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Cape Frontier Times

Cape Frontier Times 1841 3 July - September

Wednesday 7 July 1841

Whereas John THOMPSON of the Winterberg, in the District of Albany, Shoemaker, and Ann THOMPSON, his Wife, have on the day of the date hereof mutually executed before me, the Notary, and competent Witnesses, a Dead of Separation from Bed, Board, Cohabitation and Community of Property – Notice whereof is hereby given to the Public; and also that, subsequent to said date, all Debts, contracted by either party, will run for account and risk of him or her who shall or may contract or incur the same – Given under my hand this 5th day of July 1841.
Notary Public

Wednesday 14 July 1841

DIED at Trompeter's Drift on Thursday the 8th inst, Jane, wife of Mr. Robert SCOTT, of the Commissariat Department, aged 22 years.

Wednesday 28 July 1841

MARRIED at Koeromo Forest on the 21st inst by the Rev T. Murphy, R.C. Pastor of Graham's Town, Mr. Bernard NILAND to Mary Elizabeth Victoria, second daughter of Mr. J. SMITH of Harte Beeste Fontein, Winterberg.

Mr. T. STUBBS begs to announce to the Public his intention of offering for Sale by Auction, on the 31st day of August next, a quantity of Mattresses of every description and a number of articles of Household Furniture.
At the same time Mr. STUBBS will put up for Sale the well known Cowie Omnibus
"The Red Rover"
A Horse Wagon, and a one-horse Cart, together with the whole of his valuable Stud, consisting of 30 saddle and draft horses, as well as the whole of his Livery Stable Establishment.
Mr. STUBBS is sorry to assure the Public that he has been compelled to resort to this step from his not having received at their hands that patronage and support which he had been led to anticipate.

Wednesday 4 August 1841

The Undersigned is Removing to the Stores in Bathurst Street lately possessed by Messrs. HEIDEMAN, COCK & Co,
August 4.

BIRTH on the 21st July, the Lady of Charles PESHALL Esq of Cradock of a Daughter.

Wednesday 11 August 1841

MARRIED on the 5th instant in St.George's Church, Graham's Town, by the Rev. Mr. McCleland, Mr. W.P.R.. DIXON, of Colesberg, to Harriet Jane, second daughter of Mr. Wm. OGILVIE of this place.

MARRIED at Graham's Town on the 10th inst, by the Rev. Mr. Locke, Mr. John Lockhart JAFFRAY to Miss Catherine Sims BENNETT, second daughter of the late Mr. George BENNETT, Mancazana.
11th August 1841.

Mr. Lorenzo CHIAPPINI of the District of Cradock, Sworn Land Surveyor, having Surveying business to perform on the Fish and Koonap Rivers, will be in Graham's Town in the course of a few weeks, and at leisure to execute any Surveys of Farms. Measurement of Lands, or sub-dividing any Erven &c &c in the District of Albany. All applications requiring Mr. CHIAPPINI's services as a Land Surveyor, or in any way connected therewith, to be left at the Counting House of Messrs. J.D. NORDEN & Co, or at the Office of Mr. J. Bice BARNES, Attorney at Law, High-street, Graham's Town.
Graham's Town, 3rd August 1841.

Wednesday 18 August 1841

DUSING's Hotel, Graaff Reinet
Mr. J.N. DUSING, having taken those extensive and commodious Premises, the Property of Mr. ADENDORFF, situated in Church-square, begs respectfully to announce to the Public that he is now prepared to furnish Travellers and others with elegant and comfortable Accommodation, and trusts that a continuance of the well known attention to the comfort of his customers, which it has been his study to afford during the four years he has carried on the above Establishment, and moderate charges, will insure him the support and patronage of the Public.
NB – Horses for Hire or Sale, and a constant supply of Forage always on hand.
Graaff-Reinet, 26th July 1841.

MARRIED by Special Licence on the 10th inst, at Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. J. Heavyside, Thomas Robt. CLARKE Esq, nephew of Capt. BARRETT RN, to Miss Mary Anne, eldest daughter of T. BURCHELL Esq, of Port Elizabeth, and granddaughter of the late Matthew BURCHELL Esq of Fulham, near London.

Wednesday 25 August 1841

MARRIED at St.George's Church on Wednesday 11th inst, by the Rev F. McCleland, B. NORDEN Esq, Notary Public, to Matilda, only daughter of Mr. J. PAINE of Graham's Town.

BIRTH on the 21st inst, Mrs. C. FULLER of a Son.

Wednesday 1 September 1841

BIRTH on the 17th ult, at the Parsonage, Graham's Town, the wife of the Rev. J. HEAVYSIDE, Colonial Chaplain, of a Daughter.

MARRIED by Special Licence on the 10th Aug, at Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. J. Heavyside, Thomas Robt. CLARKE Esq, nephew of Captain BARRELL RN, to Miss Mary Anne, eldest daughter of J. BURCHELL Esq, of Port Elizabeth, and granddaughter of the late Matthew BURCHELL Esq of Fulham, near London.

A fire broke out on Saturday last in a small house on Settler's Hill, a part of which was inhabited by a tinsmith, of the name of BAGSHAW, and a part used by Mr. PAINE for the purposes of a school-room. The wall alone are now standing. The furniture was mostly saved. The roof, where it is supposed the fire ignited, was of thatch: two fire-engines were speedily upon the spot, but no supply of water sufficient to be of any use was to be procured. The wind was raging with great violence, and had the house fortunately not been a detached one, the consequences might have been much more serious. This is the fourth fire that has occurred in the District of Albany within these few weeks, and without, we are sorry to add, in the least diminishing the funds of any Fire Insurance Company.

Thursday 9 September 1841

Notice to Creditors and Debtors
All Persons claiming to be Creditors in the Estate of the late Mr. Martinus OOSTHUIZEN, of this village, are hereby requested to forward proof thereof to the Undersigned, within Two Months from the date of this Notice. And those Indebted thereto are reminded in a like manner to discharge their respective accounts.
R.A. STRETCH, Executor Dative.
No.3 Baird-street, Aug 17 1841.

BIRTH on Monday the 5th inst, the Lady of Francis SMITH Esq of a Son.
Mooi Meitjes Fontein.[see next entry]

Thursday 16 September 1841

DIED at Fort Beaufort on Friday the 10th inst, in the 21st year of his age, beloved and respected by his brother officers, and all who knew him, T.B. BICKNELL Esq, Ensign in H.M. 75th Regiment.

BIRTH on Monday the 5th instant, the Lady of Francis SMITH Esq of Mooi Meitjes Fontein of a Daughter (not a Son, as stated last week).

Thursday 23 September 1841

Whereas Joseph DUNBAR of Graham's Town, a Painter, and Isabella DUBAR, his Wife, have on the 11th day of September 1841, mutually executed before me, the Notary, and competent Witnesses, a Dead of Separation from Bed, Board, Cohabitation and Community of Property – Notice whereof is hereby given to the Public; and also that, subsequent to said date, all Debts, contracted by either party, will run for account and risk of him or her who shall or may contract or incur the same – Given under my hand this 14th day of September 1841.
Benjamin NORDEN
Notary Public
Graham's Town, Sept 17, 1841.

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