Grahamstown Journal 1854 - 3 - July to September
Saturday 1 July 1854
BIRTH on the 26th ultimo, Mrs. Frederick HOLLAND of a daughter
1st July 1854
DIED at the Kariega on Wednesday the 28th June, Mr. James RITCHIE, Tin-plate worker, a native of Ulverstone, Lancashire, England. Deceased was about 30 years of age and died after a lingering illness of four months.
Graham's Town 1st July 1854
DIED on the 21st ultimo near Fort Murray, British Kaffraria, Henry GIBSON, aged 14 years.
DIED at Cradock on the 5th June, Mr. John E. MONRO, son of the late Rev Mr. MONRO, Pastor of the Independent Congregation, Cradock. Mr. GILFILLAN, C.Com. of Cradock and Dr. ARMSTRONG acted as chief mourners. Deceased was the last of the family on the Frontier.
Saturday 8 July 1854
In the Intestate Estate of the late Mr. J.G. JOLLY of Alice
The First Distribution and Liquidation Account in the above Estate will be for inspection at the Office of the Undersigned for twenty-one days.
Executor Dative
Dissolution of Partnership
The Partnership hitherto existing between the Undersigned trading under the Firm of
was dissolved by mutual consent on the 3rd instant.
Graham's Town, 3rd July 1854
Saturday 15 July 1854
BIRTH on Sunday the 3rd inst, at Grahamstown, Mr. A.W. HOOLE of a daughter.
Saturday 22 July 1854
MARRIED at St.George's Cathedral, Grahamstown, Cape of Good Hope by the Rev J. Heavyside, Frederick Charles D'E. BARCLAY, Lieut. 12th Regt, second son of Sir David BARCLAY Bart, to Isabella Caroline WEST, eldest daughter of the late Martin WEST Esq, first Lieut-Governor of Port Natal.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 2ist June, Mr. M.R. ROBINSON of a daughter.
BIRTH on the 22nd inst at Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. J.C. HOOLE of a son.
Saturday 29 July 1854
BIRTH at Kroome Park, near Fort Beaufort, on the 27th July 1854, Mrs. Henry OGILVIE of a son.
DIED at Brixton, England, on the 21st April last, the wife of Major H. CRAUSE, Half-pay CMR.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 26th instant, Mr. William TROTTER, aged 69 years. He was a native of Herefordshire and came to this Colony with the Settlers of 1820.
Saturday 5 August 1854
BIRTH at King William's Town on the 1st inst, Mrs. T.A. CUMMING of a son
DIED at Cape Town on the 21st July 1854 after long protracted suffering, George Whitfield THOM Esq, late Lieutenant in HM 91st Regt. Aged 39 years, leaving a wife and one child.
Saturday 12 August 1854
Mr. Charles HUDSON being about to return to Europe, in quest of health, requests that any claims against him may be immediately sent to the Ordnance Office, Port Elizabeth.
1st August 1854
BIRTH on the 29th July, the lady of Captain SAVAGE, Res. Bat. 91st Regt, of a son.
Saturday 19 August 1854
DIED at her residence in Grahamstown, on the 16th August 1854, after a long and protracted suffering which she bore with Christian fortitude, Anne Johanna, the beloved wife of James MARSH, in the 38th year of her age, in the full triumph of faith and hope in her Redeemer. She knew in whom she has believed. Her end was peace. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 19th Aug 1854, Mr. Isaac PURCELL, native of Buckinghamshire, England, aged 76 years, leaving a wife and 4 children. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820.
Saturday 2 September 1854
DIED at Bloemfontein on the morning of the 7th inst, during the absence of her husband in Grahamstown. Elizabeth, beloved wife of Mr. T.S. COLLEY, aged 27 years 8 months and 27 days, leaving a sorrowing husband and three little girls to deplore their lamentable and irreparable loss. The late Mrs. COLLEY's illness was caused by thinking amply and incessantly on the abandonment of the Orange River Sovereignty by the British Government, and the probable ruin which would follow that event: this drove her quite out of her mind, and she had but few lucid intervals during her illness, which continued for a period of six weeks, and ended in her early death. This is the first victim of the late policy; God grant it may be the last. Friends at a distance will please to accept of this Notice.
Thos. Smith COLLEY
Bloem Fontein
August 18th 1854
Mr. T.S. COLLEY begs to return his sincere thanks to all his kind friends in Bloem Fontein and vicinity for their incessant and unremitting attentions to the late lamented Mrs. COLLEY, during her last illness. And also for the kind respect shewn to her remains on the way to their last and sad resting place, - the more so that these attentions were bestowed during his absence in Grahamstown.
August 18th 1854
Saturday 9 September 1854
BIRTH, Monday Aug 28, Mrs. Henry KNOWLES of a daughter.
MARRIED at Queen's Town on the 6th inst, by the Rev H. Dugmore, John Godfrey WEBSTER, third son of the late Mr. WEBSTER, of the Tarka, to Elizabeth MORRIS, second daughter of Mr. William MORRIS.
Saturday 16 September 1854
BIRTH on Thursday the 14th inst, at Bathurst, the wife of the Rev John WILSON of a son.
DIED at Colesberg on Sunday the 27th August 1854, of inflammation of the lungs, after a painful suffering of nearly three weeks, Mr. Edward GIBBON, aged 56 years, 1 month and 25 days. Mr. GIBBON arrived in this Colony among the Settlers of 1820, and was one of the earliest residents at Colesberg, having taken up his abode in that village years before its formation into a seat of Magistracy. He was engaged in mercantile pursuits, in which by his persevering industry and active enterprise he greatly prospered; while his strict integrity and uprightness of character in all his dealings gained for him universal and implicit confidence. His name will long be remembered with feelings of deep respect and high esteem by a large circle of friends and acquaintances, who deplore his loss. His remains were followed to their last resting place by a very numerous company, who thus bore testimony to the very general esteem and regard in which his character was so deservedly held.
DIED at Blinkwater Hill, on the morning of 5th September 1854, Robert McDONALD, aged 48 years and 5 months, leaving a sorrowing widow and 11 children, 8 of whom are living with her, to deplore his loss. His end was peace.
Saturday 23 September 1854
MARRIED on the 5th July 1854, at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Brampton, Middlesex by the Rev W.W. GILBERT COOPER MA, Edward M. GILBERT COOPER Esq, 13th Regiment Bombay Native Infantry, youngest son of the late Colonel H.E. GILBERT COOPER, to Annette, second daughter of J.C. SAUNDER Esq, Ordnance Storekeeper, Grahamstown, Cape of Good Hope.
DIED in Cradock on the 3rd instant, after a lingering illness, Mr. Samuel FREEMANTLE. His end was peace.
Cradock, 15th September 1854
DIED at her residence in Graham's Town, on the 17th September, Catherine, beloved wife of Mr. William MILLER, leaving a husband and three children, and a large circle of relatives and friends to deplore her irreparable loss – aged 27 years.
Graham's Town, 23rd September 1854
Saturday 30 September 1854
BIRTH at Queen's Town, 27th inst, Mrs. E.T. STUBBS of a daughter.
BIRTH on the 19th September, the wife of James BOARDMAN of a daughter; named Margaret Hayes
Burghersdorp, 22nd Sept 1854
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