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Daily Representative

The Daily Representative 1938 1 January - March

Monday, January 3, 1938

BARROW.- At St. Catherine’s Nursing Home, on 29th December, 1937, to Mr. And Mrs. Eric BARROW (nee Grace PRICE), a daughter.

Thursday, January 6, 1938

THORNTON.- At Pretoria, on Sunday, January 2, to Noel, wife of Dr. Patrick THORNTON, a daughter.
GINSBURG.- At St. Catherine’s Nursing Home, on 5th January, 1938, to Dr. And Mrs. M. GINSBURG, nee Dr. Miriam WEINSTEIN, a son.  Both well.

Friday, January 7, 1938

TURVEY-KEMSLEY.- Married at Wesley Church, Queenstown, by the Rev. C.K. HODGES, on 5th January, 1938, Harold Frederick, eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. A.G. TURVEY, to Linda Doreen, eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. W. KEMSLEY.

In memoriam
RANDALL.- In loving memory of our dear mother and grannie, who fell asleep 7th January, 1936.
(Fondly remembered by Mona, Tense and Children.)

Saturday, January 8, 1938

In memoriam
KLETTE.- In loving memory of my husband, Albert KLETTE, who passed peacefully away at Gwatyu, on January 8th, 1932.

Tuesday, January 11, 1938

RADLEY-KERR.- Married on Saturday, January 8th, at St. Dominic’s Catholic Church, by Father LANGERT, Thomas William RADLEY, eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. W.T. RADLEY, of Cork, Ireland, to Eileen Hazel, youngest daughter of Mrs. KERR, Robinson Road, Queenstown.

Wednesday, January 12, 1938

GODLEY-STRUMPHER.-  The engagement is announced of Mattie, only daughter of Mrs. STRUMPHER, Oudtshoorn, and Bernie, second son of Mrs. GODLEY, Queenstown.

Thursday, January 13, 1938

SHINN.- Passed away on January 6th, 1938, at the Government Hospital, Blantyre, Nyasaland, after a short illness, Hugh George SHINN, of Mini Mini Estate, Mlanje, beloved husband of Winifred Elsie SHINN (nee HALSE), in his 33rd year.

Friday, January 14, 1938

LE CLUS-LADDS.- The engagement is announced of Frank, eldest son of Mrs. And the late Captain E.G. LE CLUS, of Bloemfontein, and Natalie, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. W.H. LADDS, of “Munster,” Kroonstad.

Monday, January 17, 1938

THAL-ADDLESON.- The engagement is announced of Henry (Sonny) THAL, second son of Mr. And Mrs. D. THAL, of “Het Loo,” Cradock, to Aida ADDLESON, eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. A. ADDLESOn, of 33, Berry Street, Queenstown.

Tuesday, January 18, 1938

CROZIER.- At St. Catherine’s Nursing Home, Queenstown, on 17th January, 1938, to Mr. And Mrs. G.A.N. CROZIER (nee Beatrice STOREY), a daughter.  Both well.

LARDNER-BURKE – ORSMOND.- Married at Luanshija on the 14t inst., John Henry, youngest son of Mrs. And the late Mr. LARDNER-BURKE, of Kimberley, to Daphne Hope, eldest daughter of Mr. R.T. ORSMOND, of Johannesburg.

EDKINS.- Passed peacefully away at the Frontier Hospital, on 17th January, 1938, Harry D. Dugmore EDKINS, of 66, Berry Street, Queenstown.

Friday, January 21, 1938

MARSHALL.- At Mount Frere, on 20th January, 1938, to Helen, wife of Eric MARSHALL, a daughter.  Both well.

SEEBER-BUSHELL.- The engagement is announced of Dorothy SEEBER, of Keiskamma Hoek, to Graham A. BUSHELL, of Queenstown.

Wednesday, January 26, 1938

DOWER.- At St. Catherine’s Nursing Home, Queenstown, on Tuesday, January 25th, 1938, to Mr. And Mrs. J.W. DOWER, a son.

MARSHALL-BARNES.- The engagement is announced of Eric MARSHALL (late of Shanghai), eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. H.S. MARSHALL, of Nottingham, England, and Irys (Hazel), only daughter of Mr. And Mrs. J.R. BARNES, of Oxkraal Drift, Queenstown.

Wednesday, February 2, 1938

KEAN.- Passed peacefully away on the 26th January, 1938, at the residence of his son, 25 6th Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg, Frederick Lusk KEAN, born Belfast, Ireland, dearly beloved husband of Mary KEAN.

Friday, February 4, 1938

PRICE.- Passed away at Capetown on 3rd February, 1938, following an operation, Victor Royal, beloved eldest son of Mrs. And the late B.T. PRICE, New Hawstead, Whittlesea, and husband of Winnie PRICE (nee STURGIS).  Aged 40.

Saturday, February 5, 1938

In memoriam
WILSON.- In loving memory of Edward John WILSON, who passed away on 6th February, 1931.

Wednesday, February 9, 1938

GIE-FOORD.- Married at St. Michael and All Angels’ Church, Queenstown, by the Rev. H.P. ROLFE, on February 5th, 1938, Francis William Reitz, son of Mrs. GIE, Rondebosch, Cape, and the late J.C. GIE, former Resident Magistrate of Paarl, and Shirley, second daughter of Mr. And Mrs. K.C. FOORD, of Standard Bank, Queenstown.

Saturday, February 12, 1938

DELL.- At St. Catherine’s Nursing Home, on 11th February, to Mr. And Mrs. Ivan DELL, a bonny son.  Both well.

Monday, February 14, 1938

LEVIN-STRAUSS.- The engagement is announces of Joyce, eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. R. LEVIN, Central Hotel, Queenstown, to Berthold STRAUSS, youngest son of Mr. And Mrs. Max STRAUSS, of Frankfurt-Main-Gross, Karben, Germany, now of East London.

Wednesday, February 16, 1938

WIGGILL.- Died at the Frontier Hospital, on the 15th February, 1938, Agnes, the beloved wife of Hector (Podge) WIGGILL, of Tarkastad.  Aged 26 years and 5 months.

Thursday, February 17, 1938

In memoriam
LOGAN.- In ever fond remembrance of my dearly loved son, and our dear brother, Cecil, who lost his life in the Thomas River railway disaster, February 17th, 1930.

Saturday, February 19, 1938

BLAKE.- At Bulawayo, on February 18th, to Mr. And Mrs. J. Cannings BLAKE, a son.  Both well.

Monday, February 21, 1938

HAYES.- Died at St. Catherine’s Nursing Home, Queenstown, on Saturday, 19th February, 1938, Samuel Robert HAYES, of “Welcome,” Queenstown, in his 75th year.

GROBBELAAR-DU TOIT.- Ons Danie GROBBELAAR en Truda DU TOIT maak aan famielie en vriende (-uine) bekend dat ons trou D.V. op Donderdag, 3 Maart ,1938, om 10.30 v.m., in Tarkastad.  Geen kaartjies.  Geen resepsie.

STRACHAN.- At Sister Waddell’s Nursing Home, Umtata, on 17th February, 1938, to Mr. And Mrs. “Bill” STRACHAN (nee Audrey MARSBERG), a son.

Tuesday, February 22, 1938

MATTHEWS-SYKES.- The engagement is announced of Ken, twin son of Mr. And Mrs. J. MATTHEWS, Queenstown, to Doreen, third daughter of Mrs. And the late Mr. C. SYKES, Griqualand.

In memoriam
SYKES.- In loving memory of my dear husband, and our father, Wilhelm Friedrich, who passed away 22nd February, 1937.
FULLER.- In loving memory of our dear mother, Annie FULLER, who passed away 22nd February, 1916.
(Ever remembered by Fanny and Charles.)

Saturday, February 26, 1938

Silver wedding
LUIJT-BROOKS.- Married at King-williamstown, on the 26th February, 1913, by the Rev. Andrew GRAHAM, J. Fed LUIJT to Myrtle Gwendoline Clare BROOKS.

Monday, February 28, 1938

RIX.- Passed away suddenly at Queenstown, on 27th February, 1938, Esmond Gordon RIX, youngest son of Mr. And Mrs. Chris RIX, of Cambridge.  Aged 24.

Tuesday, March 1, 1938

WILLIAMSON.- Passed away at Frontier Hospital, on 26th February, 1938, Elizabeth Adamson WILLIAMSON, wife of Mr. Frank WILLIAMSON, Lower Wakelyn, Tylden.  Aged 52 years 7 months.

Thursday, March 3, 1938

Silver Wedding
POMEROY-ORSMOND.- Married at St. Michael and All Angels’ Church, Queenstown, on 4th March, 1913, by the Rev. L.N. FISHER, James Albert Victor POMEROY to Frances Maud ORSMOND, Present address: 6, Spruit Street, Potchefstroom.

Monday, March 7, 1938

LUCAS.- Passed away peacefully at 29, Grey Street, Queenstown, on 6th March, 1938, Fanny GURSON, late of Bensonvale Methodist Institution, in her 75th year.

Wednesday, March 9, 1938

MORUM.- Passed away at Port Elizabeth, on 9th March, 1938, Albert Victor, eldest son of Mrs. BAIN and of the late Mr. Albert MORUM, of Queenstown, in his 49th year.

Monday, March 21, 1938

In memoriam
ARNOTT.- In loving memory of our dear mother, Maria Jacomina ARNOTT, who died 21st March, 1937.

Thursday, March 24, 1938

To be married
HERMAN-BORCHERS.- To be married at the Magistrate’s Office, Tarkastad, on Wednesday, 30th March, 1938, at 2 p.m., Julius HERMAN, of Tarkastad, to Erna BORCHERS, of Capetown.  No cards.  No reception.  At home to personal friends on Wednesday afternoon.

Saturday, March 26, 1938

ROWE-ROWE- On 25th inst.  At St. Catherine’s Nursing Home, Queenstown, to Alice, wife of Fred ROWE-ROWE, Qamata Poort, a son.  David Trelour.

WARMAN. -  Passed away at the Frontier Hospital, Queenstown, on Friday, 25th March, 1938, Charles William WARMAN, the beloved husband of J. WARMAN (born HOFFMAN), in his 70th year.

Monday, March 28, 1938

MILES.- At St. Catherine’s Nursing Home, on the 17th March, 1938, to Margaret, wife of Winston MILES, Bolotwa, a son.

Tuesday, March 29, 1938

PORTER.- Passed away at 177, Cathcart Road, on 28th March, 1938, Robert PORTER, in his 76th year.
SPARGO.- Passed peacefully away at Queenstown, on Monday, 28th March, 1938, Annie Elizabeth, widow of the Rev. Thomas SPARGO, Cathcart, in her 80th year.

Thursday, March 31, 1938

HAYES.- At St. Catherine’s Nursing Home, on 31st March, 1938, to Mr. And Mrs. Tommy HAYES, of Koonoona, a bonny daughter.  Both well.

To be married
THAL-ADDLESON.- The marriage of Aida, eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. A. ADDLESON, of 33, Berry Street, Queenstown, to Henry, youngest son of Mr. And Mrs. D. THAL, of “Het Loo,” Cradock, will take place on Sunday, 3rd April, at 6 p.m., at the Queen’s Drive Synagogue, Queenstown.  No cards.  No reception.

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