Grahamstown Journal 1852 - 4 - October to December
Saturday 2 October 1852
MARRIED on Tuesday 28th September by the Rev. G. Chapman, Samuel Dorington, eldest son of Mr. James D. LONG of Hope Fontein, to Sarah Ann, third daughter of Mr. Wm WEDDERBURN Sen. of this town.
BAPTISED at St.Mary's Church, Port Elizabeth, Sept 12th, by the Rev. Mr. McCleland, a daughter of Edmund and Rebecca TUNBRIDGE of Sunday's River, baptised Rebecca.
BAPTISED at Uitenhage, Sept. 20th, by the Rev. Mr. Copeman, a daughter of Albert and Eliza HADLOW of Sunday's River, baptised Lydia.
DIED at Burgher's Dorp on Thursday 16th September 1852, Mr. C.G. E. VAN BUUREN, aged 42 years and 10 months, after a lingering sickness of two months, deeply regretted by his family circle and friends.
Saturday 9 October 1852
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth, Sept. 30th, by the Rev. John Wilson, Wesleyan Minister, Mr. Charles MALLETT to Dorcas Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr. S. CYRUS Sen, both of Graham's Town
MARRIED at Shiloh on the 27th March 1852, by the Rev. A. Bonatz, Mr. Thos. WEBSTER of Whittlesea to Francina, widow of Charles STONE Esq of Cape Town.
DIED at Cyver Fontein, Winterberg, the residence of his son-in-law Mr. James SWEETMAN, John Joseph SMITH, aged 73 years and 5 months. Deceased was one of the Settlers of 1820 and highly respected by all who knew him.
DIED at Cradock on Sunday 3rd inst, after a short illness, Mary Margaret, aged 21 months, eldest daughter of Dr. DAVIES
DIED on Tuesday 5th Oct of water in the brain, Thomas Boswell, youngest son of the late Lt.& Adjt. GORDON, aged 5 years and 9 months.
DIED at Graham's Town on the 6th Oct, Sarah Agne [sic], third daughter of John and Sophia SWAN, aged 2 months and 6 days.
Messrs. T & W. STUBBS
Having taken into partnership Mr. Geoge WALLACE, beg to inform their customers and the public generally that from the 1st September 1852 the Business will be carried on in
The Old Shop
No.1 High Street, Graham's Town
Under the firm or style of
And that a good assortment of
Will constantly be kept on hand. And having made arrangements to get their stock direct from England they will be enabled to sell at low prices and articles of best quality.
Graham's Town
Sept.1st 1852
A good working saddler wanted
Saturday 16 October 1852
MARRIED in St.Mary's Church, Port Elizabeth by the Rev. W. Long on Thursday Oct 7 1852, William Charles HUTCHONS Esq, Deputy Sheriff of Port Elizabeth, to Eliza Jane, second daughter of John MASKELL Esq of the same place.
DIED at Pelham Villa, Ventnor, Isle of Wight on the 4th instant, Mary McArthur BLAKE, aged 33 years, eldest daughter of Capt. ROSS, Graham's Town, Cape of Good Hope
DIED at his residence in Cradock on Friday the 8th October, Daniel MAHONY, in the 45th year of his age
DIED at Graham's Town on Saturday the 2nd October of consumption, Thomas Charles, eldest son of Mr. Charles SLATER, aged 18 years and 6 months
DIED at Whittlesea on the 1st instant, Caroline Charlotte, born McKENZIE, beloved wife of Mr. W. W. ROBERTS, after a long and severe illness, leaving her husband and large circle of relatives and friends to deplore her loss, by whom she was much respected.
Saturday 23 October 1852
DIED on the 21st September last, Mr. C. A. BEZANT of Graham's Town, aged 32 years, leaving a disconsolate widow and two young children to deplore his loss.
BIRTH on the 22nd instant, the widow of the late C.A. BEZANT of a son
Saturday 6 November 1852
Mr. William BARNFATHER, Sworn Government Surveyor, having completed his surveys at Bathurst, hereby notifies that he is now disengaged, and ready to survey erven in any part of Graham's Town, as also any farms situate in the outskirts of the town.
Fort England Road, Graham's Town
BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 5th Nov 1852, the lady of N.P. KROHN Esq of a son
BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 30th October 1852, Mrs. A.W. HOOLE of a son
MARRIED at Graham's Town on the 27th ultimo by the Rev. W. Shaw, William AYLIFF Esq, third son of the Rev. J. AYLIFF of Fort Beaufort, to Elizabeth Anne, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Joseph RICHARDS, formerly of Truro, Cornwall
MARRIED at Cradock on the 19th October at the Parsonage of the Dutch Reformed Church, by the Rev. Samuel GRAY MA, Robert Maclochlan ARMSTRONG Esq, District Surgeon, to Hannah Macdonald WATHALL
DIED in London on the 29th August 1852, Mr. Simon MARCUS, in the 64th year of his age, for many years a resident in this Colony, leaving a large family and circle of friends to deplore his loss. May God rest his soul in peace!
DIED at her residence, Seven Fountains, Mrs. Jane NORMAN, aged 79 years. Deceased came to this Colony with the British Settlers of 1820 and has left a large family to deplore her loss. Her end was peace.
Saturday 13 November 1852
MARRIED at King William's Town on the 4th instant, by the Rev. P.W. Gladwin, Mr. Charles Edward WILLIAMS to Sarah Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. W. SIMPSON
MARRIED Jul 14th at the residence of Mr. T. HANCOCK, St.John's River, Umzimvoobo, Kaffraria by the Rev. T. Jenkins, Mr. John Hall FIELD to Clarissa Charlotte, daughter of the late Mr. James HANCOCK of Port Elizabeth.
DIED at Colesberg on the 2nd November 1852 after a short illness of a few days, Mary Louisa, aged 15 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David ARNOT Sen.
Nov 7 1852. It is my painful duty to inform you that a most cruel murder was perpetrated by Hottentot Bandits near Post Retief yesterday evening.
The dogs of our highly esteemed neighbour, Mr. George JAMES, gave alarm between 8 and 9 o clock yesterday evening, exciting suspicions that persons were prowling about the premises. On the herd going out to ascertain the cause he was immediately shot dead. Mr. JAMES went out instantly on hearing the shot and must have been seized by the bandits, as he was heard pleading with them for mercy. This was not shown him, as his remains were found this morning with 5 gunshot wounds in his body, and his head blown to atoms. The murderers the attempted to fire the building in four places, but desisted on Mrs. JAMES offering to let them in if they would only spare her life. About 30 Hottentots and 2 Kaffirs under the command of the notorious Speelman KIEVET then rushed into the premises and commenced helping themselves to whatever they fancied in the store. This wholesale pillage was put a stop to by Speelman (who is well known to Mrs. JAMES and her family) until he had first helped himself. The rest were then allowed their turn and the sentries were relieved outside in order that they might secure their share of the booty.
They insisted on having ammunition, and a gun was uplifted to beat out Mrs. JAMES' brains on her refusing to produce what they demanded. They eventually got about 60 rounds, an abundance of blankets, clothing, bread and meat, besides every hoof on the premises, consisting of four valuable horses and about 90 head of cattle. Here, then, we have another valuable member cut off from our little community; a widow left with a family of 9 children; and the whole of their hard earnings swept off in an hour. The whole of our mounted burghers, under SWEETNAM, are off after the vagabonds and I trust will overtake them.
You may not have heard that our late highly respected Commandant BRUCE was removed and his valuable mounted force broken up on Friday last. The chapter of disasters commences within 24 hours of his departure, after having kept the district in comparative safety upwards of 10 months.
Another communication detailing this melancholy case adds that at the time of the attack the wife of the murdered man had only been confined two days before, and that notwithstanding her precarious condition the ruffians stripped the place of her necessary bed clothes.
Saturday 20 November 1852
BIRTH, Mrs. Edward J. SMITH of a son
Uitenhage, 9 Nov 1852
DIED at Graham's Town on Tuesday 16th inst, Mrs. Sarah HART, the beloved wife of Mr. Joseph HART, aged 38 years
DIED at Fort Murray, British Kaffraria, on the 12th inst, Katharine, second daughter of Colonel John McLEAN, Chief Commissioner of British Kaffraria, aged 3 years and 2 months
Saturday 27 November 1852
BIRTH at King William's Town on the 18th inst, Mrs. Thomas DAMS of a son
DIED at Graham's Town on Thursday 18th November, William HAZEL, aged 74 years and 9 months. His end was peace. He was one of the British Settlers of 1820.
To be sold by auction
On Monday 3rd January 1853.
36 Very valuable Building Sites situate in Worcester Street
In a line with Mr. BLAINE's residence, consisting of all that vacant space or ground between Mr. HEWSON's garden and that fine Estate of Captain BOYES, Prospect House.
The situation of these building sites is both cheerful and airy, commanding a fine view from the rising ground of the adjacent gardens. The fertility of the soil in this part of the town is remarkable, and from the fact of the Municipal Commissioners having conveyed service pipes to Mr. BLAINE's premises, all these allotments may by the same means be flooded with water.
A diagram of the allotments will be published next week, and every further information may be obtained by applying to Mr. BARNFATHER, who holds the general plan.
Sale to commence at 4 o clock pm.
Charles T. CROFT
Charles POTE, Auctioneer
The Sidbury Estate, together with the stock, the property of Mr. POLLARD, was sold by public auction by Mr. LAWRANCE on Wednesday last, realising nearly £6000. The hotel, five cottages and the lands adjoining were bought by Mr. J. SHELVER for the sum of £1277 12 6. The two farms, 'Woodbury' and 'Skitkop', were bought by Mr. Geo. SLATER and Mr. Joseph GUSH for the sum of £2450. The stock realised about £2000. Some of the heifers realised the extraordinary price of £12 10s each. Although the weather on the two previous days was unpropitious, the attendance was large and the bidding spirited.
Saturday 4 December 1852
MARRIED on Wednesday 1st instant at St.Georges Church, Graham's Town, by the Venerable Archdeacon Merriman, Frederick HOLLAND Esq to Jessie Mary Scott, youngest daughter of W.R. THOMPSON Esq of this town.
DIED at Salem on 23rd November 1852, Sarah, wife of Mr. Thomas BERRINGTON, aged 29 years. Deceased has left a husband and four young children to mourn their painful bereavement.
Saturday 11 December 1852
BIRTH at Southwell on the 30th ult, the wife of the Rev. H.P. WATERS of a son
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 4th Dec 1852, Mrs. Skelton E. WIMBLE of a son
BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 8th December 1852, Mrs James SAYER of a son
DIED at Alice the 28th Nov, the beloved wife of David RUDD, aged 47 years and one month, leaving a disconsolate husband and nine children to deplore her loss after a happy union of 26 years.
Saturday 18 December 1852
DIED on the 17th instant, Fanny, the infant daughter of F. LUCAS
DIED on the 18th at Fort England, Isabel Harriet, aged two years and five months, the only child of Capt. SAVAGE, 91st Regt.
DIED at Cradock on the 10th instant, after four weeks intense suffering, George Henry, youngest son of Edmund and Mary JEFFREY, aged 7 months.
Saturday 25 December 1852
MARRIED at Cradock on the 17th December by the Rev. John Taylor, Thomas, second eldest son of the late William PRINGLE Esq of Eldon to Isabella, only child of the late Evadon McIVER Esq, merchant Quebec
DIED at Colesberg on the 27th Nov 1852, Emily Helen, aged 10 years 6 months and 14 days, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David ARNOT Sen.
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