Grahamstown Journal 1850 - 3 - July to September
Saturday 6 July 1850
MARRIED, at East London, on Tuesday, the 18th June, 1850, by the Rev. John Buckner, Military Chaplain, Mr. Thomas ADAMS, of King William's Town, to Miss Margaret O'GORMAN, of East London.
DIED, at his residence, Graham's Town, on Sunday, the 30th June, after a long and painful illness, Philip LUCAS, Esquire, in the 74th year of his age.
DIED, at Graham's Town, on Wednesday, 3d July, 1850, Mr. John SKEA – aged 40 years, after a long illness, leaving a wife and 4 children to deplore his loss. His end was peace.
DIED, at Port Elizabeth, on Sunday, 23d ult., Mr. Archibald Hope BAILIE – aged 39 years.
DIED, on board H.S. Steamer, Hermes, at the Buffalo Mouth, on the 8th June, after a short illness of three days, Sergeant M.C.B. LEE, sincerely regretted by the 6th Regiment of Foot, in which he had faithfully performed the duties of Schoolmaster for a period of nearly ten years.
DIED, at Graham's Town, on Saturday, the 29th June, 1850, William PITT, aged 73 years. His end was peace.
DIED, at Salem, on the 2nd instant, Joseph, the infant Son of Joseph and Charlotte GUSH, aged 6 months and 7 days.
Saturday 13 July 1850
The undersigned offers TO LET for a Term that part of his FARM situated on the Palmist River, about 9 miles from Graham's Town, adjoining the property of Mr. KEULDER. There is an abundance of water and firewood. For particulars apply to George IMPEY, Jun., Agent, Lawrance-Street, Graham's Town, or to W.H. MATTHEWS, Salem.
5th July, 1850.
BIRTH, at Graham's Town, on the 11th inst., the Wife of Dr. O'CONNOR, Staff Surgeon, of a Daughter.
DIED, at Mancazana, July 3, Christina Louisa THOM, Daughter of Mr. G.W. THOM, aged 2 years and 3 months.
S.W. DELL having taken over the Store in which the late J.C. WRIGHT formerly carried on Trade for many years, begs to acquaint the public that he has commenced business as GENERAL STOREKEEPER.
Mr. Joseph S. WRIGHT, son of the late J.C. WRIGHT, will have charge of the business, and as his prosperity, together with that of his family, will be connected with the success of the Business, the support and encouragement of the old customers of the late J.C. WRIGHT, together with the friends of the surviving family, will be acknowledged by strict attention to their orders and moderate charges.
The stock will consist of a great variety of Goods, entirely new and well selected, such as
Gros de Naples
Gala plaids
Embroidered dresses
Paramattas and Coburg Cloth
Muslins, lawns and nets
Cambric Pocket handkerchiefs
Trimmings of every description
Silk dress buttons
Ladies' neck ties
Worked collars
Falls and Veils
Ribbons in great variety
Artificial Flowers
Scarfs and Hoods
Insertions and Edgings
Blond Quillings
Ladies' and Gents' Gloves
Children's Socks
Girls' hose
Ladies' do. Mens' Socks
Toilet Covers
Furniture Chintz
Punjums and Baftas
Sheeting and Shirting
Counterpanes and Quilts
Shawls in great variety
Shawl scarfs
Stripe and regatta Shirts
Fine White do.
Merinno Vests.
Children's Shoes
Ladies' do.
Black Paris Hats
Pearl Barley,
Pickles and Sauces
Crushed and loaf do.
Black Paint
Green do.
Ground white Lead
Red Lead
Best London Glue
SADDLERY. A Splendid Lot of Berlin Wool , &c.
Comprising colored, ingrain and shaded Slippers and Materials, Lamp Stands, colored and ingrained Floss Silk, Orochet [sic - Crochet?] cases, Knitting pens (steel and bone), Table and Hand Frames, Canvas, Berlin patterns, &c. &c. &c.
N.B. Household furniture, Wagon Wood, Plank, Quartering and other Timber taken in exchange or half cash and half Merchandize given for the same.
Saturday 20 July 1850
MARRIED, at Graaff-Reinet, on Monday, the 8th July, 1850, by the Rev. Mr. Merrington, Mr. William CHARLTON, Gaoler and Keeper of Her Majesty's Prison at that place, to Kaatgie, Second daughter of the late Isaac FORTUIN, Esquire, formerly of the Kat River Settlement.
DIED, on Thursday last, at the residence of Mr. SPARKS, after an illness of eight days, Susannah, the third daughter of Mr. K. and Ann KNOTT, of Botha's Post; aged 22 years and 4 months.
Saturday 27 July 1850
MARRIED, at Carel's Rust, near Graham's Town, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Roux, Mr. William AUSTIN, of Great Fountain, near Sidbury, to Hester Isabella Susanna, eldest daughter of C.F. POHL, Esq., of the former place.
Mr. HART's CORN MILL at Glen Avon, near Somerset, (East).
Mr. HART having received from England a very Superior Mill, is now grinding for parties on the following term,
Viz :-
Corn - for 5 muids and above, if not ground in small lots .. .. .. 2s 6 per muid.
do. - Under 5 muids .. .. .. 3s per muid.
Corn, if sent to the Mill not cleaned, will not be received, unless owner engage to pay 1s. 6d. per 180lbs after it is cleaned.
N.B. No Grinding on Sundays.
(signed) Robt. HART, Jun.
Glen Avon, 28th June, 1850.
Parties on their way to Graham's Town Market from Graaff-Reinet, will find it to their advantage to call at the above Mill, to have their Corn well ground.
R.H. Jun.
Saturday 3 August 1850
Bread and Biscuit Maker
Begs to inform his friends and customers that he has removed from Artificer Square to those Premises in Beaufort Street lately occupied by Mr. W. STREAK, Cabinet Maker, and for many years occupied by Mr. JARDINE as a Bakehouse, and having more conveniences, he will in future be able to attend to Dinners and other Bakings which may be entrusted to his care.
Graham’s Town
July 30th 1850
Saturday 10 August 1850
MARRIED at St.George’s Church, Graham’s Town, on the 8th August 1850, by the Rev. John Heavyside, Colonial Chaplain, W.H. GILL Esq, Cape Mounted Riflemen, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of J.C. SAUNDER Esq, Ordnance Storekeeper.
DIED at Graham’s Town August 2nd, Emily Anne, daughter of Staff Surgeon N. O’CONNOR, aged three weeks.
Saturday 17 August 1850
In the ESTATE of the late T.H. HALSE, deceased.
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to send in a statement of their Claims on or before the first day of September next, or they will be excluded from any further participation in the funds of the said Estate.
Charles SCANLEN, Executor Dative.
Cradock, August 6th 1850.
BIRTH, on Tuesday, the 13th inst., at the residence of Mr. READ, Graham's Town, Mrs. T.P.O. MATHEW of a son.
DIED, at Colesburg on the 7th instant, Mr. William HANNAY, aged 30 years. Deceased was a native of Scotland, whence with his two brothers he emigrated to this Colony a few years ago. Suffering from a pulmonary affection he repaired in hopes of relief to the dryer atmosphere of Colesburg, where he finished his career in South Africa on the date above mentioned, leaving his brothers to deplore the society of an affectionate companion and his friends and the public the loss of an honest and useful member of the community.
DIED, at Graham's Town on Monday, the 12th instant, Mr. George LEE, aged 44 years. Deceased was the second son of the late Mr. W. LEE, one of the original Salem Party of British Settlers who founded that interesting village in 1820. Some years after his arrival in this Province he was united in marriage to the only daughter of William TROTTER, Esq., whom he has left, with a numerous family of children, to deplore the loss of an inestimable husband. As a member of society deceased was held in deserved reputation for straightforward integrity in his dealings, and for steady public spirit in relation to the affairs of the country in which Providence had cast his lot. As a consistent member of the Wesleyan Church, he was ever ready to advance the interests of that communion, or of any other holding the truth in the love thereof. He bore a painful affliction with the fortitude and resignation of a Christian, and died triumphantly in the full assurance, by the faith in the Atonement, of a glorious resurrection to eternal life.
"Let me die the death of the righteous, and may my last end be like his."
DIED, at Fort Armstrong, on the 13th instant, of hooping cough, Louis Beck, infant Son of G.W. THOM, Esq.
Saturday 24 August 1850
BIRTH, at Graham's Town, on the 13th inst., Mrs. James LONG, of Fort Peddie, of a daughter.
DIED, at his residence, Fort Beaufort, on the 6th instant, after a long illness, John HOLLIDAY, aged 47 years – leaving two orphan children to deplore their parent's loss.
Saturday 31 August 1850
DIED, on the 20th August, 1850, David MONRO, Esq., late Surgeon to the Burgher Forces during the Kafir War, aged 34 years and 10 months. As a medical practitioner for upwards of 12 years in this place and District, his loss is great, but as a friend, not only to those who enjoyed and valued his friendship, who estimated his worth, his upright, candid, and honest principles, but the poor and infirm, his loss is inestimable. His funeral – the largest ever witnessed in Cradock – was attended by almost every one, white and black ; all united in the same feelings. He died calm after an illness of 16 days. His features after death showed that he was in peace with his God. And the memento subsequent to his interment breathed by all present was " Here lies an honest man – the noblest work of God." Considerable amounts have been subscribed by his friends for the erection of a Monument as a tablet to his memory.
DIED, at Winterberg, on Thursday, August 1st, 1850, after an illness of seven days, James Berant HALLIER, aged 55 years and 10 months. His end was peace.
Saturday 7 September 1850
The Members of the Central Resident Government Association are requested to meet on Monday Afternoon next, at 4 o'clock, at Mr. POTE's Auction Rooms, on special business.
John ATHERSTONE, Secretary.
BIRTH, at Belle Vue Cottage, Graham's Town, on the 2nd Septr., the Lady of Capt. Colin CAMPBELL, R.B. 91st Regiment, of a Daughter.
DIED, at his residence in Graham's Town, on the 30th August, after a severe illness of seven weeks, William UPTON, aged 56 years and 5 months, leaving a widow and a numerous family of children to lament their loss. His end was peace.
Saturday 14 September 1850
DIED in Child-birth, on Sunday, the 8th inst., Charlotte, the beloved Wife of William KNIGHT, of Fort Beaufort. The deceased lived a pious, humble and consistent [life]. Member of the Church of England ; she was an affectionate wife, daughter and sister, and in private life she displayed eminently that blessed gift of Charity which "thinketh no evil", but "beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things." Almost her last words, before convulsions deprived her of unconsciousness [sic] were in prayer to Him, whom she had earnestly lived and delightfully sought in her health and strength. Now together with her still-born child she "meekly sleeps" in Jesus, until the general resurrection at the last day, - leaving behind her the most poignant distress to her afflicted husband, aged father and numerous friends.
DIED at Bathurst, suddenly, on the morning of Saturday, the 7th instant, Bartholomew GUNNING, aged 77 years – one of the original British Settlers. Friends will please accept of this intimation.
DIED at her residence, Bathurst, on the 8th September, Sarah, relic of the late Thomas HARTLEY, aged 68 years and ten months. Deeply lamented by her relatives and friends.
DIED, at Belle Vue Cottage, on the 12th instant, Edith Constance, the infant daughter of Capt. Colin CAMPBELL, 91st. Regt., aged ten days.
DIED, on the 9th instant, at Graham's Town, Lucy Anne, infant daughter of Mr. J. DANIELL, late of Sharon.
Saturday 21 September 1850
DIED, on August 22, (her birth day) Elizabeth COVARE, (married SALT) – aged 65, a native of France. She possessed in an eminent degree the energetic and courageous qualities for which the people of that nation are so celebrated. These enabled her to go through a more than usual number of dangers and difficulties to which she was exposed. When the Kaffirs attacked Graham's Town in 1819, and the soldiers were about to retreat before the overwhelming numbers, it was Elizabeth SALT that rallied and cheered them on to the fight, and served them with ammunition during the remainder of the engagement; and a farm was given her for her services, but it was in Kaffirland and has since been ceded to the Kaffirs. Nothing further was done for her. She leaves one daughter to lament the loss of an affectionate mother. May He who knows all hearts receive her to himself in His Kingdom.
Saturday 28 September 1850
MARRIED, at St. George's Church, Graham's Town, September 25th, 1850, by the Right Reverend, the Lord Bishop of Cape Town, assisted by the Venerable the Archdeacon of Graham's Town – The Reverend Francis Patrick FLEMING, B.A., of Magdalen College, Cambridge, Military Chaplain, King William's Town, Kaffraria, and of Strabane, County Tyrone, and Carricbrack, County Donegal, Ireland, Esquire – to Helen Mary, second daughter of Alexander Bouvairie MORGAN, of Graham's Town, Esquire, and Surgeon h.p. of Her Majesty's 57th Regiment.
BIRTH, at Wynberg, Cape Town, on the 7th inst., the Lady of C.J. LINDAM, Esquire, Paymaster 1st Battalion, Rifle Brigade, of a Son.
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