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eGGSA Graves

At last we have got the new graves website done and available:

I have done my best with the help of Riana le Roux and Corney Keller.

I have had to transfer all the photos to the new webserver and then, using program scripts, transfer all the captions and descriptions from the old database to the new one. I cannot guarantee that every item has been correctly done but I believe that 98% is correct.

It was quite a job!

The photos are now available grouped by their Province each of which has a search function to help searchers find the grave they are looking for.  We know that many of the images are sideways on and we will be working on correcting those. Please report any other problems you encounter by sending me a link to the problem, Richard Ball

Please do continue sending any edits, as well as new grave photographs to us, we will attend to it as soon as we can, Riana le Roux  and George Crewe

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