Eastern Province Herald 1864 - 3 - July to September
Friday 1 July 1864
William STERLEY, Boot and Shoemaker, in thanking his customers for their past support, begs to inform them that he has removed to Hospital Hill, where he hopes by civility and good workmanship to merit a continuance of past favours. All orders punctually attended to.
BIRTH at Human’s Dorp on Wednesday 22nd June, Mrs. MORROW of a son.
Friday 8 July 1864
MARRIED on Wednesday the 6th instant, Mr. S.D. MARKS, of this place, to Julia, sixth daughter of Mr. DAVIS Esq, London.
DIED on the 1st July at Alexandria, Mr. W.H. DEACON, after a short and painful illness, aged [34] years, leaving a wife and 4 young children to mourn their loss.
MARRIAGE, April 20 at St.Saviour’s, Maida-hill West, Wm. Thomas TWEEDIE Esq. of Graaff-Reinet, Cape of Good Hope, son of the late Thomas TWEEDIE Esq. of Quarter and Machen, Peeblesshire N.B., to Mary, only child of Francis COPE Esq. of Upper Westbourne-terrace, Hyde-park.
Friday 15 July 1864
FLETCHER, Mrs. J.A., a son, on the 11th June, at Port Elizabeth.
MARSHALL, Mrs. G.H., a daughter, on June 24, at Port Elizabeth.
MORROW, Mrs., a son, on June 22nd, at Humansdorp.
WOOD, Mrs. Henry, a son, on the 14th June, at Graham’s Town.
MARKS, S.D. to Julia, sixth daughter of Mr. DAVIS, London, on the 6th July, at Port Elizabeth.
WIGGETT, Samuel James, to Agnes SMITH, on June 21, at George Town.
DEACON, W.H., on the 1st July, at Alexandria.
LIPINSKY, Rudolph Von Rosenberg, on June 24, at Port Elizabeth.
BIRTH at Uitenhage on Saturday the 9th July 1864, Mrs. Fred. LANGE of a son.
Friday 22 July 1864
Mr. FOSTER, of the firm SHAW, FOSTER & Co, at Clanwilliam, died very suddenly last week. He went to bed apparently in perfect health, and within an hour after a sound was heard in his room, and he was found dead. Apoplexy is believed to have been the cause of his death.
A SHOCKING MURDER was committed at Zwaker’s Hoek, division of Somerset, last week. It appears that a wealthy farmer, Mr. [LENNOX], was met in the veld by his shepherd and two other Kafirs, who told him that they had discovered a spot where a tiger had caught a sheep. They immediately proceeded there, and on arriving at the alleged spot, which was a desolated one, the Kafirs said to the unfortunate man, “Now you are the tiger, and we will treat you as such”, when they barbarously murdered him. The body has been found, and the murderers apprehended, the son having confessed to the whole concern. There had previously been some misunderstanding with the men, who thus revenged themselves. – Graaff-Reinet Herald.
We sincerely regret to record the death of Mr. Daniel WAINWRIGHT, one of the settlers of 1820. His son, writing to a friend in this city, says: I am sorry to inform you that my [poor] father died on the 11th July. He was very ill when I returned home from town and got gradually [worse]. He suffered intense agony for some days but died perfectly resigned to the [will of God]. [Last two lines illegible due to print being worn away]
Tuesday 26 July 1864
The Swellendam correspondent of the Advertiser & Mail writes: A day or two back a shocking affair happened at [Rietkull], almost twelve miles from here. A daughter of Mr. A.J. GILDENHUYS, of Heidelberg, was travelling by bullock-wagon, and while the oxen were outspanned, was engaged in making a fire for the morning meal. Unfortunately she wore a crinoline, and suddenly discovered that her dress was on fire. In her fright, she ran distracted, which only fanned the flames, till in a few moments the steel of her stays became red hot, and the poor thing died eight hours afterwards. Mr. PRINSLOO, her uncle, who did all in his power to extinguish the flames, was dreadfully burnt. It is said that the young lady had only been married a few weeks, and was but sixteen years old.
Friday 29 July 1864
A report has reached Cradock respecting the fate of a man named DAY, a shoemaker, and a resident of Cradock, who had been on a visit to Zwager’s Hoek. It is supposed that whilst on his return he must have been frozen to death, as his body has been found on the road, partly eaten up by [a]asvogels.
Tuesday 2 August 1864
DIED at the residence of her son. [….bro] Park, […..] on Tuesday 5 July, Jane […..], the beloved wife of [Charles] MACKINTOSH Esq. J.P., and daughter of the late John Paramor BOYS Esq, Deputy Paymaster to the Forces of the Peninsula.
Two sudden deaths occurred during last week in Cape Town. On Monday last Mr. Jacob WASSERFALL, the builder, whilst serving on the petit jury in the Supreme Court, was seized with a fit of apoplexy and conveyed home in a state of unconsciousness. Medical aid subsequently restored consciousness, but he lingered until Friday, when death put a period to his existence. On Saturday Mr. W. MOORE, silversmith, an industrious and respected tradesman, died suddenly in St.John’s-street; he was complaining of ill health a day or two previously.
Friday 5 August 1864
On Sunday last a little boy, the eldest child of Mr. WINSIN, foreman at the Kowie steam mill, fell into the river and was drowned. The poor little fellow, not more than six years of age, was playing with two or three companions of hos own age, in or near a boat not far from the Everton, when the accident happened. No alarm was given on the spot by the other children, who ran off to tell the mother, and by the time help was at hand it was useless.
The “Everton” – this vessel, which was sold at Port Alfred a short time ago, in a damaged state, is now almost ready for sea. She was taken up the river and her bottom timbers underwent a thorough examination, after which she was newly zinced. The timbers, we believe, were found to be in very good order – strong and sound, and the purchase is said to be a very good one. She is now alongside the Mill, and will be ready for sea in about a fortnight. She is intended to trade between Port Alfred and the Mauritius, - Journal.
CAPT. W.R. BALLMENT, of the Hugh Ballment, who died suddenly on Friday night last, was buried on Saturday in St.Mary’s Churchyard. The flags of several stores and those of the shipping were hung half-mast, and the corpse was followed by the captains in the Bay. The remains were borne to the grave by four of the crew of deceased’s vessel. Capt. BALLMENT died from apoplexy.
Tuesday 9 August 1864
BIRTH at the Lord [….] Hotel, Port Elizabeth, on Sunday the 7th instant, the wife of Mr. Samuel [R…] of a daughter
Port Elizabeth, August [9] 1864
DIED at Zuurbron, on the 2nd August 1864, at the residence of her Brother, Mr. W.S.G. METELERKAMP, Maria Johanna Cornelia, the beloved wife of R. RESTALL Esq, of Groete Vley, District Alexandria.
Friday 12 August 1864
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 12th August, Mrs. S. BAIN of a son.
Tuesday 16 August 1864
DIED at Uitenhage on Saturday the 13th instant, the Rev. Alexander SMITH, upwards of 40 years Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, much respected and deeply regretted.
Friday 19 August 1864
MARRIED on the 16th instant at Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. J. Harsant, Samuel Pond TILBROOK, son of the late Wm. TILBROOK Esq. of Woodham Ferrers, Essex, to Emma MAIN, daughter of the late Simon MAIN Esq. of the same county. No cards.
On the same day, brother of the above-named J P [sic] TILBROOK, Mary Ann WARREN, daughter of James WARREN Esq. of Hockley, Essex, England. No cards.
MARRIED at St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, by the Rev. J. Seddon, on the 18th August, James HOGG Esq. C.E. of Port Alfred, to Charlotte, daughter of Nathaniel TAYLOR Esq. of Belmont House, Stranraer, Wigtonshire, N.B.
Friday 26 August 1864
BIRTH: Mrs. John FEY of a son
Port Elizabeth 26th August 1864.
Bake and Confectioner
Main Street
Opposite the Stores of J.O. SMITH & Co.
Wedding Cakes, Wedding Breakfasts, Dinners &c furnished in a superior style. Mixed and Potted Cakes always on hand, or made to order. Fresh Bread daily, and delivered to customers at their residence. Shops supplied. A superior assortment of Groceries always on hand. [Bain’s] Ginger Beer.
Tuesday 30 August 1864
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Sunday 28th August, the wife of Mr. Charles ADCOCK of a son.
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 28th instant, Mrs. Charles T. JONES of a daughter.
MARRIED on 27th August 1864, at St.Mary’s Church, by the Rev. J. Seddon, Mary Anne Frances, widow of the late William SMITH Esq, to Henry William PEARSON Esq.
A sad accident occurred at the breakwater quarries on Friday last. It appears that about three o’clock in the afternoon, John JUNIPER, John HOLBORN and a man named LENNON were engaged in loading up a truck. LENNON was standing on the foot-board when a large stone weighing about 100lbs was handed up to him. He took it in his hands and lifted it as high as his breast with the view to put it into the truck, when suddenly his foot slipped and he fell back to the ground, bringing the stone upon his head with great force. He was conveyed to the hospital, where he died next day.
Saturday 4 September 1864 [sic]
General Agent and Broker, Wool-washing and Pressing Establishment
Opposite the Crown Steam Mills
On Saturday afternoon last the premises of Mr. W.O. DIXON, of East London, narrowly escaped being burned down. A quantity of forage was stored away in a loft adjoining a chimney, a brick from which having fallen out, the flame was drawn through the aperture, and encountering the forage, instantly ignited it. The fire was fortunately observed in time by a number of people who ran to the spot, and as there was plenty of water from the recent rains lying in pools in the immediate vicinity, they succeeded in extinguishing it; not, however, before considerable property had been destroyed. – Kaffrarian.
Tuesday 6 September 1864
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth by Special Licence on the 1st inst. by the Rev. J.C. Adams, John [PA…..CE] to [….ita], youngest daughter of the late Rev. John RUBBIDGE, Baptist Minister, Chobham.
We use no mere unmeaning formula of posthumous eulogy when we say that all who heard of the death of Fredrik Stephanus WATERMEYER felt it – as few such events have been felt before – to be not merely a personal but a public loss. In the comparative youth of thirty-seven, in the prime of life, and the blossom rather than the fully developed fruit of his intellectual endowments – while a new profession had been opened to him, and there was not merely a prospect, but an assured certainty of brilliant success – while to his family, to his friends, and to society, his life was invaluable – he has been taken away from amongst us, and has fallen, as many a noble and gifted man has fallen before, a victim of overstrained effort, and of a principal of honour so high and chivalrous, that to some it seemed even an approach to positive [morbidness]. Young though he was, and though brief his career, even in those seven-and-thirty years, or rather in the last sixteen of them, he condensed an amount of accomplished work and of astonishing success such as few can attain to in the most protracted lifetime. Educated in early youth under the admirable training of the Rev. Mr. JUDGE, before he was twenty he entered on public life, and took an active and effective part in the busy excitement of political affairs. Whilst engaged as secretary to one public company, and as the accomplished actuary of one of the oldest of our insurance companies, he started and edited the Observer newspaper during the keen controversy of the Anti-Convict agitation, and conducted that journal not merely as a free and outspoken organ of public opinion, but made it the repository of some of the very best contributions to our colonial literature. On the departure of Mr. FAIRBAIRN and Sir Andries STOCKENSTROM as delegates to England, he took charge of the South African Commercial Advertiser, and managed it, as well as the Observer, with a remarkable combination of ability, prudence and independence. Subsequently he became a regular contributor to the editorial columns of the Cape Times Mail, and an occasional one to the Advertiser; and it was in the latter that he drew out, submitted to the public, and most forcibly expounded and advanced the scheme of public competitive examinations which has since been so well organised by the Board of Examiners, and which is destined ultimately to be developed into a regularly equipped South African University. Soon after this his manifold engagements in other capacities compelled him to withdraw from the newspaper […]; but still his active mind never ceased to take what for him was positive relaxation in literary composition, and to the Cape Monthly Magazine he contributed some of the most valuable historical essays with which that periodical was from time to time [….]; while in the Volksblad he wrote frequent articles of a tone, character and ability which attracted attention and commanded respect wherever they were read. In the [….] Parliament he was elected as a member for the district of Graaff-Reinet, and of his parliamentary success it is unnecessary for us to speak. The views he adopted there were in harmonious keeping with the previous [….] of his whole life, and he expressed them with an independence of spirit and a power of speech which his keenest opponents were the foremost to acknowledge. Meanwhile, however, and indeed for several years before he had in private been devoting all his spare time to the study of law as a profession. Here his classical training under Mr. JUDGE proved of signal service to him, as no doubt also did the assistance of that most accomplished of jurists, his brother, Mr. Justice WATERMEYER. Mainly then by his own private studies, though partly by his subsequent attendance on the lectures of the Law Professor, Mr. BRAND, he acquired a knowledge of the profession in all its branches, which not merely enabled him to pass with signal credit an examination before Judges BELL and CLOETE, but fitted him at once for an appearance in the Supreme Court, of which thenceforth he became a most conspicuous and distinguished ornament. Fortunately for him, almost immediately after his admission to the bar, he, with Mr. DENYSSON, was engaged as counsel in the celebrated [LONG] case, and through the necessary absence of his senior on circuit it fell to his lot, though junior, to conduct the argument and enter the lists against the Lord Bishop of Cape Town, who on that occasion distinguished himself as a jurist not less than a divine. The appearance made by Mr. WATERMEYER during the whole of that memorable trial established his character not merely as an ingenious and successful pleader, but as a constitutional lawyer of the highest promise: and such was the ability of his argument that it drew forth for him the high honour of a complimentary notice by the Lords of the Privy Council.
[The obituary continues in similar vein for a further half column, but is very difficult to read as the print has faded]
Thursday 8 September 1864
It is with much regret we have heard of the death of Mr. Cornelius RAUTENBACH, of the district of Humansdorp. He was a man well-known and deservedly respected by a large circle of countrymen and friends, and his loss will be severely felt throughout the district. As an industrious and enterprising agriculturist, Mr. RAUTENBACH was ever foremost in availing himself of every information whereby the development of the resources of the country could be promoted, and in the use and introduction of agricultural machinery he was always ready to experiment. But it is in the cultivation and manufacture of tobacco that Mr. RAUTENBACH was best known to the country. In a quiet, unostentatious way, and yet persevering to overcome obstacles and difficulty, he pushed his efforts to successful issue, and some of the tobacco recently sold by him on the market at Port Elizabeth was pronounced by competent judges to be almost equal to the imported Cavendish. Such men as Mr. RAUTENBACH are the true friends of progress. Deeds not words is their motto; and while we offer our sympathy to the sorrowing relatives and friends, we hope that as the father did, so may the children, and that Mr. RAUTENBACH’s sons may long be spared to follow in the steps of their father, and may be known as enterprising and successful men.
DIED at Uitenhage on the 5th instant, Johanna Wilhelmina, second daughter of Mr. W.A. BUTLER, in the second year of her age.
Tuesday 13 September 1864
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth September 11, Mrs. E. Brooke SMITH of a daughter.
BIRTH at Graaff-Reinet on the 6th inst, the wife of P. CARO of a daughter.
DIED at Wolvekraal on Monday the 5th September 1864, at the residence of his son, G.L. RAUTENBACH, C.A. RAUTENBACH, at the age of 54 years and 5 months, leaving 11 children to mourn their irreparable loss. Deceased was highly respected by all who knew him.
Last week a melancholy accident happened at Simon’s Town. A couple of horses got loose and ran wildly along the street. One of the animals rushed with all its force against Mr. [SKINNERS], a most respectable in habitant, who was walking along the street at the time; it knocked him down with great force, and passing over him, caused such severe injuries that the poor man, after lingering and enduring much pain, died within twenty-four hours.
The usual fortnightly meeting of this board was held yesterday afternoon, T. WORMALD Esq. in the chair. Present: Rev. J. HARSANT, Messrs. Wm. SMITTH, J. GEARD, E.J. KEMSLEY, E. HUGHES, J. LESLIE and W. PATTINSON. …….
This board met yesterday afternoon, C. ANDREWS Esq. in the chair. There were present: Revs. S. BROOK, J. RICHARDS, J. HARSANT and G. RENNIE; Messrs. Wm. SMITH, W.M. HARRIES, BRISTER, JONES, E. HUGHES, J. GEARD, J.E. KEMSLEY and J. LESLIE. …..
Friday 16 September 1864
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 11th inst, Mrs. James E. WATSON of a son.
MARRIED at St.Paul’s Church, Port Elizabeth on the 13th, by the Rev. Samuel Brook, Chars Edward ATKINSON, of Graaff-Reinet, to Temperance RANDALL, daughter of N. RANDALL, Port Elizabeth. No Cards.
Saturday 17 September 1864
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Sunday 28th August, the wife of Mr. Charles ADCOCK of a son.
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 29th August, the wife of Mr. Alfred GRIFFITHS of a son.
Tuesday 20 September 1864
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 17th inst, Mrs. J.H. ATKINSON of a son.
We regret to learn by this mail that Dr. RUBIDGE, late of this town, was very ill on his voyage home. When at Ascension he was much exposed to the sun, and for some time after was delirious, but his friends will be glad to know that before the mail left he had recovered, and from a letter we have seen in his own handwriting we gather he was fast regaining health and strength.
Tuesday 27 September 1864
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Friday the 23rd instant, Mrs. George IMPEY of a son.
BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on Thursday the 22nd instant, the wife of the Rev. W. SARGEANT of a daughter.
- Hits: 1888