Grahamstown Journal 1854 - 1 - January to March
Saturday 7 January 1854
DIED at East London on the 2nd January 1854, Elizabeth Sarah, infant daughter of Captain WALKER, Harbour Master, and Elizabeth Sarah WALKER. Aged 11 months and 12 days.
DIED at Cradock on the 13th inst, Emma Whitecomb HARTLEY, wife of Henry HARTLEY & third daughter of Mr. KIDSON, leaving a family of 5 small children to lament her loss. She was an affectionate Wife, kind and loving Mother and a dutiful Child.
Saturday 14 January 1854
MARRIED at Post Retief on the 3rd inst, Sidney MOORCROFT to Miss Phoebe BAXTER, late of Barking, Essex, England.
BIRTH at King William's Town, the wife of Farrier McGREGOR, CM Rifles, of a daughter on Dec 29 1853.
BIRTH at Graham's Town on January 12 1854, the wife of Mr. John HILL of a daughter.
BIRTH on Saturday Jan 14, the wife of R. MURTON, Market-square, of a son.
DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 31st December 1853, Captain J.C. CAHILL Res. Batt. 91st Regiment, deeply lamented by his brother officers.
DIED at Fort Peddie on the 3rd instant, Phillis Elizabeth, daughter of Staff Surgeon N. O'CONNOR, aged [ink blot over number] months and 29 days.
Saturday 21 January 1854
Notice is hereby given that the Undersigned in his capacity of Assignee to the Assigned Estate of
James JOLLY of Fort Fordyce
requests that all persons indebted to the said Estate will pay their respective accounts without delay at his store in Campbell street.
A.J. McKENZIE, Assignee
Fort Beaufort
20th January 1854.
DIED at Cradock on the 13th instant, Mary Margaret, youngest daughter of Doctor E. DAVIS, aged four months.
Cradock, January 14th 1854
Graham's Town Grammar School
Visitor: The Lord Bishop of the Diocese
Headmaster: Rev Frederick BANKES MA, Magdalene Hall, Oxford
Second Master: Mr. Charles BANDELACK
The object of this institution is to provide for the youth of the Province a sound Christian education, in connection with the Church of England, of the same character with that which could be obtained in England.
Parents who desire accommodation for their Sons, as Boarders, will oblige by communicating with the Head Master.
The School will be re-opened on Monday the 23rd January next at half past nine o'clock in the morning, when it is particularly requested that all Pupils will be punctual in their attendance.
January 10 1854
Saturday 28 January 1854
BIRTH on Monday the 23rd inst, the wife of Archdeacon MERRIMAN of a son.
BIRTH at Graham's Town on Friday 20th January, the wife of W.W. SIMKINS Esq, CMR of a son.
BIRTH at King William's Town, January 20th, Mrs. Thomas PERKS of a still born male child.
Eiland's River Post
Notice is hereby given that the Business hitherto belonging to the Undersigned has been taken over by
who is authorised to receive all accounts. It is further notified that all outstanding debts after the end of February will be handed over to an Attorney for collection, without any distinction whatever.
Graham's Town
12th Jan 1854
In taking over the above Business trusts by assiduity to merit a share of the public support. It will be his study to keep on hand every article required for family consumption.
Piece Goods
&c &c &c
Highest rates given for every description of produce.
Eiland's River Post
12 January 1854
Saturday 4 February 1854
DIED at the Kareiga on the 19th January 1854, Elizabeth, wife of Richard BOWLES, aged 72 years. Deceased came to this Colony with the British Settlers of 1820, with the Dover Party, accompanied by a large family. She was an affectionate wife, and kind mother. She leaves a large circle of relatives and friends to lament her loss. She died happy, and her end was peace.
DIED at Colesberg on the morning of the 18th instant, Alfred Richard Strickland, aged 9 months and 3 days, youngest son of R.J. EATON Esq, Clerk of the Peace for Colesberg.
DIED at Colesberg on the 16th inst, Robert Bates Alexander, only child of Mr. Chas. W. MATTHEWS, aged 11 months and 18 days.
DIED at Cradock on the 13th inst, Mary Margaret, youngest daughter of Dr. E. DAVIS, aged four months.
Cradock January 14th 1854
BIRTH at Adelaide, Hadon, on Thursday 26th January, the wife of Mr. J. WHITE of a daughter.
Saturday 11 February 1854
BIRTH at Fort England on the morning of the 10th instant, the lady of Lieutenant and Adjutant E. FOSTER, 12th Regt, of a son.
BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 3rd Feb, 1854, Mrs. W.B. SMITH of a Son.
BIRTH on Tuesday the 7th inst, Mrs. W. Henry DANIELL of a son.
DIED on the __ inst, at Mr. DELL's farm, after a short illness, William HOLDSTOCK, aged 40 years, leaving a widow and six young children to mourn this painful bereavement.
DIED on the 5th instant, Gerrit Hendrick MEYER, aged 3 months and 19 days, only son of Nicolas MEYER of Burghersdorp.
DIED on Tuesday 25th January, at Middle Drift, after a few hours illness, Mr. Joseph BROOMFIELD, Commissary Clerk, aged 16 years.
Saturday 18 February 1854
BIRTH at King William's Town on the 14th February 1854, Mrs. J. AYLIFF of a son.
BIRTH at Fort England on the 13th inst, the lady of Lt-Col PERCEVAL, 12th Regt, of a son.
BIRTH on the 5th inst at Graham's Town, Mrs. H. J. RUBIDGE of a son.
MARRIED on 9th February 1854 at St.George's Church Graham's Town, by Rev J Heavyside MA, Colonial Chaplain, Mr. Edward BOOTH, only surviving son of the late Rev George BOOTH of Fort Beaufort, to Emma Mortimer, youngest daughter of Mr. Benjamin BOOTH.
Saturday 25 February 1854
DIED on the 25th February at his residence on Settler's Hill, John HARTLEY, aged 52 years.
MARRIED on the 22nd February, at the Gwali, by the Rev Mr. Thompson, Mr. James MILLS to Mary Munsie, fourth daughter of the late Rev William CHALMERS
Saturday 4 March 1854
BIRTH at Stitchel, district of Queen's Town, on the 1st February, Mrs. Thomas PRINGLE of a daughter.
In the Estate of the late Timothy FLANEGAN
The Undersigned having been duly appointed Executor Dative in the above Estate, requests that all claims against said Estate be filed with the undersigned within six weeks from this date, and all persons indebted to the Estate to pay the amounts within the same period.
Graham's Town
February 27 1854
Saturday 11 March 1854
MARRIED at Mountstuart, Rothesay, the seat of the Marchioness of Bute, Lieut-Col C.C. YARBOROUGH CB, 91st Regt, third son of the late John Cook YARBOROUGH of Crampsmount near Doncaster, to Flora Sophia Emma, third daughter of David GRANT Esq of Cambridge-villas, Notting-hill.
DIED on the 7th inst, Mrs Elizabeth Cuyler HOLT, widow, the sister of Lieut-General CUYLER of Cuyler-manor, Cape of Good Hope.
Mrs. ATTWELL begs to inform her friends that she has removed from the premises (next Mr. MANDY's) known as the Freemason's Tavern to the premises lately occupied by Mrs. Jas. DOLD, near the bridge in Bathurst-street, and has vacancies for Two or Three Private Gentlemen as Boarders.
March 4th 1854
Travellers can be Accommodated
Saturday 18 March 1854
BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 14th instant, Mrs. J. WEDDERBURN of a daughter.
DIED at Fort Peddie on Thursday morning the 16th instant, after a lingering illness of five months, Mrs. Ann HARVEY, aged 69 years. Deceased arrived on the Frontier in 1817 and has left a numerous family to lament her loss.
Shipping, Forwarding and General Commission Agents
NB Merchandize and Produce stored free of charge. Wool, Skins and Forage pressed and packed on the usual terms, by Hydraulic Press on the Premises.
Saturday 25 March 1854
MARRIED on the 28th ultimo, by the Rev Edward ARMITAGE, at St.James' Church Graaff-Reinet, Richard ARMITAGE, son of John Leathley ARMITAGE Esq of Stomperlowe Hall, near Sheffield, to Ellen Isabella, only daughter of Onslow PECHE Esq of Graaff-Reinet.
DIED on the 16th instant, at Queen's Town, Harriet, wife of Francis BENTLEY, aged 68. Deceased was one of the Settlers of 1820, and has left a large circle of relatives and friends to deplore her loss.
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