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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1843 - 1 - January to March

Thursday 5 January 1843

The undersigned has now running on his farm a small dark brown Ox, with short horns, marked WC on the left thigh, which he will use as a Draught Ox after this notice. The owner may have the same by paying the expenses of this advertisement.
James MILLER, Morgan's Party

MARRIED on the 11th October 1842 at Northfleet by the Rev. R. Keats, vicar, Samuel GOULD Esq, surgeon of that place, to Caroline Amelia, second daughter of John H. HEATH Esq. of Graham's Town, Cape of Good Hope and grand daughter of Henry HEATH Esq. of Orme House, Northfleet. - Times October 13 1842.

Drab and black BEAVER HATS
Good quality and low price. Also Gentlemen's red China Silk Handkerchiefs and yellow Bandannas. A quantity of superior Moleskins, black and coloured Gro de Naples, coloured and black Sewing Silk and a general assortment of saleable Goods.

The Steamer 'Phoenix'
It is with great satisfaction we announce the arrival of this vessel in Algoa Bay. She came into port on Thursday, making the passage, against a head wind, in the short period of three days. She is mentioned in terms of great commendation, both as respects her capabilities for our coasting trade, and for her superior accommodation for passengers.
The following list of Passengers at this her first trip has been obligingly furnished us:-
Saloon - Mrs. SANFORD and 2 children, Mrs. ROUX, Mrs. GOLD, Miss BURNETT, Miss COX, Asst. Com. Gen. SANFORD, Captain GOLD, Dr. ROUX, Mr. COOPER, Mr. SHERMAN, Mr. MOLTENS, Mr. HESSE, Mr. EATON, Mr. John EATON, Mr. E. EAGER, Mr. E. NORTON
Fore Cabin - Mrs. WILLIAMS and 1 child, Mr. WILLIAMS, Mr. BARRY, Mr. TITTERTON, Mr. AMOS
On Deck - 1 soldier, his wife and 3 servants

MARRIED on the 3rd January by the Rev. A. Smith at Zuurbron Farm, District of Uitenhage, R. RESTALL Esq. to Maria Johanna Cornelia, only daughter of R. METELERKAMP Esq.

DIED at Cradock on 29th December last, Geerbrecht Levina Catharina, only daughter of Mr. Johan Casper MARTIN, aged 24 days
Cradock 3 Jan 1843

Thursday 12 January 1843

We have pleasure in announcing the arrival on Friday last in Algoa Bay of another vessel the ‘Margaret Hardy’ from London 17th October with immigrants for this Colony. The following list of passengers has been obligingly transmitted to us:-

Name / Trade or Profession
Geo. MOORE Gentleman
Thos. DAVIS Engineer
G. WINDER Jeweller
Edward OWEN Gentleman
Thos. FORRESTER (and wife) Farmer
A. McMASTER, wife and 2 children Surgeon
Thos.COCKLIN Farmer
Mary VITCH do.
Thos. PRINDERGRASS Farmer's man
Jno. SELBY (and wife) Farmer
D. HUBBARD Carpenter
Mrs. KERSWELL and 1 child
Geo. GUNN (and wife) Coach builder
J. WALLACE, wife and 2 children Tinman
Mrs. LOVELL and child
W.C. DAVIS and wife
Mary DAVIS and 4 children
J. MITCHELL and wife Carpenter
W. PIKE and wife and 3 children Farm laborer
R. DUDGLY and wife Mason
Jas. PIKE Laborer
Alex McDONALD Farmer
Wm. McDONALD and wife do.
J.J. ABINGTON, wife and child Gentleman
Jno. WILLIAMS Farmer
Henry EDWARDS Draper
Mary LOVELL Servant

Total in steerage 66 souls

In Cabin
Tomas DOWNS, wife and 2 children Brewer
Chas. COOPER and wife Surgeon
Mary COOPER and 2 children
E. ROSIER Gentleman
Mrs.YOUNG and 2 children
J.P. CAMM Military officer

Total in cabin 14 persons

Thursday 19 January 1843

D. WAINWRIGHT begs leave to inform his friends and the public that his School at Manley’s Flat will be re-opened on Monday 23rd instant.
January 5 1843

Thursday 26 January 1843

BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 25th instant the Lady of Charles BELL Esq. of a son

BAPTISED at Butterworth Mission Station on 25th December 1842 by the Rev. H. Pearse, Henry Theophilus West FYNN, son of W.M.D. FYNN, Resident Agent.

DIED this morning (27th January) at Graham's Town, Mr. Richard BLEE, aged 45 years, son of Mr.Robert BLEE of Truro, Cornwall.

Thursday 2 February 1843

MARRIED at Colesberg on the 18th Jan. by the Rev. J. Reid, John, second son of the late Captain John BLAKE, HM 24th Regt., to Elizabeth Maria, daughter of Mr. Thomas BEDFORD.

Near the Kowie
All that valuable and beautiful property called THORNHILL, the property of Wm. GILFILLAN Esq. in extent about 1700 acres. The vicinity to the rising sea port of PORT FRANCIS The parklike scenery, and abundance of everything a farm should have, render this a most desirable investment; and the low price of £1100 places it within the means of most intending purchasers of land. A considerable portion of the above sum may remain on interest of 6 per cent.
Apply to Henry NOURSE
High Street, Graham's Town

The undersigned beg to return their most sincere and grateful thanks to those individuals who so promptly afforded them their assistance on occasion of the recent fire. To their activity and great exertion they attribute, under Providence, the preservation of their property, and for which they now make this public acknowledgement.
Graham's Town 1 Feb 1843
Having stated at a time of great excitement that I considered Mr. W. ANDERSON as being willfully the cause of the fire of my premises on Friday last, I do hereby publicly retract those words, and express my regrets for having used the expression.

Thursday 9 February 1843

There being no wholesale or retail licence granted this year for the sale of SPIRITS at Fort Beaufort, those who are known to sell will be prosecuted according to the law.
January 31 1843

MARRIED on Tuesday 1 November 1842 at St.Pancras, John CAMPBELL Esq, Clerk of the Peace for Colesberg, and son of the late Major General Charles Colin CAMPBELL of Barbrek, to Sarah, only daughter of the late William Henry WEST Esq. of the Island of Jamaica. Mr. CAMPBELL sails for the Cape by a Calcutta ship on the 15th December 1842.

MARRIED at Sidbury on the 6th ult by the Rev. Mr. Thorp, Mr.John ROODS of Bushman's River, to Emma, sixth daughter of Mr. S. BURRELL of Klip Fontein, Graham's Town
7 February 1843

MARRIED at Haslope Hills (Wesleyan Mission) on the 3 Jan by the Rev.Herbert Beaver, Mr. John O'CONNOR to Miss Janetta SMITH

Mrs.Edward Russell BELL of Graham's Town was safely delivered of a son on the 7th inst; mother and child both well.

DIED at his residence in Graham's Town on the 4th Feb Mr. Myer SCHRYVER, aged 52 years 5 months and 24 days after a painful and lingering illness of 4 years; leaving a wife, two children and a numerous circle of friends to deplore his loss.

Thursday 16 February 1843

Mrs. PINNOCK has the honour to inform the public that she has taken the FREEMASON'S TAVERN, Bathurst Street, Graham's Town Where gentlemen will be accommodated in the most respectable manner. Private rooms for families, and every attention paid. Good stabling, and horses properly attended to. Coffee every morning at 6 o'clock. Soup every day from 12 to 2 o'clock.

Thursday 23 February 1843

DIED at Graham's Town on the 3rd inst, Mr. Pierce LOWEN, eldest son of Major LOWEN KH, late of the Cape Mounted Rifles

DIED at Bush Neck on Sunday morning the 12th inst, from the effects of Hooping Cough, Edward Christopher, youngest son of the late Mr. Daniel TREADWAY, aged 11 months and 22 days.

DIED at Graham's Town on the evening of the 22nd instant, Jane, wife of Mr. J.H. KRAUSE, aged 28 years, deeply deplored by all who knew her; her illness had been lingering and painful, but her dissolution was unlooked for by her family and friends till within a few hours of the melancholy event.

To Wagoners on the Road between Port Elizabeth and other parts of the Eastern Province,
The Undersigned intending to convert the Estate of Cradock's Town and the adjoining property into an Establishment for the rearing of entirely pure breeds of Merino Saxon Sheep and Fatherland Cattle, hereby warns all persons from trespassing on the said property, as he will after the first day of March next impound without any distinction of Ownership all Cattle found trespassing thereon. And in order that no person may plead ignorance - the usual and ready excuse - as to where the Town Lands of Port Elizabeth end, and those of his property commence, he will place a row of whale bones along the line near the high roads, so that no person can fail being warned of trespass.
John Centlivres CHASE
Cradock's Town Feb 1st 1843

Thursday 2 March 1843

Adjoining Mr. EARLE's new Apothecary Shop, Bathurst Street Has on hand best Foolscap, Post Paper, Gilt do., black bordered, copying paper, copying ink, blotting paper, music paper, slates and slate pencils, sealing wax, account books, Memorandum books, drawing pencils, drawing books, portfolios, blotters, camel hair pencils, colours, wafers, pen-knives, pencil cases and scissors. Bookbinding in all its branches
2nd March 1843

J. BRYCE begs to inform the public that he has taken the business of W. TITTERTON in High Street, which he intends to continue in all its branches, and hopes by strict attention and moderate charges to merit their patronage and support. - An apprentice wanted.
Adjoining Finlayson's Hotel
High Street, Graham's Town

Thursday 9 March 1843

MARRIED at St.George's Church, Graham's Town, on the 8th inst, by the Rev. J. Heavyside, Colonial Chaplain, Mr. Arnold SHEPPERSON to Harriet, eldest daughter of Mr. J. JOLLY of the above place.

DIED at Colesberg on March 5th at half past 12 o'clock a.m., twelve days after giving birth to a son, Cornelia, wife of Mr. Braham KISCH, aged 30 years.

DIED on the 27th inst (February) at Wheatlands near Graaff Reinet, Esther Dorathea Elizabeth, daughter of Wm. J. DIXON, aged 3 months.

Thursday 16 March 1843

BIRTH. Wife of James Cottrell HOOLE of a daughter on the 14th inst.

DIED at Carel's Rust on the 13th inst, Maria Petronella POHL, eldest daughter of Carel Frederick POHL Esq, aged 16 years and 11 months. Her end was like the whole tenor of her short life - full of pious resignation and steadfast hope, which burst forth in prayer for, and blessings on, her whole family both collectively and individually, immediately before she expired.

DIED at Cradock on Friday 10th March, Ann Charlotte, youngest daughter of William SANDERS, aged 7 months.

DIED at Graham's Town on the evening of 11th March 1843, Henry Andrew, second son of Garrison Serjeant Major Henry DRENNAN, aged three years and six months.

To be sold by auction
On Saturday 1st April
By Mr. J.D. NORDEN, the undermentioned valuable Allotments of Building Ground, being part of Lot No.250, situated in Beaufort Street, Graham's Town, formerly the property of Donald MOODIE Esq., viz:
Five Allotments in Beaufort Street, having a frontage of 60 feet each, by 75 feet in depth.
Eleven Allotments having a frontage of 50 feet each, by 100 feet in depth, situated in a New Street, of 40 feet in width, forming a public line of communication from Beaufort Street to Dundas Street.
A credit of 6 and 12 months will be given.
Further particulars may be known on application to the undersigned at his Office in Graham's Town, where also plans of the property may be seen.
15 March 1843

MARRIED at Somerset by the Rev. J. Edwards
Feb 14 Mr. Samuel OATES to Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. W. SARGEANT
Feb 15 Mr. Cornelius MAYTHEM to Sarah, daughter of Mr. Samuel JACKSON

BAPTISED at Somerset by the Rev. J. Edwards
Feb 12 A son of Mr. James CAWOOD baptized David Thomas William

Thursday 23 March 1843

MARRIED by Special Licence at Uitenhage on Tuesday the 14th instant by the Rev. Alexander Smith, Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, George GEERE, master and proprietor of the schooner "Jim Crow" to Miss Charlotte LAW, eldest daughter of Lieut. Robert PAUNELL, HM 60th Regiment.

BIRTH at Burn's Hill, Kafirland on the 16th instant, the wife of Mr. A. McDIARMID of a son.

DIED at Graham's Town on Wednesday 15th instant, Mr. George CLARKE, aged 51 years. Deceased was a native of Lincolnshire and came to this Colony with the British Settlers in 1820. For several years he resided in Cape Town, where he carried on an extensive business as a tallow chandler, but from misfortune, chiefly arising from the destruction of his premises by fire, he became greatly reduced in his circumstances, and was compelled to remove to this Frontier, where he had to struggle with many severe family and pecuniary difficulties. During this period of calamity he was greatly assisted and cheered by friends who knew his situation, and he was enabled to rely so implicitly on the promises of God to provide for the Widow and Fatherless as never to murmur, but to repose with entire resignation on the goodness and wisdom of unerring providence. His end was peace; and his loss is deeply lamented by his bereaved family, and all acquainted with him.

DIED at Graham's Town on Tuesday morning the 21st instant, Louisa Eleanor Catherine, only daughter of Francis Henry and Johanna Hendrieka COLE, aged 5 months.

DIED March 15 at Beka, Kaffirland, John Archbell, infant son of the Rev. John W. APPLEYARD, Wesleyan Missionary

DIED at Burn's Hill, Kafirland on the 12th instant of dysentery, Christina, youngest daughter of Mr. A. McDIARMID, aged 3 years and 11 months.

A Journeyman Baker and Confectioner, to whom constant employment can be given.
Corner of Bathurst Street and Beaufort Street
NB None need apply who are not strictly sober.

Thursday 30 March 1843

DIED at Graham's Town on Sunday 26th instant, Martha Ann, the wife of Mr. John F. SHEPPERSON. The deceased had, for a long time, been afflicted with a pulmonary complaint, and although every possible medical means were resorted to, it was found impossible to arrest its progress.

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