Grahamstown Journal 1860 - 4 - October to December
Saturday 6 October 1860
BIRTH on the 12th September 1860, Mrs. J.N. SLEE of a son.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Saturday 22nd September, Mrs. Henry LINTON of a daughter.
MARRIED at Alice, Sept. 25th 1860, by the Rev. W. Govan, P.H. HUMPHREYS of British Kaffraria, to Ellen, youngest daughter of the late George HARDING of Bristol, Somersetshire, England.
MARRIED at Queenstown on Thursday the 27th September, by the Rev. E.P. Green, Horatio HUTCHONS, of the Waschbank, to Jane, eldest daughter of the late Joseph HUGHES of Warminster, Wiltshire, England.
Tuesday 9 October 1860
DIED on the 4th October [at her residence in Grahamstown], Jane, relict of the late W.A. MORGAN of this place, aged 56 years, leaving a very large circle of relatives and friends to mourn their irreparable loss.
Tuesday 23 October 1860
Joseph GREEN
Bread and Biscuit Maker
Beaufort Street, Grahamstown
Keeps always on hand a good assortment of Groceries &c which are of the best quality. Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Ground Coffee and almost every article in the line.
Fresh Bread every day (Monday excepted) and sent round to all parts of the town in his carts.
Wedding Cakes and Breakfasts provided on the shortest notice.
Licenced to sell Ginger Beer, Wholesale and Retail.
Saturday 27 October 1860
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 24th instant, the wife of Colin McBRAN of a daughter.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Friday 26th October 1860, Mrs. T.I. COCKCROFT of a son.
DIED at Grahamstown 26th October 1860, Mr. George GILBERT, in his 80th year.
The Funeral of the late Mr. Geo. GILBERT will move from St.George’s Cathedral tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock precisely. Friends wishing to attend will please accept of this notice.
Thos. E. PASSMORE, Undertaker
DIED at the residence of his Father-in-law, Grahamstown, on the 24th October, Richard Thomas Gush WEBB, fourth son of Mr. Christopher WEBB of this city. Aged 27 years and 5 months. Deceased leaves a young widow to lament her bereavement.
BIRTH at Somerset East, October 7th, Mrs. Benjamin W. HALL of a daughter.
Tuesday 30 October 1860
To the Inhabitants of the Division of Albany
The Committee of the Grahamstown Branch of the League call earnestly on the inhabitants of the Province in their respective localities to from committees to cooperate with them and the committees now forming for the same object all over the Province.
For the first time have the known desires of the Province been backed by a political organisation, and the men of Albany will assuredly not be the last to avail themselves of it. Let every man join the Eastern Province Separation League.
Chairman, Grahamstown Branch E.P.S. League
Saturday 3 November 1860
DIED at Grahamstown on the 1st inst, J.H. WIENAND Esq, [illegible] Clerk of the Peace [for the District of Somerset], aged 48 years.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 28th October 1860, Frances, wife of William WEBSTER, late Chief Constable of this place, aged 58 years, after a long and painful illness. Respected by her friends. her end was peace.
The Weekly Chronicle relates a sad accident. On the evening of the first illumination in honour of Prince Alfred, Mr. Samuel O. WELSFORD (son of Mr. WELSFORD, bookkeeper to Mr. JONES) who was lately employed as clerk to the Cape of Good Hope Marine Assurance Company, sustained severe injury from the explosion of some fireworks which he had in his waistcoat pocket. He lingered till Wednesday morning last, about ten o’clock, when death put an end to his sufferings, which, we understand, were very great, but borne with meekness and patience. His remains were interred yesterday at four o’clock in the English Cemetery. The deceased was a fine young man, only 19 years old, and his untimely fate is deeply deplored.
Tuesday 6 November 1860
In the Insolvent Estate of William WRIGHT the Younger
Sale of Debts in the Estate
On Friday the 16th November next, in front of the Court House, will be put on sale at Public Auction, and sold to the highest bidder, all the remaining outstanding debts according to the Books of Account, due and owing to the said Estate. For further particulars apply to the Undersigned.
Sole Trustee
DIED at Grahamstown on Saturday 3rd November 1860, Mr. Charles WRIGHT, eldest son of the late Mr. John Cecil WRIGHT, aged 32 years.
Saturday 10 November 1860
MARRIED on Wednesday the 7th last, at Creek Farm, Chalumna River, British Kaffraria, by the Rev. W. [Bedford], Jeremiah ELLIOTT of Clumber to Sarah Ann, only daughter of Mr. Joseph FAIRCLOTH.
DIED of Croup at Port Alfred, Robert Winter HOCKEY, aged 14 months and 20 days, youngest son of Benjamin HOCKEY.
Saturday 17 November 1860
MARRIED in the Wesleyan Chapel, Grahamstown on Wednesday 14th inst, by Rev. R. Lamplough, Frederick JARDINE, son of the late John JARDINE, baker, to Mary Ann Maria MARSHALL, daughter of Hy. MARSHALL, lately residing at Collingham.
MARRIED on the 7th inst by the Ven. the Archdeacon Merriman at St.Bartholomew’s, Frederick William CARLISLE Esq to Charlotte Harriet Ann, daughter of the late Frederick Thomas PHILIPPS Esq.
Tuesday 20 November 1860
BIRTH on the 15th inst, Mrs. HUNTLEY of a daughter
DIED on the 15th instant at King William’s Town, George, the beloved son of Mr. John GILLAM, at the age of 21 years and 4 months, deeply regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends.
DIED on Tuesday the 13th last, at the residence of Mr. [?.] LESTER, Graham’s Town, Mr. Charles John LESTER, aged 24 years.
Saturday 24 November 1860
MARRIED in St.George’s Cathedral on the 15th November 1860, by the Rev. George Thompson, Paymaster-Serjeant, Geo. GORDON C.M.R., to Mary Ann, second daughter of the late Mr. F. SHORT of this city.
Lampmaker and Tinplateworker
Begs to inform his friends and inhabitants of Grahamstown that he has taken over the premises lately occupied by Mr. RYALL, Bathurst-street, where he will always have on hand a variety of French Moderator Lamps, Tinplate Goods, Fancy Toys, Crockeryware &c
NB Tinplate goods supplied at wholesale prices, and repairs neatly executed.
Tuesday 27 November 1860
MARRIED, Yellow Wood Trees, on the 21st inst, by the Rev. J. Dorrington, Francis Phipps LEONARD of Thorn Meadow, District of Queenstown, to Elizabeth Martha, eldest daughter of Mr. R.J. PAINTER.
DIED at Mr. W. OGILVIE’s Farm on the morning of the […th] November 1860, Jane [A…….] the beloved wife of Richard [A…….] of Fort Jackson, aged 40 years, much regretted by her bereaved husband and friends. Her end was peace.
Tuesday 4 December 1860
DIED at Cradock on Monday the 26th November 1860, Ellen Maria, youngest daughter of Peter and Elizabeth WRIGHT, aged 17 years [sic].
[See following issue]
Saturday 8 December 1860
BIRTH at Graham’s Town on Tuesday the 4th inst, Mrs. Horatio SCOTT of a son.
DIED at Cradock on Monday the 26th November 1860, Ellen Maria, youngest daughter of Peter and Elizabeth WRIGHT, aged 17 months.
[Transcriber’s Note: See previous issue: 17 years changed to 17 months. Ellen Maria WRIGHT, daughter of Peter Knowles WRIGHT, was born on 27 June 1859, so 17 months is correct]
Tuesday 11 December 1860
DIED on the 10th inst at Thorn Park, Johnstone Christopher Beach MARRAN, eldest son of Johnstone MARRAN: aged 85 years.
Saturday 15 December 1860
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 12th December 1860, the wife of the Rev. Robert JOHNSTON of a daughter.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the [13th] inst, Mrs. Thos. C. STREET of a daughter.
Tuesday 18 December 1860
The remains of the late Inspector G.S. TEKUSCH will be buried tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday the 19th inst) to move from the Civil Hospital at 3 o’clock. The friends of the deceased are respectfully invited to attend.
December 18 1860
A most respectable man, named Joshua DIEDRIKS, well-known in Graaff-Reinet as a transport rider, met with a sudden death on Monday last. He was riding upon a horse, following a wagon, which was being driven by his son, in the neighbourhood of the Jewish burial ground, where there is a road [covered] on one side by thorn trees. Intending to turn the oxen, he rode on towards the front, passing between the wagon and the thorn trees, when suddenly the horse fell down and DIEDRIKS was thrown the other way, so that the loaded wagon passed over his chest. With one effort he jumped on his hands and knees, while the blood poured from his nose and mouth – the next moment he fell back dead. – G.R. Herald
Saturday 22 December 1860
BIRTH on the 18th at Pleasant Prospect Farm, near Salem, Mrs. C.H. HILL of a daughter.
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