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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1842 - 3 - July to September

Thursday 7 July 1842

A fine young man, about 25 years of age, a son of Mr. BROOKS of Collingham, was killed a few days ago by a fall, while carrying out of the bush a heavy log of timber. It had been raining, and he slipped near the stump of a tree which had been felled. He pitched with his shoulder against the sharp point of this stump, and which entered the flesh near the chest, inflicting so extensive a wound that he survived the injury only until the next day.

Thursday 14 July 1842

MARRIED at Cradock on the 4th inst. by the Rev. J. Munro, Mr. Charles Ambrose MAYNHARD to Isabella, eldest daughter of Mr. J. McLEOD of that village.

BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on Thursday 7th July the wife of Mr. C. HOLLIDAY of a daughter

Thursday 21 July 1842

BIRTH on the 10th instant, the lady of Captain DONOVAN of the Cape Mounted Rifles of a son
July 1842

Thursday 28 July 1842

CHRISTENED at Somerset on 22nd July by the Rev. J. Pears AM, a daughter of James O'REILLY Esq. baptised Anne Elizabeth

DIED at Cradock on the 12th July 1842, Christopher Hudson McCOMB, aged thirty seven years and three months, - as a friend he was kind and generous, and his loss is, and will be, regretted by the friends he has left behind, - as a husband and father he was kind and affectionate. He has left a wife and a young and numerous family to lament his loss.

DIED at Balfour on the 21st inst, in the seventeenth year of her age, Elizabeth Marion, eldest daughter of the Rev. W.R. THOMSON, Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, Kat River Settlement
23 July 1842

To Farmers and Others
The Undersigned has erected a Mill of the above description on his Farm near the Mancazana Post, which has been in active operation for these three months past, and given general satisfaction. The proprietor pays every attention to the interests of employers himself - no person of colour being admitted on any account in his absence.
TERMS, 2s per Muid
Spring Grove 23rd July 1842

Thursday 4 August 1842

Bathurst Street
Begs to inform his friends and the public that he has just received a
Great Variety of GOODS
suited for the season, amongst which are to be found the following, viz:- a large assortment of Chali, Saxony Muslin de Laine and other Dresses, also superior Muslin de Laines and Chalis in the piece. Also Gros de Naples, plain and figured and plain Satins. Satinette, Watered Silks, China Silks and Silk Velvet. Also narrow Velvet for the hair. A handsome assortment of fringes, Blond and Blond Edgings, fancy washing Blonds, Thread, Brussels and other Lace and Lace Edgings, Muslin work of all sorts. A large and fresh assortment of Ladies Work Boxes, Superior Metal Tea Pots &c &c.
Bathurst Street, 4th August 1842

DUSING'S HOTEL, Graaff-Reinet
Mr.DUSING begs to acquaint his friends and the public that he has removed his hotel from Church Square to his own house in the market, where the business will be continued as heretofore.

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Thursday 21st ult., Mrs. C.H. HUNTLEY of a daughter

BIRTH at Sea Point House on 28th July the Lady of Pieter McLEAN Esq, Royal Artillery, of a son

BIRTH at Graaff-Reinet on the 16th ult. Mrs. GRISBROOK of a daughter

Thursday 11 August 1842

Whereas certain claims have been presented to Government for TITLE DEEDS to Lands in the Albany Division by Messrs. SMITH and PARKER of Graham's Town, Notice is hereby given that further proofs in support of the undermentioned claims are required.
Claimant / Claim
Mr. David HOBSON / Cottesbrooke and Bath
Mr. BRADFIELD / Brnod Drift
Mr. KIDSON / Land at Bathurst
D.Z. KEYZER / Roode Krans
Samuel JAMES / Land in Cock's party
Joseph WEAKLY / Land at Bathurst and Land in Hyman's party
William ROBINSON / Blue Krantz and Klip Hoek
John BRADFIELD / Kop Fontein
Johanna and Hermanus SCHALKWYK / Farm of the Bushman's River
Ockert NEL / Goonappe
Hendrick BEZUDENHOUT / New Year's Drift
Thomas HUDSON / Land in Mouncey's party
Thomas HEWSON / Land in Crause's party
James COLLETT / Elephant Fountain, Willow Fountain, Baboon Krantz and Vaal Krans Kroome river
John STEWART / Bushman's Drift
Thomas WEBSTER and Edmund BRADFIELD / Eiland's Drift and Elephant's Drift
John STEWART and executor of John JAMESON / Donker Kloof
Richard Joseph PAINTER / Waag Kraal
William COCKROFT / Location of Abraham Liversedge
Mark COCKROFT / Land in Warner's party
Charles COCKROFT Sen. / Share in Wainwright's party
Isaac BOYS / Dorn Hoek
Dirk VAN ROOYEN / Vyge Kraal
Gert SNEYMAN / Spitz Kop
Thomas FRANCIS / 2 shares in Dr.Morgan's party
Charles WEBBER / Sweetman's party
Christopher and George WEDDERBURN / Shares in Cock's party
Samuel JAMES / Location in James' party
George Hale MEED and S.TROLLIP / Moroen
William GRADWELL / Trappes Valley
Robt. KILBRICK / 4 shares in Cawood's party
John McKENNY / Vres Vroogte
Mark COCKROFT / Waay Plaats
The said claimants are therefore requested to forward all documents in support of above claims to the office of the Undersigned, that he may exhibit the same to the 2d assistant Surveyor General, now in Graham's Town, in order that their several titles may be issued. Any person having claims for titles to land, by transmitting them to the undersigned, the same will immediately be laid before the 2d assistant Surveyor General.
Edward PARKER, Attorney
Church Street, Graham's Town.

MARRIED on the 26th day of July by the Rev W.J. Davis, C.R. LANGE, Missionary of the Berlin Society, to Ann Maria Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. R. TAINTON, Qwanga.

Thursday 25 August 1842

BIRTH on the 20th instant at Double Drift, the lady of Captain T. Percival TOUZEL, 27th Regiment, of a son.

Thursday 1 September 1842

In the Wesleyan Chapel Graham's Town on the 5th August by the Rev. Thornley Smith, Mr. James GORRIE to Miss Jane Elizabeth Ablort MORGAN

In the Wesleyan Chapel during the month of August by the Rev.W.Shaw
Aug 8 a son of Mr. Joseph WALKER baptized Richard
Aug 14 a daughter of Hospital Serjeant F. BOUCHER baptized Catherine
Aug 14 a daughter of Mr. T.F. KING baptized Harriet
Aug 14 a son of Mr. Thomas GILBERT baptized John George
Aug 14 a son of Mr. Alfred WHITE baptized Pemberton Holmes
Aug 14 a daughter of Mr. J. BRADFIELD baptized Emily White
Aug 14 a daughter of Mr. Chas. WEBB baptized Catherine
Aug 14 a daughter of Mr. E. RHODES baptized Phoebe Rhoda
Aug 14 a son of Mr. Thomas MITCHELL baptized James David

Thursday 8 September 1842

MARRIED at Beaufort on 27th August 1842 George DEVENISH Esq, late of the Mancazana to Miss Charlotte Amelia LONDT, eldest daughter of Gustaaf William LONDT Esq. of Beaufort, Merchant.

DIED at Graham's Town on the 5th inst. Mr. Robert FEATHERSTONE, aged 52 years. Deceased was an old resident of the Colony, having served for several years with great credit as a Non-Commissioned Officer in the Cape Mounted Rifles. After his retirement from the army he fulfilled all the duties of a good citizen with exemplary fidelity - and his sudden and premature death will be deeply deplored by a large circle of friends - whom he had strongly attached to him by his manliness of deportment, his kindness of heart and his inflexible probity. He has left a Widow and a family of eight children to mourn this afflictive and irreparable bereavement.

DIED at Graham's Town on the 27th August, David ROSS, aged 62 years, a native of Northumberland

Thursday 22 September 1842

MARRIED at Graham's Town by the Rev. J. Heavyside, John Garnett COURTNEY, Assist.Surgeon HM 75th Regt. to Jane Anne, eldest daughter of George WEBSTER, Tarka.

BIRTH at Hilary Farm on Wednesday 14th inst. the Lady of William BLAKE Esq. of a daughter

DIED on the evening of 14th inst. at Bathurst, of inflammation of the brain, Lieutenant Wellington Stair LOWEN of the Cape Mounted Rifles, aged 28 years, an officer of great promise, who had deservedly gained the esteem and affection of his brother officers, by whom his loss is deeply felt and deplored.
Major LOWEN begs leave to offer his heartfelt and grateful thanks to His Honor the Lieut. Governor, to Colonel SOMERSET and to the Officers of the Garrison in general, who honored the remains of his late beloved Son with their presence. Major LOWEN also requests the Revd Missionaries and the Gentlemen of Graham's Town, who accompanied the Body of his lamented Son to his last Home, will accept his best thanks for their kind attention.
Graham's Town 20 Sept 1842

DIED at Uitenhage on the 13th instant, Christina Susanna KERR, only surviving child of Samuel KERR Esq., aged 20 years and 17 days. In the prime of youth, beauty and all that promised to render life happy her premature decease has cast a gloom over the circle of her friends, and plunged her disconsolate parents into the deepest affliction.

Thursday 29 September 1842

This Vessel is expected to arrive shortly with Emigrants from London. Those persons who are desirous to obtain the services of Emigrants are requested to make applications (describing the servants required) to Mr.E.R.BELL, Bathurst Street, Graham's Town or to Messrs. W.& J.SMITH, Port Elizabeth, if by letter post paid.

MARRIED at Bathurst on 6th September by the Rev. J. Barrow, John Frederick Korsten ATHERSTONE to Anna Maria, youngest daughter of the late Miles BOWKER Esq. of Tharfield.

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