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Daily News

Daily News 2017 05 May

2 May 2017


BOLTON Derek 18 May 1961 ----25 April 2017 Celebration of his life at St Martin's Anglican Church Durban North on 2 May 2017 at 2:30pm.

DANGERFIELD Margaret 24 April 1937 ---26 April 2017 x Brian. Mother of Murray, Stuart, Bruce , Susan and family. Memorial Service at Upper Umgeni Presbyterian Church Howick on 5 May 2017 at 3pm. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116

HARROWER Thomas. Now with Joan. Memorial on 3 May 2017 at St Saviours Presbyterian Church Randjesfontein. TEL:- Peter 082 4484430 Bruce 082 5549624

PADAYACHEE Rajasagren (Sagran) x Namassundari. Father of Sugesthan and Dasyam. Father-in-law of Niveshlin. Eldest son of Rajamoney & + Mr Ganesan PADAYACHEE. Brother to Jeeva, Morgan, Krishnan and Ranji. Funeral Service at Shree Ranganathar Temple Hall Greenwood Park from 12noon to 2pm proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium Hall from 3-4:30pm on 2 May 2017.


BENGSTON Tina. Mother and grandmother. Missed by Dudley, Dennis, Cecelia, Kingsley, Christopher. Mother-in-law, grandmother, great-grandmother.

MITCHELL Bobbie. She would have turned 100 today. Mother of Harry, Joanie and all your family.

3 May 2017


MARIMUTHU Ramsamy (Basil) + 2 May 2017 in Alberton x Mona. Father of Hayden, Vicky and Dhanashree. Father-in-law of Linda, Mandy and Dan. Grandfather of 6. Funeral on 4 May 2017. Body wil lie in state at home Damarosa Crescent Shallcross. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium Hall from 1----2:30pm Followed by cremation at 3pm.

4 May 2017


JARDINE nee GROENEWALD Clinton & Del-Marie a son Mason Dennis * 7 April 2017. Brother to Delaney. Grandson for Rob, Pauli and Deleen.


BEAUMONT nee HARRIS Olwyn. Funeral at St Thomas Anglican Church Berea Durban on 4 May 2017 at 15:00pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

FREEMAN Mervyn Luke. Funeral at Stellawood Chapel Umbilo on 4 May 2017 at 10:00am. AVBOB.

GEHREN Dennis Edmond. Memorial on 6 May 2017 at Elandskraal Church Dundee at 11am. TEL:- 082 4668538

HUNTLEY nee FIRMIN Jeanett + 30 April 2017 Mother, grandmother, sister and aunt. RIP from Edna, Albert and family. Funeral at Christ The King Church Wentworth on 6 May 2017 at 12 noon.

JOSHUA Pierre Walter + 27 April 2017 tragically x Lisa .Father of Gaby and Aaron. Son of Vernon and Brenda and brother. Funeral at Souls Outreach at St Theresa Rd, Sydenham on 6 May 2017 at 10am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

KHAN Errol . Funeral at St Patrick's Cathedral Kokstad . Viewing at 11am .Service Commencing at 12noon. No date given.

KIPPEN Walter x Betty. Father to Derek, Trudy, Hubert and + Jerome and Richard. Father-in-law , grand and great-grandfather. Funeral Service on 5 May 2017 at Christ The King Parish Wentworth . Viewing at 09:30am. Service at 10:00am Proceeding to The Dudley Street Cemetery.

LŐTTER Wendy Anne + 1 May 2017 in Singapore. Mother Daniel and James. Daughter of Michael & + Anne. Sister of Derek.

PAYNE Daphne (1927 -1917) as in press. Mother of Rob, Bryan, Alan and + Norman. Grand and great-grandmother. Memorial at Christadelphian Hall Pinetown on 7 April 2017 at 3pm. [ this was as in press ]

SCOTT Aletta Amelia 8 April 1931 ----1 May 2017 x Max SCOTT. Funeral at Dutch Reform Church 11 Byron Rd, Westville on 8 May 2017 at 11am. Cremation private. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

WISHART Stanley Gordon. Funeral at Pineville Chapel, corner of Old Main Rd & Stapelton Rd on 6 May 2017 at 12:00. Donations to Highway Hospice. MARTIN'S Pinetown 031 709 2142.

5 May 2017


Dowling Kevin Marc ID 491217 5082 08 2 + 14 March 2015 x Kathryn Ann DOWLING ID 490807 0067 08 7 of 203 Spring Glade , 55 Marine Drive, La Lucia. ESTATE No 5736/2016. ROGER NTHONY DALE ADKINS 6 Lakeside, 6 Derby Downs, Westville. 3629

MAJOLA Thandi Constance ID 560113 0395 08 0 +29 Jan 2010 of Lot 41, Lotus Rd Umzinto 4200 x Mdoduzi Ronald MAJOLA. ID 580107 5824 08 2 .ESTATE No 6718/2013/DBN. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19/20 Croftdene Drive Croftdene Chatsworth 4092. TEL:- 031 4010031 REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/es/05 M308 002.

12 May 2017


MILES Robert (Trance DJ) died at age 47. He was an Italian born in Switzerland as Robert CONCINA 

SAMUEL Richard . Funeral on 13 May 2017. Body will lie in state at 31 Larkspur Rd, Asherville from 11:00am ----12:00pm .Proceeding to the Conquering Through Prayer Ministries Church Overport until 2pm Cremation at Clare Estate Crematorium after Service. 

MOOSA Imraan died last week He was a Durban Advocate. Memorial was on 12 May 2017 at University of KAN Howard College campus - MPHATHI NXUMALO. 


BURDICK Rodney Earl ID nil PASSPORT No 218741592 + 13 April 2016 of 209 Colonial Heights, Texas United States of Americs x Dorothy Agnes BURDICK ID not given. ESTATE No 14044/2016/DBN. ANTHONY WHATMORE & COMPANY 45 Adelaide Tambo Drive Durban North 4051. TEL:- 031 5637111.

DAVID Joseph Anthony David ID 441021 5118 08 1 + 30 Jan 2016 of 359 Park Station Rd, Kenville 4051. ESTATE No 3014/2017/DBN. PEERS ATTORNEYS Suite 604 , 6th Floor Perm Building, 343 Anton Lembede Street, Durban 4001.

DEVNARAIN Fareeda ID 460427 0144 08 7 + 4 June 2011 of 14 Westmeath Ave, Bonela, Durban. ESTATE No 8307/2015/PMB. SINANIN NAIDOO ATTORNEYS Suite 6, Absa Building 589 Chota Motala Rd, Pietermaritzburg.

HOOSEN Farida Yusuf ID 720129 0118 08 9 + 21 Dec 2016 of 25 Jersey Rd, Sherwood, Durban 4001 x Mohamed Sheraaz HOOSEN ID 681216 5252 08 3 . ESTATE No 002535 /2017. NKONKI KZN PO Box 303, Durban 4000. TEL:- 031 2747400.

MISTRY Manharlal Devjeebhai ID 370616 5114 08 2 + 29 June 2016 of 35 Morningside Ridge, 10 Burman Drive, Morningside, Durban x Lalita MISTRY ID 440424 0133 08 2 . ESTATE No 11105/2016/DBN. S A SINGH & ASSOCATES 7 Forest Drive La Lucia 4051. TEL:- 083 7979 683

STOCKENSTROM (previously BLESOVSKY) Llara Anne ID 690115 0379 08 2 + 20 Nov 2016 of Holland Farm, No X7, Esenebi Rd, Ballito. ESTATE No 1441/2017/DBN. C J COCAN ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTOR TESTAMENTARY PO Box 837 Umhlali 4390.TEL:- 032 947 0865 REF:- CJ COGAN/EST9/0001. -- TheBugle 5 May 2017.


ADAMS Claudette Josephine ID 540110 0055 08 1 + 27 Sept 2015 of 23 F Garrupa Crescent, Newlands East 4037 x Louis Wilfred ADAMS ID 521220 5138 08 0 . ESTATE No 14682/2016/DBN. JAZBHAY & HARRICHAND ATTORNEYS Suite 102 Queen City Building, 54 Denis Hurley Street ,Durban 4001 .TEL:- 031 3062784/5 .

MUNSAMY Muniamma ID 310728 0204 08 2 + 20 April 2001 of 10 Ashoka Place, Croftdene, Chatsworth 4092. Widow. ESTATE No15463/2013/DBN. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19/20 Croftdene Drive Croftdene Chatsworth 4092. TEL:- 031 4010031 REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/es/05 M300 001

RAJAH Sarasvathi ID 341216 0089 08 6 + 14 Aug 2016 of 82 Branksome Towers, 172 Musgrave Rd , Durban x Dharamrajh Sunderajh RAJAH ID 320219 5054 08 4 ESTATE No 11588/2016 /DBN. GARACH INCORPORATED PO Box 800, Umhlanga 4320.

15 May 2017


MTHEMBU Nhlanhla +14 May 2017 when the wall of his room collapsed on him in Inanda. He was 24 years old. Nephew of Bafana MTHEMBU (55) - Chris NDALISO 

STRACHAN June x Don. Mother of Jean and grandmother of Matt and Sean. Sister of Colleen. Celebration of her life will be on 19 May 2017 at 10:30am at the Harvest Church Umhlanga, Durban North.

16 May 2017


DOTTRIDGE Guy William 1 Dec 1921 ----14 May 2017 x Sue. Father of Julian, Christopher, Fiona and Andrew. Grand and great-grandfather. Funeral on 19 May 2017 at St Thomas Anglican Church, Musgrave Rd Durban at 2:30pm. No flowers. Donations to Church St Thomas Anglican Church. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

DUMINY Anna Jennifer Freda * Nov 1937 ----12 May 2017. Funeral at the New Apostolic Church Umbilo at 11:00am on 17 May 2017 AVBOB 0860025500 HOWES Margaret Marcella + 13 May 2017. Requiem Mass at St Josephs Church

Florida Rd Durban on 19 May 2017 at 15:00pm. She will be remembered by David and Paul HOWES.

MACK Dennis William 21 April 1969 ----11 May 2017. Service at City Hill Church Hillcrest on 17 May 2017 at 10:30am.

MAUD Dr Rodney Richard 10 Oct 1935 ---12 May 2017 x Cilla. Father of Catherine, Amanda and + Christopher. Grandfather of William, Caitlin, Courtney & Victoria.

MUNRO Dr Basil 8 Sept 1932 ---13 May 2017 x Ann. Father of Kathryn, Alison, Alan, Fiona. Father-in-law and grandfather.

NAIR Shevon. Funeral at Mobeni Methodist Church on 16 May 2017. Body will lie in state from 13:00 ---15:00. Service at 15:00. Proceeding to Mbeni Heights Crematorium.

NGUBANE Sbu + 14 May 2017 . He was shot at KwaNdengezi. He was clerk at the Metro Police Dept. He was 45 years old . - Chris NDALISO.

PAUL (Tussie) Helen of Wentworth. Funeral on 17 May 2017 at Christ The King Parish Wentworth. Viewing at 11:30am. Mass at 12:00 noon. Cremation private.

WRIGHT Noel Howard 15 Feb 1921 ----12 May 2017 (96) x Shirley. Father and father-in-law of Carolyn, Sue & Stuart KIDGELL, Anthony & Susan and Ian & Jennice. Grandfather of Craig & Lauren, Brandon & Jason. Memorial at St Olav Church, St Thomas Rd , Musgrave Durban on 17 May 2017 at 2:00pm.


BLEWITT Gwendoline + 16 May 2001 . Mom and gran - Remembered by Di and Brett.

JONES Dorothy + 16 May 2009 x John.

WHEELER Shane David . Brother of Marilyn VORSTER and husband Jerry, Jemma & family, Mark and family.

18 May 2017


OVENS nee NEETHLING Rett & Tamsyn a girl Sarah * 17/18 May 2017 [depending on what difference in time is] in Ontario. Tamsyn is daughter of Jacobus Marthinus Lourenthuis NEETHLING (Cobus) & Trudine OLIPHANT (Tamsyn is a twin to Jessica). Cobus is son of (Police Sergeant) Jacobus Marthunis Lourenthuis NEETHLING * 26 June 1939 ----25 Dec 1970 Addington x Maria Magdalena LOURENS (daughter of Wessel Hendrik LOURENS * 20 May 1898 Dundee --+ 4 Sept 1957 & Aletha Margaretha SWANEPOEL * 2 May 1907 ---+ 8 Aug 1992


DU BOIS Harry Hilton 31 Dec 1927 ---16 May 2017 x Merle for 52 Years. Father of Glenda, Denis, John, Shirleen ,+ Colleen. Grandfather of Kim and great-grandfather. Private Cremation. TEL:- 084 226 2567 ; Love from Tracy and all at Art.

HANBURY-KING nee SCHUERMANS Elisabeth 15 June 1970 ---12 May 2017 x Geoffrey. Mother of Genevieve and Richard . Daughter of Marie-Chantel. Daughter-in-law of Louine. Sister of Jean (Brother) & sisters Barbara,Anne and Chantel. Sister-in-law of Craig and Robyn (f). Memorial Service at " The House in Zululand ", Eshowe on 20 May 2017 at 11am. PHUMULA KAHLE Funeral Services TEL:- 035 747 1600

HOLMES Wallace 1 June 1951 ----15 May 2017. Husband ,father and son. Funeral on 23 May 2017 at 11am at Bryanston Methodist Church Grosvenor Rd. KHUMALO Sandile + 17 May 2017 (17). He was stabbed in the back at Newlands East. Son of Thembinkosi KHUMALO. He leaves behind his parents and four brothers. - SE ANNE RALL.

MARNOCH Hilton David Victor 16 Aug 1985 ---15 May 2017. Son of Vicki & + Clive. Brother of Christie and brother-in-law of Chris. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

MNCUBE Vincent died in the floods on Sunday 14 May 2017. He tried to drive through a crossing at Ncanakazi river. Brother of Bongani . Funeral will be on Sunday. He was part of 9 children of whom only 2 is left now. Vincent was a teacher and father of 10 children. - MPHATHI NXUMALO.

NAIDOO Soondaree (Sala) x + P.V, NAIDOO (Peru). Mother of Kaanthen (Max) mother-in-law of Niloba. Funeral on 18 May 2017 at Clare Estate Crematorium Hall 3 at 12 ---1:30pm Cremation at 2:00pm.

PILLAY Pat x Venissa. Father of Myron and Kyle. Funeral on 18 May 2017 from 12:30 ---14:00. Thereafter at Clare Estate Crematorium Hall No 2 from 15:00---17:00pm.

TIVERS Justine Annice + 18 April 2017. Mother of Alan, Dionne and Michael. Grand and great-grandmother. Memorial Service on 20 May 2017 at 10:00am at Hillcrest Methodist Church. Tea after service.

VERE Stella Daphne . Funeral on 19 May 2017 at Christ The King Parish Wentworth. Viewing at 09:30am. Mass at 10:00am Cremation private.


GOLDSTONE Ramando. Son and Brother. From Daddy, Mummy, Shervon and Brooklyn.

19 May 2017


GANDA Suresh ID 400406 5090 08 4 + 29 Jan 2017 of 75 Whittaker Ave, Reservoir Hills, Durban x Lalitta GANDA ID 441127 0086 08 0 . ESTATE No 004393/2017. GARACH & GARACH PO Box 800, Umhlanga 4320

MGWABA Mbulelo Wiseman ID 590206 5514 08 7 + 11 April 2016 of 10 Bilkis Street , Highridge, Kwa-Dukuza x Cynthia Lungile MGWABA ID 610507 0444 08 9 . SD MOLOI & ASSOCIATE ATTORNEYS 9 Dorothy Nyembe Street, 7th Floor Suite 701.

RAMLAKUN Mawri ID 250805 0061 08 4 + 3 May 2016 of 145 Avonford Crescent Sunford Phoenix 4068. ESTATE No 14189/2016/DBN. MESSERS R MAHARAJ AND COMPANY INCORPORATED. Suite 7 Gem City 56-62 Pathenon Street Starwood Phoenix 4068.

SAYED Yacoob ID 460205 5025 08 3 + 12 Sept 2016 of Flat 3, Ameer Villa, 48 Dunrobin Crescent Asherville 4091. ESTATE No 573/2017/DBN. AMODS ATTORNEYS 30 Incuce Street, Durban 4001 REF:- S297/16002.


LECHMAN Bhojraj ID 441111 5155 08 2 + none given of 15 Keerath Rd, Isipingo x Teewary LECHMAN ID 451009 0088 08 3 .ESTATE No 11889/2016/DBN. SAMUEL & COMPANY 51 Hunt Rd, Glenwood 4001.

NAICKER Munormunie ID 380314 0069 08 3 + 10 Sept 2014 of 103 Royalmanor Rd Trenance Manor, Phoenix 4068. ESTATE No 28776/2014/DBN. MAGASHREE ABDOOL KADER 24 Gazania , Aloe Terrance 11 Flamethorn Drive, Westwood Estate, Westwood. 3629.

PATEL Pranjeevan Shanker ID 260401 5074 08 6 + none given of 10 Orleans Place Reservoir Hills Durban. ESTATE No 008405/2016. SERIKA PRAGJEE for PERSONEL WEALTH MANAGEMENT (PTY) LTD 206 Strauss Daly Place, 41 Richefond Circle Ridgeside, Umhlanga TEL:- 031 0100555.

RISHIDAW Vishal ID 710621 5129 08 9 + none given of 10 Leadwood Loop, Zimbali Lot 47 Ballito x Loshni RISHIDAW ID 701113 0193 08 9 .ESTATE No 004706/2016.SERIKA PRAGJEE for PERSONEL WEALTH MANAGEMENT (PTY) LTD 206 Strauss Daly Place , 41 Richefond Circle Ridgeside, Umhlanga TEL:- 031 0100555.

WELGEMOED David Johannes ID 620716 5140 08 3 + bone given of 806 Rayner 41 Aliwal Street Durban 4001. ESTATE No 25946/2014. MOORE STEPHENS CJL PO Box 11800 Marine Parade 4056  TEL:- 031 3328622.

25 May 2017


BEATO Henry. Funeral on 26 May 2017 at Christ The King Parish Wentworth. Vewing at 09:30am Service at 10:00am proceeding Dudley Str Cemetery.

FABER Frank x + Muriel . Father to Anita, Lynette, Joseph and + Wendy. Remains will lie in state at Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Parish Margate on 27 May 2017 at 10am for Requiem Mass at 11am. Private cremation. HOLBY TEL:- 0828517398.

FIENE Dale Anne 30 Sept 1948 ----8 May 2017 x Albie. Sister of Neil and Susan STEPHENSON . Funeral on 29 May 2017 at 11am at DOVES North Chapel Greyville. Phone  DOVES TEL:- 0860 025500

IYER Maliga 20 Oct 1947 ---20 May 2017. Funeral 25 May 2017 at 11:00am with lunch afterwards at Hainstock's Funeral Home, 9810-34 Ave NW, Edmonton.

PIENAAR Aubrey Steven Henry 3 April 1940 ----19 May 2017. Funeral on 26 May 2017 at 42 St Geran Grove Treasure Beach at 10:30am Burial at Redhill Cemetery thereafter. Enquiries at :- 071 1811 448/ 082 360119.

RAAFF Anthony 4 Nov 1950 ---22 May 2017 x Lauren. Father of Charlie, Ash and Cam. Brother and brother-in-law and uncle. Rozanne (Zannie), Tibby, Colin and families.

SEPTEMBER Nomziwakhe Freda Philadi 17 Aug 1920 ----16 May 2017. Mother ,grand and greatgrandmother. Funeral 27 May 2017 at the Lutheran Church Clermont at 08:00am. DOVES TEL:- 0860 025500.


BESSON Robert. Gone 10 years now. From your Mum.

WALTERS Stevve + 25 May 2014. We miss you from Sue, Michael and Stu.

26 May 2017


ESSA Rashida Bee Bee ID 480408 0124 08 5 + 8 June 2015 of 7 Uppercroft Rd, Longcroft, Phoenix 4068 x Abdul Wadah ESSA ID 450108 5090 08 5. ESTATE No 000860/2017/DBN. ARIF MOHAMED ATTORNEYS 24 Acropolis Starwood Phoenix 4068. TEL:- 031 500 2275 FAX:- 031 5002275 /031 500 4712. 


DLOMO Anna Maria Ntombifuthi ID 680928 0622 08 3 + none given of BB1755 Umlazi 4031 ESTATE No 587/2006/DBN. JAFTA INCORPORATED PO Box 1392 Uhmlanga Rocks 4320  TEL:- 031 5661257. 

MGOBOZI Michael ID 610410 5755 08 0 + none given of 5871 Hlaziya Rd, Lamontville 4027. ESTATE No 12481/2016/DBN. JAFTA INCORPORATED PO Box 1392 Uhmlanga Rocks 4320 TEL:- 031 5661257. 

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