Daily News 2012 10 October
1 October 2012
BOUWER Brian & Sharon a daughter Teagan Louise * 21 Sept 2012 in Auckland. Sister for Baylee. Granddaughter for Billy and Barbara and Neil and Kathy.
TURNER nee THOMAS Kathlyn & Jason a son Campbell Thomas . 2nd grandchild for Kelvin & Sue.
DRAPER Cheryl announces engageament of Angela to Brad, son of Ian & Daphne FARRINGTON .
FRASER Rase & Les announces engagement of Emma to Rhodes, son of Anthea & + Hugo TANNER.
CRAMPTON Harold (Ginger) Douglas 20 Sept 1925 -----24 Sept 2012 x June. Father of Cynthia, Louise, Kenny and Gladys. Father-in-law, Grand and greatgrandfather. Thank you Hillcrest Private Hospital.
GEITHRIE nee FREEMANTLE Lyle Myrtle (ex Motor Licencing Durban) x Colin. Mother of Bruce and Nico. Mother-in-law of Amanda, grandmother of Kathrine and Rachel.
ISON Brian + 20 Aug 2012.
JOFFE Simma + 25 Sept 2012 in Toronto Aunt of Cheryl, Leslie, Taryn, Gareth, Ryan and Barbara.
JORDAN Kim-Leigh 10 July 1972 -----23 Sept 2012 . From the MOCKE family.
KAHN Fay. Gail ,Selwyn ,Davin and family a long life we wish you from Trevor, Ayala WASSERMAN and children.
LUCAS Norman William Gowie + 27 Sept 2012 in Howick x + Norma. Father of Leanne Gale and + Darryl. Pa of Katherine , Bronwyn and Sheldon. Father-in-law of Richard.
MAZANSKY Denise. Friend of Shereen.
MOTTIAN Perumal(Freddie). Father of Bobby, Harris, Raymond, Sylvia, Vino, Priscilla. Father-in-law of Mana, Yvonne and Linda, Lawrence and Roland. Brother of Paul , Dixon, Annamma and Patta.Grand-great-grandmother. 15/16th Day Memorial at Kharwastan Civic Centre Chatsworth on 2 Oct 2012. Supper at 5:30pm Service 7pm. TEL:- 0825560699.
SCHUTTE Richard George (Dick) 12 July 1953 ----26 Sept 2012. Memorial on 2 Oct 2012 Christ Church Waterfall at 11am.
SMYTHE Shirley 18 Nov 1942 ----28 Sept 2012. Liefde van Debbie, Craig, grandchildren and their families. ; Wonderful wife to my brother from Pat, Linda, Sarah and Jud.
TAINTON Peter Robert + 27 Sept 2012 at age 57 in Reading UK formaly of JHB x Christine. Father of Matthew and Nicolas; Brother of Bonny x Brian. Aunt of Samantha, Tamryn, Kelsey and Justine.
THOMAS Felicity 4 April 1926 -----26 Sept 2012 x + Geoff Cunningham THOMAS. Mother to Alison, Richard and Guy. Gran to Michael, Kaitlin and Jono.
WARD Mary Eileen Elizabeth 2 May 1923 ----27 Sept 2012 x Dough. Mother of Sandra and John. Mother-in-law ,grand and greatgrandmother.
WHITBURN Malcolm Stuart 5 Jan 1948 ----24 Sept 2012 Cremation Service at Northfield Methodist Hope Chapel Benoni on 2 Oct 2012 at 2pm. EAST RAND Funeral 011 425 0276
WILSON Trevor + 27 Sept 2012 x Meg for 59 Years. Father of Trisha, Lorna and Jill, sons-in-law and grandchildren.
ABRAHAMS Claudett . 1 year now. Sister and Aunt of Gerry, Yves and Regan.
DUVAL Arlene Delyse . Wife and mother of Lynton and Liam.
GRIFFITHS Linda Veronica 28 Sept 1945 -----30 Sept 2009 Missed by Griff, kids an grandkids.
TAYLOR Grahame. Dad of Shell.
TAYLOR Grahame 3 March 1940 -----1 Oct 2011 x Heather. Father of Leigh.
WULFSOHN Storm 2 July 1979 ----1 Oct 2009 . Daughter , sister and aunt.
2 October 2012
HIND nee CINTOGIANNIS Trevor & Az a girl Nora born in Westville Hospital Sister for Mila. Grandchild for Terry, Soula, Ro and Shirl.
HOLD nee CAMERON Kurt & Michelle a 2nd son Quinn Allan HOLD * 1 Oct 2012 in Parklands. Brother for Roarke.
BATSTONE Cheyne . Son of Evelyn ,Mike and Chris. Brother of Bronwynne, Ktle and Melissa. Missed by Grandparents , Lynnadene and Ronnie. Funeral at DOVES Greyville on 4 Oct 2012 at 2pm.DOVES 0860025500.
CHRISTISON Fiona Sharon x Leon. Mother of Candice, Carrie-Lee and Laikin. Grandmother of Nevaej . Funeral at Seventh Day Adventist Church Wentworth on 3 Oct 2012 at 11 am. Proceeding to Dudley Street Cemetry.
CLAASE Grant Simpathy to Debbie, Matthew ,Christopher and Gregory from CLIFTON family.
DIPPENAAR Theresa Sarie + 27 Sept 2012. Memorial 4 Oct 2012 at 11 am at Old Apostolic Church Bluff . AVBOB 031 2061831.
FLUXMAN Margot. Sister of + Iris CHIAT and Monte MODLIN. Remembered by Avril & Icky KURGAN .
FOURIE Dr Tjaart + 28 Sept 2012. His family is Cecilia, Izak, Liezel, Karen, Marianne, Tjaart jnr and Steven. Memorial 2 Oct 2012 at 2pm at Glenwood Community Church Durban. DOVES 0860025500.
HARRIS WALTER THOMAS (Wally) + 29 Sept 2012 x Lorraine. Father of Doug & Diane, Janet & Gavin, Jeff & Sharon, Debbie & Reece. Grandfather of Matthew & Bridget, Tamryn, Paul, Wesley, Brenna, Chloe, Ryan, Joseph and Lane. Great-grandpa of Lily. Funeral 3 Oct 2012 at the Crossroads Family Church Pinetown at 10:30am. MARTINS Pinetown 031 709 2142.
HUBBARD Nancy + 29 Sept 2012 x + Herbert . Mother of Michael, Trevor, Jenny, Joan and + Brian. ; Mother of Michael x Videa . Grandmother of Debbie and Peter, Paul and Shelley. Great-gran of Emma, Thomas, Michael-Michael and Hayley. Funeral at Grenwood Presbyterian Church Glenwood on 4 oct 2012 at 10am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
LE ROUX Rita + 28 Sept 2012. Mother and Grandmother of Dave, Elaine, Brad en Neil LE ROUX.
MILLAR Elizabeth (Betty) + 30 Sept 2012 x Derek. Mom of Dale and Lance. Ouma Hettie to Jaacques, Natasha and Donavan. Sister to Carol. Sister-in-law to Glynnis, Cheryl, Eric, Dries, Pierre and families. Friend to Adele.
OLIVIER Sophia Katarina (Baby) 7 June 1943 -----28 Sept 2012 Mother, Sister, aunt and grandmother. From sisters Christine, Jennifer, Gloria and Carol.
OLIVIER Sophia Katherine 7 June 1943 ----28 Sept 2012 .Mother of Charles and Hugh. Grandmother of 5.
OOSTHUIZEN Joyce Estelle . Service at Stellawood Crem Chapel Umbilo 3 Oct 2012 at 10am. DOVES 0860025500.
RUSSOUW John Addey 3 July 1929 -----26 Sept 2012. Memorial at DOVES Greyville on 5 Oct 2012 at 11am. DOVES 0860025500.
SKINNER Brent 11 Dec 1937 ---- + 29 Sept 2012 x Evelyn. Father to Colleen, Heather, Keith, Elaine, Bruce and Alistair. Grandfather of Stephanie, James, Caroline, Charlotte, Daniel and Jessica. Funeral Service at Ballito Catholic Church on 4 Oct 2012 at 11am. DOVES 0860025500.
WATERMAN Blance. Mother of Sharon and Franklin. Memorial at Redhill Jewish Cemetery on 3 Oct 2012 at 12 pm.
BYERLEY. Daddy I miss you. Joshua.
BILLY. 1 year now. From Tess; You left us Josh . Till we meet again brother Victoria KHUMALO.
GROENEWALD Riaan. 8 Feb 1975 -----2 Oct 2002. Van jou bedroefte ouers en susters.
LANA KING + 2 Oct 2007 x Don. Mother of Anthony and Robert.
SUDEN Marc. Forever young.
3 October 2012
BUTLER Dorothy + 1 Oct 2012. Mom and granny of Keith, Sue and Jared.
DU RAND Barry 5 Feb 1931 -----1 Oct 2012 x Elizabeth. Father of Martin, Jean, Neil and Arn. No funeral on request Private cremation.
MELAMED Myra + 1 Oct 2012 . Mom and grandmother of Stephen, Trish, Jennifer, Justin, Jared, Nicole and BROOKSTONE family; Sympathy from Chummy and Denise HURWITZ; Lidia KINNEAR and Paola SANTIN.
NEAVE Lida. 40 years now. From Audry.
4 October 2012
PRINGLE Richard & Amy RICHARD a boy Matthew Richard PRINGLE * 3 Oct 2012.
NAIDOO Cara Jordan. 1year old. Missing daddy + John Dwain NAIDOO. My mother is Mags.
HOBSON ~ POTTER Adrian & Rose announce the engagement of their daughter Jenna to Simon, son of Hugh and Jane of Wiltshire UK.
BUTLER Dorothy + 1 Oct 2012.From Keith, Sue and Jared.
KIRBY Eric Edward . Father of Cecile STORRIE, Rusty KIRBY and grandfather.
LAWRENCE Roger Michael. Memorial at St Columbus Church Parkview on 9 Oct 2012 at 2:30pm. TEL:- 083 2675520.
MACHANJEE Tapi Ratilal. Mother of Dr.'s Mahendra and Hasu MAKANJEE , Majula, Vasanti and Urvashn. Mother-in-law of Miriam an Shivani. Funeral on 4 Oct 2012. At 32 Pridley Rd, Resevoir Hill. Body will lie in state from 11:30 ----13:15 pm. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium for cremation at 14:20pm.
THEUNISSEN Harold + 2 Oct 2012 at age 88 Years. Missed by Pat and Mandy; Father and grandfather of John, Lorraine, Kim, Gavin, Rob, Nades, Jan, Nic, Jena, Dylan, Tanner and Sage in SA. Jill, Chesney , Kent and Shann in New Zealand; Dad and Pop of Lea, Frank, and Sharmae VERSTEEG in The Netherlands, Kyle and Kelly and Fae DENT in Australia.
TOZER Stella. Mom, grandmother and sister. Brynn, Audrey, Linda, Karen, Rod, Bernice and Candice.
VAN GRAAN Roland. Our thoughs are with you Lorraine and family. From Colleen, Tony, Maria and Tonja.
MAIDEN Jeff. Son, brother, uncle and Dad.
STEAD Joe (Josie) + 4 Oct 2010 x Rae.
5 October 2012
TRAKMAN - VERNON Pat, Mervyn and Grace announce the engagement of Robyn and Mark.
GALETTI Annita + 2 Oct 2012 Mom and Nonna . From Gianni, Fulvia, Erica and families.
KINNEAR Edwina Isabelle 23 June 1925 ------1 Oct 2012. Remembered by son Clive and Ursula and family.Grand and greatgran.
LAWRENCE Roger Michael. Memorial at St Columbus Church Parkview on 9 Oct 2012 at 2:30pm . TEL:- 0832675520. OAKES Ashley 17 Jan 1952 -----1 Oct 2012 in Sydney, Australia x Lynette. Father of Bradley, Michelle and Gail. Damma of Makaylah, Kalen and Tyrese.
THEUNISSEN Harold + 2 Oct. Father, grand and greatgrandfather from John, Lorraine, Kim, Gavin, Rob, Nades, Jan, Nic, Jena, Dylan, Tanner and Sage in SA and Jill, Chesney, Kent and Shann in New Zealand; Will be missed by Pat and Mandy.
TAYLOR (McKEOWN) Dawn. 9 years now. From Ed.
CROSSMAN Christina Sabiston ID 201219 0041 08 0 + 26 June 2012 of Caphor Care Centre, Hillcrest. ESTATE No. 10996/2012/DBN. BOLT AND COMPANY P.O.Box 70466 Overport 4067. TEL:- 031 8116748.
KADWA Ebrahim Mahomed ID 360512 5069 08 1 + 11 April 2012 of Flat 6, 385 Brickfield Rd, Overport, Durban. ESTATE No. 7891/2012 DBN. AYOUB KADWA & COMPANY P.O.Box 37122, Overport 4067.
SEYNISCH Ulrich ID 440902 5054 08 0 + 16 Aug 2012 of 30 King George Ave Foresthill Kloof 3610 x Antonia Marianna LIPPERT Born KAISER ID 19541105 0000 00 0 PASSPOORT: CG931h21N. ESTATE No 15276/2012 /DBN. VANIDHA NAIK & ASSOC. Suite 111, 1st Floor Liberty Life Building 21 Aurora Drive, Umhlanga Ridge 4319. TEL:- 031 5357136.
WINSTONE Priscilla Margaret ID 190509 0034 18 1 + 4 July 2012 of 73 Caister Lodge, 264 Musgrave Rd, Durban 4001. ESTATE No. 5945/2012 PMB. M.E.EDY P.O.Box 4 Auckland Park 2006. TEL:- 0823307791.
ATKINSON Annie Anita ID 250221 0053 08 1 + 6 Maart 2012 van 9 Lily Road, Durban. ESTATE No. 5340/12. TATE, NOLAN & KNIGHT P.O.Box 201181, Durban North 4016. TEL:- 031 5631874.
SOLWA Ebrahim ID 370424 5075 08 4 + 16 May 2009 of 40 Ayesha Ave, Parlock, Durban. ESTATE No. 5155/2011/PMB. A R KAZI & COMPANY, 169 Felix Dlamini Rd, Overport P O Box 2786 Durban 4000. TEL:- 031 2088821.
8 October 2012
CASSIDY Michael John + 4 Oct 2012. Metgesel van Alex. Seun en broer. AVBOB 031 2061831.
GLUCKMAN Carla . We wish Jake, Max, Rubin, Charlotte, Peter, Bianca, Anton en families a long life. From Evan, Tarryn and Hailey.
HORWITZ Orly. Now with Allan. To Elienne and Doran, we are here for you from Brenda, Raphael, Natalie, Leonard , Warren Simon and all the children; Also from Karen & David LIEBERMAN and the girls.
KRAUSPE (HARRIS) Larraine Diane + 2 Oct 2012. Mother of Richard and Graham. Life partner of Toni. TEL:- 0845607680.
RILEY nee SCHNOOR Margaret Isobel Thompson (Patsy) 17 June 1931 -----2 Oct 2012 at age 81 years , x + Crowley. Mother and mother-in-law of Lynette, Gail, Ronnie, Sharon, Peter, Jerome, Harlan, + Ashley, + Dollars, Pamela en Felicia. Grand and Greatgrandmother of 30.
SMITH Clarissa. Sister-in-law and aunt of Bobby, Gail, Nicholas and Claire.
VERA ROSS nee DURRHEIM 18 Jan 1927 ----- 2 Oct 2012.Mother of Beryl & Archie, Marcelle & Ben, Jason & Suzette, Joshua and Danny and the DE JONGH family. Announce for a Memorial , in Franschoek at VALDOR Estate will be made later.
THOMAS Grace Eileen 8 Feb 1930 -----4 Oct 2012 . Memorial Service at St Winifreds Methodiste Church Warner Beach on 9 Oct 2012 at 11am. MARTIN'S Amanzimtoti 031 903 5423.
CIAGLIA Duane. 4 Years now. Son love from Mom & Dad.
GALBER Thelma . 1 Year now. Mom, gran and greatgrandmother. From Arlene, Sue, Jodi, Esta-Lee, Lee-at and Adam.
GRAY Laura .10 years now. Wife , mother, Gran and greatgran. From Bill, Pat, Lynette, Kevin, Shirley, Shaydon, Keegan, Izak, Haleigh, Allister, Seanne, Connor and Casey.
LEBRASSE Neville. 3 Years now. From the HOUSTON family-Gelinda.
PASCAL Thelma Vaughan (Nons) 4 April 1917 -----8 Oct 2011. From Bud, Denis and families.
SWART Megan 19 Jan 1990 ----8 Oct 2010 . From Mom & Dad.
11 October 2012
BROUGHTON nee DIANA Debbie , John, Andrew and Nic a grandson and nephew. Son for Ryan & Bianca.
SHAVAY DEWLOK 6 years old. Grandchild of Pat & Moon NAIR TEL:-031 5783139.
COETZEE Michael & Nicky DOVE married at the JAM Restaurant at The Quarters Avondale.(photo) W BEREA MAIL.
KOEKEMOER Eugene & Liezl MAARTENS married at Sica Guest House. (photo) W. BEREA MAIL.
VAN SCHAIK William & Kelly MEYERS married at Braeside Ballito. (photo ) W. BEREA MAIL
ABKIN Benita +7 Oct 2012 . Sympathy to Norman and family from Dennis & Rose FREEMAN and family and Hessie.
BARHAM Brian Leslie John + 8 Oct 2012 x Shirley . Father of Tracy and Randall, Paul and Pamela. Grandfather of Ross and Aiden. Memorial at Baptist Church Pinetown on 11 Oct 2012 at 2:30pm BELL 031 3014793.
BELL Barbie + 7 Oct 2012. Daughter of Jessie EDWARDS. Mother of Frank and Debbie. She will be missed by Directors and Staff of Alley Cat Clothing.
BOTOULAS George Anthony 17 Jan 1940 ------10 Oct 2012 in Ballito. Sympathy to Liz, Angela, Damian, Gregory and their families. Brother of John, Noreen, Basil, Donna, Anthony , Sharon Charl and Amanda.
BROOKS MORRIS Marjorie + 10 Oct 2012 tragically. She presented a music program on East Coast Radio and did Good Morning South Africa on TV.(precursor of Morning Live on SABC 3. Marjorie leaves her husband, plastic surgeon Dr Warwick MORRIS.
CASSIDY Michael John. Love to Alex. From Yanni, Sonia, Stefano and Luca.
DEMBO Ray + 4 Oct 2012. Mother and grandmother. From Doug, Stacey, Mark, Beverley, Brett, Kelsi, Cayla and Leora.
DOS SANTOS NIZ Danny. Father of Helen, Wayne, Melanie and Monique. Grandfather to 8. Funeral at DOVES Greyville on 12 Oct 2012 at 11am. DOVES 0860025500.
DU BUISSON Chase Avice (10 jaar oud) He had acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Nephew of Claudia LABUSCHAGNE. Inserted by HLENGIWE KWEYAMA .
FOLEY Ian Edward 10 Jan 1947 ------9 Oct 2012 in London. Father to Jackie, Craig and Holly. Father-in-law of Rob, Terry and Andy. Grandfather of Amy, Dillon. TEL:- Joan 031 2668831 or 0826692482.
HIRASEN Bernard (Hirasen and Assoc. Attorneys of Law) of 6 Citrine Ave, Arena Park, Chatsworth. Funeral on 11 Oct 2012. Body will lie in state from 11am ----3pm at Wyebank Funeral Parlour Chatsworth. Therafter to Mobeni Heights Crematorium for cremation at 4pm. TEL: Karunai HIRASEN 082 8478599.
HOFMEYER L. Mrs. Passed away at Mount Edgecombe Estate One. Condolences to familie from The Board Of Directors and all staff of Estate One.
LIVANOS Lolly x Gail. From Donna, Brandon and Gia-Bella.; Father of Brandon.
MORRIS Clem 20 June 1946 ---6 Oct 2012 . He was the heart and soul of MAZARS SA in Port Elizabeth. Sympathy to Ann, Richard, Cathy and Andrew and families.
NAIDOO Thunga + 11 Oct 2012 x Mr A.D NAIDOO (Eddie). Mother of Kusturie (Kay), Dheven and Mayen. Mother-in-law of Anitha and Bashi, Kris. Granny of 6. Funeral at Clare Estate crematorium Reservoir Hills on 12 Oct 2012. Body will lie in state from 11am ----13:00 Cremation at 13:30pm.
POULTNEY Carolina Philda of Wentworth. Mother, mother-in-law, sister and aunt. Funeral on 12 Oct 2012 at Grace Tabernacle Full Gospel Church Wentworth at 10:30am. Cremation private.
SMITH Peggy Mary 19 Sept 1923 ----8 Oct 2012 . Mother of + Barry, Quentin and Peter. Mom-in-law of Carol, Bev and + Joan. Grandmother of Hayley, Taryn, Russell, Natalie, Kerry, Jenny, Morgan. Great-grandmother of Zé, Brett and Jessica. Memorial at Bill Buchanan Chapel on 12 Oct 2012 at 2pm.
VANDAYAR Mithune x Links. Mother of Isai, Shalini and Ranen. Mother-in-law of Subash. Grandmother of Yash. Sister of Vasagie, Devi, Dr Saegie PATHER and Thulsie. Funeral on 11 Oct 2012 at Umhlatuzana Community Hall Chatsworth from 11am ---2:20pm Thereafter to Clairwood cemetry.
CHAPMAN Arthur (Chappie) .1 year gone now. Father of Colin.
COUREMETIS Christopher + 10 Oct 2010. From Mom, Dad and Mike.
DE KOCK (CHIAZZARI) Carol + 11 Oct 2008 .Remembered by Yvonne, T and Aden.
MOFFATT Frank 25 March 1947 -----11 Oct 2009 . From Cathy and family.
PILLAY Tholsimah 30 Jan 1924 ----11 Oct 2011. Mother of Santha and Dhanesh.
VANDAYAR Rowland + 11 Oct 1992.
12 October 2012
FONTBIN Winnie +9 Oct 2012 in Sydney, Australia. Wife and mother. Grand and great grandmother.
KARRAS Alex + 10 Oct 2012 at age 77 years,( sportsman and actor) in Los Angeles. He was married to Susan CLARK.
LEVIN Cyril . Our thoughts are with Carla, Melissa, Andy, Terry, Jason and Cara. From Benjy, Zareen, Saul and Daniel.
NAIDU Mr. M S (Babs) of Instant Deliveries Southern Star Coaches. Missed by brother Bobby, sisters Amoy, Radha, Pathma, nephew of + DD PATEL, aunt Dolly. Funeral on 13 Oct 2012 from 99 Rose-Heights Rd, Arena Park from 9am ----10am. Thereafter to Wyebank Hall Moorton from 10am - 1pm. Cremation at Mobeni Heights Crematorium at 2pm.
DE GOUVEIA Trezia Maria (Tissy) 2 months now. Love Trevor & Sheree.
DWARIKA Moongiah ID 401008 0154 08 6 + 1 June 2012 of 24 Montdene Drive, Croftdene, Chatsworth 4092. ESTATE No. 12332/2012/DBN. SHA KUMAR & ASSOCIATES. Suite 2010/20 20th Floor Maritime House, 143 Salmon Grove, Durban 4001. TEL:- 031 3053777 REF:- D45
GRIEVESON Collen Helen ID 470302 0060 08 8 + 10 June 2012 of 6 Valley Vista, 9 Old Germany Rd, Westville 3629. ESTATE N. 12230/2012/PMB. RSM BETTY & DICKSON Durban PO Box 2120 Westville 3630.
PAXMAN Pamela Kathleem ID 250524 0048 08 8 + 17 July 2012 of 42 Penzance Rd, Auckland, New Zealand. ESTATE No. 14118/2012. CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS POBox 4051 The Square 4021 TEL:- 031 5646494.
PARTAB Prawesh ID 560408 5127 08 6 + 9 Jan 2011 of 919 Jan Smuts Highway, Sherwood Durban x Veena PARTAB ID 590417 0113 08 6. ESTATE No. 1102 /2011 / DBN. GARACH & GARACH P.O.Box 800 Umhlanga 4320.
REDDY Kistamma ID 410207 0049 08 5 + 4 Nov 2010 of House 222, Road 701, Montford, Chatsworth, 4092. ESTATE No. 11017/2012/DBN. SHA KUMAR & ASSOCIATES. Suite 2010/20 20th Floor Maritime House, 143 Salmon Grove, Durban 4001. TEL:- 031 3053777 REF:- Ms Lutchman/R81.
16 October 2012
BOWMAN - HENSTOCK Clifford & Karon , Colin & Jane annouce Lauren & Russell's engagement.
GERICKE -BOTHA Andre & Theresa , Dave & Michelle announce engagement of Lindi and Troy.
BAILLIE Alistair + 13 Oct 2012 in JHB at age 91 years x Helena. Father of John and Robin. Father-in-law of Lydia and Sue. Grandfather of Justin and Megan . Remembered by Helena, John, Lydia, Alex, Wade, Robin, Sue, Justin and Megan. Memorial at St Michaels Anglican Church Bryanston on 16 Oct 2012 at 3pm.
BEHR Richard (Rich). RIP from Gav & Gillie MULLER.
BEZUIDENHOUT Michael John & Alri + 13 Oct 2012 Tragically. Sympathy to family from Ron and Priscilla. Funeral at NG Kerk Durban East Congregation on 20 Oct 2012 at 10am. AVBOB 031 2061831.
BOTHMAN Edward (Deddie) 16 Feb 1926 ----11 Oct 2012. Father, father-in-law, grandfather and greatgrandfather. From Margaret, Rosemary, Lorraine, Elaine, Jennifer, Jerry, Lynn, Ivan, Mervyn and Roselyn.
BURGER Margie 28 July 1931 ----12 Oct 2012. Mother of Johan, Wilna, Burger and John-Louis.
CURTIS Julius 23 Jan 1951 ----14 Oct 2012. Great man, best friend and father of Oliver, Talitha, Justin and Chenay. Brother of Jocelyn. Brother of Vlayton , Dawn and family. Cremation on 16 Oct 2012 at 2pm at Maitland Crematorium
ELLAN Rubenthran (Les) 5 Jan 1957 ----3 Oct 2012 & ELLAN Luxmidevi (SELVUM) 7 July 1960 ----3 Oct 2012. Parents of Nicole and Natasha. 16th day Memorial on 17 Oct 2012 at Dravuda Hall Reservoir Hills at 17:30 ---18:30 pm. [Mon 15 Oct 2012]
FONTBIN Winnie + 9 Oct 2012 in Sydney Australia. Wife, mother, grandmother.
HYETT Peter + 13 Oct 2012 at age 64 years .Boat Capsized near Duiker Island, Bakleisplaas. Peter x Suzanne (63 years) . Father of Helen (37). Peter and family were on Holiday in Cape Town. He was British.
JABLONKAY Jacolyn Suzanne Langham (Jackie, Jax) +13 Oct 2012. Mother of Shan & Gaylene grandmother of Jett. Sister of Michael, Lillian, Joe and Cedric.Aunt of Monica, Gail, Candice, Natalie, Nikki, Sasha, Kate, Michael, Hayley and Jonathan. Memorial at Tafta Lodge, South Beach on 17 Oct 2012 at 11 am
LEHMKUHL Lily (Liz). Mother of Jennifer and Valda. Granny of Karl, Monique, Bolton and Wenda. Greatgrandmother of Jamie-leigh, Stephan, Elissa, Lea, Shyanne, Jamien. Funeral at DOVES Greyville on 17 Oct 2012 at 11am.
MAARTENS Willem Pieter 25 March 1943 ---+11 Oct 2012 x Rene-girl. Father to Brent and Wendy, Laurie & Joe. Grandfather of Lindsey, Kaylee and Chris. Sympathy to Irene, Bret, Loren and fam. From George & Ina.Funeral at Hillcrest Methodist Church 17 Oct 2012 at 11am.
MEIRING Alphia. Funeral at Old Apostolic Church Hillary on 17 Oct 2012 at 11am. Thereafter to Hillary Cemetery. AVBOB 031 2061831.
METCALF Larry Alan. Father of Jenna and Michelle.
MORRIS Arthur Greenwood . Memorial on 17 Oct 2012 at Frere Rd Presbyterian Church at 10am. Cremation private. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.[Mon 15 Oct 2012]
OPPERMAN Derrik Jnr + 11 Oct 2012 in Australia . Remembered by Granny, Auntie Marl, Uncle John, Sean, Lana-Jane and Jordan. [Mon 15Oct 2012]
ROBERTS John + 13 Oct 2012 at age 37 years. Boat Capsized near Duiker Island, Bakleisplaas.
SHAW Yvette .Wife and Mother. Memorial at Christ Church Howick on 17 Oct 2012 at 11am. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
SHOOTER Celia Eunice + 8 Oct 2012 Mother, grand and great grandmother. Memorial at SDA Church Bluff on 16 Oct 2012 at 14h30 pm [Mon 15 Oct 2012]
SOLOMONS Edward from Overport x Sarah. Father of Jerome, Quanita and Mark. Funeral at Uniting Reformed Church Sydenham on 17 Oct 2012. Viewing from 10-1030 .Service 11-12h30pm Thereafter to Clare Estate crematorium 13:30pm.
STRETCH Erica Elizabeth Maria 4 April 1940 -----11 Oct 2012. Mother of David, Donna and Sean. Granny of Kelly, Keegan, Tim, Tabi and Trent. Longtime partner of Charlie. Memorial at St Winifreds Methodist Church Warner Beach on 17 Oct 2012 at 11am. Cremation private. MARTINS 031 903 5423.
TIMOTHY Gavin Gregory 27 July 1961 -----11 Oct 2012. Son of Petty TIMOTHY. Requiem Mass at Vailankanni Catholic Church Durban at 16 Oct 2012 at 13:30pm Therafter to Mobeni Heights Crematorium. [Mon 15 Oct 2012.]
VAN NUNES Jack. + 13 Oct 2012 . Brother -in-law of Sylvia and Alex, Lynette and Hazel. Remembered by Graeme, Alec and families. Jeppe Old Boy 1952----1956. Condolences to Eva and fam.
WARING Edward & Ivy + In UK. From Gary and Colleen.
BENGTSON Arthur . Remembered by Dudley, Dennis, Cecelia, Kingsley, Michael, Christopher, +Lindsay, In-law's , grand and greatgrandchildren.
BROWN Tarynn . 17 years now. From Mom and Tasha; BATEMAN family; Granny. [Mon 15 Oct 2012]
KALLEE Colette (Coco) 1 year now .Remembered by Ma Gail, Wayne and family. [Mon 15 Oct 2012]
METCALF Larry Alan From Mother and brothers Nolan and Glenn.
PENN Warren 2 years now. From Mum and Dad.
TREVAIL Annette Blanche Blackburn 27 Jan 1910 -----15 Oct 2000. Mother of John TREVAIL. [Mon 15 Oct 2012]
WILSON Douglas 18 April 1945 ---16 Oct 2007 .Husband of Andree, father and grandad.
17 October 2012
CURTIS Julius 23 Jan 1951 -----14 Oct 2012 . From Oliver, Talitha, Justin and Chenay. Brother and friend to Clayton ,Dawn and familie.
DENNEKAMP Hendrina (Riek). ,Mother ,Mother-in-law,and Granny.
SHERMAN Celia (Tilly Tilka) + 14 Oct 2012.Mother of Mervyn x Sylvia. Grandmother of Ilana, Jeanette en Deon; Mother of Carole x Dennis, grandmother of Wayne, and Amber, Warrick and Candice, Jason and greatgrandchildren.
SPELLAS Evangeline Mourato (Vange) + 11 Oct 2012 Sympathies to Jeorge, Christina, Lexi and Miki from SPELLAS family. Sister and aunt Lolly, Ants, Kam , Jacqui from Ken, Isobel ,Mom and children.
MALKA Judy. 2 years now. Mom of Lisa.
REYNEKE Murray. 1 years. Remembered by Heather, Sonia, Carlo, Angi, Roy, Claire, Melissa, Paul, Kyle, Troy, and family.
WOOLF Barney 21 Jan 1920 ----2011. Father and grandfather of Ann and Bob, Diane and + Owen, Craig & Karyn, Kelly & Mic. 9 Grandchildren and 7 greatgrandchildren.
18 October 2012
EVANS Ken + 16 Oct 2012 .Husband and father of Betty, Paul, Nick, Paula and Pia. Memorial on 19 Oct 2012 at 12 noon at Fourways Memorial Park Craigavon.
GREY June Barbara + 16 Oct 2012 . Mother of Hylton and Nigel. Grandmother of Sarah, Emily and Jason. ; You were special from Anne, James and Julia.
GRESAK Michael (23 years) + 17Oct 2012 at Clifton's Fouth Beach Cape Town.
LANGTON Doris . Cousinof Tony, Moira and Norma. Aunt of Michael, Andy and Nicki.
PIOVESAN Pietro Augusto 29 June 1922 ---12 Oct 2012 x Iole for 70 years. Father of Giuliano and Nova. Grandfather of Simone, Justine and Mark. Greatgrandfather of Nicholas and Leah.
VAN DER MERWE Marcus at Inkosi Albert Luthuli Hospital Neurology C Ward. Father of Geraldine and Wayne. Now with Mom. Memorial at St Agnes Church Kloof on 19 Oct 2012. At 10:30 pm.
WAKEHAM John Stuart 18 Sept 1971 ---13 Oct 2012. From Mon Dad, your brother and sister.
WOOLWARD Godfrey John 18 Nov 1933 ----16 Oct 2012 .Father and Grandfather of Kevin, Chrissie, Johan, Anoesjka, Tekara, Zander and Sebastian.
BLACK Dalene /Jasmine.+ 18 Oct 2002 Daughter and granddaughter. From Mom and Alison.
COWDEN Gary Stanley 29 Oct 1954 ---18 Oct 2010 . From Mom & Dad. Brother of Robyn. Uncle of Kirsten and Nicole.; Also from Rin and Court; Joan and in-laws.
LOOM Marc Wayne 11 April 1967 ---18 Oct 2000. Remembered by Jane, Dylan and Hannah.
PATHER Annaluthcmee. 2 years now. From Surie.
PEARCE Greg Your Birthday from your family.
ROWLES Delene. 9 years now. Mom, Gran , sister. From Che, Gary, Bari, Tania, Sandi, Wes, Brad, Maureen, Peter, Andi.
SCOTT Sheldon 24 Oct 1973 ----18 Oct 1991. From Geoff, Gill and Daryl.
19 October 2012
ROGOFF Suzanne & Jonathan a son * 17 Oct 2012 at Parklane Clinic. Brother for Avigal, Gadiel and Aliza. Grandchild for Roy & Marge PEISER, Hilton & Molly ROGOFF. Greatgrandmother Trudy PEISER.
ALFORD Frank. Condolences to Liz and ALFORD family. From Esme, Colin, Chantal, David, Cameron and the UK MACRAES.
BAIRDOW Derek Edward + 15 Oct 2012. Memorial on 19 Oct 2012 at Sarepta Church Gillitts at 2pm.
BEZUIDENHOUT Alri & Mike . You will be missed by your friends Diedre and Corbin.
CHETTY Dhanpal + 6 Oct 2012.Memorial on 20 Oct 2012 at 37 Derby St Sungum Hall from 3---4pm.
HERRMANN NORBERT .Will be missed by Ditmar, Jurgen, Doris and families.
HORWITZ (Dinky) Dennis + 17 Oct 2012 (1 Cheshvan 5773) x Sarah, father of Roy, Clive, Lyall, and daughter-in-law Karen, Batya, Martine and their families. Also in-laws Toby John BRENNER and Jenny, Sam & Nita MALBIN.
JONES Kenneth Edward ID 301214 5066 08 2 + 29 April 2010 of 6 Silkwood Mews, 5 Fine Lane Ashley Pinetown x Charlene JONES ID 380308 0069 08 5. ESTATE No. 19757/10. J H PRINS & I PRINS JESRICK Office Park Hawken Avenue, Bromhof 2154. TEL:- 011 7910937.
CALVERLEY William Henry ID 410909 5031 08 9 + 5 Oct 2011 of 135 Ashton Manor , 82 Smit St, Fairlands, Johannesburg. ESTATE No. 62/2012(DBN). ANTHONY WHATMORE & COMPANY 45 Adelaide Thambo Drive, Durban North 4051. TEL:- 031 5637111.
HARVEY Jean Ferguson ID 260213 0017 18 0 +5 July 2006 of Doone Village, Padfield Park Pinetown. ESTATE No. 9031/2006/PMB. DAVID GARDYNE & PARTNERS PO Box 1434, Durban 4000. TEL:- 031 3011582 D C GARDYNE/sc/GHAR. 1
PILLAY Thangveloo ID 530612 5245 08 0 + 26 Nov 2008 of 6 Gretemore Close Stanmore, Phoenix 4068 x Muniamma PILLAY ID 600618 0256 08 4. ESTATE No 6827/2010. MITEN NARAN & ASSOCIATES Suite 9, Raza Oriental Plaza, 56 Pandora Str, Phoenix 4068, P O Box 60375, Phoenix 4080.
SMITH Walter Roy MacMillan ID 380129 5011 08 2 + 4 July 2010 of 5 Alba Lodge, 14 Charlton St. Hamilton Old 4009 Australia. ESTATE Nr. 19062/2010 DBN c/o RSM BETTY & DICKSON ( Durban) PO Box 2120 Westville 3630.
22 October 2012
CANO GUIDO . Condolences to Andrid, Marinella, Aramis, Livio, Marizio SLABBIONI and family.
CHOPPA Yash + in Mumbai at age 80 years.(Indien film maker ) Cremation was today. Sapa-AFP.
HUNTLEY nee RANKIN Marilyn Jennifer . Mother of Jamie, Daughter, sister and aunt. Memorial at Arcadia Retirement on 23 Oct 2012 at 11am. Cremation private.
HITCHING Pamela. Sympathy to Roy, Lamont, Kim and families from Trevor & Margie BERNETT, ; Carmen & Alison (SafxMarine) ;Memorial on 23 Oct 2012 at 3pm at Westville Baptist Church.
JARRETT BILLY . To family and friends. Love from Rod, Celia and CUSSENS family.
JOHNSON Ivor Evan x Beryl. Father and father-in-law of Denise, Lynda, Carol, Peter, Murnus and Rob. Grandfather of Karl, Grant, Lauren, Caylin and Leanne. Greatgrandfather of Byron and Tayla. Memorial on 23 Oct 2012 at Christ Church Howick at 12 pm. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116
MADIGAGE Thomas +18 Oct 2012 car accident near Burgersfort. Condolences to family from the Chairman of Santos Football Club Mr Goodlam ALLIE and his wife Malika ALLIE and all at SANTOS FC.
MICHAELS Miriam + 18 Oct 2012 . Sister of Joyce TUCKER, Joseph, Frank, Bernice and families.
PILLAY Sundrum 1936 -----20 Oct 2012 x Rajess. Father of sons Vanaygum, Logun and Nithia, daughter-in-law Prathima and Kumeshini. Grandfather of Evesh, Tamara, and Lyanka. Ex Teacher at Reservoir Hills Secondary School. Member of Dravida Society of SA. Funeral on 23 Oct 2012 at Dravida Society Hall. Body will lie in state from 2pm ----3:30 pm. Thereafter proceeding to Clare Estate Crematory at 4pm. ISIPINGO 031 9022444.
PETTIT Alwynne Hubert 5 May 1917 ----15 Oct 2012. Nou with Mom and Robbie. From your daughter Midge (Pat). Grandfather of Jeanine, Jodi PETTIT, Jacqui,. Also love from Phil. Funeral at Parish of Our Lady of Lourdes on 24 Oct 2012 at 10:30am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959
RUBIN Jack + 17 Oct 2012. Condolences to his children and family from Bertie & Hilary LUBNER.
SACHS Gertie + 19 Oct 2012 in JHB . Aunt of Paula, Meryl, Brian and Robyn.
SANDBERG Andrew (Andy)( Stringer) + 15 Oct 2012 in Capetown. Missed by Mum & Dad, Philip, Helen, Paul , Sharon, Shaun, Debbie, Robyn and Steve. Service at St Margarets Presbyterian Church Bluff at 1pm on 26 Oct 2012.
TYSON Richard Eric + 13 Oct 2012. Nephew of Petal and Andrew JOHNSON, cousin of David, Hugh and Marion.
VAN NIEKERK Barney + 13 Aug 2012. From your family, Juanita, Cheryl, Warren, and Cindy. Memorial by Westville Baptist Church 25 Oct 2012 at 0930am. TEL:- 084 5497446.
WELLS Thomas George + 18 Oct 2012 x Patricia . Father, grand and greatgrandfather.
WILLS Valerie Jeanette x Tony. Mum of Jacqueline. Grandma of Gavin and David. Requiem Mass at All Saints Catholic Church Ballito on 23 Oct 2012 at 11 pm.
WOODHOUSE Muriel Rose + 16 Oct 2012. Sister of Jean, Heather and Alec.
CLEMENTSON Margaret Elizabeth. Mother and grandmother.
FORSYTH Dave. Friend of Brian, Jean and Justin.
HURST Dick 18 May 1954 ----22 Oct 2011.Remembered by Beverley, the children and grandchildren.
MUSK Yvonne Nora. Wife , mother and mother-in-law and grandmother.
THUMBADOO George & Monica + 22 Oct 1972 and 5 Oct 2011. Parents of Romola, Camilla, Zeni, Beulah. Grandparents of Kirana, Marian, Talisa and Jayd.
WILSON Molly. 3 years gone now. Mother of Allan and gran of Dylan.
23 October 2012
BERRY John Mathew 31 Aug 1930 ------18 Oct 2012 x Ria for 58 years. Father of Ann, Del and Jacquie. Grandfather to Samantha, Ross, Douglas, Lara, Trenton and Ciaran. Great grandfather to Abbie-Mae, Noah, Taylor and soon to be baby-boy. Private cremation. Memorial later.
BLAKE Mike "Snake" . Condolences to Janine, Dylan and Evan on tragic loss. From Friends and colleagues at Albany International.
BRINK Dough 15 April 1934 ----19 Oct 2012 x Babette. Father, grand and greatgrandfather. MARTINS Amanzimtoti 031 9035423.
BUTLER Pat (Louis Robert Patrick ) + 18 Oct 2012 in Somerset West x Stella. Father of Jenni, Martin , John and their families.
DONNE Derek William + 20 Oct 2012 x Anne. Father to Nigel and + Hylton. Stepfather to Beverley, Grant and family. Memorial by St Agnes Anglican Church on 25 Oct 2012 at 2pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
FREDERIKSEN Lesley Gillian 20 July 1954 -----19 Oct 2012. Mother, grandmother sister and partner of Marion, Brett, Sarah, Philip, Jenna, Luke, Jeanette, Ann ,Murray and Gary. Memorial on 25 Oct 2012 at Hillcrest Methodist Church at 11:30am.
JAMES David (Davi). Brother of Shally. Friend of Mike, ;Love you Wild Child (Roxy) and Angel; Also remembered by Jordy.
JARRETT Billy. Family and friends .Comford for you in time of sorrow. From Rod, Celia and CUSENS family.
JOHN ROSS YELLAND 1931 -----21 Oct 2012 x Gill. Father of Ross & Leminda, Bruce & Lynette, Neil and Tish. And Grandfather. ; Father and grandfather of Ross, Leminda, Cleo, Erin and Michael.
MARKS Solly (Israel Nathan) + 19 Oct 2012. Brother of Freda DAVIS, uncle of Denese, Marilyn, Helen and Vanessa. Founder Member & Honorary Life President of the South African Gastroenterology Society (SAGES) anf father of gastroenterology in South Africa. Condolences to Inge and family.
MELTZ Libby + 22 Oct 2012 x Jacob. Mother of Marcelle. Sister of Ellie HERRING. She was an Eishet Chayil who wil be missed. From Isaac, Isa, Ellie and familie. Funeral at Jewish Cemetery Strand on 23 Oct 2012 at 4pm. Prayers at 7 Pinegrove Place Somerset West on Tuesday evening.
MEYER Carol Ann . Missed by partner and family and friends.
MICHAELS Miriam + 18 Oct 2012. Brother of Joyce TUCKER, Joseph, Frank, Bernice and families.
NASH Edna + 18 Oct 2012. Mother of Elizabeth and Melody. Grandmother and greatgrandmother.
OEHLEY Ray + 16 Oct 2012 x Dawn. Father to Stephen, Renee and Mandy. Grandpa to Lauren, Kyle, Christopher, Nicholas and Bradley. He was a Captain in his many years of flying and passionate Bowler in his Twilight Years.
PECK George Edward (Jack) + 21 Oct 2012 . Husband ,father and grandfather.
ROSMARIN Gilly. Soulmate to John. Daughter to Sybil, sister to Ralph, Gill, Keith, Ann, Jackie and Kathleen. Mom to David, Kathryn, Tess, Matthew and Corinne, Pete and Adam. Granny to Clyde, Erinn, Kai, Emma, Aimee, Jack, Joe, Finn, Mae and little fossil. Celebration on her life on 24 Oct 2012 at 11 am at Shepstone Gardens Mountain View.
RAMSAY Douglas Allen 26 May 1923 ----17 Oct 2012 .Father of John and Miles. Father-in-law to Hilary and Ivana. Grandfather to Lucinda, Bruce, Candice and Natasha. Re-united with Norma.
SAUNDERS Sue (NEL, RAATH) 11 Oct 1933 -----17 Oct 2012. Mother of Belinda x Clint and Helena, whom she loved as a daughter. Memorial at Durban Spiritual Church Frere Rd on 24 Oct 2012 at 10am.
SMITH Fred Vivian 9 Aug 1932 -----20 Oct 2012 x Freda. Father of Arlene and Brendan. Father-in-law to Cameron, Sheldon, Cayley and Rayne-Michael. Memorial at Durban North Baptist Church on 24 Oct 2012 at 2pm.
VANDAYAR Mithune . 16th Day Memorial on 24 Oct 2012 at Umhlatuzana Community Hall , 141 Chatsorth Main Rd, Umhlatuzana at 17:30pm.
WATSON Malcolm + 16 Oct 2012. RIP from John, Jenni and HIGGS family. Wake on 24 Oct 2012 at Wentworth Bowling Club at 530 pm for 6h00pm.
WELLS Tom. Sympathy to Pat from Herman WERTHEIM.
YORK Eileen. Mother of Clayton, Sandy, Mikey and Mel.
FISCHER Daphne. 10 years now gone.Remembered by Pat, Rols, Clint, Blair, Ivan Debbie and Philip.
STAFFORD-MAYER Fenn. You would have been 5 today. From Mom.
STURGES John Leonard 31 Aug 1929 ----23 Oct 2007. Remembered by Olive, children and grandchildren.
24 October 2012
ABRO Herb + 22 Oct 2012 x Ray. Uncle, and great Uncle of Irma & Cus KESLER, their children and grandchildren.
DOAK John Frederick + 24 Oct 2010. Son of Val.Nephew of June, Elsie and Roy. Brother of Lynn.
25 October 2012
CUTLER Thelma.Born 17 Oct 1912 in Pretoria. On 17 Oct 2012 she turned 100 years. She is resident in Thembela Home in Morningside. She had 1 brother. Thelma married Robert when she was 24 years old. They had 3 sons, 7 grandchildren, 6 great-grandchildren and 1 great-great-great grandchild. Mother-in-law of Cheryl PETERSEN, grandmother of Traci RENOU and great-grandmother of Tannah RENOU. (photo) BEREA MAIL. 26 Oct 2012.
DE BRUYN Scot & Shirrilee HADFIELD were married at the Windmills. (photo) BEREA MAIL 26 Oct 2012
KOEKEMOER Eugene & Liezl MAARTENS married at Sica's Guest House. (photo) BEREA MAIL 26 Oct 2012.
ABRAHAMS Leonelle Natalie (Leo) 10 Aug 1984 ----20 Oct 2012. Daughter of Cynthia & + Bally ABRAHAMS. Sister to Lenor. Mother of Lyle and aunt of Lauren and Caitlin. Funeral at The Kingdom Living Ministries Church Newlands East at 9 am 10am. Proceeding to The Dudley Cemetery Wentworth. DOVES 0860025500.
AGNEW Hannah 4 June 1914 ------21 Oct 2012. Mother of Christine and + Keith, Margaret and + Bryan, Alan and Beryl ENGLAND. Grand, great and great-great grandmother. DOVES 0860025500.
ASHBURY Stella from Sydenham. Funeral at St Anne's Catholic Church Sydenham on 26 Oct 2012 at 11:30am . Cremation private.
BOOTH Douglas 16 April 1960 ----18 Oct 2012.Colleague of REMAX Berea. RIP from Management and Staff at Remax Berea.
DONNE Derek. RIP from Des, Viv and family at Sonesta.
ERASMUS Linda (Flossie) + 22 Oct 2012. Condolences to Kaatjie and Fonk, Andre, Johan and Lydia, Gerrit, Pieter and Louise and families. From Doug, Marie and Nev.
FINNEGAN Avrill + 23 Oct 2012. Mom, Granny and friend of Errol, Lolly, Bianca, Gabrielle, Searley and the boys.
HERON Althea Elaine Mildred from Escombe. Mother of Hugh and Heather. Funeral at The Queensburgh Seventh-Day Adventist Church on 26 Oct 2012 at 13h00, proceeding to The Queensburgh Cemetery. DOVES 0860025500.
JAAP Alan "Hammer" + 24 Oct 2012 x Cynthia. Father to Karen, Ryan and Tracy. Father-in-law, grandpa.
LE GRANGE Pieter Jacobus 15 Aug 1929 ----19 Oct 2012.Father, father-in-law, grand and great-grandfather. DOVES 0860025500.
MARKS Israel Nathan (Solly) + 19 Oct 2012. Brother of Freda DAVIS, uncle of Denese & Geoff, Marilyn, Helen, and Ruan, Vanessa en families. Thoughts are with Inge, Karen, Justin, Gary, Steven and their families.
MELTZ Libby . Love to uncle Jacon, Marcelle and Yakov and familie. From Nomi, Stephen and Carol-Anne MELTZ, Barbara and Daniel KAHN, Leyla and Kobie SMOOK and families.
MEYER Carol-Ann 30 April 1946 ----22 Oct 2012. From John WILLÉT, Jonathan, Michelle and little John. Remembered by Colleagues and friends at University of KwaZulu-Natal.
MOODLEY Sharon May . Daughter of Iris & Duggie. Sister to Leonard, Dexter, + Merlyn. Sister-in-law to Nadira. Aunt to Sherwyn and Sereece. (Ex Staff of Walton's KZN Regional Office). Funeral on 27 Oct 2012 at St Anthony's Catholic Church Greyville from 10am---11:30am. Requiem Mass at 11:30 am. Therafter to Redhill Cemetery for buriel at 1:45pm.
NAICKER Munsamy (Bob) 15 July 1940 ----24 Oct 2012 x Dasigi. Father of Sagran, Vimla and Kreason. Father-in-law and grandfather. Funeral on 26 Oct 2012 at Clare Estate Crematorium Hall from 11----1330pm.
PILLAY Mark Pastor.15 April 1949 -----19 Oct 2012. Funeral on 28 Oct 2012 at AFM Freedom Family Fellowship Merebank at 12 noon. Commital at 3pm at Merebank Cemetry.
PILLAY Rani x Siva PILLAY (from Pilco Transport & Plant Hire). Mother of Indren and + Luren. Daughter-in-law of + Mr & Mrs. M.K PILLAY of Riet Valley. Sister of Krish GOVENDER . Mother-in-law of Mayan. Grandmother of Kovishka an Leshalyn. Funeral on 25 Oct 2012 at Stanger Siva Sungum Hall from 12 ----3 pm . Thereafter to Stanger Cremarorium for cremation at 4pm.
REED Avril Beulah + 20 Oct 2012 at Highway Hospice. Will be remembered by Arthur, Kevin, Michelle, Charmaine and family. Service on 25 Oct 2012 at Methodist Church Pinetown at 10 am.
SMILTNEEK Craig + 19 Oct 2012. RIP from Tammy, Sally, Lucy, Scot, Charmaine and Daniel.
TEGGIN Nicholas. Sympathy to Philippa, Richard and Fran. From Richie, Nicky, Jason, Kayleigh and James.
THOMPSON nee ACKERMAN Delores x Freddy. Mother of Gregory, Flavia and Candice. Mother-in-law of Rosslyn. Grandmother of Dillon, Gregan, Keegan and Caden.; Missed by all at the Tabernackle of Hope Christian Fellowship.; Funeral on 27 Oct 2012 at Assemblief of God Church Newlands East at 09:30am. Proceeding to Stellawood Cemetery.
YELLAND John Ross 1931 ----21 Oct 2012 x Gill. Father of Ross & Leminda, Bruce & Lynette, Neil and Tish and grandchildren.; Father and grandfather of Ross, Leminda, Cloe, Erin and Michael. Memorial at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church Durban North on 26 Oct 2012 at 0930am proceeding to Stellawood cemetery.
ZORICH David Ivan + 23 Oct 2012 x Maureen. He also leeves his daughters, sisters and grand-daughters. Memorial on 28 Oct 2012 at 11am at his home. DOVES 0860025500.
BEETAR Collin 1954 ---2005. Remembered by Cindy, Candice and Calvin.
CHAPMAN Olive . 3 years gone now. From Colin.
De GAYE Jo-Anne. From Dad.
NAGEL Darren 6 April 1971 ----25 Oct 2001 . Son of Hennie and Avis. Brother of Troy. Niece Roxy and friends.
SANDER Glenn Hedley . From Jen and family.
26 October 2012
AUCAMP Minke + 25 Oct 2012 . Shot in the face on the East Rand (Eastvale Springs) Daughter of Willie & Carol AUCAMP. An only child. She was busy with her finals.
GOCHEN Shirley Laurette 17 May 1931 ----23 Oct 2012. Mom, gran and friend of Ricky, Allyson, Andrea and Damien.
SACHS Gerty * 1916. Dauther of + Harry & Mary SCHNEIDER. The last of their 4 daughters, Bella and Florie of Bulawayo and Rose of Pretoria. Wife of + Louis SACHS champion of the King David Schools. Mother of Brenda-Lee and Lynette, Hilton and + younger brother Geoffrey. Member of Royal Academy of Ballet.
WATSON Ron (Ronny (Boss))+ 18 Oct 2012 . Misses by Michelle, David and Sheena. Loved by Janet, Gran, Di, Bill, Lolo, Steve, Tracy, Kelly, Guy and Joey. Thanks to Palm Haven for care. Memorial at 4 Kestrel Ave Fourways Sandton on 28 Oct 2012 at 18h00.
YORK Eileen + 20 Oct 2012 .Condolences to Clayton, Sandy, Mikey and Mel
from Brenda, Ethel, Pat, Ron, Des and families.
DAVID Poobalan ID 340726 5105 08 4 + 7 Nov 2001 of 55 Sialkot Crescent, Merebank, Durban. ESTATE Nr.1697/02. ANTHOO, MARION & ASSOCIATES 495 Church St SDC Centre, Suite 1, Pietermaritzburg 3201. TEL:- 033 3459123.
DE CHARMOY Jean Gabriel Marie Jose ID 230624 5030 08 4 + 3 Aug 2012 of Unit 88 Barrington, Gazelle Rd Ballito 4399. ESTATE Nr. 8528/2012/PMB. BAKER TILLY MORRISON MURRAY P.O.Box 1098, Westville 3630.
IRONSIDE Peter ID 290412 5077 08 0 + 28 May 2011 of Peter Arney Home, Gentilli Way, Salter Point Western Australia x Audrey Kathleen Reynolds IRONSIDE ID 260926 0106 08 9. ESTATE No 8837/2012/PMB. MOORE STEPHENS CJL PO Box 11800 Marine Parade 4056. TEL:- 031 3328622.
JUGRAH Mickey ID 611214 5182 08 2 + 25 Aug 2012 of House 79, Rd 723, Montford Chatsworth x Veena JUGRAH ID 660111 0488 08 6. ESTATE No 15443/2012/DBN. CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS P O Box 4051, The Square 4021. TEL:- 031 5646494 FAX:- 031 5633095
MAPHUMULO Arzenius Mandla ID 580310 5567 08 7 + 19 May 2010 of Etsheni Rd, Kwandengezi and s/spouse Tokisile Jennet MAPHUMULO ID 560323 0292 08 4. ESTATE No. 8796/2010/DBN. DAVID GARDYNE & PARNERS PO Box 1434, Durban. TEL:-031 3062651.
MNCUBE Oppolonarius Mathimba ID 240321 5138 18 5 + 27 Aug 1994 of C1126 Tukela Rd, Kwamashu , s/spouse Selina MNCUBE ID 401215 0274 08 3. ESTATE No.3700/2012/DBN. DAVID GARDYNE & PARNERS PO Box 1434, Durban. TEL:- 031 3062651.
MOODLEY Chockalingam ID 380402 5069 08 1 + 11 July 2012 of 114 Klaarwater Rd, Shallcross Durban x Sathiavalli MOODLEY ID 430925 0116 08 5. ESTATE No. 11393/2012/DBN. JACKSON AMEEN ATTORNEYS 3rd Floor, 397 Smith St Durban 4000. TEL:- 031 3013333.
NDIMANDE Gawa Dominicah ID 600604 5859 08 0 + 11 Julie 2012 of House 17, Byrne Riverside Area KwaDukuza and 238 Burlington Drive, Shallcross Durban x Gugu Princess NDIMANDE ID 821001 0913 08 2 Married in Community of Property. ESTATE No. 7732/2012 PMB. SUSAN STANLEY for BAKER TILLY MORRISON MURRAY PO Box 1098 Westville 3630.
VON DER MEDEN Eric Alfred ID 410220 5026 08 1 + 4 Sept 2012 of 24 B Vause Rd, Berea Durban. ESTATE No. 8564/2012/PMB. DAVID JOHN TARPEY for BAKER TILLY MORRISON MURRAY PO Box 1098 Westville 3630.
ASMAL Ebrahim Ahmed ID 240425 5054 08 4 + 2 July 2004 of P O Box 187 Stanger 4450. s/spouse Mariam ASMAL ID 280519 0052 08 4. ESTATE No. 11375/2004. JUNAID JAMAL P O Box 501, Stanger 4450. TEL:- 032 5511111.
DU PREEZ Alma May ID 370810 0004 08 9 + 14 March 2012 of 2 Blue Ridge, Virginia, Durban North. ESTATE No. 6826/2012/DBN. MERVYN MILLAR ATTORNEY P O Box 1357 Hyper By The Sea 4053 . TEL:- 031 564 7276.
FOWLER Geoffrey Reginald ID 320119 5001 08 7 + none of 2 O'Connor Place, Glenashley. ESTATE No. 4838/ 2012/PMB. TOMLINSON MNGUNI JAMES INC. 165 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg 3201.
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