The Daily Representative 1926 3 July - September
Thursday, July 1, 1926
BARTLETT.- At Queenstown on June 29th, W.H. BARTLETT, of “Home Park,” aged 63 years.
GLENISTER-VAN WYK.- Married at St. Michael and All Angels’ Church, Queenstown, on 29th June, 1926, by the Rev. RYOTT, William G. GLENISTER and Gertruda J. VAN WYK.
Local & General
The following is taken from the London “Times” of 2nd June: The engagement is announced between Mr. Kenelm HORWOOD, Royal Artillery, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles HORWOOD, of Queenstown, South Africa, and Gwyneth, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh WHITTALL, and granddaughter of Mrs. Gavin GILCHRIST, of Bude, Cornwall.
The funeral of the late Mr. W.H. BARTLETT took place yesterday afternoon, and was very largely attended, the farming community being very strongly represented. The Rev. J.W. McGAHEY officiated, and the chief mourners were Messrs, John, Charles, and Frank BARTLETT (brothers), Mr. A.V. WELCH (brother-in-law), Mr. Vincent WELCH (nephew), Mr. J. YOUNG-JAMIESON (nephew), Messrs. J.T.R. and C. ARNOLD (nephews). …
Friday, July 2, 1926
WELCH.- Died at King Williamstown on the 2nd July, 1926, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. H.V.S. PONDOR, Thomas Joshua WELCH, aged 75 years.
Funeral from St. Michael and All Angels’ Church, to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon at 4 p.m.
Local & General
The engagement is announced of Mr. Ranulphe Orpen CREWE, only son of Brigadier-General the Hon. Sir Charles CREWE, K.C.M.G., C.B., and Lady CREWE, O.B.E., of Woodleigh, East London, to Elaine Mary, second daughter of T.G. COLLIER, Esquire, and Mrs. COLLIER, of 25, St. Mark’s Road, East London. Miss COLLIER is at present on the staff of St. Michael’s School, Bloemfontein.
Saturday, July 3, 1926
HODGSON-EDMONDS.- On the 25th June, 1926, at St. Michael and All Angels’ Church, Queenstown, by the Rev. R.G. RYOTT, Christopher HODGSON, of Marandellas, Southern Rhodesia, to Jens, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. EDMONDS, of “M….my,” Queenstown.
Local & General
Terrible Railway Tragedy.
A passenger for Edenburg met a terrible fate at Trompsbury early on Tuesday morning, when he attempted to alight from the train while it was in motion. The passenger was Mr. H. KRUGER, who was on his way from Burghersdorp to visit his father at Edenburg. When the train was steaming out of Trompsburg station, where it had stopped as usual, he rushed from the coach, apparently thinking that he had arrived at Edenburg and was being carried beyond his destination platform. His coat caught in the carriage doorway, and he fell between the platform and the moving train. People on the platform shouted to the engine driver to stop. He heard them and promptly brought the train to a standstill. It was then seen that Mr. KRUGER’s death had been instantaneous. The whole of one side of his body was lacerated.
Tuesday, July 6, 1926
Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Isabella McKINNON, born KERR, of Queenstown No. 11635…
Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
The late Mr. T.J. WELCH.
The passing of Mr. T.J. WELCH, who died of heart disease in the early hour of last Friday morning at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. H.V.S. PONDER, of Kind Williamstown, removes one whose cheery and kindly personality endeared him to many friends on the Border. The old gentleman’s acquaintance with South Africa dated from the early seventies when, as a junior officer in the old Union Steamship Company, he made many voyages to and from Cape ports. Leaving the sea upon his marriage, he spent many years at Worcester in the Western Province, being transferred from there to Queenstown about 20 years ago- these, the last active years of his life, being spent in the Audit Department of the Catering Service of the Cape Government Railways. Owing to a severe illness contracted whilst on duty he was compelled to retire in 1914, spending the evening of his days with relatives and friends. To those privileged to know him, his inexhaustible fund of reminiscence, grave and gay, of adventure and sojournings in many climes, was a continued source of pleasure. The agony and weariness of his last illness were born with wonderful bravery and patience, in keeping with the character of the simple, kindly, honest gentleman that he was – a man whom there was no guile, slow anger, speaking ill of none, believing good of all. After many years of storm tossed life his frail barque under the guidance of the Great Mariner, has at last reached its final haven.
Wednesday, July 7, 1926
In the Estate of the late Basil Joseph DAVOREN, of Queenstown. No. 4743…
Attorney of Executor Testamentary.
Passed away at Sterkstroom on 7th July, 1926, Elizabeth Ann TROLLIP, widow of the late S.H. TROLLIP, of Queenstown, aged 72 years.
Thursday, July 8, 1926
SCOTT.- Passed away peacefully at Hatfield, Queenstown, on Wednesday evening, July 7th, Sarah Ann, dearly beloved wife of W.B. SCOTT.
Deeply mourned by her husband and children.
Funeral leaves residence at 11 a.m. Friday morning.
Friday, July 9, 1926
Assigned Estate of Thomas Henry BISSETT. No. 1832…
Death has removed from our midst another of that fine, hand of women who did such excellent service during those trying years of the Great War. Mrs. W.B. SCOTT, of Hatfield, who passed peacefully away on Wednesday night, and whose funeral took place this morning, was a most valuable worker during those trying years, and never spared herself in her labours for the comfort of the soldiers. Her husband and family have the sympathy of the whole community in their hour of bereavement.
Monday, July 12, 1926
In Memoriam
COLLINGWOOD.- In tender, loving memory of our dear ones who entered into rest – Father, July 12th, 1917; Brother, July 26th, 1923; Sister July 27th, 1912; Mother, August 2nd, 1924.
LARTER.- Passed peacefully away at her residence, 28, Grey Street, on the 12th inst., Mrs. H.M. LARTER, widow of the late A.A. LARTER.
Local & General
The engagement is announced of Miss Dorothy HINSBEECK, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. HINSBEECK, of Johannesburg, to Mr. Gordon BRISTOW, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H.H. BRISTOW, of Queenstown.
Tuesday, July 13, 1926
SHEASBY.- At the Duncan Vale Nursing Home on the 11th July, to the Rev. J.L. and Mrs. SHEASBY, a son. Both doing well.
Wednesday, July 14, 1926
RUSSELL.- At 56, Berry Street, on 11th July, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. H. RUSSELL, twins, son and daughter. All well.
In the Estate of the late William Henry DERMAN, of Queenstown. No. 10619…
Attorney for Executrix.
Notice to Creditors in the Estate of the late Friedrich Carl Rudolph VON LINSINGEN. No. 11431…
Attorney for the Executrix Dative.
Local & General
Death of Well-Known Farmer.
The death occurred at his farm Torstone, Dohne, on Tuesday morning says the “Cape Mercury,” of that veteran Border farmer, Mr. Joshua A. HARTY. The deceased gentleman, who was in in his 87th year, had been suffering from influenza and the enfeeblement due to his great age militated against his withstanding the attack. The son of the 1820 settlers, Mr. HARTY had farmed at Torstone for a number of years, and no farmer of the Border was better known or more highly esteemed, his frank and jovial disposition endearing him to all with whom he came in contact. He was one of the last of the generation of farmers who opened up the Border as one of the best sheep farming areas in South Africa. The deep sympathy of all will be extended to Mrs. HARTY and family in their bereavement. The funeral took place at Stutterheim to-day.
Saturday, July 17, 1926
In Memoriam
FERNIE.- In loving memory of Gavin MacFarlane FERNIE, who died 18th July, 1925.
Inserted by his loved ones.
Notice to Creditors
Estate late John QUNDINI, of Queenstown. No. 11652…
Solicitors for Executor.
Monday, July 19, 1926
Local & General
Lady Frere’s Loss.
We regret to record the death, which took place last night, of Mr. A.R. COMMON, the Postmaster of Lady Frere. He was taken ill with pneumonia some ten days ago, but appeared to be on the mend, and his sudden end came as a shock to his many friends in the village. The deceased was only twenty-two or three years of age, and was, it is understood, engaged to be married to a Queenstown young lady, Miss MURDOCK, with whom much sympathy will be felt.
Tuesday, July 20, 1926
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
Estate of the late Frederick Sylvester Garland THOMPSON and surviving spouse Maria Johanna THOMPSON, born WIGGILL. No. 11516…
Attorneys for the Executrix Testamentery,
Oxford Chambers.
Oxford Street
East London.
Thursday, July 22, 1926
Local & General
Shot by His Chum.
A distressing accident is reported by a Christiana correspondent. He states that on Saturday evening a youth of about 18 years Norman BROWN accidentally shot his chum, Gert BURGERS. It appears that BURGERS and BROWN occupied the same bedroom, and before going to bed they were playing with revolvers. BROWN, who had a revolver in his hand, was showing it to BURGERS, when suddenly it went off. The shot struck BURGERS in the jaw, and all his teeth on one side were destroyed. The bullet is still in his head. He was conveyed to the hospital at Kimberley with all possible speed, and his condition is reported to be very critical. It is understood that the injured lad was able to make a statement to the effect that the shooting was entirely accidental. BURGERS is a student at the Agricultural School, and came home recently to spend the holidays with his widowed mother in Christiana.
Saturday, July 24, 1926
HAW.- Passed away at East London on 22nd July, Annie Agnes HAW, widow of the late William J. HAW, of Indwe.
Monday, July 26, 1926
MILLS.- At Duncan Vale Nursing Home on July 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. A.E. MILLS, of Langside, Queenstown, a son. Both doing well.
WALTON-FRANKEL.- At Germiston on the 24th inst., Ralph WALTON, of Germiston, to Daisy FRANKEL, of Queenstown.
COMMON.- At Lady Frere on Monday, 19th July, Andrew Ritchie COMMON, only son of Mrs. J. COMMON, Jedburgh, Scotland.
Notice to Creditors
Notice to Creditors in the Estate of the late Sarah Ann SCOTT (born PEPALL). No. 11976…
Attorney for the Executor Testamenatary.
A Fatal Skid
Car Overturns at High Speed
Garage Proprietor Killed.
Johannesburg, Monday.
A two-seater car with three occupants was smashed up on Saturday afternoon on the Muldersdrift road, about thirteen miles from Johannesburg. Rex ANDERSON, the proprietor of the Fairview garage, was killed, Cecil John MARKEL, of Kensington, was seriously injured and J. NICOL, of Jeppe, was slightly injured. When travelling at about forty-five miles an hour the car suddenly skidded, and shot into a bank and overturned. The trio were rendered unconscious, J. NICOL later recovered, finding his companions still motionless. H.P. ROSE, a well-known motorist, later came up and took the two injured men to the hospital, having no room in the car for the dead body of ANDERSON, who was brought in by another car. – Reuter.
Thursday, July 29, 1926
In Memoriam
THOMPSON.- In loving memory of Charles William THOMPSON, who died of wounds in East Africa on 29th July, 1926.
Friday, July 30, 1926
FULTON.- Passed peacefully away at East London on July 26th, 1926, Jessie FULTON, widow of the late Samuel FULTON (late of Queenstown).
Wedding Bells
A pretty wedding took place at St. Columba’s Presbyterian Church on Wednesday afternoon, when the marriage was solemnized between Mr. William HARTLEY, son of Mr. William HARTLEY, of Rochdale, England, and Miss Agnes Barry RUSSELL, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James RUSSELL, of “Lunan Bank,” Queenstown. The Rev. R. RUSSELL was the officiating clergyman,
Estate late Gerhardus (Gert) Lourens VOSLOO, of Tylden. (No. 10924)…
Attorneys for Executor.
Box 11, Cathcart.
Estate of the late Charles Robert ARNOLD. No. 7376…
Attorneys for Executrix Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown.
Tuesday, August 3, 1926
BARENDSE.- At Sterkstroom on Monday, 26th July, 1926, after three years’ illness, bravely borne, Victor Charles, eldest and beloved son of L.C. and E. BARENDSE, aged 15 years and 3 months. Deeply mourned by his parents, sisters and brothers.
Local & General
The death has occurred of the Rev. Amos BURNETT, for many years Chairman of the Transvaal District of the Wesleyan Methodist Church. During his superintendency of the Transvaal District Mr. BURNETT’s strong and virile personality commanded a wide influence, and he left a very definite mark upon the spiritual life of the area in his charge. Some five years ago Mr. BURNETT was recalled to England to fill and important connexional office at the Wesleyan Mission House, where he served the church with conspicuous success. In April last Mr. BURNETT revisited South Africa, coming out at the instance of his medical adviser, and though in weak health, his presence at the recent East London Conference was most beneficial in connection with highly important constitutional questions under discussion. The news of Mr. BURNETT’s death, cabled from England, will be received with very real regret by a wide circle of South African friends and fellow workers.
Wednesday, August 4, 1926
Local & General
Golden Wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. WHITEHORN and family will be at home to their friends in the Upper Room of the Town Hall to-morrow morning at 10.30 in celebration of the former’s golden wedding. Mr. H.W. WHITEHORN, C.C. and R.M. of Upington, and family, and Mrs. C. WAKEFORD and family from Uitenhage, are in town to take part in the festivities and Mr. P.C. WHITEHORN and family will arrive from East London to-morrow in the same connection.
Friday, August 6, 1926
Local & General
Mr. Douglas COCHRANE, who was well known in East London Rugby and rowing circles a couple of years ago, was married recently at Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, to Miss Ivy MAASDORP, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.H. MAASDORP, of Queenstown. The happy event was witnessed by a number of friends, and after the nuptial knot had been tied the usual felicitous toasts were indulged in. The honeymoon was spent at Rumbava. His many friends will wish Mr. COCHRANE and his bride a happy and prosperous paddle through life.
Monday, August 9, 1926
Estate late Petrus Johannes DE WET, of Driehoek District, of Queenstown. 11274….
Attorney for the Executor Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown.
Thursday, August 12, 1926
MAYTHAM.- At Duncan Vale Nursing Home, on the 10th August, to Mr. and Mrs. F.E. MAYTHAM, a daughter.
Local & General
Death of Queenstown Lady.
We regret to announce that the death occurred last night at Graaff-Reinet, at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Tom MURRAY, of Mrs. A.C. McDONALD, senior, who was in her ninetieth year. The veneral lady lived most of her life on the farm Lilyfontein in this district, the residence of her son, Mr. Lex McDONALD, and was widely known and greatly respected. The funeral will take place there at 11 a.m. to-morrow.
Saturday, August 14, 1926
MORLEY.- On the 6th August, at 23, Prince Alfred Street, to Mr. and Mrs. C.W. MORLEY, a bonnie son.
Golden Wedding
TEMLETT-WILTSHIRE.- Married at Alice by the Rev. BROTHERTON on the 16th August, 1876, James TEMLETT to Miss WILTSHIRE, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. P.W. WILTSHIRE, of Alice.
Monday, August 16, 1926
PRESTON.- Died at the Frontier Hospital on the 13th August, A.W. PRESTON, age 67 years.
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
Estate of the late Hannah Matilda LARTER (born BAKER), of Queenstown, C.P. No. 11993…
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.
In the Estate of the late Arthur Palmer JAY, of Queenstown…
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.
P.O. Box 83,
MACDONALD.- Died at Roode Bloen, Graaff-Reinet, on the 11th inst., Mrs. A.C. MACDONALD, Senior, In her 90th year.
Local & General
The Late Councillor PRESTON.
The funeral of the late Councillor A.W. PRESTON took place on Saturday afternoon at St. Michael’s Church, when there was a representative attendance….
Tuesday, August 17, 1926
PIKE.- Died at the Frontier Hospital on the 17th August, George Leslie (“Kip”) PIKE, eldest son of W.J. and L. PIKE, of Bolotwa.
Funeral to take place from the Wesleyan Church at 3.30 p.m. to-morrow. All friends cordially invited.
Wednesday, August 18, 1926
Local & General
Death of Mr. J.J. KELLY.
We regret to record the death, which occurred in the early hours of this morning of Mr. J.J. KELLY, of Lady Frere, the father of Colonel Sherwood KELLY, V.C. The deceased gentleman was 76 years of age, and was widely and deeply respected. The funeral took place this afternoon.
JORDAAN.- Passed away on the 17th inst., at Pretoria, J.W. JORDAAN (Chick), eldest son of the late J.H. JORDAAN and Nurse S. JORDAAN. He was borne at Queenstown on Christmas Day, 1878, served his country during the Anglo-Boer War, and came through unharmed. He was a good son to his bereaved mother.
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
Estate of the late George BENNETT and subsequently deceased spouse Elizabeth Jessie BENNETT (born CORNER), of Queenstown. (Nos. 129/38 and 10206)…
Attorneys for Executor Dative.
P.O. Box 83,
Thursday, August 19, 1926
BAKER.- At Cathcart Vale, on the 18th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Alf. BAKER, a son.
In Memoriam
DIXON.- In loving memory of our dear mother, Elizabeth DIXON, who passed away on the 19th August, 1920.
Inserted by her son and daughter, Harry and Annie ROBERTS.
Friday, August 20, 1926
In Memoriam
THOMPSON.- In loving memory of our dear mother, Louisa Dorcas THOMPSON, who passed away on the 20th August, 1922…
Inserted by Father and Children.
Notice to Creditors & Debtors
In the Estate of the late William Henry BARTLETT. No. 11899…
ELLIOTT Brothers,
Attorneys for Executors Testamentary.
In the Estate of the late Ebenezer CROUCH, of Queenstown. No. 158/392…
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.
Friday, August 20, 1926
Lady Frere’s Loss
The Late Mr. J.J. KELLY.
(From our own Correspondent).
In the early hours of Wednesday morning Mr. J.J. KELLY passed away. The sad event was not unexpected, but the big fight which the deceased gentleman put against the complications which set in led his family and friends to entertain some little hope that after all he might pull through.
The late Mr. KELLY was in his early days a member of the F.A.M.P. and later of the C.M.R., and became associated with Lady Frere and district in the early eighties.
In all matters affecting the welfare of the community the deceased figured prominently, and moreover his purse was always open in aid of charities, sport and other objects.
He was responsible for the planting and care of the beautiful trees along York Avenue leading up to the cemetery, the public market shed, and the Recreation Ground, and, moreover, supervised the building of the Public School and the War Memorial Library, so that the village is rich in monuments of his good works.
Coming from fighting stock, being the son of a soldier, he took part in all the Colonial wars, holding the medals for them and also one for saving life on the coast. When the great war broke out, although well advanced in years, immediately offered his services, but as in the case of many veterans, his offer was turned down owing to the age limit. All of his sons, however, with the exception of one, who was too young, took the field and acquitted themselves as everyone expected they would do – one (Percy) making the supreme sacrifice.
As a legal practitioner of many years standing the late Mr. KELLY was held in high esteem by the legal fraternity and by clients. It will not be giving any secret away in saying that the deceased gentleman on many occasions without charge championed the cause of a poor client, more especially where he considered that an injustice had been done, and in public life he was fearless in denouncing anything shady.
During his trying illness many expressed the opinion that in parting with Mr. KELLY, it would mean a severe loss to Lady Frere, as he was looked upon as the father of the village in every sense of the word.
Owing to the children being scattered, only Captain E.C. KELLY, Collins and Paddy of the sons and Mrs. MACLAREN, Mrs. PROBART, Mrs. BLACKHURST, and Miss KELLY were present at the end, but Colonel Sherwood KELLY, V.C., is on his way out from England.
Notwithstanding that the funeral took place at short notice, it was largely attended – not only by villagers, but by friends from a distance who by mere chance heard of the death, and all shops and offices were closed…
Had time permitted no doubt the Masonic Lodge would have been fully represented at the funereal, as the late Mr. KELLY was a Freemason.
The Revs. H. Borell JOHNSON and H.R. TOURTEL officiated at the graveside, and the coffin was covered by a Union Jack…
Saturday, August 21, 1926
In Memoriam
BURSSOU.- Sacred to the memory of our darling baby, Ione Jean BRUSSOU, who passed away at Queenstown, 21st August, 1925.
Monday, August 23, 1926
STRELITZ-FRANK.- The marriage of Rachel STRELLITZ to Morris FRANK will be solemnized at Queen’s Drive Synagogue, Queenstown, on Wednesday, 25 August, 1926, 5.30 p.m. No reception. No cards.
KLETTE.- At Umtata, on August 18th, 1926, Ida Auguste KLETTE, beloved wife of H.A. KLETTE (late of 53 Berry Street, Queenstown).
Tuesday, August 24, 1926
To Mr. and Mrs. STURISKY, 20 Robinson Road, on 23rd, a son. Both well. Thanks to doctor and nurse.
Wednesday, August 25, 1926
JORDAAN.- Died at Pretoria on the 17th August, after a long illness patiently borne, Johannes Wepener (Chick) JORDAAN.
Cott, Liz, Vince and Vicienne.
BOLD.- Died at Frontier Hospital on the 21st inst., Maria BOLD, on her 19th birthday, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.G. BOLD, 12, Tylden Street.
Thursday, August 26, 1926
WHITE.- At 44 Grey Street, on 25th August, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. WHITE, a daughter.
Monday, August 30, 1926
It is with deep regret that we have to record the death of Mr. Ebenezer Balderstone CHALMERS, whom many of the older residents will remember as Resident Magistrate and Civil Commissioner at Queenstown from 1898 to 1904, when he retired on pension. He had then spent 42 ½ years in the Civil Service, and was widely known and universally respected. His services were warmly eulogized at the time, when he received various gifts from the members of the Service in Queenstown and was presented with an illuminated address by the Mayor and the Town Council. On leaving the service Mr. CHALMERS settled down at Queenstown, but his health had been failing of recent years, and his illness was a long one. The funeral will take place to-morrow.
Tuesday, August 31, 1926
Local & General
The funeral of the late Mr. E.B. CHALMERS took place this morning, the attendance of the public being very representative. The chief mourners were the three sons, Messrs. Douglas, Harold, and Gordon, and Mr. A.P. MORUM (son-in-law)…
The service at St. Michael’s Church and the graveside were conducted by the Rev. W.A. GOODWIN
Wednesday, September 1, 1926
Friday, September 3, 1926
BARRABLE.- Passed peacefully away at her home, 70 Prince Alfred Street, on the 2nd September, Elizabeth Anne BARRABLE, widow of the late Hon. David S. BARRABLE.
Local & General
The death occurred last night of Mrs. BARRABLE, widow of the late Hon. D.S. BARRABLE, at the age of 83 years. Mrs. BARRABLE has lived in Queenstown for nearly seventy years, and has been more or less closely associated with the progress and welfare of the town. Three of the four of her surviving daughters were with her when she died, Miss BARRABLE, Mrs. C.K. HODGES, and Mrs. BESTALL, the youngest daughter, Mrs. IMPEY, being in England. The funeral takes place this afternoon.
Saturday, September 4, 1926
In Memoriam
BEATON.- In loving memory of our darling, Susan BEATON, who died at Kubusie, 4th September, 1925. Inserted by Father and Mother-in-law.
Tuesday, September 7, 1926
KENYON.- At the Duncan Vale Nursing Home on the 29th July, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. George KENYON, a son.
Birth.- At Queenstown, 5th September, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Preston POOLEY, of Cofimvaba, a daughter. Mother and child doing well.
Monday, September 13, 1926
Wednesday, September 15, 1926
A Queenstown Wedding
The high esteem in which the families of the HAYES' and MACLEAN's are held in the Queenstown district was fully demonstrated yesterday, when Mr. S.R. HAYES, junior, third son of Mr. S.R. HAYES, senior of Poplar Grove, was married to Miss Eileen Iris MACLEAN, eldest daughter of Mr. J.K. MACLEAN, of Koonoona, Queenstown. The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. W.A. GOODWIN, took place in the St. Michael and All Angels' Church...
Thursday, September 16, 1926
PEARSON.- At 18, Ebden Street, on the 14th September, Helen PEARSON, wife of G.F. PEARSON.
On the 11th September at the Duncan Vale Nursing Home, to Mr. and Mrs. R.I. MARSH, of Kundulu, a daughter. Both well.
Friday, September 17, 1926
Local & General
Congratulations to Mr. W.C. TREGARTHEN on attaining this day his seventieth birthday. The occasion is being remembered throughout the Union by the inclusion of the "South African" March in many city organ recital programmes and the chiming on the Carillons at Capetown of the National Hymn, "De Nacht Voorbij," "Emva Komso," "Beyond the Night," of which Mr. TREGARTHEN was the composer, the words being by Mr. Herbert PRICE, a former Mayor of Queenstown.
Saturday, September 18, 1926
BOLTON.- At Queenstown on the 17th September, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Eric BOLTON, "The Grove," Indwe Poort, of a son.
Monday, 20 September 20, 1926
BERRY.- Passed away peacefully on the 19th September, 1926, Margaret (Nurse) BERRY, aged 87 years and 4 months.
The children of the late Mrs. BERRY (Mrs. ROBINSON and Mr. W.A. BERRY) tender their sincere thanks to all who so kindly helped during her illness.
PRICE.- At 52, Prince Alfred Street on the 17th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil PRICE (nee Ruby BOWES), a daughter.
Local & General
Attorney Shoots Himself.
Mr. M.D. FOURIE, a 24-year-old attorney, who recently started in business in Pretoria, died on Thursday night from the effects of revolver shot wounds to his head. FOURIE resided in Melville Street, Sunnyside, was married, and had a three months old baby son. He stayed away from his office on Thursday and at 11 o'clock in the morning retired to a room in his house. A revolver shot was heard, and his wife rushed into the room. Mr. FOURIE in hospital did not recover consciousness and there he died.
Tuesday, September 21, 1926
GROBBLER-KEW.- On September 20th, at Wesleyan Church by Rev. J.W. McGAHEY, Maud Evalina, eldest daughter of Mrs. KEW and the late Mr. Albert KEW, to John (Jack), eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. GROBBLER, both of Queenstown.
COOPER.- Died on the 14th inst., at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. J.G.A. RAWSTORNE, 45, Rhodes Avenue, Brakpan, Eliza COOPER, in her 88th year, relict of the late George COOPER of Whittlesea, C.P. Deeply mourned by her sorrowing children.
Death of Mrs. E. COOPER.
The death of Mrs. Eliza COOPER, widow of the late Mr. George COOPER, of Whittlesea, which occurred at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. RAWSTORNE, at Brakpan, has removed from our midst one of Whittlesea's oldest and most highly esteemed residents. Mrs. COOPER, who was in her 88th year, enjoyed good health until a fortnight ago when she had an attack of influenza and bronchitis, and, in spite of all that medical skill and devoted and loving care could do, she passed into her rest on the evening of September 14th. The funeral, which took place in the Brakpan Cemetery, was conducted by the Rev. Jas. H. REED, Wesleyan Minister, and the coffin was born to its last resting place by six grandsons of the deceased, viz., Messrs. Wm. THOMPSON, St. Clair COOPER, Lionel COOPER, Neville LEACH, Edward PITT, and Eric PITT. The other members of the family present at the graveside were Mr. and Mrs. RAWSTORNE and the Misses RAWSTORNE (Brakpan), Mrs. LEACH, Miss LEACH and Mr. N. LEACH (Potchefstroom), Mr. Chas. COOPER and Miss COOPER (West Springs), Mr. and Mrs. PITT and sons (2) Potchefstroom, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel COOPER, Mrs. Arthur COOPER and Master Boyd COOPER (Basutoland), Mr. Wm. THOMPSON (Benoni), Mr. St. Clair COOPER (Johannesburg), and Mr. Walter HEYDENRYCH (Springs)...
Thursday, September 23, 1926
The Late Mrs. BERRY.
The passing of the late Nurse BERRY – known to all as "Grannie" – removes another old resident of Queenstown. The deceased lady came to Queenstown in the year 1874 and started her maternity home, which she continued up to a few years ago. During her long period of nursing well over a thousand cases were attended by her, and many a man and woman living today owe their lives to her skilful nursing, care and attention. She was of a genial and kindhearted disposition, but of a very independent spirit, and preferred to fend for herself, which she did up till a month ago, when, owing to failing health, she was obliged to give in and went to reside with her daughter, Mrs. ROBINSON, where she received every loving care and attention until the end came. Surviving her are two children, nine grand children, and eighteen great-grand children.
The death occurred on Monday afternoon in the Umtata Hospital of Mr. Robert VIEDGE, of Viedgeville, following an operation necessitated by the motor accident in which the deceased gentleman was concerned last week, says the "Daily Dispatch." His death means a distinct loss to the Territories, in the affairs of which the late Mr. VIEDGE took great interest, always ready to lend his advice and assistance to any movement which had for its object the progress and development of the Territories in which he had made his home. Coming to the Transkei as a young man, Mr. VIEDGE opened a trading station, and with characteristic farsightedness extended his operations until the time of his death he controlled between thirty and forty stations. He was keenly interested in the Old Transkei Trader's Association, and when out of this sprang the Transkei Civic Association he became vice-president of the latter, and continued so until the time of his death. His foresight of business acumen were of the utmost value to both associations. At one time he was approached by request that he would allow himself to be nominated for the Cape Provincial Council, a project which was cast into abeyance by the Great War since which Mr. VIEDGE lived a more retired life. Mr. VIEDGE who was sixty-five years of age, leaves a widow and nine children, three of his sons being pupils at Selborne College at East London, and to the widow and family we extend our sympathy in their sudden bereavement.
Friday, September 24, 1926
Notice to Creditors
Estate of the late Augustus William Hillary PRESTON and surviving spouse, Carrie Shepperson PRESTON, of 106, Berry Street, Queenstown...
Executrix Testamentary.
Notice to Creditors
Estate late Jan DU PLESSIS. No. 11451...
Attorney for Executrix Testamentary.
P.O. Box 136,
FILMER.- At Glen Thorn, Imvani, to Mr. and Mrs. A.H. FILMER, a daughter.
Wednesday, September 29, 1926
Thursday, September 30, 1926
Passed away peacefully at her daughter's residence, 17 Prince Alfred Street, on September 27th, Margaret McKENDRICK, age 73.
October – December 1926 missing.
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