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Daily News 2017 11 November

3 November 2017


RAMDHANY Budhram ID 180603 5070 08 4 + 7 April 1995 of 54 Meerut Rd, Westville 3630. ESTATE No 23038/2014/DBN. GARACH INCORPORATED PO Box 800, Umhlanga 4320.

SEWRADGE Neerashani ID 660130 0049 08 6 + 27 April 2015 of 31 Primrose Rd, Stanger Manor x Rakesh SEWRADGE ID 700129 5183 08 1 ESTATE No 012305/2016. KISOON RAMISIR & ASSOCIATES Suite 6, First Floor, Jangnoor Centre, 62 Hulett Street, Stanger. TEL:- 032 5514242/3.

SAYED Khatija ID 270305 0042 08 1 + 23 June 2016 of 28 Pasadena Crescent Chatsworth Durban 4092. ESTATE No 012215/2017/DBN. ZAIN FAKROOKDEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene
Chatsworth Durban. REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/ES/05 S224 001.

VALLY Amod Khalil Hassim ID 590326 5117 08 7 + 17 April 2017 of 17 Module Grove, Moorton, Chatsworth x Zaiboonissa VALLY ID 581217 0145 08 3. ESTATE No 011576/2017/DBN. ZAIN FAKROOKDEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19
Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene Chatsworth Durban. REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/ES/05 V045 002.


RAMDAYAL Sandip Ramkalawan ID 480306 5099 08 0 + 20 Nov 2016 of 83 Mountain Rise Rd , Silverglen Chatsworth Durban 4092 x Suriakumarie RAMDAYAL ID 561228 0094 08 4. ESTATE No 015973/2016/DBN. ZAIN FAKROOKDEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene Chatsworth Durban. REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/ES/05 R124 002.

YOUNG Joan Elizabeth ID 370331 0006 08 1 + 7 March 2017 of Flat 75 Avonmore, 277 Avondale Rd Morningside .ESTATE No 4668/2017/DBN

9 November 2017


BOW Marion Faye + 7 Nov 2017. Will be missed by Lori and Larry and all their friends. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

FREDERICK Joseph Harris . Funeral on 10 Nov 2017 at Holy Family Parish Church Newlands East . Viewing at 10:00am Service at 10:30am. Proceeding to Dudley Street Cemetery.

JACKLIN Dawn + 6 Nov 2017 . Friend of Margie, Peter , Nina and Tom VOOGT.

JACOBS Radha . Funeral at Grace Tabernacle Full Gospel Church Wentworth on 10 Nov 2017. Viewing at 10:00am. Service at 10:30pm Cremation private.

KROK Natie. Partner and companion for 19 years. RIP Miss you at Shabbat Table from Rhona DROBIS and BARR family.

MNGOMA Mhlabunzima + 8 Nov 2017 (30) was killed at Caluza Village Pietermaritzburg at about 10:00am.He was bodyguard of Jabu NGUBO, the Msundusi Municipality speaker. - BONGANI HANS.

NGCOBO Nozipho + 6 Nov 2017 at St Mary's Hospital She was 43. She was a nurse from Hammersdale. - CHRIS NDALISO.

PILLAY AK (Kid) x Savithri. Father of Padmini and Sundri, Kumaran, Nalan and + Devan. Grand and great-grandfather. Funeral on 9 Nov 2017. Body will lie in State at MTSS Hall Merebank at 11:00am ---3:00pm. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium from 4:00--5:00pm.

REID (nee CARY-SMITH) Iris Joyce 23 Jan 1927 ---6 Nov 2017. Mother of Susan , Clive, Beth, Grandmother and great-grandmother. Celebration of her life North Durban Presbyterian Church, Round The Green St, Sunningdale on 11 Nov 2017 at 11:00am. No flowers Ashes will be scattered at Garden of Remembrance Pietermaritzburg at later date. OAKLEIGH 031 205 9959.

YOUNG Freda Louisa. Mother of Brenda and Lionel. Sister of Collin SMITH. Grand and great-grandmother. Funeral on 10 Nov 2017 at St Gabriels Anglican Church Austerville, Wentworth. Viewing at 11:00am Service at 11:30am Cremation private.


DIXON Ian George + 9 Nov 2017. Father of Lesley. Grandfather of Lesley, John and Nicholas.

10 November 2017

FITSHANE Phumzile has died after a shooting incident on the Bluff. He was a security guard. He was from Blue Security. - SE-ANNE RALL

PREMCHUN Ragnath (80) . He and his wife was attacked at their home at Sunford. He had a stab wound in his neck. He died and his wife Deomathie (73) is in hospital. She has Dementhia. Father of Seshkumar PREMCHUN.- ZAINUL DAWOOD.


BARENDS Nomusa Gladys ID 540524 0251 08 8 + 2 oCT 2016 of 1 Glouchester Rd, Umbilo 4001. ESTATE No 12213/2017. PEERS ATTORNEYS Suite 604, 6th Floor Perm Building 343 Anton Lembede Street, Durban 4001.

KHAN Halima Bibi ID 370718 0097 08 8 + 12 Sept 2005 of 11 Carnation Rd Bayview, Chatsworth, Durban 4092. ESTATE No 1873/2017/DBN. ZAIN FAKROOKDEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene Chatsworth Durban. REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/ES/05 K174 001.

RAMBAJAN Devki ID 420111 0458 08 0 + 18 March 2017 of 130 Montdene Drive Croftdene Chatsworth 4090. ESTATE No 004392/2017/DBN. ZAIN FAKROOKDEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene Chatsworth Durban. REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/ES/05 R038 002.

VERMEULEN W.J. ID 501123 5030 08 9 + 31 May 2017 of 6 Ilanga Drive, Kingsburgh 4126. ESTATE Nr 009700. EMB ATTORNEYS Suite 102, Richefond Circle, Ridgedale Office Park, Umhlanga Ridge 4319.


DLAMINI Nkosikayise Francis ID 540508 5670 08 7 + none given of 5054 Mkhiwane Crescent Kwadengezi. ESTATE No 11335/2016/DBN. M E MBHELE & CO PO Box 2232, Pinetown 3600. TEL:- 031 7010271.

LARKIN Cynthia Gay ID 290519 0016 08 7 + 20 Aug 2016 of 2 Fern Rd, Athlone Park, Amanzimtoti 4126. ESTATE No 011946/2016. ATTORNEYS GP DE WITT PO Box 76 Kloof 3640.

OSMAN Rashida Moosa ID 500624 0044 08 3 + 30 Aug 2016 of 24 Kingfisher Ave, Yellowwood Park, Durban 4004 x Cassim Alli Mahomed OSMAN ID 491117 5029 08 5. ESTATE No 014166/2016/DBN. GARACH INCORPORATED PO Box 800, Umhlanga 4320.

TRAIL Thelma Ellen ID 330814 0034 08 7 + none given x Robert George TRAIL ID 330609 5064 08 3 of 11 Lawrence Place, Waterfall. ESTATE No 3778/2017. WARRICK DE WET ATTORNEYS 51 Musgrave Park, 18 Musgrave Rd, Durban 4001.

17 November 2017


BARENDS Nomusa Gladys ID 540524 0251 08 8 + 2 oCT 2016 of 1 Glouchester Rd, Umbilo 4001. ESTATE No 12213/2017. PEERS ATTORNEYS Suite 604, 6th Floor Perm Building 343 Anton Lembede Street, Durban 4001.

KHAN Halima Bibi ID 370718 0097 08 8 + 12 Sept 2005 of 11 Carnation Rd Bayview, Chatsworth, Durban 4092. ESTATE No 1873/2017/DBN. ZAIN FAKROOKDEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene Chatsworth Durban. REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/ES/05 K174 001.

RAMBAJAN Devki ID 420111 0458 08 0 + 18 March 2017 of 130 Montdene Drive Croftdene Chatsworth 4090. ESTATE No 004392/2017/DBN. ZAIN FAKROOKDEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene Chatsworth Durban. REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/ES/05 R038 002.

VERMEULEN W.J. ID 501123 5030 08 9 + 31 May 2017 of 6 Ilanga Drive, Kingsburgh 4126. ESTATE Nr 009700. EMB ATTORNEYS Suite 102, Richefond Circle, Ridgedale Office Park, Umhlanga Ridge 4319.


DLAMINI Nkosikayise Francis ID 540508 5670 08 7 + none given of 5054 Mkhiwane Crescent Kwadengezi. ESTATE No 11335/2016/DBN. M E MBHELE & CO PO Box 2232, Pinetown 3600. TEL:- 031 7010271.

LARKIN Cynthia Gay ID 290519 0016 08 7 + 20 Aug 2016 of 2 Fern Rd, Athlone Park, Amanzimtoti 4126. ESTATE No 011946/2016. ATTORNEYS GP DE WITT PO Box 76 Kloof 3640.

OSMAN Rashida Moosa ID 500624 0044 08 3 + 30 Aug 2016 of 24 Kingfisher Ave, Yellowwood Park, Durban 4004 x Cassim Alli Mahomed OSMAN ID 491117 5029 08 5 .ESTATE No 014166/2016/DBN. GARACH INCORPORATED PO Box 800, Umhlanga 4320.

TRAIL Thelma Ellen ID 330814 0034 08 7 + none given x Robert George TRAIL ID 330609 5064 08 3 of 11 Lawrence Place, Waterfall. ESTATE No 3778/2017. WARRICK DE WET ATTORNEYS 51 Musgrave Park, 18 Musgrave Rd, Durban 4001.

21 November 2017


BELL Margaret May 6 Sept 1949 ----12 Nov 2017 Thank you for 18 years from Rob and THE LIBWIN TEAM.

ELLOR Norman . Husband , father and grandfather ,friend and brother. Requiem Mass at Our Lady of Assumption Catholic Church Umbilo, Durban on 23 Nov 2017 at 11:00am. Cremation private. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

FERNANDES Gloria Eureka 3 Sept 1939 ----18 Nov 2017 x Eddie. Mother of Leigh and Paula. Mother-in-law of Scott and Shane. Grandmother of Heath and Reece. ; Funeral at Stellawood crematorium on 22 Nov 2017 at 10:00am. DOVES 0860025500.

JOOSUB Mohamed Yusuf Janoo + 21 Nov 2017 near Westwood Mall as he walked to work. He was 23 years old . He was stabbed.- SE-ANNE RALL.

MADLALA Caeser + 17 Nov 2017. (43) He was stabbed to death. He was the founder of Madlal settlement in Lamontville. - MPHATHI NXUMALO .

MASONDO Andile Wiseman + 18 Nov 2017 in car crash in Umgeni Rd in Durban. Nephew of Peggy MDLALOSE. He will be laid to rest in Vryheid on Saturday . Also Nontobeko Pretty SINDALE (42) and Sylvia Mouriri MOTSILISI (40) died in crash. They will be laid to rest in KwaDabeka on Thursday. -- ZAINUL DAWOOD.

MATHIE Michael John. Condolences to Helene and familie. Ambie and Frog.

PILLAY Mr V. S. (Mickey) x Devagee (Baby). Father of Ashokan x Vasantha., Grandfather of Diniesha,Veshav and Jashayna . Funeral on 22 Nov 2017 from 2---4pm at Clare Estate Crematorium.

REPKO Dirk (Dick) + 14 Nov 2017 x Marge .Father of Sharon.

SCOTT nee LAMPRECHT Pauline + 16 Nov 2017 in her sleep at age 87. Mother of Caryl.

ZINGEL Graham Henry 29 May 1924 ---17 Nov 2017 x + Rosemary. Father of Judy, Jeffrey and Shirley. Grand and great-grandfather.


PAUL Arthur 1 Sept 1955 ----21 Nov 2008 x Vanessa. Father of Denise and Romola PAUL. ; Also remembered by Mr& Mrs D.V.PAUL.

22 November 2017


NARSAMULOO Rajendra (Boyce). Son of + Bob& Ellen NARSAMULOO. Brother to + Rani, Tima, Vimla. Father and grandfather. Funeral at Umhlatuzama Township on 23 Nov 2017. Body will lie in state from 09:00am ---10:00am Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium from 11:00am ---12:30pm. WYEBANK FUNERAL PARLOUR.

PILLAY Dr R.A. 1932 ----2017 x Ranji. Father of Krian, Anusuya, Visvan and Indiran. Father-in-law of Sergie, Sharm, Aneshree and Deseree. Funeral on 23 Nov 2017 from 3:00pm ---4:30pm at Clare Estate Crematorium. WYEBANK FUNERAL PARLOUR.

23 November 2017


BELL Margaret May 6 Sept 1949 ---12 Nov 2017 From Rob & The LIBWIN Team.

BRUNSDON Sidney Reginald 2 Sept 1929 ----22 Nov 2017 x + Dot. Father of Mark and Jana, Alan and Candy, Lynn and Rod. Grandfather of Kevin and Kaylin, Christopher and Timothy, Josh and Grace. Funeral at Kloof Methodist Church on 24 Nov 2017 at 2:00pm.

GOVENDER Saraspathy (Saras) x + Sathie GOVENDER. Mother of Prem, Vimlan, Mega and Nirmala. Mother-in-law of Candy, Sharon, Nesha and Devan and grandmother. Funeral on 25 Nov 2017 at the MTSS Hall from 11:00 ---2:00pm Proceeding to Clairwood Cemetary for buriel at 3pm.

HAYWARD William James 15 Sept 1920 ----21 Nov 2017. Father of Irene, Veronica, Ann, Heather. Father-in-law of Koos, Conrad& Ben. Grand and great-grandfather. ; He climbed Table Mountain at age 88. Love from Delyse, Linda, Helen, Cyril, Martin, Desiree, Renee and family. AVBOB 031 2061831

JAMES Decima (Dulcie) x +Sydney JAMES. Mother of Warren JAMES and + Russel JAMES, Keith JAMES. Grandmother of Merisa JAMES. Requiem Mass on 25 Nov 2017 at Christ Church Overport at 11:00am Cremation private.

KENNEDY Joan Shirley 12 July 1947 --19 Nov 2017. Celebration of her life on 24 Nov 2017 at 11:00am. MARTIN'S SCOTTBURGH 039 9760200.

LANGLEY Gillian 15 Nov 1939 ---17 Nov 2017. Mother, grand and great-grandmother. Mother of Grant and + Ross.

LAWRIE Graham Attwell 30 Jan 1930 ---19 Nov 2017. Memorial on 24 Nov 2017 at Amber Valley Chapel at 10:30am. DOVES 08600255.

NARSAMULOO Rajendra (Boyce) . Son of + Bob& Ellen NARSAMULOO. Brother to + Rani, Tima, Vimla.Funeral on 23 Nov 2017. Body will lie in state at 15-29th Ave Umhlatuzana Township from 09:00am --10:00am Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium from 11:00 am --12:30pm.

NELSON Stanley John 17 Sept 1941 ----21 Nov 2017 x Pat. Father of Michelle and Samantha. Grandfather to Tamryn, Kirsten, Kiera, Quinn and Nicholas. Brother to Brian , Lynton and Melody. Memorial on 25 Nov 2017 at 10am at Nkulisa Centre Penzabece Primary School.; Brother of Brian & Ria. Uncle of Debra, Maarten, Dean and families.

PILLAY D.P. (Willie) 7 July 1923 ----10 Nov 2017. Partner pf Shirley RAMPERSAD. Father to Solly and Joey PILLAY and Pat NAIDOO. Father-in-law of Malie, Shireen and Sergie . 16th Day Memorial Service on 24 Nov 2017 at Shri Mariaammen Temple Mt Edgecombe. Supper from 6:00 ---6:50pm Service at 7pm. From PILLAY& RAMPERSAD families.

WRIGHT Taylor Michaela. Daughter of Judy& Pierre. Condolences to family on the loss of our little Angel from The Principal, Staff, SGB and Learners of Wentworth Primary School RIP.


QUICK nee GIBB Lesley-Anne 2 April 1968 - 23 Nov 2014 Daughter and sister of + Robert and mother of James. Love Mum and Dad.

24 November 2017


BISHTON Frank Derek ID 331004 5170 18 0 + 30 Oct 2016 of Cowies Hill. ESTATE No 6774/2017/PMB. ANNE BISHTOW EXECUTOR 9 Church Place Westville 3629.

MOHAMED Safura Bee ID 401004 0091 08 9 + 30 Aug 2017 of 2 Santa Grove, Havenside, Chatsworth 4092. ESTATE No 013373/2017/DBN. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19 Croftdene Mall 120 Crofdene Drive Crofdene, Chatsworth Durban. REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/ES/05M324 001

NAIDOO Kamathenu ID 570812 0058 08 9 + 4 Oct 2016 of 42 Seatides Drive, Seatides Tongaat. WIDOW. ESTATE No. 008903/2017. PERSONAL WEALTH MANAGEMENT (PTY)LTD 206 Strauss Daly Place, 41 Richefond Circle Ridgeside Umhlanga.

PERKEN Krishna ID 440906 5501 08 1 + 26 March 2017 of 9 Lipfern Way, Redfern, Phoenix Durban 4068. ESTATE No 012284/2017 DBN. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19 Croftdene Mall 120 Crofdene Drive Crofdene, Chatsworth Durban. REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/ES/05P134 001


AMOD Haniffa Bee ID 450205 0090 08 4 + 7 May 2012 of 7 Carnation Rd, Bayview, Chatsworth 4092. ESTATE No 16059/2015/DBN.ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19 Croftdene Mall 120 Crofdene Drive Crofdene, Chatsworth Durban. REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/ES/05 A187 001

AMOD Hoosain ID 371223 5070 08 0 + 24 Sept 2015 of 7 Carnation Rd, Bayview, Chatsworth 4092. ESTATE No 16432/2015/DBN. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19 Croftdene Mall 120 Crofdene Drive Crofdene, Chatsworth Durban. REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/ES/05A133 002.

FERREIRA P R ID 570812 5068 08 3 + 28 April 2015 of 36 Lady Ellen Crescent, La Lucia. KZN. ESTATE No 10778/2015/DBN. EXECUTOR: H VENTER VENTER & CO PO Box 11983 Pretoria 0131 TEL:- 012 3320450.

28 November 2017


MARTIN Des + 24 Nov 2017 at age 90 years. He assisted at the Green Number facility at the Comrades Expo for many years. He was a member at Savages Athletic Club and ran his first Comrades in 1964. He completed the race 15 times and his personal best was in 1965 in 09:51:30. He achieved 8 Comrades silver and 7 bronze medals. From REPORTER DAILY NEWS.

ROBERTSON Ian Malcolm 8 Dec 1943 - 27 Nov 2017. Husband , Father and grandfather. Teacher, entrepreneur and mentor.. Live Celebration Ceremony at Westville baptist Church on 2 Dec 2017 at 11:00am . 

29 November 2017


HANSEN Bent x + Beryl. Father to Bradley and Bronwyn. Memorial Service at Trinity Methodist Church La Lucia Umhlanga at 2pm on 30 Nov 2017.


PERSAD Dharam Rosen + 1997 x Joyce. Father of Shoba, Niresh, Dheo, Pricilla. Grandfather of Kaveer, Kavish& Sumann.

30 November 2017


FARRELL Graham Robert + 25 Nov 2017 x Charmaine, Ginger, Father of Scott, Lee and grandfather of Brandon.

GOVENDER Saraspathy (Saras) 11th Day Memorial on 2 Dec 2017 at MTSS Hall Merebank. Supper from 5:00pm Service at 6:30pm.

HERBERT Martin + 26 Nov 2017 at Devon x Gaynor. Brother of David and Celia and uncle.

RICHARDS Gregory. Funeral on 1 Dec 2017 at St Theresa's Catholic Church Sydenham. Viewing at 10:30am. Mass at 11:00am Cremation private.

ROBERTSON Ian Malcolm 8 Dec 1943 ---27 Nov 2017.. Husband, father and grandfather. Celebration of his life at Westville Baptist Church on 2 Dec 2017 at 11:00am.

SULLIVAN Grant Michael 19 May 1967 ---27 Nov 2017 in Newcastle. Father of Michael. Son of Joan and + Tommy. Brother of Dean and Brenda. Uncle of Megan and Rachel.

WALTERS Vivian Peter (Vees). Requiem Mass from The Emmanuel Cathedral in Durban on 2 Dec 2017. Viewing /Mass at 11:30pm.

WHITE nee BRYMER Elaine . Memorial Service at The New Covenant Church Montclair on 1 Dec 2017 at 15:00pm.

WRIGHT Shirley Beryl 31 July 1931 ---24 Nov 2017 x + Noel. Mother and mother-in-law of Carolyn, Anthony& Susan, Sue& Stuart KIDGELL, Ian & Jennice. Grandmother of Craig& Brittany, Lauren& Alan CLARKE, Brandon & Jason.


MOODLEY Merlyn. Gone 28 years now. Remembered by Mum, Dad, family and friends.

MURUVAN Viloshinee 4 May 1957 ---20 Nov 2007 Remembered by Vis MURUVAN, Vilen, Kuvesh, Family and friends.

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