The Daily Representative 1923 3 July - September
Monday, July 2, 1923
SUTHERLAND.- On Thursday, June 21st, 1923, at “Pumula,” Esplanade, Durban (the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Walter SAUNDERS), Celia Elizabeth, widow of the late John SUTHERLAND, M.A., of Queenstown, Cape Colony. Aged 83 years.
Thursday, July 5, 1923
Silver Wedding.
July 5th, 1898, married at Stockport, Wm. BELLAD-ELLIS, of Stockport, to Florence Louisa Clemmett LANCASTER, of Liverpool.
Local and General
Silver Wedding.
We join with the many friends in Queenstown of Mr. and Mrs. W. BELLAD-ELLIS in offering them congratulations of celebrating to-day their silver wedding. Mr. BELLAD-ELLIS, who installed the electrical scheme into Queenstown and served as the town electrical engineer for a number of years, is now resident in East London. There are many Queenstownians, particularly among the returned soldiers, who have a warm spot in their hearts for Mrs. BELLAD-ELLIS, and will ever remember the splendid service she so willingly rendered during the war period.
Friday, July 6, 1923
THOMAS-EVA,- Married at the Farm “Connaught,” District Thaba ‘Nchu, July 5th, 1923, by Rev. OWENS, Wesleyan Minister, Alfred C.R. THOMAS, second son of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. THOMAS, Queenstown, to Nina Eastland EVA, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. EVA, O.F.S.
Tuesday, July 10, 1923
LOXTON-ROBINSON,- Married at Whittlesea, on the 9th inst., Florence Jessie, daughter of Mrs. LOXTON, of Whittlesea, to John Harold (Jack) ROBINSON, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. ROBINSON, of Queenstown.
Thursday, July 12, 1923
PROWSE,- Passed peacefully away, at 10 Golf Road, Queenstown, on 8th inst., Lucy PROWSE.
Local and General
Old Resident’s Death.
Last Sunday Miss Lucy PROWSE, a dear old lady, long resident in our town and well-known to the elder folks, passed peacefully away. Her strength had been failing the last few months, but she made no complaint, and on this Sunday was at dinner as usual, and retired for her ordinary rest. An hour or two later she was found unconscious, and the end followed speedily. Miss PROWSE came to Queenstown nearly fifty years ago, along with her brother and his wife and family. He did not stay above a year or two, and, on leaving, left with his sister the care and upbringing of his two boys. Well did she perform this heavy task. She toiled for them as her own children. They both attended for some years the High School and did well. One of them is now in Australia and has been there for many years, and the other is on the Rand. Both have done fairly well in life, and have not quite forgotten their indebtedness to their aunt. Much, indeed, did they owe her, not easy to be repaid. While thus burdened, Miss PROWSE took charge of the Public Library, and for very many years proved a very efficient librarian. Since then she has lived a very quiet but useful life. Her bright cheerful nature endeared her to all who knew her. She had attained the ripe old age of eighty-two. Most of her old friends she had outlived, and her last years were lonely, but she was cheerful to the end.
Friday, July 13, 1923
KEY,- Passed away at Duncan Vale Nursing Home, William Robert, son late William KEY and beloved husband of E.C. KEY; age 51 years and 5 months. Deeply mourned.
Monday, July 16, 1923
Wedding at Kokstad
Bride and Bridegroom from Queenstown
Kokstad, Saturday.
A popular wedding was solemnized at Kokstad to-day, the bridegroom being Mr. R.L. MORUM, of Queesntown, and the bride Miss Agnes May SHEARAR, daughter of the late Mr. SHEARAR, who was for many years a well-known and prominent public citizen of Queenstown. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. Norman SHEARAR, of the “Rand Daily Mail,” Johannesburg. The Rev. J. Flesher RUMFITT, of the Wesleyan Church, Kokstad, was the officiating clergyman. – Reuter.
Local and General
Bridegroom Poisoned.
A romance that ended in deep tragedy is reported from the Dewetsdorp district, says the “Star.” On Tuesday all the preparations had been completed to celebrate the marriage of two young people well known in the district. Numerous presents had arrived, a crowd of relatives and friends had gathered, and the minister was waiting in the church, but the bridegroom never came. He disappeared from the countryside, and there was no clue as to his whereabouts. His name was Johannes VERMEULEN, and he was a teacher by profession. The tragic fact of the story was revealed in Bloemfontein on Thursday morning, when the municipal ambulance was summoned to a house in Henry Street and conveyed to the National Hospital a young man who, it was discovered, was named Johannes Vermeulen. At the hospital it was found that VERMEULEN was suffering from the effects of a dose of poison, and he died at 1.15 in the afternoon.
Tuesday, July 17, 1923
In Memoriam.
HARDING,- In loving memory of my dear wife, Alice Anne, who passed away at Queenstown on the 17th of July, 1922.
HARDING,- In loving memory of our dear mother, died July 17th, 1922.
Inserted by her loving children.
HOFMEYR-VAN DER VIJVER,- Married at the Dutch Reformed Church, Queenstown, on 16th July, 1923, by the Rev. P.J. DU PLESSIS, H.O. HOFMEYR, M.D., son of the Hon. G.R. HOFMEYR, Administrator of South West Africa, to Joey VAN DER VIJVER, of Queenstown.
COLTHART, James Gordon, passed peacefully away at 123 Cathcart Road; age 64. Funeral Wednesday, 18th, 4 p.m.
Local and General.
Progressive Agriculturist’s Death.
The Hon. Peter DE VILLIERS has died at Beaufort West in his 83rd year. He represented Beaufort West in the Legislative Council during the Jameson Ministry, and was one of the wealthiest and most progressive sheep farmers in the country. He had also been a successful horse breeder.
Wednesday, July 18, 1923
Notice to Creditors.
In the Estate of the late Joseph Henry BALL, of Queenstown. No. 1601… F.A. VISSER, Attorney for Executrix Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown.
Thursday, July 19, 1923
In Memoriam.
HAY,- In loving memory of Carrick HAY, who died in German East, July 19th, 1916.
Friday, July 20, 1923
Notice to Creditors & Debtors.
In the Estate of the late William BRENER, of Queenstown. No. 1443...
1. PAGE, Manager,
Standard Bank of South Africa, Ltd.,
Queenstown Branch,
Executor Testamentary.
Local and General.
Girl Motorist Charges with Homicide.
The preparatory examination concluded at Durban of Miss Irene PFOTENHAUER, aged 22, residing at Malvern, near Durban, who was charges with culpable homicide in connection with the death of the Rev. W.R. GRUNDY, curate of St. Paul’s, Durban, and formerly a master at St. John’s College, Johannesburg. It will be remembered that Mr. GRUNDY was knocked down by a motor car driven by Miss PFOTENHAUER just after stepping off a tram-car while on his way to visit patients in the Addington Hospital, and died some three days later from a broken neck and fractured skull. At the close of the hearing the defence was reserved, and Miss PFOTENHAUER was committed for trial, bail being allowed on her father’s bond of £50.
Saturday, July 21, 1923
Local and General
Schoolgirl’s Fatal Fall.
A distressing fatality occurred near Kokstad on Wednesday. While Mr. N.F. MAARTENS, a young farmer of Strydfontein, Kokstad, was driving his daughter, aged eight, to the Mooiplaats Farm School one of the horses in the Cape cart stumbled and fell, with the result that the girl was thrown out on the road and a wheel passed over her head. In spite of every medical effort, she died on Wednesday night.
Friday, July 27, 1923
COLLINGWOOD,- Died at Queenstown, on 26th July, Charles Fielding COLLINGWOOD, son of Mrs. COLLINGWOOD and late Rev. C.A. COLLINGWOOD.
A loss to Queenstown
It is with very deep and sincere regret that we have to record the death of Mr. Charles Fielding COLLINGWOOD, senior partner in the well-known legal firm of COLLINGWOOD and McCONNEL. The event took place last evening with tragic suddenness, the immediate cause being pneumonia. The deceased gentleman attended business as usual on Tuesday, but he had never fully recovered his health from a severe illness of a year or two back, and the catching of a chill was attended with fatal results. Of a quiet but genial and kindly temperament, Mr. COLLINGWOOD was widely respected and esteemed, and will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends. The utmost sympathy will be extended to the widowed mother with whom he resided and other members of the family. His brother, Mr. Bertram COLLINGWOOD, of Grahamstown, arrived in town this morning. Before the long illness to which reference has been made Mr. COLLINGWOOD took a prominent part in the public life of the town, acting as chairman of the School Board with conspicuous tact and success, and being also a member of the Town Council. The deceased gentleman, who was un-married, came out from England to join the staff of Kingswood College at Grahamstown, but afterwards entered the legal profession and had practiced at Queenstown for a number of years. Mr. COLLINGWOOD was a very prominent and active supporter of the local branch of the Sons of England. He was a foundation member, and succeeded the first president, Mr. C.M. MALLETT, in the chairmanship of the organization, in which he took a keen interest to the very last. Mr. COLLINGWOOD’s father, the late Rev. C.A. COLLINGWOOD, was an English Wesleyan Church, and the deceased had ever been a staunch adherent to that denomination.
The funeral takes place to-morrow, leaving the deceased’s residence in Warner Street at 3 o’clock and proceeding to the Wesleyan Church.
In the Estate of the late Sganga QUNDA (171/661/575/29), of Lower Lahlangubo, in the district of Queenstown… G.N. EBDEN, Attorney for Executor Dative.
Saturday, July 28, 1923
Local and General
Death in the Herring Tin.
At the inquest on Mrs. H. BROWN, a well-known resident at Graaff-Reinet, whose sudden death on Saturday was reported, Dr. MASSEY stated that he found deceased was showing symptoms of ptomaine poisoning. He saw her frequently during Friday and she was removed to hospital where she died the next day. Death was due to acute dilation of the stomach, due to ptomaine poisoning caused by the tinned fish of which deceased partook. The magistrate found that death was due to ptomaine poisoning, the result of eating tinned herrings. At the Town Council meeting on Wednesday reference was made to Mrs. BROWN’s death and the question was asked whether there was not a regular inspection of the tinned foods displayed for sale in local shops. The chief sanitary inspector stated that the last inspection was made in February of this year and on that occasion 150 tins had been condemned as unfit for human food and he undertook to carry out further inspections.
Wednesday, August 1, 1923
Golden Wedding.
Married on the 31st July, 1873, at the residence of the bride’s mother, by the Rev. John DEWAR, Jessie, daughter of Mrs. J.B. RENNIE, of Haining, Bedford, to George ASHCRAFT, son of the Rev. and Mrs. John PEARS, of Somerset East.
In the Estate of the late James Gordon COLTHART, of Queenstown. No. 1720… G.N. EBDEN, Attorney for Executrix Testamentary.
Police Court News
Gulbooi ZUMKALA had an argument with April ZIMAMA on the farm “Compensation” on Sunday, and, to enforce his point of view, struck him on the right side of the head with a mealie stamper, fracturing his skull. He died almost instantly.
It appeared from the evidence that accused and deceased went to a hut on the farm where there was a dance in progress. Two of the girls who were at the dance said they went outside and when they were returning saw the accused catch hold of the deceased by the arm and pull him partially out of the door. He then picked up a mealie stamper that was lying alongside the door and struck the deceased one blow. Deceased fell with his head inside the hut and never spoke or moved, dying very shortly afterwards.
Thursday, August 2, 1923
JATWES-HOPPENSTEIN,- Married at the Synagogue, Queen’s Drive, Queenstown, on the 1st August, 1923, by the Rev. H.S. SHAPIRO, Benjamin JATWES to Anna Gladys HOPPENSTEIN, both of Ugie.
The Late Mr. Will CROSBY
An Appreciation
The news of Mr. Will CROSBY’s death came to his many friends, and their name is legion, as a great shock, for, though they all knew that for some time Mr. CROSBY had been in indifferent health, it was only known to a few of his intimates how really grave his condition was.
Will CROSBY was probably the most popular journalist South Africa has ever produced. It was over 40 years ago that he started his career in partnership with Mr. DORMER on the “Queenstown Representative.” He was then only a young man, but old Queenstonians are able to recall how rapidly this youngster captured the public esteem. When the rush to the goldfields started, Mr. CROSBY joined it and founded “The Diggers News.” His heart, however, was in the Eastern Province, the Golden Rand having few attractions for him, and soon he returned to his earlier home. We find him next editing the “Midland News.” He was one of the first in this country to realize the full value to journalism of an up-to-date telegraphic news service. His enterprise in this connection made the “Midland News” for the time being the most important paper in the Eastern Province. In 1897 he accepted an offer by Mr. David REES to take over the editorship of the “Daily Dispatch” – then a bi-weekly paper.
Unhesitatingly he turned the paper into a daily. A success surpassing his wildest hopes crowned his efforts, and he lived to see the “Dispatch” take its place among the foremost journal of the country. Much of this success was due to the wonderful personality of the man. His sincerity of purpose was so apparent to everybody that he gained the confidence of the whole of his public easily. That in itself is a tremendous advantage for any journalist. In private life his charm of manner and underlying warmth of friendship endeared him to all those whose privilege it was to come into closer contact with him. Never will these forget the merry twinkle of his eyes, the kindly smile of recognition, and the warmth of his handshake. His death removes a landmark for the Border, and it will be quite impossible for many to picture East London without dear old Will CROSBY.
Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Petrus Johannes DE WET, of “Groot Schuur,” District of Tarka (Folio 1632)… Dan J. DE WET, Attorney for the Executrix Testamentary.
P.O. Box 6,
Sterkstroom, C.P.
Tuesday, August 7, 1923
SYMON-ADDLESON,- Married at the Synagogue, Queen’s Drive, Queenstown on the 6th August, Philip SYMON, of Ugie, and son of Mr. H. SYMON, of Zastron, to Sarah ADDLESON, eldest daughter of Mrs. S. ADDLESON, of Queenstown.
Wednesday, August 8, 1923
MAYTHAM,- Passed away suddenly at Sea Point, Cape, Mary Ann MAYTHAM, wife of the late Samuel MAYTHAM, of Mptula, Bolotwa: aged 79 years and 3 months.
Friday, August 10, 1923
In the Estate of the late William Martin FLEISCHER, of Queenstown. No. 152/241…
1. Page, Manager,
Executor Testamentary.
Monday, August 13, 1923
In the Estate of the late Margaret Jane REEVE, born MURRAY, of Queenstown…
DYE,- Passed away at Queesntown on the 11th August, Annie DYE, beloved wife of E.H. DYE, Occupation Farm.
Mr .DYE and family wish to thank the Doctors and Nurses of Duncan Vale Home for all their kindness during her long illness. Thanking all friends for kind sympathy and floral wreaths.
Local and General
A Farm Tragedy.
A shocking tragedy took place at a farm a few miles from Spytfontein station, where a lad, aged 17, named Norman TEARMAN, whose father resides in Kimberley, was found dead over the foot of his bed. A 12-bore shotgun was discovered lying at his feet, a charge from the weapon having apparently entered the lad’s abdomen. Young TEARMAN was foreman in charge of the farm where the tragedy occurred.
Tuesday, August 14, 1923
In Memoriam.
In fond remembrance of our ever dear “Nonnie,” who died August 14th, 1917.
Inserted by her mother, brother, and sister.
In loving memory of our dear daughter and sister, Mary BAIN, nee Singie CREBO; died 14th August, 1922.
Wednesday, August 15, 1923
In the Estate of the late Ebenezer CROUCH, of Queenstown… N.L. GOLDSCHMIDT, Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.
Thursday, August 16, 1923
TOWNSEND-TREWARTHA,- Married, in the Presbyterian Church, Queenstown, on the 14th August, 1923, Beatrice Mary TOWNSEND, eldest daughter of Mrs. And the late W.D. TOWNSEND, Esq., to Ernest Manuell TREWARTHA, son of Mr. and Mrs. F.J. TREWARTHA, of Sea Point.
Saturday, August 18, 1923
Martha KRUGER, beloved wife of P. KRUGER, in her 47th year; died on the 15th August, 1923.
Deeply mourned by her sorrowing husband and children.
In Memoriam
DIXON,- In loving memory of our dear mother, Elizabeth DIXON, who died at Queenstown, August 19th, 1920.
Inserted by Harry and Annie ROBERTS.
DIXON,- In remembrance of my dearly beloved wife, Elizabeth Dixon, who died at Queenstown on the 19th August, 1920.
In loving memory of our dear mother, who passed away 19th August, 1920.
Inserted by her loving son, George, daughter-in-law, and grand-children.
Notice to Creditors
Estate late Alexander Trotter SCOTT, of “Buccleugh,” Division of Imvani… L.H. BRINKMAN, For Self and Co-Executors.
Monday, August 20, 1923
SOBEY,- Birth at the Duncan Vale Nursing Home, to Mr. and Mrs. Morley SOBEY, a Son, on 19th inst.
In Memoriam
THOMPSON,- In loving memory of my dear wife and mother, Louisa THOMPSON, who passed away peacefully on the 20th August, 1922.
Inserted by her loving husband and children.
Local and General
Shot his Grandmother.
At Parow on Thursday a youth, named Kenneth KRIGE, was, it is stated, examining a loaded revolver, which had been found while sorting through an old cupboard, when the weapon went off in his hand, and the bullet lodged in the hip of his grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth RUSSELL, who was aged 75 years. Mrs. RUSSELL was removed to Somerset Hospital, where, after being operated upon, she died.
Tuesday, August 21, 1923
COWAN,- On the 20th August, to Mr. and Mrs. C.E. COWAN, of 82 Inverleith Terrace, East London, a Daughter. Both well.
Wednesday, August 22, 1923
Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Catherine Henrietta PETE, born VAN WEINGARDEN, of Queenstown. (No. 1958)… N.L. GOLDSCHMIDT, Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.
Local and General
Kimberley Editor’s Death.
The death has taken place of Mr. Frank IRELAND, editor of the “Diamond Fields Advertiser.” Mr. IRELAND was a Devonshire man, and after serving on the editorial staffs of numerous newspapers in the South of England, he eventually joined the staff of the Coventry “Standard,” of which he was editor for seven years. He health broke down, and, acting on medical advice, he came to South Africa, where, a quarter of century ago, he became associated with the “Diamond Fields Advertiser,” during the last 19 years of which he had been editor. He was a man of most unassuming disposition, a conscientious, courteous, and hard-working journalist, who made a host of friends, by whom his death is deeply regretted. Mr. IRELAND was in his 57th year, and is survived by a widow and two unmarried daughters.
Thursday, August 23, 1923
LACEY,- To Mr. and Mrs. Jack LACEY, of Fort Victoria, Southern Rhodesia, a Son, on the 22nd, at Dr. GRIEVE’s Home.
Monday, August 27, 1923
CELLIER,- At the Duncan Vale Nursing Home, on Sunday, August 26th, to Dr. and Mrs. W.H. CELLIER, a Daughter.
MOYES,- After a long and painful illness, William Robert MOYES; age 49 on 27th.
Funeral at 4 o’clock on Tuesday.
Thursday, August 30, 1923
Local and General
Contractor Hangs Himself.
Estcourt was greatly shocked to learn on Saturday morning that Mr. William STEELE, of the firm of contractors, Messrs. STEELE and POWELL, was found hanging from a beam in a store. The firm had recently been engaged in building a bridge at Frere. No cause can be assigned to the act.
Farmer’s Terrible Death.
The distressing circumstances under which a Dutch Farmer, sixty-one years of age, named Jan Harm DU PLESSIS, of the farm Roodekrans, in the Bethal district, met his death were told at an enquiry. The only eye-witness of his terrible death, a Mrs. BRONKHORST, told the Court that between four and five o’clock in the afternoon she saw Mr. DU PLESSIS leading his two cart horses down to the fountain for water. The halter reim of one of the horses was tied round his wrist. When nearing the fountain the horses took fright, one bolting right away. The other one tried to do the same, but finding himself tied to DU PLESSIS, became unmanageable. The horse started rearing and kicking, ultimately kicking deceased in the chest. He fell to the ground and was then dragged along the ground near the farm fence for 200 yards by the maddened animal. After he had been dragged this distance over the rough ground the reim broke and the horse continued its mad career, its unfortunate victim remaining on the ground. Mrs. BRONKHORST immediately went to his assistance, but on reaching the body found life extinct.
Saturday, September 1, 1923
WAKEFORD,- To Mr. and Mrs. Cecil J. WAKEFORD, a Son, on 31st August, at 33 Prince Alfred Street.
Monday, September 3, 1923
Notice to Creditors.
In the Estate of the late Abraham BLIGENHOUT, of Macabini Farm, Glen Grey. 1803… F.A. VISSER, Attorney for Executrix Testamentary.
Wednesday, September 5, 1923
TORR,- Passed away at Zeerust, on September 4th, Dorothy, the little daughter of Stanley and Gladys TORR.
In the Estate of the late Tom Tesseyman SUTHERLAND, of Queenstown. No. 1322… F.A. VISSER, Attorney for Executors Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown.
Monday, September 10, 1923
BOUWER,- Passed away at the Frontier Hospital, on the 8th September ,1923, Wilhelmina Catherina, beloved wife of Michael BOUWER.
Tuesday, September 11, 1923
Notice to Creditors.
In the Estate of the late Izak Johannes Benjamin VAN HEERDEN (No. 1955), of Sterkstroom… Dan J. DE WET.
Attorney for the Executrix Testamentary.
P.O. Box 6, Sterkstroom.
Thursday, September 13, 1923
Estate of late Pato ZIMBA and Eleanor ZIMBA, surviving spouse… Solomon ZIMBA, Executive Dative.
Friday, September 14, 1923
In Memoriam
PFISTER,- In loving memory of my dear husband, James PFISTER, who died on 15th September, 1921.
Inserted by his sorrowing wife and children.
Monday, September 17, 1923
Local and General
A Big Family.
The oldest inhabitant in the town and district of Oudtshoorn passed away last week in the person of Mrs. Susana Margeretha LOFTY-EATON, on the farm Rietvlei West, near Le Roux Station. She was five months short of 100 years of age. She was born at Mossel Bay in the year 1824, her father having been a schoolmaster in the district – one of the first schoolmasters under the second British occupation. Afterwards the family moved to Doorn River, the farm of the late “Oubaas” HEYNS, and later to the Oudtshoorn district. A family of 138 children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and two in the fifth generation are left behind.
Tuesday, September 18, 1923
FRASER,- At Central Hotel, Cathcart, on 15th September, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. James FRASER, a Son. Both well.
RICHTER-ARNOLD,- To be married in the Dutch Reformed Church, Dewetsdorp, on the 27th September, at 10.30 a.m., Adrian L. RICHTER, Glengarry, Dewetsdorp, to Catherine A. ARNOLD, Public School, Dewetsdorp.
In the Estate of the late Barend Daniel BOUWER, of Winchester, Queenstown. 181/80… F.A. VISSER, Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown.
Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Cornelia Aletta ERASMUS (born DE WET), of Bekkersfontein, Queenstown. No. 2138… F.A. VISSER, Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown.
Thursday, September 20, 1923
In Memoriam
BOTHA,- In loving memory of our dear little darling, Anna BOTHA, who was killed by one of the Municipal Rubbish Wagons on the 20th September, 1921.
Inserted by her loving parents, brothers and sisters.
Monday, September 24, 1923
Estate late Helen Mary WHEEL-WRIGHT, a Widow, born JANDIELL. No. 178/861… N.L. GOLDSCHMIDT, Attorneys for Executors Testamentary.
P.O. Box 83,
Local and General
Kimberley Merchant’s Suicide.
Mr. John BRADLEY, a Kimberley merchant, is reported by a correspondent of the “Star” to have hanged himself in the bedroom which he occupied at the house of his son. One of the most esteemed and respected citizens of the town, Mr. John BRADLEY was head of the firm of Messrs. J. BRADLEY and Sons, “The Potteries,” Jones Street. Mr. BRADLEY, who was over 60 years of age, came to Kimberbley from England a few years before the outbreak of the South African war. At that time his health was none too good, but there is no doubt that the Kemberley climate greatly benefited him, and during the 25 years or more during which he had been associated with the life of the city he had built up a flourishing business and made a host of friends. Of late, however, his health had occasioned much anxiety, and Mrs. BRADLEY’s failing health also had necessitated her departure for England. It was Mr. BRADLEY’s intention shortly to proceed to the Old Country, there to rejoin his wife. Latterly, however, he had suffered from melancholia and insomnia, and there is little doubt that the consequent mental depression was responsible for the act which ended his life.
Tuesday, September 25, 1923
JAMES,- Died at East London on Wednesday, 19th September, Hannah, beloved wife of Irvin JAMES, of Clevedon, Dohne.
Wednesday, September 26, 1923
Local and General
Police Station Tragedy.
A sad shooting affair took place at the headquarters of the Kimberley police, in the person of Detective-Sergt. Ernest Alfred CLARKE, committed suicide by shooting himself through the mouth and head with a service revolver. After deceased came on duty a shot was heard. The office was entered and Detective CLARKE was found collapsed at his desk, where he was sitting at the time he fired the shot. He was immediately removed to the hospital in the ambulance, but died later as the result of the wound. It is stated that during the past year deceased had been in an indifferent state of health, and the rash act is ascribed to despondency consequent upon his illness.
Saturday, September 29, 1923
In loving memory of our darling mother, Annie Susan MARSHALL.
Ever remembered by Katie and Frank.
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