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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1841 - 1 - January to June

Thursday 7 January 1841

Mrs. ROBERTS wishes to inform her friends and the Public that she intends to re-open her Establishment for the Education of Young Ladies on the 18th instant, when she hopes for a continuance of the encouragement she has already received.
7th Jan 1841

Mr. G.D. MARSH begs to inform his Friends and the Public that he has removed to the house of Mr. BIDDULPH Sen, opposite to Mr. CRAWFORD, and that he still continues to carry on the Business as usual, as watch and Clock Maker, and trusts that by strict attention still to merit a continuance of their favor. He has still on hand a general assortment of Merchandize which he is selling off at low prices, as also a quantity of Jewelry, which he is selling very cheap.

Thursday 21 January 1841

Whereas my wife, Sarah Susan ROBINSON, has left my Bed and Board, without any just cause or provocation, I therefore forbid all persons harbouring, or trusting her on my account after this date, on pain of prosecution according to law,

Whereas my wife, Elizabeth COCKCROFT (formerly VALENTYN) has quitted my home without just cause or provocation on my part, and is now in Graham’s Town, this is to give notice that from this date I will not be answerable for any debts which she may incur while thus absent.
Charles COCKCROFT Senr.
Myrtle Grove, 21st January 1841

Thursday 4 February 1841

MARRIED by Special Licence in St.George's Church by the Rev. John Heavyside AM, Richard John EATON Esq., Clerk of the Peace for the Division of Albany, to Mary Anne, only daughter of George C. SANFORD Esq., Assistant Commissary General to Her Majesty's Forces at the Cape of Good Hope Graham's Town, Cape of Good Hope
3rd Feb 1841

BIRTH at Bloemhof. District of Graaff-Reinet on Friday 29th inst, Mrs.George SOUTHEY of a daughter
Jan 31st 1841

DIED at Fort Beaufort Jan 31, Hannah Cowper, the infant daughter of the Rev. Thornley SMITH, Wesleyan Missionary

We are sorry to state that accounts have been received from Oliphant's River (Clanwilliam) dated the 10th inst of the total destruction by fire of the brig Australia, Captain YULE, said to have taken place about 600 miles westward of the Cape; the crew and passengers, 26 in number, were obliged to take to the boats, and after being at sea nine days they had landed about 16 miles to the northward of the Oliphant's River Mouth, on the preceding day, with loss of two lives, said to have died from thirst. Every assistance which humanity suggested, with an abundant supply of provisions and clothing, was rendered, and they are daily expected here, a conveyance having been provided for them, when further particulars will be communicated. It is supposed to be the same vessel (Australia) which we reported in our preceding number, having put into Rio on the 29th November bound to New Holland.

Thursday 18 February 1841

DIED at Graham's Town on the 12th inst, Morton Nourse BARNES, only son of J.Bice BARNES Esq., aged 7 months

DIED at Graaff-Reinet on the 4th inst, Frederick Gresbrook, youngest son of Mr. R. SOUTHEY
February 9th 1841

Thursday 25 February 1841

MARRIED at Graham's Town on Tuesday 23 inst, by the Rev J. Richards, Wesleyan Minister, Mr.Benjamin Matthew SHEPPERSON to Mary Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. R. GODLONTON

Thursday 4 March 1841

DIED at Graham's Town on the 29th ult, Robert NORRIS Esq of Quagga's Vlakte in the District of Uitenhage, deeply regretted by all with whom he was personally acquainted
March 4 1841

DIED on the 18th ult, Ann, born PEPPERIL, formerly Widow of Thos.LANE, Wife of Wm. ROE of Naazar River, District of Albany. Aged 37 years.

DIED at Klip Fontein on the 28th Feb, aged 50 years, Mrs. Sarah BURREL, Wife of Mr.Samuel BURREL of Birmingham, from a severe attack of inflammation of the Liver.

DIED on the 23 Feb 1841 at Commandant, Rademyers, John Harry, in the sixth year of his age, dearly beloved child of John BOYS (late Captain 75th Regt) and Matilda his wife.

Thursday 18 March 1841

DIED at Kwelehra, Kafirland on 8th February, James, son of James WIER, Missionary, aged 3 years and 4 months.

DIED at Botha's Drift on the Fish River on 22nd February 1841, Latitia Mary, youngest daughter of Charles PESHALL Esq. of Cradock

Thursday 25 March 1841

MARRIED at Fort Beaufort by the Rev.Thornley SMITH on the 18th ult, Mr.Robt. Frederick Wm. CALDECOTT to Miss Isabella SMITH of Port Elizabeth.

Thursday 1 April 1841

MARRIED at Uitenhage on 25th March by the Rev.A.Smith, J.W.H. VAN DER RIET, second son of J.W. VAN DER RIET Esq., Civil, Commissioner, to Rose Ellen, third daughter of the late Captain A.C. BURNETT HM 54th Regt.

BIRTH at Somerset on St.Patrick’s day, the lady of A.A. O’REILLY of a daughter.

Thursday 8 April 1841

MARRIED on Thursday April 8 1841 in the Wesleyan Chapel, Graham's Town, by the Rev. W.B. Boyce, the Rev. William IMPEY, Wesleyan Missionary, D'Urban, Fort Peddie, to Mary Elizabeth, second daughter of the Rev. William SHAW, Wesleyan Minister.

BIRTH on the 6th inst at Fort England, the lady of Geo.THOMPSON Esq., 27th Regt. of a daughter

DIED at Graham's Town on the first April 1841, Alexander McDONALD Esq, aged 60 years, a native of Scotland. He was the oldest Resident of this Town, and much respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. His loss is much felt by his surviving Widow, and the Wesleyan connection, in which he has been an office bearer for many years.

We have this week to record, in the death of Mr.Alexander MACDONALD, the loss of the oldest inhabitant of Graham's Town. Deceased was no less widely known than esteemed throughout this province. He came to this colony with the 93rd Regt., in which he served as a non-commissioned officer with distinguished merit. From this regiment he was transferred to the Cape
Corps, in which he continued to serve with ability for several years. He afterwards held a situation of great trust and responsibility in the Government Stores, until its abolition about two years after the arrival of the British settlers. On the breaking out of the last Kaffir war he was selected to fill the office of adjutant of the Local Volunteers, from which he was removed to the Provisional Battalions in the New Province, where he received the highest marks of esteem and approbation from the gallant Col. SMITH, the Commandant of the province, and from every other officer
engaged in that service. Since the abandonment of that Province he has lived as a private citizen at Graham's Town, where his loss will be deeply deplored by a numerous circle of friends, who from long intimacy can well appreciate his great and varied excellencies. He was in the 60th year of his age, and sunk from the effects of a cancerous tumour in the stomach.

To the above loss we have to add the name of Mr.Thos. ROBINSON, who died, as is stated, from the effects of cold, produced by detention on the banks of the Fish River when in a swollen state. The deceased was one of the oldest English inhabitants of this District. For some years he has been successfully engaged in sheep farming near the Kromme Range, in which neighbourhood his death will be greatly deplored by a select and respectable circle of friends and acquaintances. Deceased was in his 61st year.

Thursday 15 April 1841

MARRIED at Graham’s Town on Tuesday the 13th inst by the Rev.W.Shaw, Wesleyan Minister, Mr.Benjamin BOOTH Jun. to Matilda Barton, second daughter of Mr. R. GODLONTON

MARRIED at Salem on the 13th inst, by the Rev. W. Shaw, the Rev. John Whittle APPLEYARD, Wesleyan Missionary, Beka, Kaffirland to Sarah Ann, eldest daughter of Rev. J. ARCHBELL, Wesleyan Minister.

MARRIED on Wednesday 31st ult at the Wesleyan Chapel, Port Elizabeth by the Rev. John Edwards, the Rev. William PASSELT, Missionary in Kaffraria, to Christiana SHONHEIT of Mekelberg. Also on the same day and at the same place the Rev. William LIEFELD, Missionary in Caffraria, to Henriette WENER of Berlin
7 April 1841

BIRTH at Belmont on Wednesday 7 inst, Mrs.John CARLISLE of a son

Thursday 29 April 1841

MARRIED on Wednesday 28th inst by The Rev John Heavyside, Colonial Chaplain, Charles Hugh, only son of the late Lieut. H. HUNTLEY to Isabella Bennet, only daughter of John BAILIE Esq. and niece of Lieut.Col. Thos.BAILIE, 7th Bombay N.I..

BIRTH at Graham's Town on Thursday morning the 29th inst, Mrs.Henry BLAINE of a son

Thursday 20 May 1841

BIRTH at Hilary Farm on Saturday 15th inst the wife of William BLAKE Esq. of a daughter

BIRTH of a Son and Heir, the Wife of Mr. W. BEAR of Winterberg (on Wednesday 12th inst) after a union of 2 years and in the 45th year of her age. Both mother and child are doing well.

Thursday 27 May 1841

BIRTH on the 25th inst, Mrs.CAFFYN of a daughter

DIED at his farm "Drie Koppen", District of Graaff-Reinet on Saturday 1st inst, aged about 30 years, Richard Clavell BINGHAM Esq., formerly Lieutenant in HM 75th Regiment, deeply regretted by a numerous circle of Friends
Graaff-Reinet 10 May 1841

Thursday 10 June 1841

MARRIED on the 9th inst by the Rev J Lock, Mr. James LAMONT to Frances Isabella, second daughter of Mr. D. McMASTER of Linton, Mancazana.

BIRTH on the 6th instant, Elizabeth, wife of the Rev W.C. HOLDEN, Wesleyan Minister, Colesberg, of a son.

DIED on the 31st January last at Maldon in Essex, after a long and severe affliction, Ann, the beloved wife of D.P. FRANCIS Esq, Sub-collector HM Customs at Port Elizabeth in this Colony, aged 60 years.

Thursday 17 June 1841

BIRTH this morning, the wife of Mr. Richard ORSMOND of a son

DIED at Howe's Post June 5th, Mrs.A.HARRIS, Wife of Ezekial HARRIS, storekeeper. Aged 27 years. She was the mother of seven children, three of whom are left to deplore the loss of an affectionate and pious parent.

DIED at Graham's Town on the 15th inst, Arthur Edmond, the infant son of F. CARLISLE Esq.

Thursday 24 June 1841

MARRIED at Salem on the 8th inst by the Rev. G. Green, Wesleyan Minister, Mr. C. PENNY junr. to Ellen, eldest daughter of Mr.Richard WALKER of the Beka, Wesleyan Mission Station in Kaffirland.

BIRTH on the 14th inst, the Lady of G.G. HEATHCOTE of a Daughter

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