Eastern Province Herald 1860 - 3 - July to September
Friday 6 July 1860
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth this morning, Mrs. Charles ADCOCK of a son.
DIED on the 5th inst, at Hougham Park, Coega, Hougham HUDSON Esq, aged 68 years.
Port Elizabeth, 5th July 1860.
Friday 13 July 1860
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth, 10th July 1860, the wife of Mr. Whitbread Henry COLEMAN of a son.
Tuesday 17 July 1860
MARRIED at Trinity Church, Port Elizabeth by the Rev. W.A. Robinson, Mr. James BRISTER to Matilda, youngest daughter of R. TEE Esq, late Fieldcornet of the District of Port Elizabeth.
MARRIED at Cradock on the 9th July, by the Rev. Mr. Taylor, William J. WELLS Esq. D.S., formerly of Upper Mall, Hammersmith, near London, to Johanna Catrinna, eldest daughter of Weneel C. COETZEE Esq, Eland’s Drift, South Turks.
BIRTH at Queen’s Town on the 10th instant, Mrs. J.P. VALENTIN of a son.
Friday 20 July 1860
DIED at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. Whitbread H. COLEMAN, 20th July 1860, aged 41 years.
The “Royal Charlie”, with immigrants for Table Bay, was to leave finally about the same time as the “Phoebe”. On June 5th she was on her way to Southampton to take the immigrants on board.
Friday 27 July 1860
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 24th inst, the wife of W.J. KINGSMILL Esq. of a daughter.
BIRTH on the 24th July, the wife of Mr. A.J. CLAIRMONTE of a daughter.
Died, at Port Elizabeth, on Wednesday morning, 25th instant, immediately after the delivery of the Cape mail, and without a kick or struggle, and through the instrumentality of William PORTER Esq, Her Majesty’s Attorney-General, “the Commissioners and Wardmasters of the Municipality of Port Elizabeth”, in the first year of their reign. The deceased were held in very high estimation by the rate payers, who intend clothing themselves in sack cloth, as a token of their sincere grief for the irreparable loss they have sustained in the sudden and unexpected demise of their “Guardian Protectors”. The deceased invariably took the initiative in all public matters, and, possessing extraordinary high qualifications, were considered the leading characters of “Little Liverpool”. They were endowed with great architectural abilities, having as standing monuments to their descendants the Grey Institute and the Town Hall. They were most faithful in the discharge of their municipal duties in enforcing from a certain class due obedience, while some of them gloried in their infringement, and their loss is looked upon by all classes as a public calamity, and not to be easily repaired. The funeral procession was certainly a most melancholy and heart-rendering scene, the chief mourners being the Venerable Town Clerk and Town Architect; the former appeared weighed down with intense grief at his departed friends, and the latter wore a very sorrowful countenance – his usual lively air having entirely vanished, and heartfelt grief was depicted in every muscle, as now all the installing was at an end. It having transpired that deceased died, leaving no legal representatives, a public meeting of next of kin and creditors is to be convened to elect a number of such similar fit and proper persons to wind up the affairs of the municipality previous to the resurrection of the deceased, which according to an abstruse calculation may be expected to take place in the month of December, anno domini 1860. It is also a melancholy fact that not one of the deceased was a British Settler of 1821, consequently, according to the general announcement in the “Grahamstown Journal” of such dreadful tidings, “their end was not in Peace”. It is thought Her Majesty’s Attorney-General will be put upon his trial for Willful Murder, or Culpable Homicide; and should a Port Elizabeth jury sit, previous orders will be given to erect a scaffold, as he will be found guilty of the capital offence.
A Rate-Payer
Tuesday 31 July 1860
MARRIED on the 30th instant by the Rev. E.D. Hepburn, at the Residence of Mr. Fredk. GRAY, Queen-street, Port Elizabeth, Mr. Edward HANCOCK, of Grahamstown, to Sarah, Widow of the late Mr. James CASTLEMAN.
Friday 3 August 1860
MARRIED August 1st at Port Elizabeth, by Special Licence, at the residence of the lady, by the Rev. S. Brook, Mr. Charles JOHNSON to Mrs. Lucy ASHDOWN, widow of the late R.T. ASHDOWN.
MARRIED at the same time and place, by the Rev. Mr. Harsant, Mr. Wm. CAMERON to Miss Louisa Caroline ASHDOWN, daughter of the above.
Tuesday 7 August 1860
Notice is hereby given that William LEECH, the second undersigned, has this day retired from the Partnership hitherto existing under the style of CASSÉ, LEECH and CASSÉ. All accounts against the aforesaid Firm to be sent immediately for adjustment to R.F. CASSÉ and S.C. CASSÉ, by whom the business will be carried on.
Witness our hands at Port Elizabeth, 23rd day of July 1860
Richard Fleet CASSÉ
William LEECH
Samuel Cottingham CASSÉ
Witness: James TULIT
Tuesday 14 August 1860
BIRTH on the 12th inst. at Port Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. John H. CLARK of a son.
The remains of the late Mr. John KEATES will be removed from his late residence for interment at ½past 3 o’clock this afternoon, when friends are invited to attend.
Port Elizabeth
14th August 1860.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 11th, Eugene James, youngest son of H. REYNOLDS, aged 18 months.
A correspondent of the Cradock News furnishes the following particulars respecting the death of a gentleman, caused by a mimosa thorn:-
“On Saturday the remains of Mr. Frans WELGEMOED were interred, who came by his death in the following melancholy manner. He had been engaged some days previously in cutting a few mimosa boughs from his kraal. A thorn entered near the elbow, but the slight pain led to no consideration; on the ninth day symptoms of loc-jaw appeared, and notwithstanding medical attendance, the unfortunate man expired after about 48 hours intense suffering. The inhabitants of the ward of South Turks showed their respect for the deceased, and their sympathy with the surviving relatives, by the numerous attendance at the funeral. As many as 91 grown up persons followed and listened with much interest to the impressive remarks of Mr. VAN HEERDEN of Rattle’s Hoek.
Friday 17 August 1860
We have to report the arrival of another immigrant ship at this port during the last month, making the third since the beginning of the year. The “Sedgemoor”, 924 tons, M.W. KETT commander (late chief officer of the Great Eastern) arrived here with immigrants on the 31st ult, after a pleasant voyage of 64 days from Southampton. By this vessel an increase of 230 souls has been added to pour population. The Surgeon-Superintendent, Dr. J.R. HILL, under whose charge they were placed, reported their conduct as good during the voyage, and in this he was confirmed by Captain KETT. There were neither births not deaths during the passage, and the new arrivals were in excellent health.
In consequence of their arrival at an earlier date than had been anticipated, arrangements for their reception were not quite complete, and they were not landed until the 2nd inst, when the whole of them were safely and expediently disembarked by the Eastern Province Boating Company, and at once proceeded to the Immigration Depot. There are 67 permit [men] among them, very few of whom were received by their friends. This is probably also to be accounted for in consequence of their having arrived sooner than was expected. We notice also the arrival of 17 men for the Frontier Mounted Police. These men seem fine active fellows, but in our opinion far too heavy weights for the purpose required.
Tuesday 21 August 1860
BIRTH on the 18th inst, Mrs. J.E. BRUTON of a daughter.
MARRIED on the 18th instant, in the Wesleyan Chapel, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. E.D. Hepburn, the Rev. Arthur BRIGG, Wesleyan Missionary, Heald Town Institution, to Anna Maria, youngest daughter of Mr. John TEASDALE, of York, England.
Friday 24 August 1860
DIED on Friday 10th August at Fauresmith, Orange Free State, in the 31st year of his age, Fraser HOPWOOD, son of the late James HOPWOOD of London.
Tuesday 28 August 1860
BIRTH at Uitenhage on the 24th inst, Mrs. Robert Ward SMITH of a son.
Tuesday 4 September 1860
DIED at Waterford, at the residence of Mr. J.W. CROUCH, on the 7th August last, George Henry FRANZ, after an illness of 3 weeks and 6 days, leaving a wife and 3 children to deplore his loss – aged 39 years and 21 days. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Waterford, 27th Aug 1860.
Friday 7 September 1860
DIED at his residence, Port Elizabeth, on the 31st day of August 1860, Capt. James R. CAITHNESS, aged 44 years, leaving a widow and large family, with a numerous circle of friends and relations to mourn his loss.
Port Elizabeth
Sept 7th 1860.
Tuesday 11 September 1860
DIED at Uitenhage on [right half of notice missing] August, Mrs. Edward [……], aged 29 years.
MARRIED on the 6th September at St.Mary’s, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. Edward Pickering, Peter Everard FOULKES J.P., of Human’s Dorp, second son of the late Rev. Peter Davye FOULKES, of Shebbear, North Devon, to Frances Elizabeth ANDREWS, eldest daughter of Cesar ANDREWS Esq. of Port Elizabeth.
MARRIED at St.Mary’s Church Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. E. Pickering, on the 8th September 1860, Robert SPEEDY Esq, Assistant Staff Surgeon to Her Majesty’s Forces, to Jessie, fourth daughter of Jno. O. SMITH of this place.
MARRIED in the Dutch Reformed Church, at Uitenhage, on Thursday 6th September, by the Rev. Alexander Smith V.D.M., Frederick LANGE Esq to Miss Susannah HEUGH, third daughter of Christian HEUGH Esq. of Uitenhage.
Tuesday 25 September 1860
DIED on Friday the 31st August at his residence in Main Street, Mr. James Neville STREAK, aged 57 years. His remains were removed from this to his premises in Uitenhage, where he had resided during the last 37 years, and where he was both generally known and esteemed, as was testified by the large and respectable attendance at his funeral on Sunday the 2nd inst. He was interred in his family vault in the Dutch Reformed Church burial ground, the Rev. T.J. Paterson officiating. Mr. STREAK was one of the Settlers of 1820, and throughout a life of vicissitudes always bore the character of a persevering, active and intelligent man.
Friday 28 September 1860
BIRTH on the 25th inst, Mrs. James PARKER of a daughter.
DIED in her family residence, Caledon-street, Uitenhage Town, Alicia Jane, daughter of Robert PANNELL Esq. JP., aged 25 years and 2 months, her soul resting by faith on the atoning blood and righteousness of Jesus Christ. her end was blessed peace.
Mr. R. PANNEL begs through this medium to present his sincere thanks to those kind friends who showed so great and disinterested kindness to his dear deceased daughter Alicia Jane, during her residence in Balmoral for seven weeks; and also to those in the town of Uitenhage who also showed so great and unmerited kindness to her and her family during her last illness in her family residence in Uitenhage Town.
He hopes those friends will do him the justice to believe that he, Mrs. P. and surviving children will ever bear their kindness in grateful remembrance.
Uitenhage, 25th September 1860.
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