Eastern Province Herald 1864 - 1 - January to March
Friday 1 January 1864
Dr HOUSLEY begs to inform his Patients and Friends that he has removed to the Residence, in Donkin-street, lately occupied by the Rev. J. HARSANT.
December 30 1863.
MARRIED at Uitenhage, on the 24th inst, by the Rev. W. Llewellyn, Mr. J.H. CALLAGHAN, of Victoria West, to Miss Jane WATSON of Wolvefontein, District of Uitenhage.
DIED at Lieuwen Bosch in the District of Human’s Dorp, on Friday 25th September 1863, Mr. Frederik Johannes Abraham POTGIETER, aged 87 years, 10 months and 6 days.
Mr. Jno. HUMAN, alias J. WITKLYS, was drowned a few days ago in attempting to cross the drift near his farm. A young Englishman, Frank CHAPMAN, lately in VERZYL’s employ, shared the same fate. The accident happened very early in the morning, as they left before Mrs. HUMAN and her children had risen. They took with them two muids of wheat to be ground at GROENEWALD’s, a sheep and a lamb; but did not reach their destination. It is presumed that the horses, on account of the darkness, lost the road, which is at that place formed of a ridge of rocks in a triangular shape, and went into a “zeekoegat” to the left, where the cart and horses were afterwards discovered. – Argus.
Tuesday 5 January 1864
DIED at Port Elizabeth on 1st January 1864, […. George] Henry, infant son of [J…] H. [W…..] aged 1 year.
Mr. Thomas COLLING has been appointed deputy postmaster at Paardepoort, Uitenhage, vice Mr. Henry REED, resigned.
Mr. S. TROLLIP, accompanied by his son, the Rev. Mr. HUNTER, and servant, met with an awkward accident last week. The horses having become restive, Mr. TROLLIP attempted to spring out, but was pulled by the servant under the wheel, which passed over him. Fortunately he was not much hurt.
In the joint Estate of the late Frederik Johannes Abraham POTGIETER and surviving spouse, Cornelia CRONJEE, of the District of Human’s Dorp.
All persons having Claims in the above Estate are requested to file the same with
at their Office, Human’s Dorp, within six weeks from this date, and those indebted to pay their debts within the same period.
Johannes Isaak POTGIETER
Executors Testamentary
Greuwenbosch, 28th December 1863
Friday 8 January 1864
MARRIED at Uitenhage on the 23rd December 1863, by the Rev. W. Llewellyn ………
[Transcriber’s note: The last two lines of this notice are partially rubbed away and very difficult to read, but I think it is the marriage of James FAIRBANKS to Mary Jane REED. Their marriage entry is here.
Tuesday 12 January 1863
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 25th December 1863, of Lock Jaw, William [F…..] [S…..]. aged [18] years 3 months and [..] days.
DIED on the 10th January, at the residence of Mr. J. [ELLERTON]. Mary Ellen, only daughter of Mr. H. […………..], [……….] Farm, near Queen’s Town, aged [13] years and [.] months.
Friday 15 January 1864
DIED on the 13th inst. at Port Elizabeth, Robert, youngest son of the late Lieut.Col. James BUCHANAN H.E.I.C., aged 33 years.
Tuesday 19 January 1864
The body of Mr. PEARCY, who was drowned on the 29th ult, was found on the banks, very much decomposed, on the 2nd instant.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on Sunday the 17th instant, John HEUGH, aged 43 years.
Friday 22 January 1864
BIRTH on the 19th instant, Mrs. Louis BENJAMIN of a son.
MARRIED on Tuesday the 13th October, by the Rev. Dr. Tucker, in St.Peter’s Church, St.George’s, Bermuda, Robert Henry SMITH Esq, Assistant-Commissary-General to Her Majesty’s Forces, to Augusta Emma, elder daughter of the late Samuel BASHAM Esq.
A young man named SWANEPOEL was killed a few days ago at Victoria West. He was driving a wagon with six horses laden with stones. The horses took fright and galloped away – two wheels came off – the wagon was upset, and the driver was killed on the spot. Mr. D. NIEKERK, who was with him, was much injured.
Some time ago, it will be remembered by our readers, a preliminary examination took place in a charge of murder against a man named O’FLYNN of Jagersbosch, near Humansdorp. The bodies of his wife and mother-in-law were exhumed, for the purpose of ascertaining whether there was any appearance of poison having been administered to them. The portions of the body required were sent to cape Town for analyzation, but decomposition had gone so far that Mr. SCHMIETERLOEW declined to undertake the unpleasant task. The Attorney-General has therefore, in consequence of the insufficiency of the evidence obtained to establish a conviction, declined to prosecute, and Mr. O’FLYNN is by this time liberated.
Tuesday 26 January 1864
BIRTH at Cradock on the 13th instant, Mrs. James McMASTER of a son.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on Monday the 25th inst, Marianne Estelle, aged 7 months, youngest daughter of Thomas MAYBURY and Jemima HARRIS.
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 25th instant, Mrs. A. WILMOT of a daughter.
MARRIED at St.Mary’s Church on Saturday 23rd January 1864, by the Rev. E. Pickering, Charles Louis, son of Henry A. FANNER Esq. of St.John’s Wood, London, to Emily Lucy, daughter of Henry HEWITT Esq. of Cape Town.
Friday 29 January 1864
Mrs. GILBERT having removed to Constitution Hill, next door to the late residence of Dr. HOUSLEY, will, after this date, receive her pupils at the above address.
January 18 1864.
BIRTH at Richmond on the 23rd January 1864, Mrs. J.S.O. BRINK of a daughter.
Tuesday 2 February 1864
The Wool-Pressing Business
of the late Mr. John HEUGH
will in future be carried on by Mrs. John HEUGH, who solicits a continuance of the kind support given to her late husband.
Port Elizabeth
22nd January 1864
I hereby certify that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my Wife after this date.
John Chalmers SANGSTER
Feb 2nd 1864
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on Tuesday the 2nd February, by the Very Rev. Thomas Murphy V.G., Mr. Malcolm W. JACKSON, of Alice, to Catherine, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Bernard McCABE.
Friday 5 February 1864
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth, the wife of [Tav,,,da[ [FO….ECCA]] Junior of a daughter.
DIED on the 3rd instant at her late residence on the Hill, adjacent to the Grey Institute, Mary Ann, the beloved wife of Mr. T.R. SMALLMAN, aged 34 years.
[Transcriber’s note: Deceased was the daughter of 1820 settler Thomas COLLING and her Death Notice shows that she died shortly after giving birth to a son by her second husband.]
Friday 12 February 1864
DIED on the [8th] inst, [John Pears …..] second son of John and Mary TUDHOPE, aged [illegible]
DIED at [Humansdorp, on the 29th [instant], Eugene James, only son of J.P. and M. O’CONNELL, aged [10] months and 29 days.
On Wednesday last a young man named Joseph JONES, a bandsman of the Rifle Volunteer Corps, was found dead in bed. It appears that on the previous evening he had felt poorly and requested permission to rest at a canteen. This was granted; feeling worse, he asked to be allowed to lie down, and this favor was also conceded. Next morning the unfortunate young man was found dead in his bed. Rumours of foul play had got abroad, and from representations made to A.C. WYLDE Esq Clerk of the Peace, that officer felt it his duty to order a most mortem examination of the body to be made, with the view to discover the cause of death. This duty was performed by DR. ENSOR, and that gentleman reported there was not the slightest external violence on the chest or body; though there was a slight abrasion on the head and nose. The immediate cause of death, which might have been accelerated by a fit, was disease of the lungs, portions of which had grown to the sides of the body. The funeral took place yesterday, with military honours.
MARRIED at St.Paul’s Church, Port Elizabeth n Tuesday the 9th instant, by the Rev. S. Brook, Alfred Northcote FANNER, fourth son of Henry A. FANNER Esq, of St.John’s Wood, London, to Sarah Ann, eldest daughter of the late Henry STAINES Esq, of Port Elizabeth. No cards
Tuesday 16 February 1864
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on the 11th instant, by the Rev. George Renny, Presbyterian Church, Mr. Thomas Somers KIRKWOOD, Hope Town, to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. James DEWES, Addo Heights. No cards.
12th February 1864.
BENJAMIN, Mrs. Louis, of a son, on the 19th January, at Port Elizabeth.
BRINK, Mrs. J.S.O., of a daughter, on the 23rd January, at Richmond.
[FO…..CA], [Tav…da] Jun, a daughter, at Port Elizabeth.
McMASTER, Mrs. James, a son, on the 13th of January, at Cradock.
WILMOT, Mrs. A., a daughter, on the 25th January, at Port Elizabeth.
FANNER, Alfred Northcote, to Sarah Ann STAINES, on the 9th instant, at Port Elizabeth.
FANNER, Charles Louis, to Emily Lucy HEWITT, on the 23rd January, at Port Elizabeth.
SMITH, Robert Henry, to Augusta Emma BASHAM, on the 13th October, at St.George’s, Bermuda.
HEUGH, John, on the 17th January, at Port Elizabeth.
MAYBURY, Marianne Estelle, infant daughter of Thomas, on the 25th January, at Port Elizabeth.
O’CONNELL, Eugene James, infant son of J.P. and M, on the 29th January, at Humansdorp.
SMALLMAN, Mrs. T.H., on the 3rd February, at Port Elizabeth.
TUDHOPE, John Pears, second son of John and Mary, on the 8th instant, at Port Elizabeth.
Friday 19 February 1864
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on Thursday 18th February 1864, by the Rev. John Richards, Charles DOWSETT, son of Henry DOWSETT Esq, Swan Lane, Dartford, Kent, to Miss Elizabeth HEALEY, of D’Urban, Natal.
A terrible accident has just occurred at the Keiskamma drift, on the new line of road to Grahamstown. It appears that on Saturday last, Lieut. FITZGIBBON, a fine, promising and highly respected young officer of the 2nd 10th Regt., had taken his passage in the post-cart for King William’s Town, but owing to the earlier departure of the mail than usual, it left without him, his seat being occupied by the Right Rev. Bishop MORAN R.C., and he was consequently obliged to hire another conveyance. The mail cart pushed rapidly forward, coming round by Trompetters, and reached the Keiskamma about 6pm, which it found impassable. The passengers, of whom there were three, Messrs J. SPYRON, W.C. FULLER and Bishop MORAN, together with the mail bags, were obliged to have recourse to the basket to get across, which feat was successfully accomplished, the Bishop sticking fast for a short time in the middle. Fortunately, however, no further damage occurred; but a few hours afterwards Mr. SLATER’s passenger cart approached, containing Lieut. FITZGIBBON, Mr. H.T. FULLER (who had joined at Peddie) and the driver, a Mr. HYDE. From what we can gather it seems that this party meeting, with some wagons which had crossed the river that afternoon, enquired of the drivers the state of the drift, and were informed that the water was low (which was true as respects the time when they had made the passage, about 4 o’clock in the afternoon). This was late in the evening. On getting to the drift about ten o’clock, the moon being down and the night very dark, an ominous stillness prevailed, and Mr. FULLER and the driver, to make sure, alighted and went to the edge of the stream to ascertain whether it was passable, but in the darkness were unable to discover anything extraordinary about it. Thinking it was right they resolved to attempt the passage, and accordingly plunged in, but no sooner had the leaders got well into the stream when both they and the wheelers were out of their depth, and began to swim down the stream with the cart floating. Mr. FULLER seizing the reins, endeavoured to turn the heads of the leaders upstream, when they began to plunge and chop with their paws, and thus became entangled with the harness. Seeing no hope of righting them, Mr. F. sprang out of the cart and swam for his life. After struggling with the water for some time, and being taken down some considerable distance, he succeeded in reaching the eastern shore in a rather exhausted state. As soon as he recovered his senses, Mr. F. raised the alarm at the top of his voice, and had the satisfaction shortly after of seeing Mr. COYLE, a European, and a Kafir, come to his assistance. Search was instantly made for the unfortunate parties, who remained in the cart, but without avail, the darkness preventing any object from being seen; and after shouting and waiting in vain for some hours for a response to their calls, they were compelled reluctantly to abandon their efforts until daylight. Great praise is due to Mr. COYLE for his indefatigable exertions on the occasion. Nothing that human ingenuity could invent or human effort accomplish was left untried to discover the whereabouts, and render aid to, the unfortunate persons in the cart, and it was only after hours of fruitless toil that they retired from the scene. At dawn the next morning the search was resumed, but alas only to convince them that their fears respecting the safety of the other passengers were too well founded. The body of the unfortunate and lamented Lieut. FITZGIBBON was found at a distance of about 150 or 200 yards below the drift, with the mark of a severe bruise on the forehead, supposed to have been occasioned by contact either with the cart, a log of wood, or a kick from one of the horses. It is thought he must have followed Mr. FULLER’s example and sprung out of the cart when he found there was no other chance of escape, but being no swimmer was unable to gain the shore, though from the position in which the body was found, it is surmised that had he not been stunned h would have succeeded in saving himself, as the trunk of a willow tree was close by him. The body of the driver, HYDE, has not yet, as far as we know, been recovered.
[Transcriber’s note: This extract from the King William’s Town Gazette continues for a further column, with calls for a bridge to be built, and a description of Lieut. FITZGIBBON’s funeral, with military honours.]
Tuesday 23 February 1864
DIED on Saturday last, 20th February, at the North-end, William James, infant son of William and Agnes DENT, aged 3 months and 2 days.
DIED on the 22nd inst, at his late residence in the valley, adjoining the homestead of J.H. CLARK Esq, George Ridley HALIBURTON, late Superintendent of the Port Elizabeth Boating Company, aged 40 years.
The funeral will take place this afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends are most respectfully invited to attend.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, February 28 1864.
Friday 26 February 1864
DIED on the 20th instant, at the residence of Mrs. MINTO, adjoining the Port Elizabeth Bank, Mr. N.[R.] McINTIRE Jun., aged 37 years.
Tuesday 1 March 1864
BIRTH, Mrs. Adolph BRAND, of a daughter, Port Elizabeth, 29th February 1864.
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth, 1st March, Mrs. Hermann MOSENTHAL of a son.
Tuesday 8 March 1864
MARRIED on Wednesday the 2nd instant, at the [Episcopal] Church, Uitenhage, by the Rev. W. Llewellyn, Edward, eldest son of [text rubbed away], Uitenhage, to Mary [Ann Jane], [….] daughter of J.M. FLEISCHER […..] No cards.
[Transcriber’s note: This entry is virtually illegible but is almost certainly the marriage of Mary Jane FLEISCHER to Edward DOBSON. See next issue.]
BIRTH at Uitenhage this morning, the wife of the Rev. Mr. STEYTLER of a son.
Tuesday 15 March 1864
MOSENTHAL, Mrs. Hermann, a son, on the 1st March, at Port Elizabeth.
STEYTLER, Mrs, wife of Rev. J.G., a son, on the 8th March, at Uitenhage.
DOBSON, Edward junior, to Mary Ann Jane, fourth daughter of J.M. FLEISCHER, on the 2nd March, at Uitenhage.
DOWSETT, Charles, to Elizabeth HEALEY, of D’Urban, Natal, on the 18th February, at Port Elizabeth.
KIRKWOOD, Thomas Somers, Hope Town, to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. James DEWES, Addo Heights, on the 11th February, at Port Elizabeth.
DENT, William James, infant son of William and Agnes, on the 20th February, at Port Elizabeth.
HALIBURTON, George Ridley, on the 22nd February, at Port Elizabeth.
DIED on the 11th ult, at the residence of his cousin, Mr. James ISBELL, Uitenhage, William Mallet ISBELL Esq, youngest son of the late Dr. John ISBELL, of Stonehouse, Devon, England, aged 27 years and 6 months.
Friday 18 March 1864
DIED at Walmer on Tuesday the 15th inst, Alfred Clement, youngest son of William WRIGHT, aged 1 year, 11 months and 11 days.
Tuesday 22 March 1864
We are sorry to learn that Mr. GOULD, auctioneer, of Eland’s Post, met his death last Wednesday in a shocking and unexpected manner. He was driving from his residence to Graham’s Town, with a pair of horses; when near Balfour, the cart came in contact with a wheel of q wagon which he was passing, and he was suddenly jerked out of the vehicle, falling under the wheels of the wagon, which passed over his head, and, smashing it, deprived him of life. The deceased, who was much respected, had made a handsome competency, and was about to retire from business, when he suddenly met with this sad and fatal accident. – C.P. Times
Friday 25 March 1864
MARRIED on Tuesday the 1st instant by the Rev. R.T. Tucker D.D., in St.Peter’s Church, St.George’s, Bermuda, Sydney SMITH Esq, Commissariat Staff, to Rosa Augusta Louisa, the second daughter of Robert Henry SMITH Esq, Assistant-Commissary-general to H.M. Forces. No cards.
Tuesday 29 March 1864
MARRIED at Uitenhage on the 28th inst, by the Revd. George Renny, Mr. George DUNCAN, of Port Elizabeth, to Margaret, daughter of the late Mr. William LESLIE, Aberdeen, Scotland. No cards.
29th March 1864.
- Hits: 1777