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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1858 - 2 - April to June

Saturday 3 April 1858

BIRTH at Fort England on the 31st March 1858, the wife of Bugle Major W. WATKINS of a son.

BIRTH at King William’s Town on the 25th March, Mrs. M.B. SHAW of a daughter.

DIED at Dover, Lt.Colonel SMART, late Royal Engineers, Lt. Governor of Dover castle, aged 72. Uncle to Asst. Com. Gen. DE SMIDT.
And on the Eastern Frontier of this Colony, the Rev. J. WILLSON, aged 42. Son-in-law to the same.

DIED on the 26th inst, Mr. William Thomas ALLEN of Bathurst. The deceased, who had nearly completed the 55th year of his age, arrived in this Colony with the British Settlers in 1820. His conduct was invariably governed by Christian principles and he was known for the upright an exemplary discharge of every public and every private duty. His loss is deeply felt by all to whom he was known.

Grahamstown, 31st Mar 1858
It is hereby notified that the partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, and carried on at Grahamstown under the style of C. COCK & Co, is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
(Sd) Cornelius COCK
(Sd) Edward IRVING
Witnesses: W. GREEN, G.B. ATWELL

Tuesday 6 April 1858

All persons having claims against the Estate of the late John KNIGHT of Queen’s Town, or who may be indebted to the same, are requested to file their claims, and pay their accounts, at the office of the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof.
For Self and Co-Executor
17 March 1858

In the Estate of the late Henry HAYLETT
All persons having claims against the above Estate are requested to file them with the undersigned, and those who may be indebted to the same to settle their accounts at his office within six weeks from this date.
Executor Dative
17 March 1858

Saturday 10 April 1858

MARRIED in Commemoration Chapel on Wednesday the 7th instant, by the Rev. J. Richards, James Dunsmore COWPER, son of the [late] John COWPER Esq, Eyemouth, Berwickshire N.B. to Theodora LEE, only daughter of F. LEE Esq.

[Transcriber’s note: marriage certificate gives the name as COUPER]

BIRTH April 2nd at Queenstown, Mrs. Charles BROWN of a son.

DIED on the [8]th inst, William Henry GARDINER, aged 1 year and 3 months, son of Mr. J.S. GARDINER of Grahamstown. His sojourn here was short, but of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.

Tuesday 13 April 1858

DIED at King William’s Town on Saturday the 10th instant, Mr. John PARKER, Ironmonger, aged thirty five years, after a short illness, deeply regretted.

Saturday 17 April 1858

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 13th inst, Mrs. W.T. LLOYD of a daughter.

DIED of Erysipelas at Everton, near Queenstown, on Tuesday the 13th inst, after an illness of 8 days, Mary Harriet, the beloved wife of Mr. Henry STAPLES, aged 24 years, deeply regretted by her husband and all her friends.

To relatives and friends – It hath pleased the Almighty to transfer from the temporal to the eternal my beloved grandson Gerrit Rynier Johannes VAN ROOYEN, on the 10th inst, at 4 o’clock pm, aged 17 years 8 months and some days, deeply lamented by numerous relatives and friends.
Johannes Abraham VOGEL Sen.
Deksel Fontein
District Alexandria East
Oliphant’s Hoek
13th April 1858

Tuesday 20 April 1858

DIED on the 15th instant, of croup, at [M…’s] Farm, Windvogelberg, Jessie Emily, youngest daughter of William and Elizabeth MORRIS, aged [5] years and 9 days.

Tuesday 27 April 1858

MARRIED at Fort Peddie on Wednesday 31st March 1858, by the Rev. Mr. Davis W.M., James WELLBELOVED to Charlotte Maria HARRIS of Fort Beaufort.

Saturday 1 May 1858

[Four totally illegible BMD announcements]

DIED on the [illegible] after a short illness of three days, lamented by her sorrowing [parents], Isabella Matilda Grace, fourth daughter of Charles and Matilda POTE, aged 3 years and 1 month.

Tuesday 4 May 1858

BIRTH at  [Hopewell], Division of Queen’s Town, on the [17]th April 1858, the wife of Mr. Henry Blacker WARNER of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown on Friday 18th [at 9am], aged [8] years and [9] months, Alexander John Bissett, eldest son of Mr. Frederick James MILLS.

In the Estate of the late Fleetwood RAWSTORNE, Civil Commissioner of Colesberg
All Persons having any claims or demands against the above Estate are requested to file the same at the Office of Mr. Anthony A. O’REILLY in Colesberg within six weeks from the date hereof, and all persons indebted to the same are required to pay their debts within the same period.
Elizabeth Gilfillan RAWSTORNE
Executrix Testamentary
April 6 1858

Estate of Adam James McKENZIE of Fort Beaufort, deceased
All persons indebted to the above Estate are hereby required to pay the amounts due by them to the undersigned, or to W. EMETT Esq, at Fort Beaufort, who is authorised to receive them, within six weeks from this date. And all persons having claims against the Estate are requested to present them within the same period.
Jane McKENZIE, Surviving Spouse
Executrix Dative
Fort Beaufort
April 10 1858

Saturday 8 May 1858

DIED in Grahamstown April 29th, Nathaniel INGRAM, in the 28th year of his age, leaving a widow and 3 small children to deplore his loss. His end was peace.

Miss AUSTEN, lately arrived from England, will have pleasure in giving lessons in the above accomplishments to a limited number of pupils. Classes for singing and French twice a week. Terms to be had on application.
Rose Cottage, Bathurst-street

Saturday 15 May 1858

BIRTH at Alice on the 9th inst, Mrs. T.A.CUMMING of a son.

MARRIED at Burgher’s Dorp on the 5th May by the Rev. G. Schreiber, Henry MIMMACK, late of Doncaster in Yorkshire, to Adelaide, daughter of the late Mr. Robert SCOTT of Cape Town.

MARRIED at [S….ll] on the [1?]th April by the Rev. G. Daniel, Mr. Wm. Frederick HAWKINS to [Louisa] Maria, youngest daughter of the late Capt. John CURRAN of Cape Town.

DIED this morning after a short illness of two days, Adeline Emma Louisa HAW, only surviving child of William and Sarah Ann HAW, aged [?] years and nine months.
15th May 1858

DIED at Buffels Fontein, near Riebeck, Mr. John HUTTON, after a lingering illness of one month, on the 7th May 1858. Deceased was one of the settlers of 1820. His end was peace.

Tuesday 18 May 1858

DIED on Wednesday the 12th instant, prostrating with grief her agonised parents, Inez Ida, third and much beloved daughter of Charles and Matilda POTE, aged six years and eight months.

Saturday 22 May 1858

BIRTH on the 20th inst, the wife of Mr. W.E. WINGROVE of a son – stillborn.

MARRIED at Colesberg on Thursday the 13th May 1858, by the Rev. Mr. De Kock, Robert Charles Rutledge BOYES Esq, Civil Commissioner Victoria (West), to Anna Amelia, eldest daughter of the late Fleetwood RAWSTORNE Esq, Civil Commissioner of Colesberg.

DIED on the 10th April, Elizabeth, wife of E.R. GOWAR, in the 40th year of her age, deeply lamented by a sorrowing husband and a numerous circle of friends and relatives.

In the Estate of the late Edward HARBIN of Melk Spruit, Aliwal North, and Surviving Spouse Sarah WILLAN
The Undersigned having been appointed by the Master of the Supreme Court, Executive Dative to the above Estate, hereby call on persons holding claims against the said Estate to file the same at the office of the second undersigned within six weeks from this day’s date, and those indebted thereto to pay within the same period, otherwise legal proceedings for the due recovery thereof will be instituted.
Henry J. HALSE
Executors Dative
Aliwal North
May 1st 1858

Saturday 29 May 1858

Farmers, Carriers and others travelling on the road between Bathurst and Graham’s Town; and also between that place and King William’s Town, in the habit of Outspanning and otherwise trespassing on my farms Gletwyn and Rockwood Vale are hereby warned to discontinue that practice, except in certain places, where they will be allowed to do so until further notice, or their oxen will be impounded and their owners liable to be prosecuted for so doing.
May 20th 1858

Tuesday 1 June 1858

We regret to hear, from letters which reached town on Sunday last, that a most murderous assault has been made upon Mr. J.B. TEMLETT of Alice by three colored men. That gentleman had proceeded to Fort Beaufort on business, and was on his return alone on Friday afternoon last when, just before dusk, and within two miles of Alice, he was met by three colored men dressed in European clothing; these he took to be Fingoes, and accordingly spoke to them: they, however, answered rather saucily, and when within two or three yards of his horse’s head, divided two on one side and one on the other; one seized the reins of his horse and the other pulled the stirrup leather and iron from the saddle, which unseated the rider, and brought him to the ground. Fortunately he fell on his feet. The men began then to belabour him most unmercifully with a knob-kerrie and the stirrup iron about his head and body. He asked them why they beat him, what had he done, what did they want? They then asked for money, when he put his hand into his pocket and pulled out four half crowns. One of these dropped on the ground, and he enquired why they did not pick it up if that was all that they wanted. The villains kept on striking, until at length Mr. TEMLETT gave a blow on the head to the one who kept striking him with the stirrup iron, which was the means of quieting him: the other then wrenched his whip out of his hand, and thus finding himself helpless, and without a weapon of any description, he began to holler and beckon as if help was at hand. This took off the attention of the highwaymen, when Mr. T immediately ran to his horse, and made the best of his way to Alice, which he reached at 6 o’clock. The information of the attack was immediately made to the Magistrate and Inspector of Police, and hopes are entertained that the ruffians will be discovered, as their spoor has been traced to a Fingoe kraal. We are happy to state that none of Mr. T’s wounds received are dangerous, and that with care and attention the ill effects and inconvenience arising therefrom will soon pass away. We hope a public example will be made of the guilty parties if they are discovered & that colonists will always, if possible, either travel in company or well-armed, so as to have the means of protecting themselves against the attacks of such lawless villains.

Saturday 5 June 1858

BIRTH at Graaff-Reinet on Tuesday the 1st inst, Mrs. M.H. BENJAMIN of a son.

MARRIED in Commemoration Church on Tuesday the 1st June, by the Rev. J. Richards, Mr. William Irving HOLMES, second son of Mr. John HOLMES of Keighley, Yorkshire, England, to Mary Louisa, daughter of Joseph CAWOOD Esq. M.P. of this City

General Agent
Winburg, Orange Free State
Cases conducted in Landdrost’s Office
Accounts collected, Transfers collected, and every description of Agency transacted with punctuality and dispatch.

Saturday 12 June 1858

Glen Avon Mill
The Undersigned begs to inform the Public that his Mill grinds about 220lbs wheat per hour, and grinds it well – for large lots above 900lbs at 10d per 60lbs, under 900lbs at 1s per 60lbs.
Robt. HART Junr.

Tuesday 15 June 1858

DIED at Uitenhage on Tuesday the 9th inst, Maria Albertina LANGE, beloved wife of Mr. Frederick LANGE, aged 26 years and 8 months

Saturday 19 June 1858

DIED at his residence, Twowaters, Great Winterbeck, district of Uitenhage, on the 4th June 1858, Edwin ALBERT, aged 64 years, deeply and sincerely regretted by his family and friends.

Tuesday 22 June 1858

Boot and Shoe Maker
High-street, Grahamstown
Begs to return his thanks to the inhabitants of this City for the very liberal patronage he has received since commencing business, and to inform those indebted to him that, not being able to devote any time to collecting accounts, he has authorised Mr. GATONBY to apply for and receive the same; and will feel obliged by those persons indebted to him, to settle the same on application.

DIED in childbirth on the 19th inst, aged 41 years, Jane, wife of Mr. John BUCKLEY of Mount Pleasant, near Bathurst. The deceased, who was the only daughter of Mr. Edward FORBES of Bathurst, was most exemplary both as a Christian and in every relation of social and domestic life. Her loss is very deeply felt by her bereaved family, and by her friends generally.
Bathurst, June 21st 1858

Saturday 26 June 1858

MARRIED at Cradock on the 5th June, Robert KEYS to Margaret McLEOD

DIED at Grahamstown, June 21st, Emma Jane, only daughter of John and Matilda DUFFIELD, aged two years and [nine] months.

Tuesday 29 June 1858

The undersigned begs to return his sincere thanks to those farmers and others who have so liberally supported him since the erection of his Mill on the Chumie River, and to inform them that it is now in first rate working order, and from the fact of its being placed on the banks of the never failing Chumie River, no unnecessary delay is likely to occur in the detention of the Corn of those who may still continue to favor him with their patronage.
The prices are as follows:
Wheat per muid all under five £0 3 0
Ditto all above £0 2 6
(Cleaning extra)
James ATTWELL Sen.
Near Alice
June 25th 1858

THE LATE BRIGADIER HOPE, the account of whose death in action was given in our Indian intelligence, was a cousin of the Auditor-General of this colony, and served here with the 60th Rifles. The “Advertiser” thus alludes to the gallant officer:
Brigadier the Hon. A. HOPE, who fell in Gen. WALPOLE’s attack on the Rohya Fort in Oude, was by no means a stranger at the Cape. He was a cousin of Major HOPE (Auditor General). He served with the 60th Rifles in the Kafir Wars of 1851-53, for which he received a medal, and was promoted to the rank of brevet major. He also served in the Crimean campaign of 1854, and up to 23rd April 1855, as Brigadier Major to Sir William EYRE. (Medal and three clasps, brevet lieutenant-colonel, Sardinian medal and fifth class medal of [Mo…..]. Col. HOPE arrived in India with his regiment, the 93rd Highlanders, and was engaged at the relief of Lucknow by Sir Colin CAMPBELL, having commanded the advanced brigade during these operations. He was present also, and distinguished himself, in all the subsequent military movements of the forces down to his lamented death on the 15th April.

[Transcriber’s note: A picture of his memorial stone in Westminster Abbey cam be seen here.]


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