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NGK Bibles

NGK Bibles in the eGGSA Bible CollectionKeith Meintjes writes: When I visited the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk Archive at Stellenbosch in 2016, Isabel Murray gave me a tour of all the stuff in their basement. They have all manner of things in addition to the church registers - 370 years of church history. One thing that caught my eye was a pile of Bibles since many people wrote their family information in their Bibles. Isabel told me they had many Bibles, all uncatalogued, that no one had ever looked at.

So, we cooked up a project. Isabel found a student, and I bought them a camera, lenses and a tripod, and paid for the student's time to catalog and photograph the Bibles. The outside, the title pages, and any handwritten notes or newspaper clippings.

I supported the student's time, and he spent his senior year doing the work. Towards the end, he was being interviewed on TV and radio about the importance of preserving the archives and family history.

He photographed and catalogued 375 Bibles, of which 58 had inscriptions of some sort. Of those 19 had family information and those 19 have been added to the eGGSA Bible Collection, with grateful thanks to Keith for his project and enthusiasm, to Isabel Murray and Andrew Kok and to the anonymous student who did the work.

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Bible photographs added during September


We have had a great many contributions of Bible photographs in recent months - here are those that have been added to our Bible Collection this month. 

We offer grateful thanks to the generous contributors: Billy Baard, Willie Breet, Ockert Malan, Riana le Roux, Leslie Duckworth, Alice Boshoff, Joost Hogewoning, Sam Basch and Hennie Nel.

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Four Bibles added to the eGGSA collection

Botma biblePhotographs of four Bibles have been added to the eGGSA Collection: BOTMA Abraham Carel, Cornelis Zoon en Anna Sophia Magareta MALAN, David Dochter getroud 3 Jul 1854; KRUGER Gert Lodewyk 1882-1957 en sy vrou Hester Hendrina AUCAMP 1884-1961; REDELINGHUIJS George Frederik en Helena Johanna LEROUX, getroud 11 November 1895; VAN HEERDEN Isaac Petrus Jacs.Sts.Zoon en Geertruida Maria AURET, getroud 1 Maart 1836; VAN WIJK Petrus Lodewikis Julie 30 1876.

Our thanks to Allan Carson, Dirk van Heerden, Riana le Roux and Adriaan Redelinghuys.

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7 Bibles added to the eGGSA collection

Seven Bibles from the collection of the Heritage Foundation (Erfenisstigting), Pretoria have been photographed by Annelie Els and contributed to the eGGSA Bible/Family Register collection: DUPREE A., gebore 1836; ERASMUS Lodewikus Johannes, gebore 1845 & Magrietas Martins VAN DEN BERG, gebore 1844, getroud 1866; HATTINGH Johannes Dewald, D.zoon. geboren 1794 en Anna Elisabeth RETIEF geboren 1798, getroud 1812; MALAN Stephanus Petrus, gebore 1849 & Martha C.A. LOURENS, gebore 1886, getroud 1904; MOCKE F.G. & S.E. NEL getroud 1831; NAUDE Stefanus Jacobus, gebore 1872; and DU PREEZ Nicolaas Johannes Jakobus, gebore 1865.

Many thanks to Annelie Els for the photographs and to Basil Royston for captioning them.

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Four more Bibles

Four Bibles have been added to the eGGSA Bible/Family Register web site: COETSEE Abraham Petrus Carolus gebore 1876 & Wilemina Lodeweika LOMBARD gebore 1881 getroud 1898, contributed by Susan (Coetsee) de Bruyn; GEYSER, Johannes Jacobus Stephanus gebore 1801 & Magdalena Susina CALITZ gebore 1910 getroud 1827, contributed by Tracey Itta; RAFFERTY, Elsie Susarah Aletta Maria born 1853 contributed by Andrea Furness (nee de Jager); and TRUTER Johannes Andries gebore 1778 & Hilletje Aletta SMIT gebore 1778 getroud 1788 contributed by Matty van Rensburg.

Our thanks to the generous contributors and to Basil Royston for captioning these. Any queries or corrections can be addressed to Richard Ball.

  • Hits: 19507