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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1861 - 4 - October to December

Tuesday 1 October 1861

BIRTH on the 25th instant, Mrs. J. Dunsmure COUPER of a son.

Saturday 5 October 1861

DIED at Bedford on the 27th Sept 1861, in the [83rd] year of her age, Mrs. Catherine MORRIS, widow of the late Wm. MORRIS. Deceased came to this colony in 1820 and was for many years a [resident of Plumstead], Cape District. She died as she lived, in peace [with her Lord].
Friends at a distance will please accept of this notice.

On Friday morning last a man, evidently insane, was found wandering on the beach at Jeffrey’s Bay, quite naked, and perishing from cold and hunger. His body, much sunburnt and scratched by thorns, showed that he had been naked for days. The fishermen of the place contributed a suit of clothes and supplied his other wants. It was gathered from his incoherent answers that his name is William CURRIE, from Port Elizabeth, on his way to Capetown, and that he had lost his clothes in crossing a river (supposed to be the Gamtoos) three days previously. John [JENNINGS] kindly conveyed him to Humansdorp and brought him to the notice of Mr. COX C.C., who immediately admitted him into the hospital. – E.P. Herald.

Saturday 12 October 1861

BIRTH, the wife of A. [WILMANS] MD of a son.
Colesberg, Oct 1st 1861

DIED in Grahamstown on Thursday the 10th instant, Samuel, second son of Mr. Richard TAINTON, of Fort Peddie, aged 31 years, leaving a widow and three young children who, with a large circle of relatives and friends, deeply deplore their painful bereavement.

Tuesday 15 October 1861

Has removed his Clothing and Outfitting Establishment to three doors round the corner in High Street, next to Mr. J. TAYLOR’s, Grocer &c
The whole of the Stores, no.2 Bathurst Street, are now occupied by Messrs. B.M. SHEPPERSON & Co, Merchants.

MARRIED by the Rev. W.M. [Pemberton] at Denbigh Road Chapel, Bayswater, on the 17th July, Eleanor Jane, second daughter of George WOOD Esq. of “Wood Ville”, Grahamstown, to George Middleton KIELL Esq. of 7 Kensington Park Road, Ladbroke Square.

Thursday 17 October 1861



BIDDULPH, the wife of Edward J, of twin daughters on the [28th] ult at Hope Town.
[B…. ], the wife of Mr. James, of a son on the [10th] inst at Port Elizabeth.
COUPER, the wife of Mr. James Dunsmure, of a son on the 25th ult.
DU TOIT, the wife of Melville DU TOIT Esq. JP, of a son at Port Elizabeth.
FAIRBRIDGE, the wife of J. Seymour Esq, of a son on the 30th ult at Port Elizabeth.
PRATT, the wife of Mr. John, of a son on the [24th] ult at Dordrecht.
[WILMANS], the wife A. Esq. MD, of a son on the 1st inst at Colesberg.


CAWOOD, Pike William [sic] to Hannah Elizabeth SCANLEN on the 27th ult at Grahamstown.
HOBSON, William Carey to Elizabeth ROBERTS on the 11th ult.
HOLLAND, Frank to Miss Sarah Ann CROUCH on the 18th ult at King William’s Town
HARDWICK, Edward to Mary Jane CROUCH on the 18th ult at King William’s Town.
ROOYEN, J.P. van to Diana STANLEY on the 10th ult at Grahamstown.
[S…….], Francis to Miss Laura SMITH on the 21st ult at Port Elizabeth.
SAUNDERS, Edward to Miss Phoebe Rhoda TROLLIP on the 4th ult at Cradock.
WALLACE, Joseph to Henrietta [CARLISLE] on the 22nd ult at Capetown.


ANDERSON, the infant son of L.C. at Beaufort West on the 29th ult aged 8 months, and daughter of the above on the [15th] ult aged 2 years; lastly the father, on the 1st inst, aged 28 years, of diphtheria.
[Transcriber’s Note: Death Notice at says Lewis Chalmers ANDERSON died on the 1st September 1861, suggesting his children died in August]
BERRINGTON, Samuel Thomas, aged 10 years on the 15th ult, at Bonnin Dale, near Uitenhage.
DENNISON, George, aged 47 years, on the 15th ult at Grahamstown.
EARL, Samuel, on the 1st inst [sic, should be ult] at Doorn Kloof, division of Alexandria, aged 52 years.
FITZGERALD, the infant daughter of Mr. [M.S.] on the 2nd inst, at Port Elizabeth.
HEUGH, the infant son of Mr. John, aged 11 months, on the 2nd inst.
JARVIS, George Esq. JP, aged 62 years on the 13th ult at Grahamstown.
LAWRIE, Mr. Johnstone, at Alice, on the [24th] August
MORRIS, Catherine, widow of the late William, at Bedford on the 27th September, aged [83] years.
PENNY, Samuel Palmer, youngest son of Mr. Charles PENNY senior, of Salem, at Cradock on the 22nd August, aged 24 years and 10 months.
SIMPSON, [illegible], the wife of Joseph SIMPSON Esq. of Port Elizabeth on th [8th] July at […port] Street, West London.
[TA….LY], Mr. [B…], aged [69] years, on the 13th inst at Grahamstown.
[THOMSON], [W…. Maria] aged 2 years, at Alice on th [13th] ult.
WYNYARD, George Henry, eldest son of Lieut. General WYNYARD on the 14th July, aged 36 years and 3 months, at London.
WILSON, John Wesley, aged 22 years and 8 months, on the 22nd ult, at Grahamstown.

Saturday 19 October 1861

DIED at Alexandria of disease of the heart, on the 14th inst, L.W.F. RAVEN Esq, late Captain German Legion, aged 34 years.

DIED at Grahamstown on Wednesday October 16th, by the accidental explosion of his gun, Edward DELL, third son of Edward H. DELL Esq, aged 14 years and 2 months.

Tuesday 22 October 1861

BIRTH at the Commercial Hotel, [Grahamstown] on Friday morning the 18th inst, Mrs. James WOOD of a daughter.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 18th October, Charlotte Amelia, relict of the late Mr. BLACKBEARD, aged 39 years.
Friends at a distance will please accept this intimation.

Saturday 26 October 1861

BIRTH [illegible]….. the wife of the late [illegible] John BROWNE, Royal Artillery, of a daughter.

MARRIED October [15th] inst, by the Rev [R.J. Walmer], Mr. [Arthur ……] of the […… Mission Station, Bechuanaland], to [Mary, the only daughter extant] of [illegible]

DIED at [illegible] Farm in the Division of Bathurst on the 11th October, Martha, the daughter of James BARTLETT, aged 2 years and [four] months, after a great [illegible]

DIED at King Williamstown on the 2nd October, [Anne B….. …] aged [--] years, leaving a [husband] and young family.

[Largely Illegible death notice thought to be the wife of John BROWNE in childbirth (see above)]

Saturday 2 November 1861

BIRTH at Wrighton Cottage in this city, on the 31st October, Mrs. A.L. BENJAMIN of a son.

DIED on the 27th September 1861, at the residence of her son, F.W. POHL, Hester Isabella, born MARX, relict of the late Carel Frederick POHL of Carel’s Rust, aged [82] years.

DIED at Cradock on Sunday evening 27th October, Robert HEALY, of Klip Kraal, aged 25 years and 6 months, leaving a young widow and a large circle of friends to mourn his loss.
Friends will please accept this notice.

Saturday 9 November 1861

BIRTH at Buck Kraal, near Peddie, on th [6th] November, Mrs. A.[R.] [CO…] of a son.

BIRTH Nov. [5th], the wife of Mr. [N.H.] [PRATT], Cabinetmaker, Campbell-street, Grahamstown, of a daughter.

MARRIED on the 5th instant at St.John’s Church, Fort Beaufort, by the Rev. [T]. Johnson, Military Chaplain, Captain William Henry LOWTHER of HM Indian Army, to Amelia Jessie, daughter of R.J. PAINTER Esq. JP of yellow Wood Trees, Division of Fort Beaufort.

DIED at Line Drift Post, on the 29th ult, shortly after the premature birth of a son, Emma Frances, wife of Lieutenant A.R. MONTFORT, HM 2nd Battalion [68th] Regiment, eldest daughter of F. CARLISLE Esq. of Grahamstown. And on the 3rd instant, Frederick Carlisle, infant son of the above.

DIED at Bathurst on the 1st inst, of Hooping Cough, Ellen Margaret, twin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob’t READ.

Tuesday 12 November 1861

BIRTH at Alexandria on the [9th], Mrs. [illegible] A. [CH….] of a son.

MARRIED at St.Bartholomew’s Church on Monday the 4th inst, by the Rev. Archdeacon Merriman, Joseph, eldest son of the late Robert PITT of this city, to Charlotte Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Robert BLACKBEARD

MARRIED at St.Bartholomew’s Church on Monday the 4th inst, by the Rev. Archdeacon Merriman, Edward Alfred, son of the late Thomas HARRIS to Margaret, third daughter of the late John TESTARD

[several issues missing]

Tuesday 26 November 1861

DIED at Port Alfred on the 11th November, Edwin Hancorn SMITH JP, of [illegible] in the District of Queen’s Town, leaving a sorrowing widow and [illegible] to [mourn] their irreparable loss, and deeply regretted by a numerous circle of family and friends.
[Transcriber’s Note: Notice barely legible, but Death Notice at says he had six children.]

Saturday 30 November 1861

BIRTH on [illegible] November at Queenstown, the wife of Mr. [Joseph] [illegible]….Queenstown District, of a son.

DIED at King Williamstown on the [--th] November 1861, [name illegible], aged [34] years, one month and 17 days, deeply regretted by his family and friends.

Saturday 7 December 1861

DIED at Robertson on the 25th [last] at the residence of his only son, the Rev. Joseph TINDALL, Wesleyan Minister of Mowbray, aged 54 years, after a short illness of six days. He suffered from rheumatic fever, after which inflammation of the lungs supervened; [illegible…] His death..[illegible] adorned the doctrine of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Saturday 14 December 1861

BIRTH at Manley’s Flat on the 19th inst, [illegible…] [RORKE] of a son.

BIRTH at [illegible] (Victoria East) on [--] December, the wife of Mr. Geo. […NAN] of a son.

Mr. W. STANTON Sen. departed this life [at his residence in Somerset Street, Grahamstown] on 7th December 1861, after an illness of [illegible] days, at the advanced age of 83 years…...
[Transcriber’s Note: This fairly lengthy obituary is so faded and blurred it is virtually impossible to read. The key points of the above have been filled in from his Death Notice.

[one further totally illegible obituary notice]

Tuesday 17 December 1861

BIRTH at [illegible], Grahamstown, on Wednesday the 11th inst, the wife of [illegible] of a daughter.

DIED on the [28th] November 1861, aged [75] years and six months, Mary [Matilda] born DIPLOCK, widow of the late Richard GOWAR of Grahamstown [and also Robert] WILKINSON of the same place. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820. Deeply mourned by her family and friends. [Relatives at a distance will please accept this notice and direct to Frederick Joseph …..], Port Elizabeth, Cape of Good Hope.

Saturday 21 December 1861

BIRTH at Grahamstown, [illegible], on Dec 21st inst, the wife of Mr. Donald [illegible] of a son.

BIRTH at Adelaide on Monday 9th December 1861, Mrs. James [CA….] of a daughter

BIRTH at Alice Town [illegible] on the [13th] inst, the wife of [illegible] of a son.

MARRIED at [Bushman’s River] on the [5th] December by the Rev. John Edwards, John the fourth son of Mr. Edward EARLY of [Witney, Oxfordshire], to Emily, fifth daughter of Mr. Benjamin TROLLIP of [Bushman’s River].

DIED at Capetown on [Tuesday the 3rd December] after a few days illness, [illegible], the beloved wife of [illegible] Esq. of Port Elizabeth.

Saturday 28 December 1861

BIRTH at [illegible] on the 14th instant, Mrs. Ann [illegible] of a daughter.

BIRTH at Prospect House on the [24th December], the wife of [R.] GRAHAM Esq, C.C. of a daughter.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Thursday [--th] December, the wife of Mr. Wm. HART of a son.

MARRIED on Wednesday 18th inst, at the [Cathedral] by the Rev. G. Thompson, [illegible], son of the late John [illegible] Esq. of […….., Devonshire] to [illegible], daughter of the late W. [illegible] of this city.

Tuesday 31 December 1861

DIED on Saturday morning the 21st inst, of [croup and …..]. John [illegible], the infant son of the Rev. John WILSON, Wesleyan Minister, Cradock, aged 3 years [8 months and 4 days]

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