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Daily Representative

The Daily Representative 1934 3 July - September

Monday, July 2, 1934

LOCK.-  To Mr. and Mrs. Noel LOCK (nee Maud DE HAAST), at the Robertson Nursing Home, on the 28th instant, a daughter.

Tuesday, July 3, 1934

WATKINS.-  Passed peacefully away at the Frontier Hospital, Queenstown, on the 28th June, 1934, Iris, beloved wife of Ross WATKINS and eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto KLETTE.
SIMPSON.-  Died at St. Catherine’s Nursing Home, on the 1st of July, 1934, after a short illness, Jessie, beloved wife of W. SIMPSON, of Port Elizabeth.

Saturday, July 7, 1934

WEBBER.-  Died at St. Catherine’s Nursing Home, Valentine WEBBER, in his 88th year.  Funeral from “Star in the East” Masonic Lodge, at 2.30 Saturday afternoon, 7th instant.

Saturday, July 14, 1934

MAASDORP.- At Peninsula, Queenstown, on the 12th July, 1934, to Vera (nee FORWARD), wife of E.F. MAASDORP, a daughter, still born.

MAYTHAM:  Passed away peacefully on 12th July, 1934, at the residence of her sister, Mrs. K.M. ANDERSON, Rachel Elizabeth MAYTHAM, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. MAYTHAM.

Saturday, July 21, 1934

WOOLLASTON.- Passed away at the Frontier Hospital on Wednesday, July the 18th, Thomas M. WOOLLASTON, of Queenstown.

Monday, July 23, 1934

DU PREEZ.-  To Mr. and Mrs. R. DU PREEZ, at Maritzburg, on the 20th July, 1934, a son.

In the Estate of the late Edward John WILSON (No. 29239), of Queenstown, and Surviving Spouse Jane Margaret WILSON (born O’DELL)….
Attorney for the Executrix Testamentary
Hexagon, Queenstown

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Elizabeth Catharina DE BRUIN (born JORDAAN), No 42010, Widow of the late Pieter Willem DE BRUIN, of Nooitgedacht, in the District of Queenstown…
Attorney for the Executor Testamentary
Hexagon, PO Box 9, Queenstown

Tuesday, July 24, 1934

DU PREEZ.- To Mr. and Mrs. R. DU PREEZ, at Maritzburg, on the 20th July, 1934, a son.

ORREN.-  Passed peacefully away at 13, West Street, Grahamstown, Frederick Pascoe ORREN (late of Queenstown).  Age 70 years 4 months.

Estate late Evelina WORMALD (born BRADBURY) 41659 and predeceased spouse Thomas WORMALD 23384…

Attorney for Executors
Box 9,

Thursday, July 26, 1934

MACDOWELL.-  Passed away at Queenstown on the 22nd July, 1934, Matilda, beloved wife of J. MACDOWELL.

Friday, July 27, 1934

PHILLIPS.- To Mr. and Mrs. G.B. PHILLIPS, of “Hopefield,” Queenstown, at Frontier Hospital, on 24th July, 1934.  A bonny daughter.

Notice by Executors
In the Estate of the late Edmund Johannes DE BEER, farmer, and surviving spouse Susanna Petronella Wilhelmina DE BEER (born BINGLE) of Weltevrede, District Sterkstroom.
No. 40556….
Attorney for Executors Testamentary
PO Box 6,

Wednesday, August 1, 1934

PRICE.-  To Mr. and Mrs. Eldred PRICE, on the 28th July, 1934, at 42, Grey Street, a son.

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Valentine WEBER, of Queenstown.
No 42300…
Attorney for the Executors Testamentary
7, Hexagon
PO Box 9,

Thursday, August 2, 1934

McCOMB.- Died in Queenstown, on the 30th July, Fred McCOMB.  Aged ?6.

Friday, August 3, 1934

In Gedagternis
VAN DER VYVER.-  ‘n Jaar van uinige droefheid stille trane is verby, en nog dink ons met betraande oe en treurende harte aan die onverwagte stem en droewige aand van die 3de Augustus, 1933, toe van ons weggeneem is ons dierbare vader.  Hy was die ligstraal van ons huis en is dit ook van die hemel.  Tot weersiens Vader.  Die verlangende kinders, Hannes en Johanna NEL en kinders.
VAN DER VYVER.-  ‘n Jaar van eensaam het stille trane en verlange is verby.  Ons sidder en beef nog als ons dink aan die aand van die 3de Augustus, hoe skierlyk hy van ons weg geruk was.  Dis nog vir ons soos die aand van gister.  Ons wil zwyg tot weersiens gelief.  Ons kom.
Die bedroefde eggenoote en kinders M. VAN DER VYVER.
(Nota:  Getranskribeer soos getik in artikel)

Thursday, August 9, 1934

SMIT.-  At 4, Chalmers Street, on Monday, 6th instant, to Mr. and Mrs. K.J. SMITH (S.A.P.), a son.  

Monday, August 13, 1934

MILES.- Passed away peacefully at the Frontier Hospital, Queenstown, on the 3rd August, 1934, Augusta MILES.  Age 69 years.

Friday, August 17, 1934

Notice to Creditors
Estate late Charles SLOCOMBE, a Batchelor, of Queenstown…
Executor Testamentary.
Manager, Queenstown Branch of the Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd. Cathcart Road, Queenstown.

Monday, August 20, 1934

In Memoriam
THOMPSON.-  In loving memory of our dearly beloved mother,  Louisa THOMPSON, who passed away on August 20th, 1922.

In the Estate of the late Cornelia Petronella Sussanna MARAIS, born GREYLING, and surviving spouse Carel Frederik MARAIS, a Road Overseer, of Sterkstroom.
No. 42098…
Attorney for the Executor Testamentory.
Lombard Street, Sterkstroom.

Tuesday, August 21, 1934

MOFFITT.-  At Pietersburg, on the 20th August, 1934, to Mr. and Mrs. Jock MOFFITT (nee Phyllis MORRIS), a daughter.

In Memoriam
WELLS.- In kind remembrance of E.T. WELLS, who passed away August 21st, 1933.
(Mrs. MUTCH and family.)
WELLS.- In kind remembrance of E.T. WELLS, who passed away August 21st, 1933.
(Beaty and Albert.)

Wednesday, August 22, 1934

BREETZKE-BOTHA.- The engagement is announced of Mr. Douglas BREETZKE to Miss Ockertina BOTHA, second youngest daughter of Mrs. M.C. BOTHA.

Thursday, August 23, 1934

ARONSTAM, Wolfie, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. ARONSTAM, of Cala, will read a portion of the Law and Maftir, at the Queenstown Synagogue on Saturday, 25th August, No cards.

Friday, August 24, 1934

All persons having claims against the Estate of the late Susie Frances McCOMB (born SWEENEY) and surviving spouse Stephen Albert McCOMB, of “Home Park” district Queenstown, …
ELLIOTT Brothers,
Attorneys for Executor.
PO Box 61,

Notice by Executors
In the Estate of the late Herman Peter SMIT, Farmer, of Melton Ross, District Sterkstroom.
No. 28261…
Attorney for Executors Testamentary.
PO Box 6,

Monday, August 27, 1934

NURICK.- On August 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. P.O. NURICK, Douglas Hotel, Imvani, a son.  Queenstown Maternity Home.

Friday, August 31, 1934

SHAW.- To Mr. and Mrs. Eddie SHAW, Salisbury, a son.
PEARCE.- At No. 1, Berry Street on the 30th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. A.F. PEARCE, a son.

Monday, September 3, 1934

Estate late John DONALD.
No. 85637…
Attorneys for the Executor
PO Box 22,
Klerksdorp, Transvaal

Tuesday, September 4, 1934

In Memoriam
WHITEHEAD.-  In loving memory of our dear Mother and Granny, who passed away on September 4th, 1933.
(Ever remembered by Jimmie, Rosalind and Tissie.)

Wednesday, September 5, 1934

VORSTER.- On September 4th at 53 Komani Street, to Mr. and Mrs. J.T. VORSTER, a daughter.

BARTLETT.-  At Amalinda, East London, on the 1st September, 1934, Jane Catherine, relict of the late William Henry BARTLETT, formerly of Blaauwkrantz and Home Park, Queenstown.

Thursday, September 6, 1934

WRIGHT.-  Died suddenly at his residence, 10 Chamberlain Street, Queenstown, on September 6th, 1934, Walter Irvine WRIGHT, second son of the late Captain James WRIGHT, Royal Engineers.

Friday, September 7, 1934

BERRY.-  Major William Andrew BERRY, aged 73, passed away in Queenstown, on Sunday, 3rd September, 1934.

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Cigarette BENGANIE, of Queenstown.
No. 42830…
Executor Testamentary.

Wednesday, September 12, 1934

JACKSON.-  Passed away on the 6th instant at 1a, Fletcher Street, Queenstown, Mary, beloved wife of J.H. JACKSON.

Friday, September 14, 1934

SMITH.-  Passed peacefully away at the Frontier Hospital, on September 14th, William Henry SMITH, beloved husband of G.H. SMITH.

Saturday, September 15, 1934

In Memoriam
WHITEHEAD.-  In loving memory of my dear husband and our loving father, Gordon William WHITEHEAD, died 16th September, 1927.
(Inserted by his loving wife and three sons.)

Thursday, September 20, 1934

Estate late Orgina Fredricka BOTHA (born ENGELA), widow, of Queenstown.  No. 42963….
Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
Cathcart Road,

Friday, September 21, 1934

ALLAN.-  Passed away at 16, Golf Road, Queenstown, on the 18th inst., Elizabeth Bryce ALLAN, beloved sister of Mrs. J. MACLEAN.

Notice by Executors
In the Estate of the late Aldyth Enid PHILLIPS (born SPARKS), and surviving spouse William Henry PHILLIPS, farmer, of Rhebokfontein, District Sterkstroom.
No. 35511…
Attorney for Executor Dative.
PO Box 6,

Monday, September 24, 1934

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Louisa Jacoba COETZEE (born Nel), of “Sherwood Forest.” In the District of Queenstown.
No 42840…
Attorney for the Executor Dative.
7, Hexagon (PO Box 9),

In the Estate of the late Pieter Ernst COETZEE, of “Sherwood Forest,” in the district of Queenstown.
(No. 134/163)…
Attorney for the Executor Dative.
7, Hexagon (PO Box 9),

In the Estate of the late Walter Irvine WRIGHT, of Queenstown.
No. 43052…
Attorney for Executors Testamentary.
7, Hexagon,

Friday, September 28, 1934

ELLA.-  Passed away at Glen Ella, Toise River on Friday, 28th September, Harold ELLA, aged 72 years, beloved husband of Ida ELLA.

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Maude TROLLIP, of Queenstown.
No. 42028…
For Self and Co-Executor.

Late Mr. Harold ELLA.
The death has occurred of another old resident of Queenstown, Mr. Harold ELLA, who died at his residence, Glen ELLA, Toise River, this morning, at the age of 72.
Born and educated at Queenstown, a son of the late A.N. ELLA, J.P., of Queenstown, Harold ELLA assisted his father in his wool washing establishment at Melton, and later farmed on his own account on the adjoining farm Griffithville, where he resided for many years.
Latterly he took over from his brother, the late P.F. ELLA, the now well-established and up-to-date woolwashery at Toise River, under the name of ELLA and Sons.  As a young man Harold ELLA was very popular with all sections of the community and a keen sportsman, being a life-long friend of the late W.B. BROWN, whose death took place last Tuesday.
Harold ELLA is survived by his wife and two sons, Melton and Broughton, two sisters, Mrs. DORMER, who resides in England, and Mrs. MACLEAR, of Queenstown, to whom deepest sympathy is extended.

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