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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1859 - 3 - July to September

Saturday 2 July 1859

BIRTH in Grahamstown on the 8th June, the wife of Alfred BENN, of George, of a son.

BIRTH at Spring Grove on the 21st June 1859, Mrs. E.D. WEBSTER of a son.

MARRIED at St.George’s Cathedral by the Rev. J. Heavyside, on the [15]th ultimo, William Webber MARTIN, Captain in the 1st Battalion of the 2nd or Queen’s Royal Regiment, to Frances Sarah, youngest daughter of the late Frederick Augustus ALCOCK of Uitenhage.

DIED at Cradock June 17th 1859, George Edward, son of Charles and Dorcas Margaret MALLETT, aged 1 year 11 months and 7 days.

DIED at Reed Fountain, in the District of Queenstown, on the 15th June 1859, Mr. Joseph WRIGHT, aged 61 years. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820.

DIED at his residence in New-street, in Grahamstown, on Sunday the 26th June, Mr. William POTTER, aged 71 years. Deceased came to this country with the original settlers in 1820.

We regret to announce the death of Mr. W. POTTER, on Sunday last, in New-street, in his 71st year. Deceased came to this colony with the Settlers of 1820, and ever since that period has been respected by all who knew him; he was of very quiet and unobtrusive habits; and his remains were followed to the grave by a very large concourse of people.

The undersigned beg to give notice that they have this day entered into Partnership, and that the business hitherto conducted by W. ROBERTS will in future be carried on under the style and firm of W. & B. ROBERTS.
Grahamstown, July 1st 1859

Importers and Dealers in Furniture & Upholstery, Musical Instruments &c
[followed by long list of goods supplied]

Saturday 9 July 1859

The undersigned having entered into Partnership, will carry on Business as General Merchants and Importers under the style and firm of GREATHEAD & BATE, in the stores adjoining those of G.C. FRAMES Esq in Church-street.
Frederic Calder BATE
Grahamstown, 6th July 1859.

BIRTH at Queenstown on Tuesday the 5th inst, Mrs. Daniel BRADFIELD of a daughter.

DIED at Colesberg on the 2nd July, Jane Anne, aged 21 years and 1 month, the beloved wife of J.D.BARNES, deeply regretted by all who knew her. She has left two young children and an affectionate husband to deplore their irreparable loss.
Colesberg, July 5th 1859.

DIED at Maasdorp in the District of Stockenstrom, on the 22nd June 1859, after a short illness, Sarah Ann, the beloved wife of Mr. William BEAR, aged 65 years and 3 months, leaving a numerous circle of relatives and friends to lament their loss. Deceased was one of the Settlers of 1820, & has been a member of the Church of England ever since, and before her arrival in the Colony. Friends will please take this notice as a token of respect from the bereaved widower. Her end was peace. “Blessed are those who die in the Lord”.

DIED on the 30th June at Summer Hill Park, district of Bathurst, William George, only son of Mr. Joseph G. WOOD, aged 1 year 11 months and 20 days.

Tuesday 12 July 1859

DIED at Graham’s Town on 8th July, after a lingering illness of two years, Isabella CONWAY, aged 72 years. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

Saturday 16 July 1859

DIED at King William’s Town on the 5th July, Grace Gordon, infant daughter of Thomas and Isabella PRINGLE, aged 4 weeks and 3 days.

Tuesday 19 July 1859

DIED at her residence, Hill Street, Grahamstown, on the 16th July, Mary WILLIAMS, aged 67 years. The deceased came to this country with the original settlers of 1820.

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 15th instant, Mr. James Hartley McPHAIL, aged 32 years.

DIED on Monday the 9th May last, in the parish of St.Thomas, in the Town and County of Haverford West, Mary LEWIS of St.Thomas Green, widow of the late James LEWIS, also of Haverford West.

Saturday 23 July 1859

BIRTH at Whittlesea on the 20th July 1859, the wife of R.B. EVA of a son.

MARRIED on the 14th instant at St.George’s Cathedral, Grahamstown, by the Venerable the Archdeacon Merriman, Frederick HALE to Emma TILDESLEY.

DIED at Bedford 10th July, Frederick Alexander Eaton STENT. Aged 15 years and 6 months.
[See issue of 30 July]

DIED at Mancazana Post on Friday July 8th 1859, Mr. Jas. MURRAY, aged 37 years, leaving a widow and 3 children, together with a numerous circle of friends, to deplore their irreparable loss.

DIED at Grahamstown, July 18th, Charles RETALLACK, aged 55 years.

Tuesday 26 July 1859

BIRTH yesterday, Mrs. Fred. HOLLAND of a daughter, still born.
Tuesday 26th July.

BIRTH at Church Place, Alexandria on Wednesday 20th inst, Mrs. W.H. GIBBON of a daughter.
26th July 1859.

Saturday 30 July 1859

BIRTH at the Balotta Mission Station, near Queenstown, on the 10th June, the wife of the Rev. R. GOODE HUTT of a son.

BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on Saturday 23rd July 1859, the wife of C.W. EICHBAUM Esq. of a son.

BIRTH at Bedford on Friday the 22nd inst, Mrs. Frederick MILLS of a son.

DIED at the residence of their parents in Bedford on the 10th inst, Frederick Alexander Eaton STENT, aged 15 years and 6 months. And on the 23rd, Charlotte Amelia STENT, aged 16 years and 11 months.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 26th inst, Mr. John EVANS, aged 40 years, leaving a widow to deplore her loss.
July 30 1859.

DIED at Barkwell, District of Fort Peddie, on the 20th inst, of dysentery, Mr. James POWELL Jun, aged 38 years and 6 months, deeply and deservedly regretted, leaving a widow and a numerous family of young children to lament their irreparable loss.
30th July 1859

Tuesday 2 August 1859

DIED suddenly on the 25th inst, caused by Fire, Eliza, the beloved wife of Hezekiah GARDNER, in the 39th year of her [age] leaving an affectionate husband and large family to deplore her loss. Friends will please accept this notice.

On Saturday evening last, about 8 o’clock, Mr. E. DICKS Sen. [sic - probably Benjamin DICKS] was found lying in Church Square quite dead. It appears that deceased partook of tea with his family at an early hour in the evening, and was then in perfect health; as if, however, he had a presentiment of his approaching end, he remarked during the meal that he “would not live to eat much more”. His son rallied him out of this gloomy feeling, and the old man went to a shop in Bathurst-street to procure a pair of shoes; in returning from this mission, he dropped dead in the street. he was removed by the police on duty to his home, but all efforts to restore animation were unavailing, the vital spark had fled without a moment’s premonition. A post mortem examination shows that death arose from disease of the heart. Deceased was 70 years of age, he has been a long time resident in this city and was much respected.

DEPARTED THIS LIFE at Trompetters Drift on the 31st July 1859, Mr. George MILLER, aged 61 years 8 months and 12 days, leaving a wife and 8 children to deplore their loss, together with a numerous circle of friends. He died in peace with his maker.

Saturday 6 August 1859

The following notice appears in the Forres Gazette:
To surviving friends: A correspondent in Grahamstown, Cape Colony, writes us by last mail of the death of a Mr. John DOUGLAS, general [illegible], in Grahamstown, who died lately, immensely rich. He was a native of Forres, and his father was a farmer or [illegible] in the town [some] forty or fifty years since. His relations, we learn, removed to Glasgow some time ago, where they have been lost sight of. Should this meet the eye of any of them, or their friends, they had better look after their interest in Mr. DOUGLAS’ property.

DIED at Grahamstown on Thursday the 4th August 1859, Winifred, the beloved wife of Robert WEBB, aged [57] years. Relatives and friends will please accept of this notice.

DIED suddenly at Grahamstown on Saturday the 30th July 1859, Mr. Benjamin DICKS Senior, aged 67 years and 7 months. Friends will please accept of this notice.

Saturday 13 August 1859

BIRTH at [Bisbury/Sidbury?] on the 10th inst, the wife of Mr. Ernest BIDDULPH of a son.

BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on the 2nd inst, Mrs. G. GILBERT, of Stoney Vale, of a daughter.

Tuesday 23 August 1859

Saddler &c
Begs leave to intimate to his numerous customers in Grahamstown and surrounding Districts that he intends removing his Saddlery Business a little farther down Bathurst-street, to the Premises adjoining his Grocery Store, where he will always have a choice assortment of Saddlery in all its departments. Also Waggon Sails, tents &c.
20th August 1859

Saturday 27 August 1859

BIRTH at Fort England on the 22nd inst, the wife of Quarter Master J. LANDREY, 14th Light Infantry, of a son.

BIRTH at West Hill, in this city, on Sunday morning the 21st inst, Mrs. Joseph G. WOOD of Summerhill Park, Bathurst of a daughter.
Grahamstown, 27th Aug 1859

DIED at Cradock on the 28th July 1859, Mary GARDNER, aged 72 years, the wife of Edward GARDNER, who came to this Colony in 1820 as head of a party of Settlers from Birmingham. Deceased was a constant member of the Wesleyan Society, during a long series of years, and has left a large circle of relations and friends to lament her loss.

Tuesday 30 August 1859

CHRISTENED at Groot Vley, Alexandria by the Rev. P.W. Copeman MA, Edith, daughter of R. RESTALL Esq.

DIED on the 22nd August at Steenkamps Flat, Frederick George, son of Henry and Elizabeth WEBB. Aged three months and fourteen days.

DIED at her residence, 14 Apollo Buildings, Walworth, Surrey, on the 2nd July, after a short illness, Harriet Ann, wife of E.W. DU BOIS Esq, of the Court of Bankruptcy, City, London, aged 55.

Saturday 3 September 1859

BIRTH at Smithfield, Orange Free State, on 20th current, Mrs. H.D. HODGSON of a son.

MARRIED in St.Patrick’s Church on the 30th inst, by the Rev. J.D. Ricards, Daniel James DEVINE to Miss Ellen ADAMS.

DIED at Grahamstown at the residence of his Son-in-law, J. CARLISLE, on the 1st September 1859, Thomas PHILIPPS Esq, in the 84th year of his age.

DIED at Colesberg on the 28th August 1859, deeply regretted by relations and friends, Mr. David ARNOT Sen, aged 64 years 1 month and 13 days, after a short but painful illness which he bore with |Christian resignation.

It is our painful duty to record the death of Thomas PHILIPPS Esq. of this city, which took place on Thursday, at the advanced age of 84. Deceased was the senior justice of the peace of the Colony, and during the early period of the British Settlement frequently occupied the bench. Mr. PHILIPPS was the son of a clergyman of the Episcopal Church in South Wales, and on leaving the parental roof engaged in banking pursuits in one of the Eastern Counties of England. At this time, as ever afterwards, he took a lively interest in politics, and these, we believe, led to his emigration. He came to the Colony as the head of a party of indentured servants in 1820, and was first located at Lampeter, near Bathurst, and afterwards removed to a grant of land known as “Glendower”, near the Kariega, now the property of Mr. COCK. He subsequently removed to Grahamstown, where he found a cherished home in the family of Mr. [PECK], but on the removal of Mr. John CARLISLE to this city, Mr. PHILIPPS went to reside with that gentleman, at whose house he died yesterday. The habits and disposition of the deceased won him universal friendship, and none has been taken from us surrounded by such universal esteem. In public and private life he was marked aside by integrity and urbanity. In the great struggle for separation, Mr. PHILIPPS’ name must ever be recorded, and the part he took in leading many of our political movements are fresh in the memory of most of our readers.
We feel incompetent to do full justice to the memory of so good a man, or to bring out those bright features of his life by which many might profit as examples, but we hope to be favored by a fitting [eulogy] from the pen of one who has known him longer and more intimately than we have done.
The remains will be interred today at George’s Cemetery. He was a Freemason, and First Master of the Albany Lodge in this city. The funeral this afternoon will be with Masonic honours.

Saturday 10 September 1859

MARRIED in Commemoration Chapel on Wednesday the 31st August 1859 by the Revd. W. Impey, Thomas Peter BERRY to Matilda Mary BONE, both of this city.

[one further totally illegible marriage announcement]

DIED at Barville park on the 4th Sept. 1859, Reuben Becher, the youngest son of Stephen and Ann DELL, aged 1 year and 11 months.

Saturday 17 September 1859

DEPARTED THIS LIFE on the 12th September 1859, Mr. Thomas WALKER, aged 64 years, after a short but painful illness which he bore with Christian resignation. Deceased came to this Colony with the Settlers of 1820 and during his long residence in this city enjoyed the [illegible] of a large circle of friends. His bereaved Wife and children mourn the loss of an affectionate Husband and beloved Parent.
Sept. 17 1859
[Transcriber’s note: There is also a 12 line obituary for Thos. WALKER on page 2 of this issue, but it is too faint to read. His Death Notice is here

BIRTH on the [..]th inst at Selwyn Castle, Grahamstown, the wife of [Frederick] [illegible] of the 2nd Queen’s Royal Regiment of a daughter.

Saturday 24 September 1859

BIRTH at Graham’s Town on the [20]th inst, Mrs. Horatio SCOTT of a daughter.

BIRTH at [Clifton], Baviaan’s River, on the 19th inst, Mrs. [J.E. HUME] of a son.

DIED on Friday morning last, the 23rd September 1859, after a short but severe illness, Mr. Richard CROUCH, aged 67 years. Deceased came to this country in 1820 with the original settlers and a short time after [illegible] took up his abode in Grahamstown, where he has [resided] until within a few years of his death. [Next few lines illegible] … a character full of integrity and uprightness. In the circle of friends to whom he was known his loss will be severely felt, as it will be by his relatives, of whom there are a large number, but the poignancy of their grief will be [illegible] by the knowledge that he died in [illegible] faith and trust in his Saviour.
Grahamstown, Sept. [23] 1859

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