LYMBERY, Hotel-keeper, of Bathurst
All Persons indebted to this Estate are required to pay the amount of their respective Accounts to the Undersigned, or to Mr. LYMBERY, of Bathurst, on or before the 13th April next; and all persons having a demand on the above Estate are requested to send in their accounts without delay.
Stephen MUNDY

DIED on the 26th February 1872, at his residence, near Salem, Mr. William GRAVETT Senr, in the 69th year of his age. Deceased was one of the Settlers of 1820 and was highly respected.

Wednesday 6 March 1872

BIRTH at Oatlands, Grahamstown, on Sunday 3rd March 1872, the wife of Mr. John RICHARDS, of Fort Beaufort, of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 2nd inst, Edith Kate, the infant daughter and only child of James and Kate DEACON, aged three weeks and four days.

Friday 8 March 1872

BIRTH at Port Alfred West on 6th February 1872, the wife of Mr. Geo. E. JARVIS, Resident Engineer, of a son.

MARRIED February 28, at Waterford, (the residence of Mr. Edward HUGHES, the Bride’s Stepfather) by the Rev J.F. Cumming, of Mgwali, Mr. William WALKER of Grahamstown to Elizabeth Catharine, only daughter of the late Mr. James BROWNLEE.

DIED at Port Alfred West on 7th February 1872, the infant son of Geo. E and Sarah JARVIS.

Friday 15 March 1872

BIRTH at Sidbury, March 12th, the wife of T. Wm. LAKE of a son.

BIRTH at Alexandria on the 10th March 1872, the wife of F.W.K. WYLDE Esq of a son.

Monday 18 March 1872

In the Insolvent Estate of William WRIGHT of Thornhill, Division of Peddie, Farmer
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that a Special Meeting of Creditors will be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown at his Office, at Grahamstown, on Wednesday the 20th day of March 1872, at 10 o’clock precisely, for the proof of Debts.
Sole Trustee
20th February 1872

Monday 25 March 1872

DIED at Modder River on the 5th March 1872, James Paris FISHER, of Salem, aged 47 years. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

DIED suddenly at Committee’s Drift, Mr. Thomas DOVEY, aged 44 years and 3 months, leaving a widow and seven children to mourn their loss.
March 20 1872

Thursday 28 March 1872

BIRTH on the 27th inst, the wife of Rev L. BROWNE of a son.

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