Grahamstown Journal 1860 - 1 - January to March
Tuesday 3 January 1860
BIRTH at King William’s Town on the 26th Dec 1859, the wife of Joseph LEVY Esq. of a son.
DIED at Grahamstown on Friday 30th December, Alex HEDDLE, late Royal African Corps, in the 70th year of his age.
James MASON, late commander of the Alexandrian and the Hero of the Nile
Having retired from seafaring pursuits, has taken over the Commercial Hotel and hopes by attention to business to moderate charges to merit a share of the public patronage and support.
J.M. has recently made extensive additions to the premises, by which he is able to afford travellers increased accommodation. Families from the country can also be provided with private apartments at a moderate charge.
Increased Stabling has also been provided, and every attention will be paid to the grooming and proper management of Horses left at this hotel.
Saturday 7 January 1860
DIED at Fort Beaufort on Monday the 1st January [sic], after a long and painful illness, Mary Anne, the beloved wife of Thomas WARD [illegible] deeply regretted by her [illegible] [friends]. Aged 35 years.
[Last line illegible, possibly a quotation. A transcription of the same death in the Cape and Natal News gives the date as 1st January, although the 1st was not a Monday]
It has pleased [the Lord God Almighty] to [take] from us my beloved Husband and our [illegible] Father Peter Ernst KRUGER [Sen] on the 24th day of December 1859 [aged 56 years] [illegible]
Anna [Dorothea KRUGER (born ALBERTS)]
Peter Ernst KRUGER
[Abram] Stephanus KRUGER
Nicolaus Johannes KRUGER
Johan Hendrik KRUGER
Struys Hoek
[26th] December 1859
[Transcriber’s Note: Most of this entry is very faint but the farm name is written on the Death Notice.]
Dissolution of Partnership
The Partnership hitherto subsisting under the Style and Firm of POTE Brothers has this day been dissolved. All debts contracted by the said Firm will be paid by the undersigned, and all debts due and owing to the aforesaid are to be paid to the undersigned to enable him to wind up the said Partnership without delay, or they will be handed over for recovery without distinction.
Charles POTE
Dec 31st 1859
The Auction and Appraisement Business will still be continued in the name of the undersigned.
Charles POTE
Saturday 14 January 1860
DIED in Grahamstown on the 11th [instant], Eleanor Wilhelmina Henrietta, [infant] daughter of [Lieut. GROPP] aged [illegible]
His Honor Sir John WYLDE died at his residence in Capetown on the 13th December. He arrived in this colony as Chief Justice in 1827; in 1854 he sat as President of the first Legislative Council formed under the constitution ordnance; in 1855 his health began to fail, and on the 4th September of that year he was attacked by paralysis on the bench, while giving judgement on a case brought before him as judge of the Vice-Admiralty Court; he retired with a pension of [£2000] per annum and lingered on till the date named above, when he expired at the age of 78 years.
Tuesday 17 January 1860
BIRTH at King Williamstown on Friday the 13th inst, Mrs. M.B. SHAW of a daughter.
DIED at Fort Beaufort on Sunday the 15th inst, the only and beloved son of J.J. and A. GUNN, aged 6 years.
Fort Beaufort, 16th January 1860
DIED on the 13th inst, at his residence, Grahamstown, Mr. Aaron ALDUM Sen, aged 82. The deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820.
Saturday 21January 1860
BIRTH at Fort England on Wednesday the 18th, the wife of Col. Arthur HORNE, 13th Light Infantry, of a daughter.
DIED at Fort England on Monday January 16th 1860, [after a sudden illness of ….] Elizabeth Mary, eldest daughter of the late Mr. John CURLY of Fort Beaufort. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.
Saturday 28 January 1860
DIED at Grahamstown on Wednesday last, the 25th instant, of croup and ulcerated sore throat, Catherine Harriet, youngest daughter of Mr. William A. RICHARDS, aged 10 months.
Roseheath, 26th Jan 1860
DIED at Somerset Town East, Bernardus [B…] TRUTER, second son of Frederick Hercules and Margaret Louisa TRUTER, aged 14 years and 5 months. Deeply regretted by relatives and friends.
Near Bathurst
That very valuable farm TYGER SPRING
Previously advertised for sale on the 2nd February next, will be sold by Public Auction on the spot
On Saturday the 18th February next at eleven o’clock.
TYGER SPRING, the property of the undersigned, in extent 1,002 morgen, is situate 2 miles from the village of Bathurst, on the road between Grahamstown and Port Frances.
The position of this well-watered estate renders it admirably adapted as a good Stand for an HOTEL.
The beautiful well-planted flower garden, THE ORCHARD, stocked with the choicest description of healthy Fruit Trees, are in themselves sufficient inducements to the speculator, but the never-failing Springs, the Limestone yet unsurpassed by any in this Division; the inexhaustible supply of the famous Bathurst FREESTONE, and valuable Timber on the estate, add other and no less inducements to authorise the proprietor in pronouncing “Tyger Springs” as the best and most attractive Farm yet offered for public competition in this Division.
A liberal Credit extending over Three Years will be given.
Titles clear, and may be inspected on application to the Auctioneer.
G. HODGKINSON, Executor Test.
Auctioneer, Bathurst
After the sale of the Farm “Tyger Spring” on the 18th February next will be sold by Public Auction a valuable Piece of Land, the property of the undersigned, situate in the Division of Bathurst, measuring in extent 254 morgen, bounded north by HAYHURST Party, east by “Birbury”, the property of the late Simon BIDDULPH, south by land recently purchased by Mr. J. WOOD, and west by the farm “Tyger Spring”.
This well-watered and fertile estate is decidedly worthy the attention of speculators, and those who desire to possess a comfortable homestead in the vicinity of Bathurst and Port Frances.
BIRTH at Barville Park on the 20th instant, Mrs. S. DELL of a son
Tuesday 31 January 1860
BIRTH at Grahamstown January 28th, the wife of Julius JENSEN of a son.
Saturday 4 February 1860
DIED at Grahamstown on the 31st January last after a short illness of three days, William KELLY, the third and [illegible] son of William and [illegible] KELLY, aged 16 years, deeply and deservedly regretted by his relatives and friends
Enniskillen papers please copy.
DIED on the 4th Jan, Charles John, the infant son of Henry CRUMP Esq of [illegible] [aged 23 days]
Saturday 11 February 1860
BIRTH on the [15th] December 1859 at No.4 Ladbroke-square, Notting Hill, London, the lady of N. BIRKENRUTH Esq of a daughter.
DIED at Avenue [d’Art…], Champs Elysees, Paris, on Tuesday the 8th November 1859, Adriana DeWindt, aged 86 years and 10 months, relict of Joseph EDYE Esq of Bristol, Banker.
Immediately after the sale of the Farm “Tyger Spring”, the undersigned will offer for Public Competition on Saturday the 18th inst.
A Location in JAMES’ Party (Sub-division 7) measuring 116 Acres
Originally granted to William PIKE, and adjoining the Farm of Mr. James BANKS, near Bathurst.
Trustees of R.G. STONE
A. SCHALLER, Auctioneer
Tuesday 14 February 1860
H.C. GALPIN, Watchmaker and Jeweller, has removed to Bathurst-street, next to Messrs. W.R. THOMPSON &Co.
The undersigned have this day entered into partnership at Aliwal North as General Dealers, and the business formerly conducted by the first undersigned will in future be carried on under the style and firm of Henry James Halse & Co.
Feb 1st 1860
DIED on the 22nd December 1859 at St.Leonards on Sea, near Hastings. John Straton, Commissariat Staff, aged 28 years, only son of Johannes DE SMIDT Esq, Assistant Commissary General.
Saturday 18 February 1860
DIED on the 6th inst at Panmure, East London, after an illness of twenty-four hours, Charles CUMBERS, Inspector of the [Frontier] Mounted Police; aged 37 years.
Since the late long and fatiguing tour of duty in Kreb’s Country by Inspector CUMBERS and [his] men, he has suffered from an affliction of the heart. In hope that a visit to the sea would remove this complaint, he went to East London, and on the morning of the 5th inst, while bathing, he was seized with a sort of paralytic cramp. He was immediately removed to his lodging, and medical aid speedily obtained, and everything done which was likely to effect relief, but without effect. He lingered in a state of unconsciousness till the following morning, when he expired, leaving a widow and a large circle of friends to deplore his premature death. His remains were interred at Panmure.
Alice, Feb 10 1860
A committee has been formed for the purpose of raising subscriptions towards the erection of a mausoleum over the grave of the late lamented Mr. TURPIN. And in order to enable everyone connected with the volunteer corps to assist in this meritorious design, it has been determined to limit the individual subscription to 2s6d.
Enquiry having been made from Glasgow (Scotland) respecting the fate of Peter HISLOP, any person capable of affording information respecting him, or the place of his death, is requested to do so, either personally or by letter addressed to the Resident Magistrate’s office, Capetown. Peter HISLOP, it is said, belonged to the 91st regiment: and the last time he was heard of was in 1854, when he lived with Mr. John DONALD, Twee-river, Jagersbosch.
Tuesday 21 February 1860
DIED at the residence of Mr. John HAYTON, Grahamstown, on the 19th inst, Isabella, the beloved wife of Mr. J.E. HUTTON of Riebeck, aged 32 years and 7 months.
Saturday 25 February 1860
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 21st inst, the wife of Mr. E. T. [ST…] of Queenstown of a son.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the [25th] inst, the wife of Dep. Assist. Com. Gen’l [STANDEN] of a daughter.
DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 13th instant, Edith, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.W.H. GIDDY, aged 8 months.
Tuesday 28 February 1860
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 21st inst, the wife of Mr. A. R. [GREEN] of a daughter.
DIED at Fort England on the 25th inst, the infant daughter of Colonel Arthur HORNE, 2nd Bn 13th Light Infantry, aged [five] weeks.
Saturday 3 March 1860
MARRIED February 22nd by the Rev. Dr. Roux at Carel’s Rust, the residence of C.F. POHL Esq, John AUSTIN of the Komga to Dorothea Maria FERREIRA, niece of S. HARTMAN Esq. J.P. of Heilbron, District of Victoria.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 27th Feb, Frederick [S…], youngest son of John and Elizabeth [Ellen], aged 11 months.
Furniture Warehouse
Have always on hand a large stock of English and Colonial made Furniture, iron and Brass Bedsteads, Children’s Cribs, Iron Sofas and Rocking Chairs &c.
Carpetings, all kinds, in great variety, Floor cloth, all widths, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats, Feather Beds and Pillows, Horse Hair and Carded Wool Mattresses, Paper Hangings, Looking Glasses &c &c
Pianofortes in Rosewood, Walnut and Mahogany, made expressly for this climate.
Organ Seraphines, several sizes for Church, Chapel, School or Drawing Room. These instruments are especially recommended to Farmers and others residing in the country as they do not require tuning.
Country orders promptly attended to
High-street, Grahamstown
Wholesale and Retail Dealer, Auctioneer, Appraiser &c &c
Wool and produce of all kinds purchased for cash or advances made on consignments to London.
NB. The Advertiser’s attention being continually called to the fact that a general impression prevails amongst his friends at a distance that he is connected with the lately established firm of JEFFERSON & BROWN, of this place, he takes this opportunity of stating that he has nothing whatever to do with the said firm, but that his business in all its branches is (and always has been) carried on solely in his own name, and under his close personal superintendence.
Charles BROWN
Queenstown, March 1860
Saturday 10 March 1860
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the [10th] March 1860, the wife of Major W. LEE [illegible] 6th Regt. of a son.
[Otherwise illegible birth entry for a son born in Queenstown]
DIED at his residence at Waterford on 29th February of Typhoid Fever, John RAFFERTY Junr, youngest son of the late John RAFFERTY of Graham’s Town, aged [30] years 7 months [fifteen days since an illness of only eight days] and leaves a large circle of Friends and Relations to deplore their irreparable loss.
Waterford, 3rd March 1860
The Funeral of the late Mrs. BOULTON will proceed from the Baptist Chapel in Bathurst Street tomorrow afternoon at ½ past three o’clock. Friends are invited to attend.
Thomas E. PASSMORE, Undertaker
Graham’s Town,
March 10th 1860
We deeply regret to hear that Mrs. BOULTON, the wife of the Baptist minister of this town, was found dead in her bed yesterday morning. Mr. BOULTON got up as usual, but finding his wife sleeping longer than ordinarily he proceeded to awaken her, when he found that life was quite extinct. The public will deeply sympathise with him in his heavy and unexpected bereavement.
Tuesday 13 March 1860
J. CHINAMAN, Coach and Cart Builder, Beaufort Street
Orders executed in a workmanlike manner and at the shortest notice.
Parties visiting the Kowie will find every comfort at this Hotel. Hockey’s Cottages, situated near the Hotel and commanding a fine view of the River Works, and also the sea, to hire by the month. Visitors can be supplied with provisions at Grahamstown prices.
M.A. ROCHAT (from Geneva), Watch and Clock Maker, Church Square, Grahamstown
All descriptions of Watches and Clocks repaired on the best principle, and warranted.
NB Musical Boxes and Jewellery carefully repaired.
R.[H]. JACOB, Auctioneer and General Agent, Middelburg, Established 1855
THOMAS DAWES, Dealer in General, has constantly on hand a large assortment of Linen and Woolen Goods, Hosiery, Haberdashery and Ready-made Clothing; [Groceries] Confectionery, Stationery, Boots and Shoes and a large assortment of Ironmongery, Oilman’s Stores &c
Red House, Mancazana
H.G. HASWELL, Commission Merchant and General Commercial Agent
All descriptions of Produce and Merchandise bought and sold.
Office: Church Square, High Street, Grahamstown
JAMES SAVORY, General Drapery, Ready-made Clothing and Grocery Establishment.
Corner of Campbell and Henrietta Streets, Fort Beaufort.
A large assortment of every description of Goods in the above line always kept on hand, and sold at the lowest remunerating prices.
CHARLES SIRR ORPEN (late HALSE & ORPEN), Land and General Agent, Smithfield, Orange Free State
COLLODION – Portraits taken by M.H. DURNEY daily at his Hotel, King Williamstown, in the best style of the art
Durney’s Hotel, King Williamstown, August 16 1859
JOHN WILSON, Saddler and Harness-maker, [He…gon], Queenstown
FRANCIS LLOYD, Shipping and Forwarding Agent, Port Elizabeth
JOHN ROBERTS, Builder &c
Every description of work in the above line executed on moderate terms. Buildings erected on the most improved designs, and at the shortest notice.
Campbell-street, Grahamstown.
McDOUGAL, D. Shipping and Commercial Agent, general Stores, East London.
GODLONTON, WHITE & CO, Printers, Booksellers and Stationers
Printing executed on the shortest notice, with neatness. Military Forms, Handbills, Posting Bills &c at a few hours’ notice. Foolscap, Post and Note Papers, Ink Powders and Ink, Steel pens and Quills, and every article in the Stationery line always on hand. Orders promptly executed.
Church Square, Grahamstown
JENKINS & CO (from London) Dyers, Scourers and French Cleaners
Hill Street, opposite Mr. READ’s Chemist, Grahamstown
Silk and Satin Dresses cleaned whole, Gentlemen’s Clothes cleaned and renovated. Clear starching in all its branches. Carpets cleaned on the floor if required.
J.A. SMELLKRAMP, Attorney, Notary Public and General Agent, Bloemfontein, Orange Free State
QUEENSTOWN – Charles BROWN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer
Has always on hand a large stock of Merchandise of every description at extremely low rates. Produce of all kinds bought for cash at the highest Market prices.
JEFFERSON & BROWN, Auctioneers, Agents at Law and General Commission Agents, Queenstown.
Cases conducted in Magistrate’s Court; Sales, Purchases and Transfers of Landed Property effected. [Kinderbe..en] and other Deeds executed at the shortest notice. Consignments of Merchandise received for sale. Wool and other produce purchased for account, and every other description of Agency transacted on reasonable terms.
EDWARD JONES, Notary Public, Enrolled Practitioner in the Magistrate’s Court, King Williamstown. Broker, Transfer and General Commission Agent. Agent for the Frontier Fire Insurance Company. Agent for the Guardian Fire and Life Insurance Company.
R.P. CHURCH, Auctioneer and Enrolled Agent in the Magistrate’s Court. Transfers effected and debts collected with punctuality and dispatch. Also Victoria East.
Saturday 17 March 1860
[one illegible death notification – I think it is for an infant]
With reference to an advertisement signed Charles BROWN, which has appeared in one or two of the Frontier papers, the undersigned are most happy to confirm that gentleman’s statement that “he is not and never has been connected with them”, and notify for the information of parties at a distance that the member of their firm who bears the name is Mr. Frederick Bridgman BROWN.
March 1860
The late Mrs. BOULTON, the wife of the Baptist Minister of this place, who died rather suddenly on Friday morning, the 9th instant, was buried on Sunday last. The funeral was attended by all the dissenting ministers in town, by all the members of the church, by the scholars of the Sunday school, and by a large number of the inhabitants of the town, who thus testified their sympathy with the bereaved partner. The funeral sermon will be presented by the Rev. A. HAY tomorrow evening.
Saturday 24 March 1860
MARRIED in Commemoration Chapel by the Rev. J. Richards, morning 21st inst, Charles Henry, third son of the late W.A. MORGAN to Esther Susannah, fifth and youngest daughter of William WEDDERBURN Esq of this city.
BIRTH at Whittlesea on the 17th inst, the wife of Mr. J.P.L. CLOETE of a son.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Thursday morning, the 15th inst, the wife of Mr. J.R. MORGAN of a son.
DIED at Shanghai on 30th December last, Robert Wolfe CARLISLE, eldest son of Frederick CARLISLE Esq of this city. Aged 26 years.
DIED at his residence in Graham’s Town, on the 11th March, W. HOWARTH Senr, aged [54] years and 10 months.
DIED on Friday morning, the 9th, Rhoda, the beloved wife of the Rev. Thos. BOULTON, Baptist Minister, Grahamstown. Aged 70 years.
DIED at Harrismith, in the Orange Free State, on the morning of the 23rd February 1860, Samuel, alias Jonnie, JOLY, formerly a Cape Mounted Rifleman, son of Jan JOLY, formerly a slave of Jan Andries VERMAAK Esquire of Uitenhage.
This notice was requested by the deceased a few hours before his demise.
26th Feb 1860
DIED on the 13th March at her residence in Cross-street, Sarah, third daughter of the late [Francis] and Elizabeth SHORT, aged 22 years and [3] months. Her end was peace.
The messenger of the Engineer Department, named HOWARTH, died suddenly on Sunday morning last. He performed his duties up to Saturday night as usual, got up next morning apparently well and hearty, and while preparing for church, fell down and never moved afterwards. This is another apt illustration of the passage “In the midst of life we are in death”. Deceased was a sober, civil man and had occupied the above situation for many years.
Saturday 31 March 1860
BIRTH at Fort Peddie on the 27th inst, the wife of Mr. W.H. [illegible] of a daughter.
BIRTH in Grahamstown on the 26th March, the wife of Dep. Asst. Com. Gen. BOOTH of a daughter.
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