Fort Beaufort Advocate 1868 4 October - December
Saturday, October 3, 1868.
THE Proprietor of the “ADVOCATE” respectfully invites all who may be in arrear with their accounts, (their name is Legion,”) to call upon him at his Office and square up.
“Briton” arrived last night.
Passengers for Capetown:
Mrs. KER, two children and servant. Mrs. WILLIAMS, Mr. CAFFIN, Mr. PURDON, Mr. CARSON, and thirteen minors.
For Algoa Bay:
For Natal:
Captain DOUGLAS.
Dr. PUSEY has proposed to the Wesleyan Conference a coalition against infidelity.
The Queen of Holland is reported to be seriously ill.
“Cape of Good Hope” left London on the 19th August to touch at Falmouth en route for Table Bay, but had to put back to Gravesend the following day with her machinery disabled. The following passengers were on board.
For Capetown:
Mr. and Mrs. HEELAS, Miss E. HASKINS, Mr. and Mrs. HASKINS, Mr. W.G. SIMPSON, Mr. Charles MILNER, Mr. W, CUMMING, Mr. Luke GREEN, Mr. Richard ALLEN, Mr. Godfrey SANDWITH, Mr. H.C. CLAPPERTON.
For Algoa Bay:
Miss de OLIVIERA, Mrs. KINGSMILL, four children and nurse, Mrs. MEAD and child, Capt. and Miss de SALIS, Mr. A. ELLIOTT, Mr. Hans BROMBSEN, Mrs. De HART.
For Natal:
A novel stipulation. – Messrs. TAYLOR KEMP & CO recently sold a lot of goatskins which were stored in a building in which a fierce tiger, escaped from its cage, was at large, and on the broker’s note agreed to deliver said skins “at tiger’s pleasure”. Fortunately the tiger was retrapped in a few days.
Another reason for removal. – During the trial of the two ERASMUS’ on a charge of murder at the late “Hooge Gegregtshof” held in Pretoria, a young Bushman appeared in the witness box. The usual preliminary questions were put by the residing Landdrost, Dr. OTTO, amongst others, whether the witness knew there was a God, to which he replied sharply “ja baas” (yes master). The next question was “Waar bly hy” (where does he reside), to which the witness, with great assurance, replied, in “Mooi River”. (Potchefstrom). – Transvaal Argus.
The Journal is under a mistake in saying that the late Miss DAWSON, for many years letter carrier in Grahamstown, was sister to Mrs. G. DYASON, wife of the late Resident Magistrate of Uitenhage (Graaffreinet it should be). Miss DAWSON was no relation, we believe, to the DYASON’s, but was sister to the wife of the late John AUSTIN, formerly a baker in Graham’s Town, and more latterly of Fort Beaufort. If our memory serves us Miss DAWSON did not come out with the Settlers but some years afterwards, about 1835 or ’26. - Watchman.
Saturday, October 10, 1868.
CIVILISATION IN PONDOLAND. – A correspondent writes to the Natal Herald as follows: - A native chief – UNHLANGAZE, brother of UMTOGALLA, the paramount chief – is showing an example to the people to forsake their savage customs. The late hard working missionary, Mr. JENKINS, married him in the early part of this year to the Princess, Victoria, daughter of the Chief SANDILLI, of the withered leg. The young Chief has now two Englishmen in his employ, building a substantial brick dwelling, for his one wife, the dark but winning princess of SANDILLA’S tribe. Abolishing that dog-like kennel, the Kafir hut, and throwing overboard a plurality of wives, is what I call leaving savagedom a little in the lurch, and a firm step to civilisation.
THE LATE MR. GEORGE MARSH. – This gentleman, who was for nearly 40 years in official employment at the Cape of Good Hope, died on July 30, at the residence of his daughter-in-law, Amersham Park Villas, New Cross, London. Mr. MARSH was seventy-eight years old. He was appointed Government Resident at Saldanha Bay, in the Cape of Good Hope, in the year 1828, and held that till April 1848, when he was nominated Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of the Mossel Bay division: he also held the office of Chairman of Local Boards and Road Magistrate at Aliwal, in that division.
A VERY OLD COLONIST. – Mr. Joseph WHITE, who came to this place from Cape Town many years ago, and has resided here ever since, died on Tuesday last at the advanced age of ninety two years. Deceased who was a respectable, intelligent old man, retained his faculties to the end. – P.E. Telegraph.
DEATH OF THOS. SHORT. – We regret to have to announce the death of Mr. Thomas SHORT, for many years a resident in this town, which sad event took place yesterday, after a protracted illness. He leaves eight young children, quite unprovided for. It is to be hoped they will meet with the active sympathy of the charitable. – Telegraph.
MR. JOHN HEMMING, clerk to the Civil Commissioner of Queen’s Town, has been appointed Resident Magistrate and Civil Commissioner of Albany.
The death of Mr. W.M. JAFFRAY is announced. The deceased formerly held a good position in this city as a merchant, and was one of the original directors of the Frontier Bank. He has lately been prostrated by a severe illness, from which he seemed to be somewhat recovering, but from the effects of which he succumbed at the age of over 60 years.
(Extract) BRUTAL MURDER AT PORT ELIZABETH. – Great excitement prevailed in the neighbourhood of Market-square on Saturday night, it having been bruited abroad that a butcher, named John CURSON, in the employ of Mr. BISHOP, had been stabbed by a Greek sailor, named Johannes CONTRADINO, alias John JACKSON. From the evidence, it appears that the prisoner accompanied by a woman named Jane WELCH, went to a house in a lane running between Lanigan’s Hotel and BISHOP’S butcher’s shop. After staying a few minutes they came out; the woman eluded him, and he stood in the lane, cursing and swearing. The deceased, after serving a female customer recommended her not to proceed up the lane, as there was a disturbance. She, however, went and was interfered with by the prisoner, and the deceased came out, and remonstrated with him. Prisoner struck him and a struggle ensued, during which the prisoner drew a sheath knife, and inflicted a fatal wound in the region of the heart. The deceased, crying, “He has stabbed me to the heart,” fell to the ground and almost immediately expired. The prisoner ran away but was captured. The murdered man leaves a wife and two children. He was buried yesterday afternoon. – E.P. Herald.
Saturday, October 17, 1868. (missing)
Saturday, October 24, 1868.
MARRIED, at Grahamstown, on Tuesday, the 12th inst., by the Rev. Dr. RICARDS, Chas. T. HAGELTHORNE, Esq., to Julia, the second daughter of Mr. P. HEALY, of Grahamstown.
DIED, from Diptheritia [Diphtheria] Croup, at St. John’s Parish, Winterberg, on Tuesday, the 15th inst., Edwin Albert, aged three years one month and five days, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert BUCKLEY, of Zuiver Fontein.
Mr. J.B. BOARD, a farmer, has lately met his death in a very sudden manner. On Friday evening, between five and six o’clock, deceased was riding in company with Mr. Jan NIEKERK, of Hoenderkop, near Van Staden’s River, when he was observed to fall suddenly from the saddle. Mr. NIEKERK promptly obtained assistance, and the unfortunate man was conveyed to Mr. NIEKERK’s house, when it was found that life was extinct. Deceased was a hale hearty man of thirty years. Disease of the heart was the cause of death. We are requested to tender the thanks of the family to Messrs. J. NIEKERK, J. PARKIN, J. REED Gs. and others for their kindness and assistance rendered in the hour of trouble. Mr. BOARD leaves a widow and a young family who have our heartfelt sympathy for the sad loss they have sustained. – Mail.
We regret to hear that Mr. C. SCANLEN, M.L.A., is seriously ill. – Cradock Register.
The following farmers have surrendered their estates for the benefit of their creditors, and the notice of sequestration appears in the “Gazette”.
Johannes Coenraad FRAUDEMAN, of Muis Vlakte.
Gideon de KLERK, of Doorn Kraal.
Johannes Lodowicus de KLERK, of Muis Vlakte.
FRAUD AND FORGERY. – A report which was in private circulation for two or three weeks past, has yesterday become an open and notorious scandal. It is that Mr. A.J. BRINK, lately a clerk or accountant in the South African Bank, secretary and one of the directing managers of the Green Point Tramway, and also engaged to a considerable extent in farming, has been guilty of a series of frauds, forgeries and peculation generally. The extent of his misdoing is not yet known, as his estate was placed under compulsory sequestration only a few days ago. Mr. BRINK has suddenly disappeared, and in all probability, took his departure to Japan in the Dutch Brig “Engel”, which left Table Bay on Monday evening. The probable secret of his downfall is that he had just too many irons in the fire. We are told that he was just dismissed from his situation in the bank a few days ago. – Argus.
Saturday, October 31, 1868.
DIED, at Zuiver Fontein, of Diphtheria, on the 25th inst., Sarah Alexandrina, aged 8 years 5 months and 11 days; fifth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. SWEETNAM. We beg to tender our sincere thanks to our many friends for their special and kind attention to us in our bereavement.
(Extract) We (Argus) regret to say that on Sunday last a boy named MOSTERT was killed on the Wynberg Railway by coming in contact with the six p.m. up train. The deceased – who was a son of the widow Adrian MOSTERT, and about nine years of age. – accompanied by his brother two years younger, and been looking for some cows belonging to his mother, which crossed the line for the purpose of grazing. He was in the act of closing the gate nearest to place from which the cows came, when his younger brother called out that a train was approaching and told him to stay where he was. The deceased however, who is described of weak intellect, having closed the gate attempted to cross the line and in doing so he was struck by the front portion of the engine. His body was thrown a distance of from twenty to thirty feet and when picked up it was discovered, that the skull was completely shattered, with the brain protruding, and one of the legs cut off. Life was, of course extinct.
The criminal sessions of the Eastern Districts Court commences on Monday. There are several cases to be tried. Amongst others are A.M. de LANGE on a charge of perjury; J.C. ENGELBRECHT on a charge of culpable homicide; R.E. WOLFE for theft.
The Queenstown papers announce the death of Mr. W. EALES, one of the British Settlers of 1820.
Philip MACASKILL, jun., East London.
William George ARMSTRONG, Graham’s Town.
ELEGANT AND NOT EXTRAVAGNT. – A correspondent writing from Utrecht (Transvaal) to a Natal paper, concludes! – “You must excuse the quality of the paper I employ – the more so as our Government is in the same predicament as I am, they being obliged to print the “Government Gazette” on old leaves of a ledger, or other account books. Republican blue-backs will not purchase blank paper!
AMUSING APPLICATION. – CURATOR IN MATRIMONY. – In the Supreme, on the 13th inst., Mr. PORTER said he had to move for the appointment of a curator in the matter of John E. COTMAN, of Capetown, who was about to be married to Sarah Ann GEE, of Rondebosch. COTMAN, not being of age, it was necessary that there should be a curator to assist him in executing the antenuptial contract; and Mr. W, HAZELL was to act.
Mr. Justice DENYSSEN – The young man is not of age?
Mr. PORTER – No my lord; and therefore a curator is necessary.
Mr. Justice DENYSSEN – Had not he better wait till he is of age?
Mr. PORTER – Perhaps it would be better; but he is of a different opinion, and in that opinion he is strongly fortified by Sarah Ann (loud laughter.)
Their lordships made the appointment as prayed.
Saturday, November 7, 1868.
WAGON ACCIDENT. – While Mr. M. SCHEEPERS’ wagon was on its way from Grahamstown near Mr. OSBORNE’S, at the Kareiga, one of the boys, named MOLMAN, slipped from the dissel boom, and was crushed under the stell of the wagon, the hind wheel passing over his two legs. He died on Thursday last, at Salem. He had been twenty years in Mr. S. employ, and was a member of Rev. Mr. SMIT’S Church of Grahamstown.
BLOWN TO SEA. – We hear that a Kafir herd was blown to sea yesterday in a small boat in which he had attempted to cross the Coega River near its mouth. – Telegraph.
DEATH OF DR. ADDEY. – It is with deep regret that we announce the death of Dr. ADDEY, of Wellington, on the night of 22nd inst., after a comparatively short illness, caused by a heavy cold. Dr. ADDEY since his arrival on these shores has proved himself a true colonist, and in every undertaking in which its interests were concerned he took an active part. The deceased was born in 1793 and was thus in his 75th year. He was licensed to practise as M.D. in the Cape Colony in 1820, being, with the exception of Dr. LAING’s, the oldest certificate in the colony. – Mail.
GENTLEMANLY HORSE STEALING. – “I say Bill, Jim’s caged for stealing a horse.”
“Serve him right. Why didn’t he buy one and not pay for him, like any other gentleman.”
ETIQUETTE requires, in Chinese conversation, that each should complement, the other, and everybody belonging to him, in the most laudable style, and deprecate himself, with all pertaining to him, to the lowest possible point. The following is not an exaggeration:-
“What is your honourable name?”
“My insignificant appellation is Chang.”
“Where is your magnificent palace?”
“My contemptible hut is at Luchan.”
“How many are your illustrious children?”
“My vile, worthless brats are five.”
“How is the health of your distinguished spouse?”
“My mean, good-for- nothing old woman is well.”
CHARGE OF FRAUD. – A charge of fraud was preferred against Mr. M.H. DURNEY on Thursday, in connection with a prom. note for £45, which he passed to Mr. MALLETT. The note was signed by Mr. M. QUINN of Alice, in Mr. DURNEY’S favour, and passed by the latter to Mr. MALLETT. The drawer says the note he signed was for £5, and not £45. The Magistrate committed the accused, fixing the bail at £500.
POISONING. – Yesterday a little Hottentot girl was brought before the Resident Magistrate charged with poisoning her mistress, a Mrs. OPPERMAN, at Holshuia, Baaken, to which she pleaded guilty. It seems that when Mr. OPPERMAN brought the strychnia home he showed it to the girl, and warned her not to touch it, as it was deadly poison. Some time afterwards, Mrs. OPPERMAN corrected the girl for some misconduct, and the latter knowing where the poison was, put a portion of it in some coffee which she was to make for her mistress. Fortunately the poison had not dissolved when Mrs. OPPERMAN partook of the coffee, so that the effects were not fatal. – Cradock Register.
DIED. – At Hertzog on the 30th October, 1868, at the residence of Mr. Geo. GREEN: Marchant TAYLOR, aged 49 years and seven months, deeply regretted by all who knew him. The family of the deceased would hereby tender their sincere thanks to the Revs. THOMSON and SMAILES, Mr. Jas. GREEN, and Mr. INGELTHORPE, who visited their father so often during his illness, and to all those kind friends who showed so much sympathy by their presence on the day of burial.
Saturday, November 14, 1868.
BIRTH, - At Hope Town, on the 1st instant, the wife of W.B. CHALMERS, Esq., C.C. & R.M., of a Daughter.
DIED, at the Wesleyan Mission House, on the morning of the 10th instant, Jane Maria, aged 19 years and 11 months; eldest daughter of the Rev. John WILSON, Wesleyan Minister.
Mr. and Mrs.W. desire to tender their sincere thanks to the numerous friends who have been so very kind and attentive in many ways during the sickness of their beloved daughter; and also to express their grateful sense of the deep sympathy of the community generally, as manifested by the large attendance at the funeral.
On Tuesday last the eldest daughter of the Rev. Mr. WILSON, Wesleyan Minister of the town, died in the flower of youth, after a long illness, borne with great patience and resignation. The deceased was of a most amiable disposition and endeared herself to very many friends, who for months exhibited the greatest solicitude and sympathy in her regard. The sufferer bore her trials with Christian fortitude, and when the final hour arrived she resigned her soul to her Maker’s hands with edifying hope and calmness. General sympathy was felt and shown by the community with the sorrowing family of deceased, and on Thursday morning her remains were followed to the grave by a very large number of all sexes and ages and classes of the community.
DIED, - at Alice on the 7th of November, 1868, after a short illness, Mr. Thomas CALLAGHAN, aged 46 years, of County Longford, Ireland, much respected. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Friday, Nov. 13th.
Nov.12. – “Saxon” arrived last night.
Passengers for Capetown:
Lord Bishop and Mrs. GRAY, and 41 others.
For Algoa Bay:
Mr. G.B. LENNON and Mrs. LENNON, Ensign HART, Mr. MARSH, Mr. J. MACDONALD, Mr. and Mrs. TILBROOK, two children and a servant, Mr. PALMER, Miss BLAIR, Mr. BILLEW, Mr. JONES, Miss JONES, Mr. HORSELTY, Mr. PLUMRIDGE.
Saturday, November 21, 1868.
Mr. A.B. HARRIES, second son of the late Mr. W.M. HARRIES, M.L.A. died at Cape Town on Friday last. He belonged to the firm of Fairbridge, Petit, and Harries.
LIVINGSTONE is said to be within a week’s march of Zanzibar.
JUDGE FITZPATRICK REPORTED. – We hear it stated as a fact that the Attorney-General has actually reported Mr. Justice FITZPATRICK, to the Governor for shooting or killing, or wounding three hares when at Colesberg. Well done Mr. GRIFFITH – it is quite clear that you are no respecter of persons! We shall closely watch the issue.
We regret to announce the death of J. BURNET, Esq., C.C. & R.M. of Aliwal. Deceased has been suffering for some time, but on Saturday became much worse, and departed this life on the evening of that day. Deceased very much respected.
(Extract) SUICIDE AT FORT ENGLAND. – Private HEALY, OF THE 2-11TH Regt, destroyed himself at fort England barracks on Tuesday last.
John de SMIDT, DISTRICT SURGEON, Fort Beaufort.
Paul Jacobus KROG, hotel-keeper, Uitenhage.
Saturday, November 28, 1868.
A very painful excitement was caused lately at Drax, and in the neighbourhood, by the mysterious death of Mr. and Mrs. COULSON, of Drax Hall, from the effects of poison. From investigation and post mortem examination it appeared that they were poisoned by partaking, when in a weak state of health, of apple dumpling made of putrid suet, which had been chopped and salted four months ago. The stronger constitution of the servant girl, who had also eaten of the pudding, enabled her to recover. This was shown by medical testimony and a jury found a verdict in accordance with the evidence.
Saturday, December 5, 1868.
DIED, - At Tarkastadt, on the 20th Oct. 1868, Joseph Louis VANDERPLESCH, at the age of 32 years, late of the British German Legion; recently belonging to Her Majesty’s 11th Regiment.
WARRANT OF APPREHENSION. – A warrant of apprehension has been issued by the Resident Magistrate of Victoria West against Edward James SMITH, general agent, who is charged with the crime of theft, by embezzlement, on the oath of Stephanus Johannes LATSKY and Johannes Michael LATSKY.
John HAM, carrier, Quagga’s Flat.
James SOUTTER, accountant, Cradock.
Jacobus Lodewyk de VILLIERS, farmer, Modder Fontein.
The mail-steamer ‘Dane” arrived in Table Bay on Saturday, with English news to 26 October. 19 passengers for Table Bay.
For Algoa Bay:
For East London:
Dr. or Ensign KNOX, Surgeon CARROL.
A man surrendered himself to the authorities last evening, and acknowledged to having murdered his wife in Australia.
The wife of a Dutch farmer has been brought into Aliwal North, charged with killing her servant by knocking her on the head with a plank.
SOMETHING LIKE A FIND. – “The Sidney Herald” of August 1, contains the following:-
Christopher and his party took out their claim at Ophir, on Tuesday the 28th July, two buckets full of gold. A man named DOUGLAS on looking at the mass of precious metal, actually fainted away.
Saturday, December 12, 1868.
SOUTH AFRICAN TONIC. – Mr. P. LAWRIE, chemist, &c., of this town, has manufactured a tonic bitter from products exclusively of South African growth, which is pronounced to be far superior to any similar imported article. In fact, one enterprising firm intends to export, a quantity to the English market, confident that it will be highly appreciated.
Samuel HARE, clerk, Eland’s Post.
OUR NEW COMMANDER OF FORCES. – Lieut. General HAY and lady, Misses HAY (two), Master HAY, a French governess, and male and female servants, were to leave England on the 10th Nov. by the steamer ‘Roman’.
SHOULD this meet the eye of Harry STUART, (by trade a Pastry Cook and Confectioner), he is requested to correspond with the Editor of this paper, when he will hear of something to his advantage.
Dec. 11, 1868.
Saturday, December 19, 1868.
Roman from England – passage 34 days.
Full Cargo for the Cape.
For East London:
Capt. and Mrs. CROFTON.
For Algoa Bay:
ALIWAL NORTH. – John AUSTEN, Esq., has been gazetted C.C. and R.M. of Aliwal North.
MARSHALL LOPEZ, President of Paraguay, is said to have caused his two brothers, accused of high treason, to be shot, and his bishop to be loaded with chains and cast into prison.
COMMISSARIAT. – Mr. P. EGAN, of the Commissariat Department, has been transferred from East London to King Williamstown; Mr. HILLIER, of the Military Store Department, taking on Mr. EGAN’S duties at East London.
N. REIS, miller, King W’m Town.
Thomas INGRAM, gardener, Grahamstown.
Charles WEBSTER, carrier, Bedford.
We regret exceedingly to hear that Mr. TAYLOR, the Civil Commissioner, is suffering from indisposition. Mr. TAYLOR intends spending a few days at Hangman’s Bush, with a view of recruiting his health. – Gazette.
STRANGE FANCIES. – The prisoner Jacob ARANTES, who was convicted at the last Circuit Court of the crime of murder, and who is now in goal waiting execution, has expressed a great desire to enjoy certain delicacies not usually obtainable within the walls of the prison. He says he has not long to live in this world, and that his stomach cannot digest the prison food, and should like a tin of sardines and a little fresh pork! These articles of food were allowed him by the Magistrate, as it is usual to humour the fancies of one in such circumstances. It is a singular that such fancies occupy the mind of one in the prospect of immediate death. – E.P. Herald.
FATAL ACCIDENT. – A sad and terrible sudden death occurred on the Stormberg on Sunday (yesterday) week. Two young men belonging to a wagon outspanned at Lemoen Kloof, proceeded up the hill; arriving at the top, one of them pushed a large stone, intending to roll it down the krantz, when the stone on which he was standing slipped and he was precipitated to the bottom of the krantz. The krantz is at least 200 feet high, nearly perpendicular and presenting jagged edges. The youth must have been killed instantaneously. The young man’s name was Chas. PASTERSON, son of a saddler of that name, a resident of Queenstown some years ago. – Representative.
FATAL ACCIDENT. – A young man, named Jacobus HENDRICKS, was killed at Somerset last week, by a fall from a spirited horse he was riding.
Julius Theodore ORTLEPP, storekeeper, Colesberg.
William Henry STANTON, agriculturist, Stockenstrom.
Henry BOUCHER, farmer, Fort Beaufort.
RUNAWAYS. – In the Gazette’ appears a warrant for the apprehension of Thomas GREGOROWSKI and James IMSCOTT (? TRUSCOTT), signed John HUMMING (? Hemming), Resident magistrate of Albert (Burghersdorp), in the Cape Colony, and offering £50 reward for the delivery of them at Burghersdorp. Both these escaped prisoners are safe in the Transvaal, several persons having met them in Potchefstroom. Mrs. GREGOROWSKI and her sister have since passed through this town for the same direction. – Friend.
BIRTH- At Fort Beaufort, on the 14th inst., Mrs. W.H. RAWSTORNE, of a Son.
Saturday, December 26, 1868.
SALE OF FARMS AT GRAAF-REINET. – Mr. NESER sold on Thursday, the 10th inst., the farms “Uitkomst,” “Toegedacht,” and “Kruidfontein,” in extent of 5,967 morgen. They were purchased for £2,155 by Mr. Isaac GREEFF, a Free State farmer, who, a short time since, lived at Driekoppen, on the Bay road. – G.R. Herald.
We very much regret to announce that intelligence reached town yesterday of the death on Saturday evening of Mr. G.C. STEWART, under very painful circumstances. Deep sympathy is felt for Mr. STEWART and family in their distressing affliction.
APPOINTMENT. – John HUDSON, Esq., C.C. & R.M. of Victoria West, has been appointed to Aliwal North.
MR. F. SCHERMBRUCKER has been the successful competitor for the supply of the troops for the ensuing year.
The farm “Vischgat,” in the Zwart Ruggens, was sold last Saturday at Aberdeen by C.F. HEUGH.
THE LATE MR. J.W. KEMP. – This town has to lament, in the death of Mr. Joshua Williamson KEMP, the loss of one of its ablest and most respected ex-residents.
BIRTH, at Fort Beaufort, on the 22nd inst., the wife of Mr. J. QUIN, of a Son.
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