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Daily Representative

The Daily Representative 1937 1 January - March

Saturday, January 2, 1937
TUCKER-GASMAN.- Miss Esther TUCKER, of Queenstown, and Mr. Wools GASMAN, of Johannesburg, have mutually agreed to break off their engagement.
Tuesday, January 5, 1937
FINN.- At Westbourne Maternity Home, on the 3rd inst., to Mr. and Mrs. E. FINN, a son.
Thursday, January 7, 1937
In memoriam
RANDALL.- In ever loving memory of our dear Mother and Grannie, who fell asleep on the 7th of January,1936.
(A token of love and remembrance Mona, Tense, and children.)
Friday, January 8, 1937
PUGH.- At Queenstown on the 5th January, 1937, to Mr. and Mrs. E.W. PUGH, twin boys.
PUGH.- At Queenstown on the 5th January, 1937, the twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. E.W. PUGH.
Saturday, January 9, 1937
BEADLE-FULLER.- The marraige of Dudley, only son of Mrs. and the late Mr. A.E. Beadle, of Boksburg, Transvaal, to Ismay, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.J. FULLER, of Sterkstroom, will take place on January 16th, at St. Augustine's Church, Sterkstroom, at 3 p.m.  No cards.
Monday, January 11, 1937
GINSBURG-WEINSTEIN.- Married at the Synagogue, Queen's Drive, Queenstown, on 10th January, 1937, by the Rev. ORONSTEIN, Morris, eldest son of Mrs. GINSBURG, of Touws River, to Miriam, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. WEINSTEIN, of Sterkstroom.
Tuesday, January 12, 1937
MORKEL.- At Maclear on 7th January, 1937, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy MORKEL (nee Alma WAKELIN, Sea Point), a daughter.  Both well.
Tuesday, January 19, 1937
In memoriam
NEL.- In loving memory of Frank, who passed away on 16th January, 1936.
(Ever remembered by May and Reg._
Saturday, January 23, 1937
ELLERT-SCHAFFER.- The engagement is announced of Irene SCHAFFER, second daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. H.L. SCHAFFER, late of Whittlesea, and Barney ELLERT, of Molteno.
Monday, January 25, 1937
DEYSEL.- At 5, Wodehouse Street, Queenstown, on the 24th January, 1937, to Mr. and Mrs. P.M. DEYSEL, a daughter.
Wednesday, January 27, 1937
VAN ROOYEN.- On 20th January, to Mr. and Mrs. A.D. VAN ROOYEN, a daughter.
Thursday, January 28, 1937
MARSHALL-LYALL.- To be married in the Wesley Church, Pretoria, on Saturday, February 13th, at 3 p.m., Eric Alwyn, only son of Mr. and Mrs. E.J. MARSHALL, of Queenstown, to Helen Janette, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. LYALL, of Pretoria.  No cards; reception, West Koppies.

Tuesday, February 2, 1937
To be married
FROMAN-ADDLESON.- To be married at the Wolmorans Synagogue, Johannesburg, at 10.30 a.m. on Sunday, 7th February, Hyman, son of Mr. and Mrs. FROMAN, Berea, Johannesburg, to Miriam ADDELSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. ADDLESON, 33, Berry Street, Queenstown, No cards. Relatives and friends cordially invited.  Reception:  Elgin Hotel, Johannesburg.  Telegrams: 49, Cotswold Drive, Saxonwold, Johannesburg.
Thursday, February 4, 1937
COETZER-OSLER.- Married at Queenstown, on 1st February, Peter Jacobus COETZER, son of Mr. and Mrs. COETZER, of East London, to Edna May OSLER (born AVIS).
Monday, February 8, 1937
CRAIG.- Passed away at Queenstown, on the 7th February, 1937, Mrs. Gordon CRAIG, in her 58th year.
Wednesday, February 10, 1937
DU PLESSIS.- Sag heengegaan aan ons woning te Sterkstroom op Sondag, 7de Februarie, 1937, ons geliefde vader Wynand Petrus DU PLESSIS, in sy 63ste jaar.
(Die bedroefde kinders, Joey en Pieter DU PLESSIS)
Saturday, February 13, 1937
MOKAWEM.- At 130, Cathcart Road, on 12th, February, 1937, to Mr. and Mrs. A. MOKAWEM, twin sons.  All well.
Monday, February 15, 1937
In the Estate of the late George Reuben PIKE, who died at Lady Frere, District Glen Grey, on the 7th December, 1936...
Tuesday, February 16, 1937
In memoriam
DREWRY.- In loving memory of William (Bill) Drewry, who passed away on 16th February, 1936.
Thursday, February 18, 1937
JAKOBI.- At 23, Komani Street, to Mr. and Mrs. P.D. JAKOBI, a daughter.  Both well.
Saturday, February 20, 1937
In memoriam
GREEF.- In loving memory of dear old John, who passed away on the 20th February, 1930.
(Ever remembered by Nell, Amiel and Snowy.)
Monday, February 22, 1937
BRADDOCK.- At Queenstown, on 15th February, to Mr. and Mrs. E. BRADDOCK, of East London, a daughter.  Both well.
In memoriam
FULLER.- In loving memory of our dear mother, who passed away on 22nd February, 1916.
(Ever remembered by Fanny and Charles.)
Thursday, February 25, 1937
REABOW-LINNENKOHL.- At the Roman Catholic Church, by the Rev. Father RESENTHAL, on the 23rd isnt., Alexander Frank, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. REABOW, to Dorothy Irene, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.S. LINNENKOHL, both of Queenstown.
Saturday, February 27, 1937
SPANN.- Passed away at his residence, Lady Frere, on Monday, 22nd February, 1937, Wilhelm Friedrich SPANN, beloved husband of Auguste SPANN.  Aged 78 years.

Tuesday, March 2, 1937

HANDLEY-ATKINSON.- Married at St. Michael and All Angels’ Church, Queenstown, by Rev. H.P. ROLFE, on the 1st March, 1937, Hugh Hector, son of Mrs. H.H. HANDLEY, of Maclear, to Gwendolen Grace, youngest daughter of the late Mr. And Mrs. F.W. ATKINSON, of Port Elizabeth.

Wednesday, March 3, 1937

In Memoriam
HAY.- In loving memory of Kenneth, who died on the 3rd March, 1936.

Tuesday, March 16, 1937

WILSON.- At Swakopmund, on February 23rd, Kenneth R. WILSON, aged 32.  The greatly loved younger son of Mrs. G.M. WILSON, Glencairn, Usakos, S.W.A.  Late of Frost Street, Queenstown.

Wednesday, March 17, 1937

HAYES-ANTROBUS.- The engagement is announced between F.T. HAYES, Junr., of “Grafton,” Whittlesea, and Dorothy, eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. G.E. ANTROBUS, of “Longaire,” Cradock.
HARBER-HAYES.- The engagement is announced between Harold HARBER, of “Highgate,” Thomas River, and Lilian, only daughter of Mr. And Mrs. F.T. HAYES, of “Grafton,” Whittlesea.

In memoriam
MILES.- In sad and loving memory of our darling Eric, who passed away at Avondale, on the 17th March, 1934.

Saturday, March 20, 1937

To be married
MAIN-FROST.- To be married at St. Michael and All Angels’ Church, Queenstown, on March 31st, at 11.30 a.m. H.A. (Lex) MAIN, to Marjorie FROST, both of Molteno.  No cards.  Reception S.O.E. Hall.

Tuesday, March 23, 1937

VISSER-BARROW.- Married at the Roman Catholic Church, Queenstown, on Saturday, the 20th March, 1937, by Father ROSENTHAL, Andrew Vernon, second son of Mr. And Mrs. F.A. VISSER, Queenstown, and Lilian Bertha, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. ?.M. BARROW, “Essex Farm”, Burghersdorp.

Monday, March 29, 1937

RIDLEY.- Passed peacefully away in Queenstown, on Good Friday, Alfred D. RIDLEY, eldest son of the late Alfred RIDLEY and Frances RIDLEY, in his sixty-fourth year.
DEUTSCHMANN.- Passed away at the General Hospital , Cala, on the 27th inst., Margaret Doreen DEUTSCHMANN, beloved daughter of W. And A. HUXHAM, of Cala.
UNDERWOOD.- Entered into rest on 25th March, 1937, Henry (Harry) UNDERWOOD, Age 82 years and 2 months.

Tuesday, March 30, 1937

BASSETT.- At 25, Frost Street, Queenstown, on 27th March, 1937, to Phyllis Amy (Shumie), wife of Arthur J. BASSETT, of Rocky Park, Ugie, a daughter.

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