Daily News 2018 08 August
7 August 2018
BATTESON Peter Courtney 8 Aug 1943 ---2 Aug 2018 at Peace Cottage Nursing Home Everton. x Sally. Father of Heather, Judy and Wendy. Father-in-law of Trevor and Tony. Grandfather of Nathan, Aaron, Jordan, Caitlin, Benjamin, Cara and Matthew Step-grandfather Emily and Step. Great-grandfather of Trenton and Alec. Memorial Service at Waterfall Methodist Church Forest Hill on 11 Aug 2018 at 11:30am. Donations to KZN Alzheimers Association. - BELL 031 301 4793.
COLE Shona Elizabeth + 3 Aug 2018. Remembered by family and friends. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
MAYBERY Timothy Ewan 21 March 1941 --4 Aug 2018. Brother to Ted, Margery and Judy. Father to Ryan and Grieg. Grandfather to Joshua and Regan.
McGOWAN Rose Lenah. Funeral Service at Christ The King Parish Wentworth on 8 Aug 2018. Viewing at 11:30am. Service at 12:00am. Proceeding to Dudley Street Cemetery.
MOFFATT Douglas Waterson. Memorial at All Souls Anglican Church Umhlali on 9 Aug 2018 at 11:30am. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
SANDELLS Vivion Quinton 26 June 1946 ---4 Aug 2018. Husband, father, grand and great-grandfather. Memorial Service at Harbour Light Assembly of God Church Bluff on 9 Aug 2018 at 11:00am.
STANTON Andy 9 Aug 1952 ---3 Aug 2018 x Beth. Father of Ross and Kate. Father-in-law of Lauren. Celebration of his life at Crusaders Sports Club Durban North on 14 Aug 2018 at 3:00pm.
TUCKER nee SHORTEN Adrienne . Wife , mother and grandmother. Memorial Service at All Souls Anglican Church Salt Rock on 8 Aug 2018 at 11:30am.
JONES Sandy 29 June 1951 ---7 Aug 2017 x Tommy. Mother of Glen, Shawn, Waz and Craig. Grandmother of 6; Special friend. Remembered by "The FRYLINCKS".
10 August 2018
FOUCHE Adriana Salomina ID 620105 0099 08 2 + 19 June 2017 of 28 Loerie Street Hibberdene KZN. ESTATE No 010136/2017 DBN . GAP ATTORNEYS INC 2 Ncondo Place Spaces Offices, Ridgeside Umhlanga Ridge KZN Postnet Suite 249, PBag X 10, Musgrave Rd 4062 TEL:- 031 8305175
RAMDHANY Deomath ID 221022 0065 08 3 + 13 Dec 1993 of 54 Meerut Westville 3630 x Budhram RAMDHANY ID 180603 5070 05 0. ESTATE No 22874/2014 DBN. GARACH FIDUCIARY CONSULTING (PTY)LTD PO Box 800 Umhlanga 4320.
CHOTTO Sewsaran ID 570908 5121 08 6 + 9 April 2018 of 130 Saunders Crescent Belvedere, Tongaat x Reena Devi CHOTTO ID 62 0412 0188 08 3 /DBN. GARACH INCORPORATED PO Box 800 Umhlanga 4320.
GOVENDER Vasu Nadas ID 710621 5160 08 4 + 28 May 2014 of 50 Furn Gardens , 15 Paul Street, Pinetown x Jessica GOVENDER ID 780810 0155 08 3 ESTATE No 26692/2014/DBN. GARACH INCORPORATED PO Box 800 Umhlanga 4320.
SINGH Karshnee ID 670705 0158 08 2 + 11 March 2017 of 10 Porchester Place, Belvedere Tongaat x Rajesh Issardeo SINGH ID 630207 5222 08 7. ESTATE No 3973/2017. GARACH INCORPORATED PO Box 800 Umhlanga 4320.
VAWDA Rashida Goolam Hoosen ID 480408 0096 08 5 + 15 Oct 2015. MASTERS REF:- 14020/2015 DBN. EXECUTOR E I VAWDA PO Box 3795 Durban 4000
13 August 2018
CHETTY Freddy x Sharda. Father of Preg CHETTY and Bash NAIDU. Father-in-law of Chaminya. Grandfather of Chhail, Sidghara , Hariska and Shamikan. Funeral 14 Aug 2018. Body will lie in state at Clare Estate Crematorium Hall 2 from 14:30 --16:00pm.
NDLOVU Siyanda (18) was fatelly shot on the morning of 11 Aug 2018 when they went to do landclaim on a vacant piece of ground. Brother of Ntombenhle (sister ) NDLOVU. It was in Shallcross community. -ANELISA KUBHEKA.
14 August 2018
EDMUNDS nee MEIRING Yvonne + 11 Aug 2018. Mother of Shelton & Charmain, Hylton & Tracey and Lynton & Glynis. Grandmother of Carla, Dayna, Tristan, Bladen, Mia and Allegra. Celebration of her life at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Pietermaritzburg on 20 Aug 2018 at 11:00am. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
KERDACHI Susanna Sophia (Santi) + 12 Aug 2018. Mother and grandmother.
KIRRANE Lyle Neville John + 13 Aug 2018. Wil be missed by Hettie, Cameron, Lloyd, Greg, Lara, Cindy, Patricia , grandchildren and his dog Wander. Memorial Service on 16 Aug 2018 at Pinetown Presbyterian Church Pinetown at 14:00 (2pm) pm.
LAILVAUX Letitia "Tish" . Requiem Mass on 16 Aug 2018 at 14:00pm at St John's Catholic Church Northriding Private Cremation. THOM KNIGHT & CO (LTD) PTY 011 837 5531.
ROBINS Sharon x Richard. Daughter of Ian. Niece of Pete and Kerry. Cousin of Jordan.
WRIGHT Grahame passed away in Knysna x Elizabeth (Liz) for 50 years. Father of Kate and Alex and Humphrey & Drew. Grandfather of 3.
CLARK Val + 14 Aug 2012. Mother and grandmother of Gail, Pam, Neville and Kyle.
ROWLES Robin 11 Nov 1938 ----14 Aug 2015 . Father, grandfather and brother. From Che, Gary, Bari, Tan, Sandi, Wes, Brad, Colby, Phyl, Margs ,Mau, Andi and their families.
WOODCOCK Ted 29 March 1929 ---14 Aug 2014 Miss you from Moyra, Helen and families.
21 August 2018
GABELA Siyabonga + 10 August 2018. The body was found on over the weekend. Went missing when the boat capsized two weeks ago. He worked for KZN Sharks Board in Richards Bay. - ZAINUL DAWOOD.
GUMEDE Philile, was killed by Khulekani DUBE . He also killed his child Nhlakanipho DUBE (3 months old) and his mother Thembi DUBE before killing himself in Pinetown. They were discovered after about a week on 19 Aug 2018. They also found Nonkululeko DUBE (2) alive. Philile GUMDE is daughter of Sindy NJAKAZI. - CLARISSA JONES
HALL Peter Leslie 15 June 1931 ---17 Aug 2018 at Lincoln Haven Retirement Home x Pam for 65 years. Father of Patricia GRAHAM, David and Sharon. Grandfather of 8 and great-grandfather of 4. Memorial Service at Lincoln Haven Retirement Home Eston on 24 Aug 2018 at 11:00am. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
NAIDOO A D (Dalliah ) Funeral on 22 Aug 2018 at 09:30 at 83 Walworth Rd Hillary . Time 11:00am ---14:30pm at Dravida Hall New Germany. Proceeding to Clare Estate. Cremation at 14:45 for 15:40.
POTTS Sheila + 18 Aug 2018 x + Bill POTTS . Mother of Tony and Kerry, Martin and Heather, Vicky and Eric. Grandmother of Travis, Shauna, Gareth and Bianca. Great-grandmother of Caleb. Memorial Service at St Margaret's Presbyterian Church Bluff on 22 Aug 2018 at 11:00am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
22 August 2018
GRAY Donald Neville +18 Aug 2018. Husband, father , grand and great-grandfather. Memorial Service on 23 Aug 2018 at 10:30am in Gillits KZN .
MBATHA Mangaliso (18) & MNGADI Sihle (20) was fatally stabbed on 20 Aug 2018 at the Masakhaneni High School. They were grade 10 learners. -SNE MASUKU.
27 August 2018
BUTHELEZI Mbiko (Constable) + 24 Aug 2018 at KwaMashu Hostel in Durban he was 36. In the SAPS for 6 years. Oldest of his siblings (3) Father of 3. Funeral will be on Saturday. - Thobeka NGEMA.
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