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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1853 - 3 - July to September

Saturday 2 July 1853

MARRIED at King William's Town on the 22nd inst. by the Rev R. Birt of Peelton, Thomas Alexander CUMMING, to Janet Maria, second daughter of the Rev. James BROWNLEE of King William's Town.

DIED on the 28th instant, Eliza, the wife of Mr. John HARLEY of this town.

DEATH of Lt. Col. BURNS 2nd Royals.
With regret we announce the demise at Graham's Town on the 30th ult of this officer. The deceased had undergone some hard and severe service in the recent Kaffir War, and was looking forward to his return to England, where we believe he possesses large property. The immediate cause of his death was, we are told, debility, originating in a severe attack of Influenza. His funeral obsequies were announced to take place this day, but from the inclement state of the weather will, it is understood, be postponed.

Saturday 9 July 1853

MARRIED at Somerset on the 29th ult, by the Rev Jno. Smith, Mr. David McMASTER, eldest son of Mr. James McMASTER, to Martha, sixth daughter of Mr. J.T. LEPPAN.

DIED on the 17th June, Charles ALLRIGHT aged 15 years. Deceased met with his death by a wagon running over his chest, which accident he survived only ¼ hour.

Saturday 16 July 1853

BIRTH at Fort Peddie on the 6th inst, the wife of N. O'CONNOR Esq MD, Staff Surgeon, of a daughter.

DIED at Graham's Town, 10th July 1853, Mary Ann HAZEL, aged 62 years. Her end was peace.

DIED at Buck Kraal on the 4th July 1853, Mary, the beloved wife of Wm. McCARTER, leaving five children and an affectionate husband to deplore their loss. Aged 45 years. Her life was spent in the exercise of charity to her neighbours, and her end was peace, after a happy union of 20 years.

DIED at Graham's Town on Sunday the 10th instant, Mr. Ralph GODDARD, aged 62 years and 7 months. Deceased was the first man of the British Settlers who established himself in Graham's Town. He has left a widow and five children to mourn this painful bereavement.

Saturday 23 July 1853

BIRTH of Fort Beaufort on the 13th inst, the wife of Mr. James McPHAIL of a son.

BIRTH at Alice on the 9th instant, the wife of N. DOWELL Esq of a son.

DIED at Graham's Town on the 15th inst, Sarah BLAKEMORE, widow, aged 71 years and 7 months. Deceased was one of the Settlers of 1820, and has left many descendants of her family to regret her loss.

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of William SIMPSON of King Wms. Town
The Second Account of Liquidation, and 2nd, 3rd and 4th Plans of Distribution, with vouchers corresponding, will remain at the Master's Office for the inspection of Creditors, for a term of 14 days from this date; after which the Supreme Court will be moved to confirm the Accounts and to order distribution.
Joint Trustees
July 14 1853

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Frederick LEE
The Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Insolvent Estate will lie for the inspection of Creditors and others at the Master's Office, for the term of fourteen days from this day's date; after which the Hon'ble the Supreme Court will be moved to confirm the same and to order distribution thereof.
Joint Trustees
July 14 1853

Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Estate of the late Wm. McGRAW, Farrier, Market-square, Graham's Town
The Undersigned having been appointed Executors dative to the Estate of the late William McGRAW, request all persons having any claims against the said Estate to lodge the same at the office of the first undersigned, within six weeks from this date, and those indebted to pay their debts within the same period.
Richard J. STONE
William BEADLE
Executors Dative
July 1st 1853

Saturday 30 July 1853

BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 29th inst, the wife of Mr. J.E. HOWSE of a son.

MARRIED at Lyndoch on the 13th inst by the Rev A Welsh, Mr. Thomas HALLIBURTON to Eliza Brown, eldest daughter of the late Mr. J.B. RENNIE of Craig Rennie, Glen Lynden.

DIED on the 26th June, William HARPER, son of James and Rebecca HARPER of Howard's Party, aged 11 years and 6 months

DIED on the 24th instant, at Bluekrantz, of a fit of apoplexy, Mr. Jeremiah HONEY, aged 70 years and 10 months.

The Late Mr. W.M. FYNN Esq, J.P.
This gentleman, who has left a widow and 5 children in very distressing circumstances, and whose family have been refused a pension or any means of support, has perhaps a greater claim on the Government than could well be produced by any other in the Colony. In 1828, under the patronage of Sir Lowry COLE, Mr. FYNN accompanied Captain AITCHESON to the great Zoolu Chief Chaka; and from there Mr. FYNN went to the Portuguese Settlement in Delagoa Bay, "Lorenzo Marquez", in search of the survivors of a wrecked ship. Mr. FYNN, having succeeded in his undertaking, remained five years in the Zoolu country, where he was so struck with the carnal usages practised on the Fingo clans by the Zoolus that he laid his whole mind to mitigate their sufferings: and the thousands of Her Majesty's subjects, who are now residents of Natal, and useful laborers to the white population, owe their freedom in a great measure to the exertions of this generous-hearted man. On one occasion the Zoolu army came down upon him and killed 25 of his party, Mr. FYNN narrowly escaped with his life, the whole of his property destroyed, and he returned a ruined man to the Colony. In 1833 Mr. FYNN got a situation in the Commissariat Department; but a reduction taking place, Mr. FYNN, though receiving testimonials from the officers under whom he served, he was 9 months without being employed; in 1834 he was again appointed. So much was Mr. FYNN esteemed that Cobus Congo, the Kafir Chief, was placed in his hands as a hostage to Government. In 1835 the war broke out: Col. (now Sir Harry) SMITH took Mr. FYNN from the Commissariat and got him the appointment of Superintendent of the Fingo Clans and Interpreter in the new province of Adelaide. Mr. FYNN acted as provisional Quarter-Master in the 75th Rgt and 72nd Highlanders. Mr. FYNN was sent to Chief Umhala at the conclusion of the war along with the diplomatic agent; in 1836 Mr. FYNN accompanied the military embassy under Captain DE LANCY to the Chief of the Amapondas, Old Faku, who always showed a great regard not only to Mr. FYNN but to all his countrymen. Mr. FYNN was sent to Umhala, who had been wounded by a soldier in the back by a stab of a bayonet in a time of great excitement, and as Umhala was then, as now, a very powerful chief, it was thought advisable to conciliate him, and Mr, FYNN was sent by Colonel SMITH as the most suitable person.
In the latter part of the war 1835-36 it was agreed by the chiefs Macomo, Tyali, Suto, Eno &c to meet Sir H. SMITH – all to be unarmed – in the Keiskama Bush. Mr. FYNN accompanied Sir Harry: Macomo and Tyali were to go to Fort Cox with Sir Harry leaving Mr. FYNN as hostage; Macomo's white horse having broke loose from Fort Cox and came galloping back, about 200 armed Kaffirs rushed from the ravine within 60 yards of where the conference had taken place, and, imagining treachery from the English were on the point of shooting Mr. FYNN. In fact during the whole of the war Mr. FYNN was scarcely ever from the Colonel's side. And when the Lieut-Governor Sir A. STOCKENSTROM appointed Mr. FYNN as Diplomatic Agent East of Kei, Sir Andries' parting address to Mr. FYNN had these words, which even then showed the privations Mr. FYNN endured, and is a proof of the sagacity of the Lieut-Governor (it would be well if Sir Andries had followed the dictates of his own mind on every similar occasion, and not lent himself to a party injurious to his own reputation and the enemies of the colony), Sir A. said "I do regret that it is so far in the interior, for a man with a family, where you will become comparatively isolated away from all society". Alas! The widow and orphans find themselves forgotten where they formerly had relations and friends. In 1838, Faku having been tampered with by the marauding Chief N'Campai to fall upon and destroy Kreli's people, the Gaikas, and the Tembos, Mr. FYNN succeeded in settling the matter amicably, and thus war on our border was prevented. Several successive Governors having been convinced of Mr. FYNN's zeal and abilities, wrote letters of approbation which are in the hands of the family. In 1846 Mr. and Mrs. FYNN, with 6 children, had to fly for their lives, their property destroyed, and everything burnt. The Chief of the Tambookies, Umterara, arrived with 400 men armed with guns to convey Mr. FYNN and his family to a place of safety in the colony; but Mr. FYNN thought that by going among the Amapondas he might prevent those numerous tribes from joining the war party; and during the whole of that war Mr. FYNN remained in that country, suffering all the privations which a European family must suffer cut off from all communication with civilized life. This war again Mr. FYNN and family lost all except their lives, which under Providence they owe to the hero of Kaffirland, Lt-Col. EYRE, who rescued them by making forced marches to their relief.
The late Mr. FYNN having spent such a period in remote Kaffirland, and being hidden from public notice, had the miseries of three wars to pass through, and found many young men promoted over his head who could not have a tithe of his claims upon the government; this must have greatly grieved him. And now after his death it was thought that a grant from the Kaffrarian fund, or a pension to his widow might be granted, but His Excellency refused both applications; and if this is to be the fate of the zealous servants of government, what inducement does it hold out for a man to devote a long life in such a service? Surely there ought to be some source from which such distressing cases might be relieved without making the widow and children of a magistrate the subject of a public appeal. Thank God in this Colony there is no-one in absolute want, but if the civilians provide for their own poor, the Government ought not to suffer the poor belonging to them to want. I wish some abler pen would take up this subject and I make no doubt the future Parliament would grant some relief to cases of this very distressing and very peculiar nature.

Saturday 6 August 1853

BIRTH on the 5th instant, Mrs. W.M. JAFFRAY of a son.

MARRIED on Thursday last, at St.George's Church, by the Venerable the Arch Deacon Merriman, Henry, eldest son of Theophilus RICHARDS Esq of Birmingham, to Caroline, fourth daughter of the late William OGILVIE Esq of this place.

DIED at Zout Pans Drift on the 26th July 1853, Jessie Harriet, the beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua TROLLIP, aged two years and seven days.

Saturday 13 August 1853

BIRTH at Graham's Town on Wednesday the 13th July, the wife of W.M. EDYE Esq, Resident Magistrate of the District of Fort Peddie, of a son.

MARRIED at St.George's Church Graham's Town on the 9th August 1853, by the Venerable Archdeacon Merriman MA, the Reverend Joseph WILSON to Harriet Agnes, daughter of Johannes DE SMIDT Esq, Assistant-Commissary-General.

In the Estate of the late James DOLD
All Persons indebted to the Estate of the late James DOLD are requested to pay the same forthwith to the undersigned, who has been duly authorised to collect the same by the Executors Dative.
Graham's Town
25th July 1853

The undersigned Executor in the Estate of the late widow of Christoffel Jacobus BOTHA, late of the Leeuwe Randt, in the District of Somerset, hereby calls upon all Persons having claims upon the said Estate to forward such claims to him at his residence on the Kat River, near Fort Beaufort, within 3 months from this date. And all Persons indebted to the same Estate must pay the amount of their debts within the same period.
(Signed) Theunis Christoffel BOTHA C.J's Son
Testamentary Executor
Somerset (East)
30th July1853

Saturday 20 August 1853

MARRIED in St.George's Church Graham's Town on the 28th ultimo by the Venerable the Archdeacon Merriman, John HASTINGS to Sarah, widow of the late Mr. PIKE, and daughter of A. ALDUM Sen. of Graham's Town.

DIED at Graham's Town 8th instant, Martha Spencer, wife of John HARTLEY, after a lingering and painful illness of six months.

Saturday 27 August 1853

On the 2nd August at Fort Hare, the wife of Major Thomas ADDISON, 2nd (or Queen's) Royal Regiment, of a son.

BIRTH at King William's Town on Wednesday 17th August, the lady of C. BROWNLEE Esq, Gaika Comr., of a son.

MARRIED at St.George's Church Graham's Town on Thursday 18th inst by the Ven'ble Archdeacon Merriman, the Reverend William Anderson STEABLER, Acting Colonial Chaplain at Bloem Fontein, Orange River Sovereignty, to Annie, eldest daughter of the Rev John HEAVYSIDE, Colonial Chaplain of Graham's Town.

DIED this morning, August 23rd 1853, R.M. WHITNALL Esq, aged 64 years – after a short illness of 4 weeks, for many years attached to the Engineering Department at Graham's Town. The deceased is deeply regretted by a numerous family and a large circle of friends.

Municipal Advertisement
The following Names of Voters within the Electoral Division of Graham's Town having been registered by the Registering Officer. All parties, whose names are not inserted therein, are earnestly requested to register them on or before the 4th prox, in terms of the Constitution Ordnance, otherwise they will be disenfranchised.
By order of the Board of Commissioners
A.W. BECK, Town Clerk
Town Office, Graham's Town, Aug 27 1853

ALLISON, Samuel, Somerset-street, farmer
ANDRIES, Thomas, Worcester street, shoemaker
ASHLEY, John, Dell's row, laborer
ASPINALL, John Lincoln, near Oatlands, carpenter
AUSTIN, Richard, Bathurst street, messenger M. court
ALLCOTT, James, Bathurst street, coachmaker
ALDUM, Aaron Sen, Chapel street, laborer
ASHINGTON, Stephen, Chapel street, laborer
AMOS, Henry, Bathurst street, farmer
ARMSTRONG, Robert, Bathurst street, carpenter
ATHERSTONE, William Guybon, Hill street, M.D.
ATTWELL, Brooke, Bathurst street, bootmaker
ADONIS, Graham's Town Hottentot Location, mason
AYLIFF, Jonathan, Graham's Town, attorney at law
ADAM, Esauw, Location, laborer
AFRICANDER, Klass, Location, butcher's servant
AMBRAAL, John, Location, laborer
ANDRIES, Cobus, Location, laborer
ADAMS, Hendrick, Location, laborer
AFRICA, Africa, Location, laborer
BOYES, Robert Nairne, African street, barrackmaster
BIRKENRUTH, Nathan, New street, merchant
BLACK, James, New street, merchant
BARRABLE, Thomas, Somerset street, mason
BLAINE, Henry, Worcester street, merchant
BIGGS, James, suburbs, waggonmaker
BROWN, William Thomas, High street, surveyor
BLAKE, William, D'Urban street, clerk
BECK, Andrew William, Somerset street, town clerk
BERRY, Thomas, Albert street, laborer
BODILY, John, Dell's row, laborer
BRISLIN, Charles, Beaufort street, mason
BOWEN, Henry, Beaufort street, tailor
BURGESS, G, rear of pound, laborer
BENT, Richard, near Dundas bridge, builder
BENJAMIN, Michael, High street, shopkeeper
BLACKBEARD, Robert, King street, clerk
BURNS, Edward John, Bathurst street, printer
BRADFIELD, John, Bathurst street, trader
BAKER, ___ , King street
BROOKS, Henry, King street
BROOKS, Bernard, King street, canteen keeper
BOYLE, James, Bathurst street, horse dealer
BARR, Frederick, Beaufort street, pianoforte tuner
BOWLES, William, Chapel street, farmer
BOULTON, Thomas, Market square, Baptist Minister
BELL, Edward Russell, Mill street, farmer
BROOKSHAW, [hole in paper obscuring first name], Market street, blacksmith
BOOTH, Ed[war]d, Bathurst street, clerk
BRISLIN, John, Artificer's square, mason
BARAFATHER, William, York street, surveyor
BEST, William, York street
BISHOP, John, Somerset street, gaoler
BAGGOT, Johannes, storeman, Messrs. BLAINE ser.
BRUMMAGE Sen, Samuel, Market square, householder
BRUMMAGE Jun, Samuel, Market square, brickmaker
BOOY, Gaant, High st, servant W.R. THOMPSON
BATTEN, Mieling, Beaufort street, laborer
BAX, Stephen, High street, storeman, service G. WOOD
BASTARD, John, Location, laborer
BRUINTJES, William, Location, laborer
BREMNER, James Grindly, Bertram street, saddler
BOSMAN, Philip, Location, laborer
BLAUW, John, Location, laborer
BLAKEMORE, Reuben, Beaufort street, sawyer
BOOY, David, Location, storeman, BLACK & Co.
CURRIE, Joseph, Graham's Town, farmer
COPELING, Jas., Bathurst st., salesman, B.M. SHEPPERSON
COREY, John, Artificer's square, wagonmaker
CROUT, William Edward, King street, shopkeeper
COMLEY, William, New street, gardener
COGAN, James, New street, gardener
CARLISLE, Frederick, Suburbs, Deputy Sheriff
COCK, William, Worcester street, merchant
CROFT, Charles, Hill street, farmer
CLAPPERTON, Henry, High street, shopkeeper
COUSINS, Thomas, Hill street, mason
COPELAND, William Shaw, Scott street, book-keeper
CHARLTON, Henry, New street, baker
CROUCH Sen, Richard, back New street, tanner
CURLING, Richard, Beaufort street, laborer
CLARKE, George, Beaufort street, farmer
COLE, Francis Henry, High street, postmaster
CAMPBELL, Colin Turing, High street, agent
CURRIN, Richard, African street, poundmaster
CHADWICK, William, High street, shopkeeper
CRAUSE, John, Chapel street, feeholder
CLOUGH, George Carver, Bathurst street, shopkeeper
COCKCROFT, Thomas, Bathurst street, coachmaker
CAWOOD, Samuel, High street, merchant
CAMPBELL, Ambrose George, Lawrance street, surgeon
COCKCROFT, William, Lawrance street, farmer
CYRUS, George, market, interpreter
CYRUS Jun, Samuel, Lawrance street, tallow chandler
CHAPMAN, Thomas, Bathurst street, Wesleyan Minister
CROFT, Charles Thomas, Beaufort street, freeholder
CARNEY, John, Artificer's square, carpenter
CROSS, M., Artificer's square, laborer
COCKCROFT, Charles, York street, freeholder
CURRIE, Walter, York street, farmer
CAMPBELL, John, High street, Clerk of the Peace
CLYDESDALE, Robert, African street, messenger
CASCAS, Piet, Location, laborer
COBUS, Abraham, Location, laborer
COBUS, Isaac, Location, laborer
COUGHLIN, Jeremiah, New street, laborer
CUMMINGS, George, Suburbs, turner
CORNER, Cornelius, New street, carpenter
CRUMP, Henry, High street, merchant
COLLINS, Alfred, Bag-may-fin, tailor
DAVID, Paul, Location, Laborer
DOLD, William, Dell's row, laborer
DOWNING, Thomas, Africa street, mason
DOUGLAS, John, High street, shopkeeper
DICK, John, Somerset street, laborer
DICKS, Samuel, Somerset street, baker
DUTTON, Daniel, Somerset street, mason
DUFFIELD, George, Hill street, laborer
DICKER, Walter, New street, gunsmith
DE BEER, ___, Hill street, Commissariat clerk
DEVEREUX, Aidan, Beaufort street, Bishop
DYKE, Stephen, Beaufort street, canteen keeper
DICKS, James, Somerset street
DURNEY, Michael Henry, High street, shopkeeper
DELL, Stephen William, High street, upholsterer
DICK, John, High street, tailor
DEWBERRY, Leonard, Chapel street, superin. of water
DAWKINS, ___, Chapel street, laborer
DELL, Edward Hunt, Dundas street, farmer
DOLD, James, Bathurst street, butcher
DREDGE, Christopher, Chapel street
DEAN, Thomas, King street, carpenter
DIXIE, Philip, Bathurst street, shopkeeper
DICKS, Benjamin, Bathurst street, baker
DOGHERTY, Neil, St.George's street, currier
DUGMORE, Henry Hare, Market street, Wes. Minister
DIXON, John Henry, Market street, freeholder
DENNISON, George, Lawrance street, carrier
DELY, William, Graham's Town, clerk Civil Com.
DE SMIDT, William, Graham's Town, clerk Civil Com.
DALLAS Sen, John, Goodwin's Kloof, superintend. C.E.
EDWARDS, Thomas, Hill street, collector
EEDES, John, New and Somerset streets, librarian
EDWARDS, James, Suburbs, carter and laborer
EDMUNDS, John, Somerset street, laborer
ENNIS, William Settlers hill, farmer
EDWARDS, Richard, Hill street, blacksmith
EEDES Sen, Edmund, Fort England, storeman
EDDIE, William Cruikshank, Campbell street, surgeon
EVERLY, James, Beaufort street, canteen keeper
EDKINS, Joseph, Beaufort street, shopkeeper
ESTMENT, William, Beaufort street, shopkeeper
ELLIOTT, ___, back of Beaufort street
ERSKINE, Alexander, Beaufort street, shopkeeper
ECKLEY, printer (Port Elizabeth)
EMMS, Thomas, laborer
EDKINS, John, Campbell street, farmer
ESTMENT, Henry, Market square, carrier
FINAUGHTY, John Henry, Suburbs, freeholder
FOLEY, Thomas, Hill street, clerk
FORDRED, James, High street, shopkeeper
FRANKLIN, John George, High street, editor
FARLEY, William, High street, shoemaker
FRIEDLANDER, Marcus, New street, tailor
FARLEY, George, New street, hair cutter
FAIRCLOTH, James, back of New street, constable
FITZGERALD, Michael, Beaufort street, clerk
FRAY, Charles, Chapel street, smith
FIELDING, ___, Beaufort street
FUTTER, Thomas, Beaufort street, shopkeeper
FAIRCLOTH, Joseph, Beaufort street, shoemaker
FULLER, Henry, Hill street, farmer
FINN, William, Hill street, mason
FORRESTER, Richard, York street
FUTTER, George, York street, shoemaker
FADDY, Peter Pickmore, York street, Capt. Royal Artillery
FERREIRA, Andries Hercules, Fort England, carrier
FREEMANTLE, Samuel, Bathurst street, painter
FOORD, William Williams, New street, clerk
FARREL, John, Beaufort street, servant
FORTUIN, Antonie, Location, laborer
FIFIELD, Francis, Hill street, dyer and scourer
FEAGEN, Patrick, Suburbs, sawyer
FROST, William, Market square, laborer
FITZGERALD, John, Beaufort street, clerk Messrs. CAWOOD
GATONBY, Peter Fraser, York street, book keeper
GLASS, John, New street, sawyer
GLASS, Thomas, Somerset street, sawyer
GLASS, William, Somerset street, mason
GLASS, Benjamin, Somerset street, mason
GORRIE, James, Hill street, printer
GEORGE, William, High street, hotelkeeper
GODFREY, henry, Somerset street, blacksmith
GOODES, Joseph William, African street, clerk
GOODWIN, William, back of New street, carpenter
GOLDSWAIN, Jeremiah, Settlers hill, farmer
GODLONTON, Robert, Beaufort street, editor
GILBERT, George, Somerset street, freeholder
GALPIN, John, High street, watchmaker
GRAHAM, George, Queen street, laborer
GALAGHER, Thomas, Bathurst street, watchmaker
GUNN, George, back of Beaufort street, coachmaker
GARDNER, John Samuel, Campbell street, clerk
GRIFFIN, William, Chapel street
GRUBB, Charles, Market square, wagonmaker
GRADWELL, John, St.George's street, shopkeeper
GRADWELL, William, Lawrance street, shopkeeper
GREEN, Joseph, Beaufort street, baker
GUNN, William Artificer's square
GLASS, James, Artificer's square, carpenter
GODFREY, Robert, York street
GOWIE, Charles Ross, Bathurst street, clerk
GOLDSWAIN, Jeremiah Sen, Beaufort street, farmer
GALANT, Plaatje, Location, laborer
GOOSEN, Abraham, Location, laborer
GASKELL, Thomas, Fort England, wool sorter
GREEN, William, High street, storeman, ser. J. LAWRANCE
GAW, William, Allen's row, laborer
GEOGHEGAN, James, Beaufort street, Messrs. JARVIE
GRANT, Richard, Bathurst street, cooper
GRIFFITHS, James, West hill, coachman Mr. BLAINE
GRAHAM, Robert, Bathurst street, Res. Magistrate
HARDING, John, African street, laborer
HOWSE, Nathaniel, Somerset street, merchant
HEWSON, William, Worcester street, gardener
HYDE, Alexander, High street, canteen keeper
HAYTON, John, Somerset street, storekeeper
HALL Sen, Ben., Worcester street, sexton & carpenter
HALL Jun, Benjamin, Worcester street, carpenter
HOLESGROVE, [tear in page obscuring first name], Bertram street, clerk
HARTMAN, Johan Godlieb, New street, carpenter
HEWSON, John, New street, baker
HOOLE, James Cotterell, New street, householder
HOWARTH, William Sen, Scott street, messenger
HOOLE, Abel Worth, New street, householder
HIGGINS, Edmund, New street, mason
HUGHES, Joseph, Smith's street. Tailor
HEATH, Alexander, Dell's row, laborer
HENDRICK, John, Settler's hill, laborer
HAY, Alexander, Hill street, clergyman
HUGHES, John, Hill street, clerk
HARLEY, John, Beaufort street, tallow chandler
HANNAN, John, Somerset street, mason
HEAVYSIDE, John, High street, Colonial Chaplain
HAW, William, High street, shopkeeper
HERBERT, William, rear of Pound
HART, Joseph, High street, undertaker
HOCKEY, Benjamin, Bathurst street, shopkeeper
HARPER, Henry, Bathurst street, carpenter
HANCOCK, Edward, King street, wool presser
HARTLY, William, Chapel street, clerk
HOSIC, Alexander, Chapel street, pensioner
HORN, Robert, Chapel street, laborer
HUNTLEY, Charles Hugh, Queen street, clerk
HUBBARD, Isaac, Bathurst street, shopkeeper
HILLIER, ___, Chapel street
HAYWARD, Thomas, King street, farmer
HINDS, George D, Bathurst street, baker
HOLSTOCK, Thomas, Bathurst street, laborer
HOCKEY, William, Bathurst street, shopkeeper
HARTLEY, William, Bathurst street, baker
HAW, Edward, High street, agent
HARVEY, John, Beaufort street
HAMILTON, James, back of Beaufort street, saddler
HARPER, John, back of Beaufort street, carpenter
HEWSON, Frederick, Hill street, gunsmith
HUME, David, Market square, trader
HANNAY, David, Lawrance street, farmer
HONEY, Jeremiah, Market street, farmer
HAW, Simon, Market street, freeholder
HOLLAND, Robert, Bathurst street, agent
HOLLAND, Thomas, Bathurst street, clerk E.P. Bank
HALL, Benjamin, Artificer's square, tailor
HAYWARD, Thomas, New street, mason
HARTLEY, David Thomas, Bathurst street, clerk E.P.B.
HILL, Cumberland, Market square, blacksmith
HENRY, John, back New street, laborer
HALTAN, Levenaar, Location, laborer
HEALY, Patrick, Artificer's square, blacksmith
HAYLAND, William, Bathurst street, canteen keeper
HOLESGROVE, William, Market square, butcher
HUNT, Samuel, Bathurst street, clerk G. WOOD
HOWARTH, William, Scott street, carpenter
HANCOCK, Richard, High st., storeman Messrs CAWOOD
HALL, Robert George, New street, carpenter
HARTLEY, John, Cape Corps barracks, canteen keeper
HOLMES, henry, Cape Corps barracks, mason
HOGGAN, David, York street, mason
HILL, Peter, York street, tailor
HILL, John, York street, wagonmaker
HUTCHINSON, Henry, York street, general agent
HEYNS, Andries, Location, laborer
HERHOLDT, Gerrit, Location, clerk Resident Magistrate
I'ONS, Frederick, York street, artist
IRVING, Edward, New street, clerk
IRVINE, Alexander Napier, New street, gunsmith
INGLE, William Thomas, Bathurst street
IMPEY Jun, George, Bathurst street, clerk
IMPEY Sen, George, Bathurst street, accountant
IRONMONGER, John, Somerset street, clerk
JARVIE, Robert, New street, merchant
JAFFRAY, John Lockhart, African street, bookbinder
JAFFRAY, William Mackillop, New street, merchant
JACKSON, Joseph, New street, canteen keeper
JARVIS, George, High street, attorney
JEROME, Joseph, Artificer's square, tailor
JENNINGS, ___, Lawrance street, farmer
JOHNSTONE, George, York street, gardener
JONES, Charles, Hill street, carpenter
JANTJES, Joseph, Graham's Town location, gardener
JOHNSON, April, Graham's Town location, laborer
JANSEN, Joseph, Graham's Town, groom
JOSEPH, John, Graham's Town location, laborer
JACOBS, Gerhardus Cornelis, Artificer's square, printer
JAFFRAY, John, Graham's Town, teacher
JANTJES, Abraham, Location, butcher's servant
JEPHTA, Jacob, Location, laborer
JAAGERS, Willem, Location, butcher's servant
JANSEN, Jacob, Location, carrier
JONES, James Griffith, Bathurst street, carpenter
JAMIESON, Alexander, Settler's hill, clerk R.G. STONE
JONES, James, back of New street, carpenter and joiner
KAPEL, Thomas, Beaufort street, turner
KELLY, William, York street, commissariat issuer
KEMP, James, New street, gardener
KEMP, James, New street, carrier
KINGSLEY, John, Cross street, vet. Surgeon CMR
KNOWLES, William, New street. Hotel keeper
KEW, Patrick, High street, tailor
KINGSLEY, Thomas, Worcester street, clerk
KEMPTON, John Tonkin, Dell's row, mason
KNOTT, Kemp, Settler's hill, farmer
KING, Philip, Settler's hill, town crier
KETTLES, David, Settler's hill, wardmaster
KROHN, Nicholas Peter, Beaufort street, merchant
KING, Francis, Bathurst street, mason
KING, Thomas Francis, Market square, builder
KIDWELL, Thomas, George street, wagonmaker
KEMP, William, Somerset street, canteen keeper
KING, Andrew, Lawrance street, carpenter
KEIGHTLEY, William, Lawrance street, painter
KENSIT, William, Bathurst street, storekeeper
KENNELLY, Dennis Harper, Hill street, merchant
KEIGHTLEY, Joseph, Hill street, mason
KEMP, William, Artificer's square, farmer
KOCK, Maynard's, Artificer's square, clerk
KELLY, William, York street, laborer
KING, Benjamin, Beaufort street, carrier
KOCK, Daantje, back of New street, shoemaker
KNOWLES, Henry, Bathurst street, apothecary
KIEVIDO, Gert, Location, pensioner
KALANIE, Jonas, Location, laborer
KELLY, Michael, Graham's Town, wool sorter
LAING, James, above Somerset street, laborer
LE BRUN, Joseph, Somerset street, clerk
LEVEY, Joseph Brilliant, Hill street, tailor
LARTER, Simon, High street, club man
LUCAS, Frederick, High street, sec. E.P.T. Company
LAMBS, Frederick, High street, laborer
LATHAM, Joseph, High street, clerk
LATHAM, henry, Somerset street, laborer
LANGFORD, Thomas, Suburbs, bookkeeper
LUCAS, Philip William, High street, cashier
LUCAS, John, High street, sawyer
LEVEY, Charles, King street, carpenter
LARNEY, John, High street, laborer
LONG, Philip, Bathurst street, blacksmith
LOCKER, ___, Beaufort street, shopkeeper
LENHAM, Thomas, Market square, bricklayer
LEPPAN, George, Bathurst street, tinsmith
LAWRANCE, Joseph, High street, auctioneer
LEONARD, John, Market square, carrier
LOWE, Daniel, Artificer's square, tailor
LIDDLE, Wm. Frederick, Bathurst street, Pri. Sec. Gov.
LAVEL, Camies, Location, laborer
LYNCH, Michael, Market square, laborer
LYNX, Willem, Location, laborer
LYONS, John, Dundas street, laborer
LEONARD, Hugh, New street, laborer
LATHAM, Charles, High street, carpenter
McKEEN, ___, near Dundas bridge, laborer
McDERMID, John, African street, laborer
MERRIMAN, Nathaniel James, Cross street, Archdeacon
McAIONAN, David, above Somerset street, laborer
McKAY, George, Somerset street, laborer
MANLEY, William, Hill street, farmer
McMASTER, Joseph, High street, merchant
McKEATING, James, High street, bootmaker
McKELLY, John, Somerset street, shopkeeper
MACDONALD, Alexander, New street, carpenter
McZWART, ___, Scott street, laborer
MAIDWELL, Robert, back of New street, laborer
MURPHY, Thomas, Dell's row, laborer
MILLER, Joseph, Hill street, farmer
McCORMICK, Patrick, Beaufort street, carrier
MARTIN, John, Beaufort street, laborer
MARTIN, George, New street, barman
MANDY, Stephen Day, High street, wine merchant
McKENZIE, Adam Jas., Bathurst street, canteen keeper
MURFIN, Joseph, Chapel street, carpenter
MUIRE, John, King street, tailor
MORTIMER, ___, Chapel street, laborer
MOORE, Richard Thomas, King street, clerk
MATTHEWS, Servington, Chapel street, milkman
MURRAY, Richard, Queen street, tanner
MILLER, William, Queen street, farmer
MARSH, James Pickton, back of Queen street, watchmaker
MILLER, John, Queen street, cabinet maker
MARSH, George Deakin, Queen street, trader
MIDGLEY, James, Chapel street, mason
MILLS, G., King street, carpenter
MUMFORT, William, King street, farmer
MORGAN, Alex. Braithwaite, Beaufort street, surgeon
MARSHALL, Edward, High street, farmer
MILLER Sen, William, Bathurst street, carpenter
MILLER, James, Beaufort street, butcher
MACKALLAH, Joseph, back of Beaufort st., shopkeeper
MEURANT, Louis Henry, Hill street, farmer
MUNDY, Stephen, High street, shopkeeper
MURTON, Robert, Market square, canteen keeper
MILLER, Thomas, Hill street, farmer
McCALL, James, Artificer's square, collector
McCLEAN, Charles, Artificer's square, carrier
MIDGLEY, Thomas, Fort England, laborer
MARCUS, Frederick, Hill street, shopkeeper
MARGEMAN, Cupido, Location, laborer
MANUELS, Piet, Location, coachman, service of W. WRIGHT
MATROOS, Hendrik, Location, shoemaker
MATTHEWS, Anthony, Artificer's square, constable
MOZINGO, Harry, High st., servant W.R. THOMPSON Sen.
McCABE, John, Cross street, clerk CAWOOD's service
MOXAY, William, New street, bricklayer
MACDONALD, William, Robert street, carpenter
MITCHELLY, Peter, New street, wagonmaker
MARSHALL, Arnoldus, Market square, wagonmaker
MORES, Thomas, Location, laborer
MURRAY, Robert, Queen street, tanner
MORTIMER, Michael, Market square, weaver
MARSHALL, John, African street, laborer
NOURSE, Henry, High street, freeholder
NELSON, Thomas, Hill street, merchant
NORTON, Thomas, Chapel street, carrier
NICHOLLS, George John, New street, merchant
NIEUVELD, Fredrick, Location, laborer
O'BRIEN, John, Somerset street, canteen keeper
O'DONNELL, Hugh, New street, canteen keeper
O'REILLY, Anthony Alexander, Beaufort street, Lt.Col.
OGILVIE, William, High street, shopkeeper
ORSMOND, Charles, York street, marketmaster
ORSMOND, Richard, New street, canteen keeper
O'REILLY, John, Hill street, tailor
OATES, Samuel, Hill street, clerk
ORSMOND, John, York street, shopkeeper
OGILVIE, Alfred, New street, clerk Messrs. JARVIE
PASKIN, John Josiah, New street, shopkeeper
POWELL, William, Hill street, saddler
POTE, Charles, High street, auctioneer
PALMER, George, Somerset street, farmer
PASSMORE, Thos. Emanuel, Bertram street, carpenter
PAYNE, Richard, Bertram street, carpenter
PRESTON, William, New street, carpenter
PASKIN, John, New street, shopkeeper
PHILLIPS, William, Dell's row, laborer
PEARSON, Charles, back Worcester street, laborer
POULTON, Charles, Hill street, mason
PAXTON, William, Beaufort street, carpenter
PATRICK, Benjamin, Beaufort street, carrier
PARKINS, Williams, near Oatlands, carpenter
PRIOR, Joshua, near Dundas bridge, farmer
POTTER, William, High street, freeholder
PENNEY, Aunger Brock, High street, blacksmith
PATRICK, M., King street
PIKE, ___, High street, clerk
PRENDERGRAST, ___, High street, laborer
PHILLIPS, George, Chapel street, farmer
PARKER James, High street, ironmonger
POWELL Jun., James, Beaufort street, watchmaker
PEEL, Thomas, Beaufort street, farmer
PARKER, Thomas Hambly, Bathurst street, shopkeeper
PIKE, William, Market square, shopkeeper
PEARCE, Joseph, Lawrance street, carrier
PENNY, Philip, Market street, farmer
POTE, Peter, Market street, clerk
PAKENHAM, Charles, Bathurst street, merchant
PHILIPS, John, Artificer's square, cabinet maker
PATRICK, John, Somerset street, canteen keeper
POLLARD, Thomas, Graham's Town
PHILIP, Daniel, African street, mason
PANKHURST Sen, John, Scott's farm, farmer
PIETERS, Jurie, Location, wagon driver
PRESENT, ___, Location, laborer
PARKER, Thos. Hambly Jun, Bft. St., clerk F.C.&A.B.
POOLE, Thomas, Suburbs, laborer
PARKER, Richard, Graham's Town, wool sorter
PIETERSON, Arie, Location, mason
PEKEUR, Tontje, Location, thatcher
PEARCE, Henry, Artificer's sq., clerk KENNELLY & Co
PLAATJES, Andries, Location, laborer
PRESENCE, Daniel, Location, laborer
PLAATJES, Piaatjes, Location, laborer
PARSONS, James, Dundas street, laborer
PERRIN, Thomas, Beaufort street, mason
QUIN Junior, John, Artificer's square, printer
QUIN Senior, John, Suburbs, laborer
QUIRK, Daniel, Suburbs, sheriff's officer
RHODES, Charles, Hill street, watch and clock maker
RAWSTORNE, John Geo., Worcester st., Brigade Major
READ, Robert, Hill street, apothecary
ROBERTS, Samuel, Hill street, shoemaker
ROBERTS, Henry, African street, mason
RHODES, Joseph, New street, watchmaker
ROBINSON, William, Somerset street, messenger
ROBERTS, Henry, Somerset street, mason
ROBERTS, Benjamin, High street, clerk
ROBERTS, William, Chapel street, carpenter
ROBERTS, John, Chapel street, carpenter
RANDEN, ___, back of Beaufort street
RUTHERFOORD, Henry Ball, Hill street, merchant
RICHARDS, George, Market square, printer
REYNOLDS, Richard, Lawrance street, laborer
RAVENALL, William, Market street, shoemaker
ROWLES, Solomon Estcourt, Beaufort street, printer
ROBERTS, Richard, Hill street, storekeeper
RIEKIE, John, Artificer's square, clerk
REYNOLDS, William, York street
RETALLICK, Charles, New street, smith
RORKE, Michael, Graham's Town, Qr.Mr. Cape Corps
REYNOLDS, Robert Henry, High street, shoemaker
ROUSUE, William, Beaufort street, gardener
ROBERTS, James, Campbell street, salesman BLACK & Co
ROOY, Isaac, Location, laborer
RUSSELL, Richard, Chapel street, carpenter
RUITERS, Swartboy, Location, laborer
SHORT, Francis, Cross street, Ordnance messenger
SMITH, Walter, Hill street, painter
STANDEN, Jonathan, High street, cashier
STONE, James John Henry, High street, attorney
STREET, Samuel, Bathurst street, stationer
SIMPSON, Richard, Somerset street, shopkeeper
SCOTT, David, Somerset street, shopkeeper
SURMON, William, Scott street, police force
SURMON, Thomas, Scott street, carpenter
SMITH, Robert Henry, Albert street, shoemaker
STEWARD, M., back of New street
STREAK Sen, William, Hill street, thatcher
STOKES, George, Beaufort street, farmer
STONE, Richard Graham, Beaufort street, agent
STANGER, Samuel, Beaufort street, accountant
STRACHAN, ___, Somerset street, carrier
STUBBS, Thomas, High street, saddler
SWAN, John, High street, butcher
STANTON, Robert, Hill street, blacksmith
SPARKS, Robert, High street, carrier
SPARKS, Henry, High street, carpenter
SHAW, William, High street, Gen. Super. Wes. Missions
SHEPHERD, Joseph, Chapel street, tallow chandler
SANDERS, Thomas George, Chapel street, saddler
STREAK, William, Bathurst street, carpenter
SHAW, Thomas, Bathurst street, carpenter
STYLE, Thomas Graat [sic – should be Grant], Bathurst street, canteen keeper
SWAIN, William, Bathurst street, painter
SAMPSON, David, Bathurst street, farrier
SANSOM, James, Beaufort street, carrier
SHEPPERSON, Benj. Matthew, Bathurst st., shopkeeper
SMITH, William Collins, Bathurst street, shoemaker
STREAK, William Samuel, Beaufort street, carpenter
SHEPHERD, B., Hill street, carpenter
SHEPHERD, William, High street, tallow chandler
SHORT, John, Lawrance street, farmer
SLATER, Isaac Faulkner, Hope's garden, attorney
SCANLEN, William, Bathurst street, freeholder
STEAD, George, Beaufort street, tinsmith
SLATER, Charles, Beaufort street, tallow chandler
SELWYN, William, Hill street, clerk
STRATFORD, Anthony Baldwin, York street, freeholder
SMITH, John Crawford, York street, carrier
SOLE, Alfred, York street
SHONE, Thomas, York street, mechanic
STANTON Sen, William, Somerset street, fieldcornet
SMITH, John Hancorn, Newstreet, farmer
SEPTEMBER, Johannes, Grm's Tn. Hot. location, mason
SAMSON, Christoffel, Grm's Tn. Hot. location, coachman
STRATFORD, Anthony Baldwin, Church square, gentleman, registered in Municipal books
SANDERS, Alexander, High street, saddler
STACK, Thomas, Bathurst street, clerk, service of B.M. SHEPPERSON
SMITH, Wm., Market square, storeman, service J. TEMLETT
SALEM, John, Grm's Tn., groom, Lt. BELFIELD's service
STYLE, James, New street, carrier
SWART, Hans, Location, laborer
SHEAR, Thomas, Market square, laborer
SANDFORD, Henry, High street, carpenter
SNEL, Ruiter, Location, laborer
SMYTH, Edward Robert, Market square, blacksmith
SELLERS, William, Market street, blacksmith
SMITH, Benjamin, Market street, blacksmith
SLINGER, Christian, High street, servant Mr. SHAW
STEPHENS, Joseph, Bog-may-fin, mason
TROWBRIDGE, Thomas, Location, storeman M. BENJAMIN
TEMLETT, John, Market square, shopkeeper
TAMBOOR, Joseph, High st., laborer, ser. N. BIRKENRUTH
THOMPSON, Robert, Suburbs, sailmake
TRIBE, Dan., Fort England, clerk, F. CARLISLE's employ
TOPPER, Thomas Robert, Graham's Town, printer
TROTTER, William, Market square, none
TABB, John, Chapel street, laborer
THOMAS, James, York street, carpenter
TUFFLEY, John, Suburbs, gardener
THOMAS, James, Hill street, shopkeeper
TILDESLEY, Samuel, Hill street, jeweller
THARRATT, John, back New street, wagoner
TALBOTT, John, Settler's hill, citizen
TUDHOPE, Francis, Hill street, teacher
TAYLOR, Edward Thomas, Hill street, apothecary
TURNER, Charles, rear of Pound, blacksmith
TROLLIP Sen, Joseph, King street, freeholder
TEMLETT, James, Beaufort street, clerk
THOMPSON, Daniel, Bathurst street, shopkeeper
TAYLOR, Joseph, High street, shopkeeper
TEMLETT, James, Market square, storekeeper
THOMPSON, Wm. Y., Lawrance street, Trinity Ch. Min.
THOMPSON Jun, William Rowland, High st., merchant
THOMPSON Sen, William Rowland, High st., merchant
USHER, Henry, Queen street, clockmaker
USHER, James, Lawrance street, farmer
URRY, Robert, Artificer's square, tailor
ULYATE, Henry, Lawrance street, farmer
VICE, John, Market square, carrier
VESSELS, Manier, back New street, laborer
VAN PLASTER, John, Settler's hill, laborer
VAN DER VENT, Adam, Location, carrier
VAN HEEREN, Roelof, Location, servant James MILLER
WHILEY, James, Hill street, baker
WHEELDON, John, Hill street, baker
WEBSTER, George, Suburbs, wagonmaker
WEBSTER, William, Hill street, wagonmaker
WEBB, William, New street, carrier
WOOD, George, New street, shopkeeper
WELSH, John, Scott street, constable
WEDDERBURN Sen, William, New street, shopkeeper
WOODLAND, Henry, New street, thatcher
WEDDERBURN, Jun, William, New street, turner
WHEELDON, James, New street, blacksmith
WHITE, Robert, Beaufort street, printer
WEBSTER, William, High street, chief constable
WOOD, George, High street, merchant
WILLIAMS, John, High street, shopkeeper
WATSON, William, Hill street, carpenter
WHITTLE, William, near Dundas bridge
WRIGHT, William, High street, merchant
WRIGHT, James, Chapel street, butcher
WICKS, George, King street, wheelwright
WEBB, Christopher, Chapel street, shopkeeper
WIGGERT, William, Queen street, clerk
WALKER, Thomas, Queen street, carpenter
WOOD, William, Queen street, shoemaker
WRIGHT, James, Queen street
WINK, Henry, Bathurst street, canteen keeper
WAKEFORD, ___, Chapel street
WILKIE, ___ Beaufort street
WALLACE Jun, James, Beaufort street, farmer
WALKER, Joseph, Bathurst street, shopkeeper
WEBB, John, Bathurst street, carrier
WICKS, William, York street, carrier
WELBELOVE, Richard, York street, shoemaker
WEBSTER, John, Lawrance street, mason
WILSON, E, market
WEBBER, William, Market street, laborer
WEBB, Charles, Bathurst street, painter
WOOD, John, Beaufort street, storekeeper
WADE, Thomas, Hill street, carrier
WEBBER, Robert, Artificer's square, shopkeeper
WRIGHT, Charles, Artificer's square, clerk
WATSON, George, York street
WATSON, Charles, York street, gardener
WALLACE Sen, James, York street, farmer
WARREN, Robert, York street, clerk
WEBB, Robert, Fort England, butcher
WILD, Thomas, Fort England, carrier
WARDHAUGH, James, High street, tailor
WELLS, George, Settler's hill, shoemaker
WEAKLEY, Joseph, Somerset street, wheelwright
WILLMORE, Gregory, High street, commis. storekeeper
WHITEHEAD, Stephen, Hill street, tailor
WEAKLEY, John, Somerset street, storekeeper
WHYTE, Andw., Dundas bridge, clerk W. JAFFRAY's ser.
WILLOWS, Thomas, Graham's Town, butcher
WALLIS, Wm. Horner, Somerset st., clerk JARVIE & Co
WATERS, William, Chapel street, laborer
WALTER, Henry, African street, laborer
WHIBDY, William, High street, storeman G. WOOD
WALKER, Jos. Valentine, Bat. St., salesman N.P. KROHN
WINDVOGEL, Gert, Location, laborer
WINDVOGEL, Gerrit, Location, laborer
WILLIAMS, John, Location, carrier
WARD, Henry, Beaufort street, clerk
WALLIS, George, Somerset street, saddler
WENIGROTH, James, Settler's hill, blacksmith
WÏÏD, John, New street, printer
WEDDERBURN, John, New street, wagonmaker
WINDVOGEL, Klaas, Location, thatcher
WALLACE, William, Somerset street, Gar. Sergt. Major
WARREN, Thomas Hewlett, Fort England, clerk
WOOD, William, High street, ironmonger
WELLBELOVED, James, Smith street, tailor
YELLING, William, Hill street, canteen keeper
YELLING, Joseph, Hill street, canteen keeper

Saturday 3 September 1853

DIED at Fort Beaufort of Dysentery on the 4th August 1853, Mr. D. MILLS, late Barrack Serjeant, aged 58 years. Deceased leaves an inconsolable widow and an affectionate family to mourn his irreparable loss.

Saturday 10 September 1853

DIED at Cradock on Saturday the 3rd September 1853, Henry ROWLES, seventh son of the late Thomas Stephen ROWLES. Aged 30 years and 6 months.

Dr. BOWRING has arrived in this country from China, and is staying at Exeter. He is said to look remarkably well, and is anxious to obtain a higher appointment, likely soon to be vacant, as the representative of British interests in China.

Cathcart Hotel
Queen's Town
Mr. Henry BIRCH
Begs to inform his friends and the public that he has now completed his arrangements for opening his Establishment for the
Accommodation of Travellers
And he assures them that he will personally superintend the business to ensure civility and attention to those who favour him with patronage.
Every Description of Wines, Spirits & Beer will be supplied of the best quality.
Stabling for Horses, together with Forage, and an English Stable Keeper in attendance.
Henry BIRCH.

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of John WHITE of Cradock, Butcher
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that a Special Meeting of Creditors will be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his office at Graham's Town, on the 5th day of October next, at 10 o'clock precisely, for the purpose of giving instructions to the Trustee, relative to the following proposal made by Mr. Thomas DRY, a Debtor in the Estate of said J. WHITE, namely "To give up to the Estate the whole of my landed property, situate in the township of Cradock, provided they take over a certain mortgage bond of £300, which has been passed on the same, and further grant me a full and entire discharge from all responsibility to the said Estate, or any person representing it."
Sole Trustee
September 1 1853

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of William Middleton AYRES of Cradock, Hotel Keeper
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that a special meeting of creditors will be held before the Resident magistrate at his office at Cradock on the 17th day of September 1853, at 10 o'clock precisely, for the proof of debts.
Sole Trustee
Cape Town, August 24th, 1853

Saturday 17 September 1853

BIRTH at Alice on the 16th Sept, Mrs. J.B. TEMLETT of a daughter.

BIRTH at King William's Town on the 11th instant, Mrs. W. KER of a son.

DIED at Graham's Town on Sunday the 4th September 1853, Mrs. Amelia Margaret MORRELL, late of Port Elizabeth, aged 37 years, deeply lamented by her family and friends.

DIED at Palmerton Mission Station, Amapondo Land, on the 22nd July 1853, Oliver Watts, youngest son of Mr. A.S. WHITE, aged 5 years and 10 months.

DIED at Cradock on the 29th Aug. 1853, George T. HUXTABLE, after a short illness of four days.

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