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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1865 - 4 - October to December

Tuesday 3 October 1865

BIRTH at Fleming House, Port Elizabeth, on Sunday morning, 1st October 1865, Mrs. Alfred EBDEN of a daughter.

Thursday 5 October 1865

DIED at Bedford on Sunday 1st October, William Alexander, second son of the late James William FAIRBRIDGE Esq. MD, aged 33 years.

BIRTH on Wednesday the 4th inst, Mrs. C.W. PEARSON of a daughter.

Saturday 7 October 1865

BIRT, Mrs. G., a son, on the 9th September, at Port Elizabeth.
BLOOMFIELD. Mrs. W.F., a son, on the 6th September, at Queen’s Town.
EBDEN, Mrs. A., a daughter, on the 1st October, at Port Elizabeth.
FLEMING, Mrs. W., a daughter, on the 30th September, at Port Elizabeth.
KELSALL, Mrs. J.R., a daughter, on the 6th July, at Hong Kong.
PEARSON, Mrs. C.W., a daughter, on the 4th October, at Port Elizabeth.
WEBBER, Mrs. J., a son, on the 19th September, at Port Elizabeth.
FARMER, W. Mortimer Maynard, to Anna Maria DE LORENTZ, on the 21st September, at Wynberg.
HOLLOWAY, Daniel, to Jane WOOD, on the 3rd August, at Pietermaritzburg.
FAIRBRIDGE, W.A., on the 1st October, at Bedford.

Tuesday 10 October 1865

BIRTH on the 6th instant at Russell Road, Port Elizabeth, Mrs. Edward EARLY of a son.

In the calm of the past Sabbath evening our late fellow townsman passed away from our midst. During a long [period] of suffering he manifested the patience and resignation of a Christian. Many a man bold enough to face the ‘imminent deadly breach’ would shrink from the long struggle with death which our departed friend so patiently endured. Now he is more than conqueror
[Transcriber’s note: paragraph appears to stop mid line with a blank space beneath]

Thursday 12 October 1865

A little boy, twelve years of age, a son of Mr. NIGRISI, of Worcester, was knocked down by a team of oxen which he was tending. The poor little fellow was trampled under the feet of the animals, and one of the wagon wheels crushed his head, killing him on the spot. The boy’s mother was in the wagon at the time.

New reached Cape Town on the 3rd inst. that Mr. Stephanus DU TOIT, of Waggonmakers Valley, had in a very deliberate manner shot himself through the head. What could have incited him to the act is utterly unknown. He was a man of acknowledged wealth, an elder of the Dutch Reformed Church at Wellington, and universally held in high esteem. He leaves a widow and several children. – Advertiser and Mail.

The funeral of R.J. DUTTON Esq., Clerk of the Peace at Graham’s Town, took place on Saturday last.

A melancholy accident occurred this morning on board the transport vessel Windsor Castle, to an able seaman of the name of PINCH, who, whilst engaged in the rigging, unfortunately missed his footing, and was precipitated with considerable fore on the deck below, his head coming into violent contact with the corner of the cook’s galley, dashing out his brains, and killing him on the spot.

Saturday 14 October 1865

BIRTH at Addo Drift, on the 29th September, Mrs. E.J. BIDDULPH of a daughter.

BIRTH on the 13th instant, the wife of Mr. H.C. BAKER of a daughter.

On Wednesday last, at noon, Mr. William SMITH held a sale of landed property, in the insolvent estate of Mr. J. CAWOOD, on the stoep of the Town hall. Two erven at Walmer were sold at £17 and £5; a cottage at the North-end fetched £10; a turning-lathe £15, and 7 tons of coal sold at £2 per ton. The [lease] of the steam mills was not sold.

Tuesday 17 October 1865

A person named LANGLEY has been run over by a wagon and killed in the Kat River settlement.

Thursday 19 October 1865

On Monday night last Mrs. (widow) EDYE, of Uitenhage, died suddenly. Decease attended Divine Service on Sunday, and was well as usual on Monday. Particulars are not yet known.

Thursday 26 October 1865

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 25th instant, the wife of the Rev. J.C. ADAMS of a son.

Tuesday 31 October 1865

His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Adolphus Maurice JACKSON a marriage officer for the purpose of solemnizing the marriages of persons professing the Jewish faith. Residing in the Eastern districts of the Colony.

Thursday 9 November 1865

Mrs. EEDY, of Uitenhage, died very suddenly one evening about a fortnight ago, after a severe fit of coughing, during which she broke a blood vessel.

ADAMS, Mrs. J.C., a son, on the 25th Oct, at Port Elizabeth.
BAKER, Mrs. H.C., a daughter, on the 13th Oct, at Port Elizabeth.
BAUMANN, Mrs. Louis, a son, on the 28th Oct, at Port Elizabeth.
BIDDULPH, Mrs. E.J., on the 29th Sept, at Addo Drift.
EARLY, Mrs. Edward, a son, on the 6th Oct, at Port Elizabeth.
FRAMES, W.B., on the 8th Oct, at Port Elizabeth.

Saturday 11 November 1865

BIRTH on Wednesday the 8th instant, Mrs. G.S. DARTER of a son.

Tuesday 14 November 1865

BIRTH on Monday the 13th instant, Mrs. Francis H. CARPENTER of a son.

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Monday 13th instant, Mrs. W.C. ELLIOTT of a son.
Port Elizabeth, Nov. 13 1865

Thursday 16 November 1865

DIED at Uitenhage on Sunday the 12th November 1865, Maria Johanna, beloved wife of C.F. HEUGH Esq.

Saturday 18 November 1865

BIRTH on the 17th September, at Mynthurst, near Reigate, the wife of D.P. BLAINE Esq. of a son.

Tuesday 21 November 1865

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 19th inst, Mrs. John FRY of a daughter.

Thomas CLARK, a soldier of the 5th Fusiliers, was found in White’s Road on Sunday morning last, suffering from serious injuries, from the effects of which he died shortly afterwards. The cause of the wounds has not yet been clearly ascertained; whether they are the effects of accident or otherwise remains to be proved. No official report of the circumstances has as yet been made to the Magistrate. The man was buried yesterday with military honours.

Saturday 25 November 1865

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 20th November, at the South-side of Baaken’s River, the wife of Mr. Elijah EDWARDS, Blacksmith, of a daughter.

The Resident magistrate has instituted a rigid investigation in this matter. The evidence at the post mortem examination, together with that taken by Captain HARKNESS, differs in some respects from what came out at the inquiry before the Resident Magistrate. It is now thought that the soldier, who had been seen at nine o’clock drunk, had not fallen from the bank, but had been seized with a fit of apoplexy.

Thursday 30 November 1865

MARRIED by Special Licence on the 21st November 1865 at the Commemoration Chapel, Graham’s Town, by the Rev. J. Edwards, Herbert Henry Coles BAKER, of King William’s Town, to Ruth, third daughter of the late Samuel CAWOOD Esq. M.L.C. No cards.

Tuesday 5 December 1865

DEPARTED THIS LIFE at Mossel Bay, on the 28th instant, Charles H. VINTCENT Esq, aged 26 years.

Our correspondent at Swellendam, in a letter dated the 29th Nov., announces a very sudden death that took place there on the same day. “It appears that Mrs. John STEYN, a daughter of the late Mr. FALCK, was in her usual health during the whole forenoon, only complaining of a pain in one of her arms, and sat at the dinner table as usual with her family. About an hour afterwards she went to lie down for a short time in the bedroom, where her husband, who felt rather indisposed, had already gone to lie down. Scarcely had she laid herself upon the bed when her husband heard her fetch a deep sigh, and almost immediately afterwards another sigh followed, which startled her husband, who went to ascertain the cause, when he found his wife already a corpse. The medical man was immediately sent for, but in vain – the spirit had already left its mortal tenement. This sudden death has spread a gloom over the whole community.” – Advertiser and Mail.

Thursday 7 December 1865

Mr. VINTCENT, of Mossel Bay, was out riding a week or two ago, when suddenly his horse dropped down as if struck by a bullet, and died in a few minutes. Mr. VINTCENT had not left the stable five minutes, and when he mounted the horse seemed to be quite well.

BLAINE, Mrs. D.P., a son, on the 17th September, at Mynthurst, near Reigate, England.
CARPENTER, Mrs. F.H., a son, on the 13th November, at Port Elizabeth.
DARTER, Mrs. G.S., a son, on the 8th November, at Port Elizabeth.
ELLIOTT, Mrs. W.C., a son, on the 13th November, at Port Elizabeth.
EDWARDS, Mrs. Elijah, a daughter, on the 20th November, at Port Elizabeth.
FRY, Mrs. John, a daughter on the 19th November, at Port Elizabeth.
BAKER, H.H.C., to Ruth CAWOOD, on the 21st November, at Graham’s Town.
HEUGH, Mrs. C.F., on the 12th November, at Uitenhage.
NORRIS, Clara Emily, on the 30th November, at Port Elizabeth.
VINCENT [sic], Charles H., on the 28th November, at Mossel Bay.

With much regret we have to report the awfully sudden death of our late fellow townsman Mr. William SEMARK. He had attended the sale held at the wreck of the ‘Dane’ on Tuesday last, and on his return from thence, when near the Fishery, was observed to sway in the saddle, and almost immediately to fall from his horse. He was at once removed to Mr. FRAMES’s house, where everything that human skill and resources at hand could supply was promptly resorted to by one of the surgeons of the Union Steam Ship Company, who had most opportunely arrived there, but without avail, for in 10 minutes the deceased had ceased to live. Disease of the heart, accelerated by exposure to the sun, is supposed to have been the cause of death. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved widow and her youthful family, who by this sad calamity are left totally unprovided for.

Tuesday 12 December 1865

MARRIED at Kraggakama on the 9th instant by the Rev. George Renny, Mr. Wm. SUTHERLAND, of Port Elizabeth, to Hannah, third daughter of Wm. TITTERTON Esq. of Kraggakama.
Port Elizabeth, Dec 12 1865.

Thursday 14 December 1865

BIRTH at Humansdorp on the 8th instant, Mrs. Chas. M. VILLET of a daughter.

DIED at her residence, Cradock Place, on the 11th December 1865, in her 88th year, Mrs. the Widow KORSTEN.

Tuesday 19 December 1865

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 18th inst, Catherine Renera, infant daughter of John Larkyn FRY Esq, aged 1 month.

A navy, named George EVANS, recently from Graham’s Town, was found drowned just beneath the sea-wall, a short distance from the Bethel, on Sunday morning last. He was last seen alive on Saturday night, at which time he was in a very intoxicated state. It is supposed that while in that state he must have fallen in to the sea.

Tuesday 26 December 1865

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 23rd inst, Mrs. J.[R. HOLLAND of a son.

Thursday 28 December 1865

BIRTH on the 26th December 1865, the wife of Mr. Gustav COHEN of a daughter.

Saturday 30 December 1865

Mr. Geo. DICKS, confectioner, of Main-street, has, we hear, sent his papers in to the Master. His liabilities amount to upwards of £1,000, mostly owing in Port Elizabeth

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