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Daily News

Daily News 2017 03 March

3 March 2017


MUNRO Mollye Bennett ID 230107 0002 08 4 + 10 Dec 2016 of Hillcrest. ESTATE No 00498/2017. PATRICK MAGUIRE GOSS Executor 9 Church Place, Westville 3629

MNCWANGO Hamilton Velenkosini ID 780207 5513 08 7 + 7 Nov 2016 of 27 Robert Herrick Ave, Chiltern Hills Westville x Halalisiwe Bagcinile MNCWANGO ID 871031 0344 08 6. ESTATE No 15049/2016/DBN. MURUGASENS PO Box 56154 Chatsworth 4030.

MUNASAMY Muniamma ID 310728 0204 08 2 + 20 April 2001 of 10 Ashoka Place Croftdene, Chatsworth Widow. ESTATE No 15463/2013/DBN ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19/20 Croftdene Drive Croftdene Chatsworth 4092. TEL:- 031 4010031 REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/es/05 M300 001.


EBRAHIM Ismail ID 300602 5011 08 5 + 10 Aug 2013 of 12 Gelder Rd, Clare Estate, Durban. ESTATE No 12879/2013/DBN. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19/20 Croftdene Drive Croftdene Chatsworth 4092. TEL:- 031 4010031 REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/es/05 E289 001.

HAINES Cyril Lotrin ID 560924 5076 08 1 + none given of 21 Swordfish Rd, Newlands East, Durban x Doreen Isobel HAINES ID 550901 0160 08 8. ESTATE No 9717/2012/DBN. WARRICK DE WET ATTORNEYS 51 Musgrave Park, 18 Musgrave Rd, Durban.

MORRISON Bridget ID 330310 0015 08 5 + 18 May 2015 of 43 Mentone Rd, Morningside Durban 4001. ESTATE No 7190/2015/DBN. GARY ANDREW NOBLE Block A Surrey Park, 6 Barham Rd, Westville 3629. TEL:- 031 2669222

NAICKER Poobathi ID 350215 0283 08 5 + 12 Aug 2008 of 91 Democrats Street, Croftdene, Chatsworth 4092. ESTATE No 527/2015/DBN. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19/20 Croftdene Drive Croftdene Chatsworth 4092. TEL:- 031 4010031 REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/es/05 N11 001.

NAIDOO Simadariappana ID 451012 5081 08 7 + 2 Jan 2014 of 16 Sayan Rd, Isipingo Rail, Isipingo Durban 4110 x Rookmani NAIDOO ID 500610 0178 08 8. ESTATE No 22614/2014. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19/20 Croftdene Drive Croftdene Chatsworth 4092. TEL:- 031 4010031 REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/es/05 N108 001.

6 March 2017


MOODLEY nee CHETTY Trevagee 19 April 1939 ---5 March 2017 x V J MOODLEY. Mother to Siva, Kogie and Bavi. Mother-in-law to Alvin and Gita. Grandmother of Gaura, Shridar, Shivani, Amala and Anura. Funeral on 6 March 2017 at 1pm at Clare Estate Crematorium. Her 3rd Day Memorial Service on 9 March 2017 at 10am at 12 Shannon Drive Reservoir Hills.

MOOPEN Rangasamy Perumal (Fred ) x Mrs Anjali MOOPEN (Angie). Father of Rajan, Ravi, Ashley and Kobashnie MOOPEN. Funeral on 7 March 2017. Body will lie in state from 10:00 ---13:00pm at Merebank Community Hall. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium at 14:20pm.

PILLAY Gogie . Mother of Masilan PILLAY and Erusha RAJU. Sister to Anand and Karu NAIDOO. Funeral on 7 March 2017 from 12:00---14:00 pm at SAIVA Sithanda Sungum Merebank. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium from 15:00 ---16:30pm.

SITHOLE Edward Sibusiso was shot dead this morning 6 March 2017. He was Municipal manager at Richmond.

7 March 2017


SLOAN Gavin & Cherise a daughter Rachel. Love from Uncle Don and Aunty Sam.


CARTER Len. You will be missed from Clyde WALKER.

CONRADIE Alison + 23 Feb 2017. Mother of 2 . Celebration of her life on 11 March 2017 at the Cayman Beach Clubhouse Gordon's Bay at 4pm.

HALL Graham Wilfred + 5 March 2017 x Arlene. Father of Wendy, Karen, Michelle, Juliy and Grandchildren. No Memorial or funeral as requested by Graham. RIP.

LAURENS Maurice George 25 Dec 1937 ---3 March 2013. Always in our hearts, Gail and family. The Memorial Tea at Amberfield Main Lounge Howick on 8 March 2017 at 3pm. Donations in lieu of flowers to Howick Hospice. OAKLEIGH 033 346116

PEARCE Robin Lesley + 3 March 2017 x Roly. Mother to Greg, Adrienne and Melissa. Sister to Loela. Funeral at St Thomas Anglican Church on 8 March 2017 at 14:30pm. Cremation private. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

PILLAY Kogie . Mother of Masilan PILLAY and Erusha RAJU. Sister to Anand and Karu NAIDOO. Funeral on 7 March 2017 from 12:00---14:00 pm at SAIVA Sithanda Sungum Merebank. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium from 15:00 ---16:30pm.

RYAN Ryall + 4 March 2017 (He was shot while buying airtime) He was 26 years old. Brother of Lurvishia JACOBS. Father of a 2 year old. He was from Newlands East. - ZAINUL DAWOOD.

VAN EEDEN John William Don (John) . Son of John & Margaret. Brother of Margaret, Wynand , Raquel, Thomas and + Blade. Funeral at St Catherine's Catholic Church Queensburgh on 10 April 2017 at 13:30pm. Proceeding to Lahle Kahle Cemetery for internment. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

WISEMAN Jock . RIP Friend of Shona, Jeanne and Bronwyn.


BONHOMME Louis + 7 March 2016. Father of Bev ,eldest daughter, grand-daughters and great-grandsons.

DUNN Shonae Merle Niece and cousin. Miss you dearly Love from Aunty Estelle, Uncle Ivan and family.

10 March 2017


ROHRBECK Petrus Hendrik ID 390329 5009 08 0 + 17 Aug 2016 of Avon Hills 2, Ballitto x Celeste Marion ROHRBECK ID 431223 0003 08 1. ESTATE No. 008490/2016. RYNOE SMITH for PSG KONSULT TRUST (PTY) LTD PO Box 12337 Brandhof 9324 TEL:- 087 827451.


SMITH Jeffrey Douglas ID 510718 5102 08 2 + 23 July 2014 Unmarried of 189 Florida Rd, Durban 4001. ESTATE No 29884/2014/DBN. DG MAY PO Box 531 Westville 3630.

14 March 2017


BROWN Michael (Herman) 14 June 1945 ---11 March 2017. Will be missed by his soccer, walking friends RIP from Yeady and Coral.

BROWN Michael Graham + 11 March 2017. Father of Candice and brother of Roy. Cremation private. Celebration of his life on 20 March 2017 from 2---4pm at Stella Athletic Club Glenwood.

DE SWART William Richard (Billy) Thank you for the years we had together You will be missed from your beloved Sue. ; Fondly remembered and missed by Jo-ann and Wayne; From Roy SILVANA, KC and all your many friends at Eden Crescent.

JOHNSON Patricia (Patti) + 10 March 2017 . Mother, grandmother, sister and friend. From your family Daryl, Gavin, Dione, Pamela, Debbie, Todd, Finn, Suzette, Calvin, Megan and Cyndie. In lieu of flowers please support Hospice.

Mc DOUGALL nee MULOCK BENTLEY Irisesa Moonyeen " Bunty" + 7 March 2017 at age 84. Mother of Raff, Ruari and Kirsten. Grandmother of Kiera, Gabriel, Lara, Cameron, Michael and Natalie. Sister of Pamela, her ex-husband, Bruce and all the family. Memorial will be announced.

MUDROVCIC Elaine . Daughter of Denise MARSHALL (Gorks). Sister to Gavin MARSHALL. Mother to Roxanne, Jared and Troy. Grandmother to Paxton and Sloane. Memorial at Pinetown Presbyterian Church Pinetown on 15 March 2017 at 14:00pm Cremation Private. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

PEDDIE Sally + 11 March 2017 x Don PEDDIE. Mother, Grandmother and sister. Funeral at Hillside Church Hillcrest on 16 March 2017 at 3pm.

SHARMA Suresh . 12th Day Memorial on 16 March 2017 at 9 Almond Rd, Havenside . Prayer begins at 08:00am Lunch will be served after.

THOROGOOD Burton 1 Nov 1951 ----6 March 2017 x Linda. Father to Clint and Tim. Brother to Kathy and Lol. RIP Memorial at CityHill Waterfall Rock Road Waterfall at 11:00am on 18 March 2017.


KARRIEM DE KERK Barbara Naomi. Gone 7 years today. Sister and aunt. Till we meet again from Estelle, Ivan and family.

15 March 2017


NTSHANGASE Meshack (40 ) +13 March 2017 He was supervisor at Excelsior Place of Safety in Pinetown by allegedly by teenage boys at the child and youth care centre while some workers held a placard demonstration for better working conditions outside the premises. ZAINUL DAWOOD

16 March 2017


DINKS CARO 9 July 1943 ---14 March 2017 x Esmond. Mother to Hayley, Julie and Joanne. Grandmother to Maxi, Gaby and Lilly. Mother-in-law of Richard and Andrew. Sister to Richard and Irene. Memorial for Dinks CARO at St James Church Morningside on 17 March 2017 at 11am. DOVES 0860025500.

HILL Brian Neville + 8 March 2017 x Nora. Father, grand and great-grandfather. He was formerly, a partner at FGG Architects Franklin, Garland & Gibson and past president of the Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Durban. Memorial Service at Southcity Church Ramsgate (South Coast) on 25 March 2017 at 10:30am .

HOBSON Ken . Memorial at Milldene Retirement Village Hall, Durban North on 22 March 2017 at 11am.

MULLER Pamela Marlene x George Noel MULLER. Mother of Lynn, Neil and Trevor. Mother-in-law of Joel, Michelle and Lynn. Sister, grand and great-grandmother. Funeral on 18 March 2017 at The Evangelical Bible Church Wentworth. Viewing at 10:00am. Service at 10:30a. Cremation private.

PILLAY Thavangee (Devi) x Rajen PILLAY. Mother of Dr Yagan PILLAY, Desigan and Laven PILLAY. Mother-in-law of Dr Sushma LAL and Sandra PILLAY. Grandmother of Tannishtha & Supriya. Sister of Kogi, Ambi, Rosie, Thiru and Seela. Funeral on 18 March 2017 from 09:30am ---11:45am. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium for cremation at 1:00pm.

POONSAMY Julian * 31 May 1975 ----12 March 2017. Son of Freddy & Francesca POONSAMY. Husband of Tersia . Father of Jacques and James.He will be laid to rest on 17 March 2017. Mass at 11:00 at St Joseph Catholic Church Mt Edgecombe Durban. Viewing from 12:00 onwards Buriel at Mt Edgecombe Private Cemetery.

WENTZEL Darroll John 3 May 1947 ---14 March 2017 . Funeral on 18 March 2017 at 11am at New Apostoliek Church. Foreven in our hearts. DOVES 0860025500

17 March 2017


GOVENDER Anand (Photographer) +15 March 2017 at age 51 years . He had a heart attack in Morningside. Father of two and owner of "Image Factor." Cremation was at 3pm on 17 March 2017 at Clare Estate Crematorium. Son of Bala GOVENDER. ZAINUL DAWOOD


GORDEN Clive John ID 440331 5022 18 8 + 16 Dec 2016 of 60 Ridgewood Village Mount Edgecombe 4301 x Anne PRYOR ID 440113 0089 18 4. ESTATE No 001082/2017 ROGER ADKINS ADKINS FINANCIAL PLANNING Unit 6 Lakeside, 6 Derby Downs, University Rd Westville 3630

PROCTOR Colleen Barbara ID 360319 0027 08 4 + 12 Nov 2016 of 66 Eden Gardens, 75 Marriott Rd, Durban 4001 x Malcolm Barrymore PROCTOR ID 320905 5033 08 2. ESTATE No. 016010/2016/DBN. ROGER ANTHONY DALE ADKINS Unit 6 Lakeside, 6 Derby Downs, University Rd Westville 3629

SWART Colin ID 470208 5047 08 9 + 19 Dec 2016 of Caefrom Ave, Westville 3629 x Cyntha SWART ID 471002 0048 08 8. ESTATE No 1084/2017/DBN. ROGER ANTHONY DALE ADKINS -ADKINS FINANCIAL PLANNING 6 Lakeside, 6 Derby Downs University Rd, Westville 3629.


RAMPAL Lackapthie ID 331224 0053 08 8 + 10 Aug 2014 of 55 Londondery Crescent, Springfield Durban. ESTATE No 29827/2014/DBN. JACKSON AMEEN 10th Floor Mercury House Office 1003, 320 Anton Lembede Street Durban 4001.

20 March 2017


NTULI Nqobani was stabbed to death at school in uThungulu district last week by another student. Nqobani was 19 and a grade 12 pupil. - DAILY NEWS REPORTER

24 March 2017


BREWETT Mary Ann ID 410810 0071 08 0 + 29 Sept 2016 of 26 David McLean Drive, Westville 3629 Durban KZN. ESTATE No 001714/2017. SUSAN STANLEY AGENT FOR THE EXECUTOR TESTMENTARY for BAKER TILLY MORRISON MURRAY PO Box 1098 Westville 3630. TEL:- 031 2675300. FAX:- 031 2671838

EBRAHIM Kathja Bibi ID 370301 0019 08 7 + 26 April 2015 of 12 Gelder Rd, Clare Estate, Durban. ESTATE No 7813/2015/DBN. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19/20 Croftdene Drive Croftdene Chatsworth 4092. TEL:- 031 4010031 REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/es/05 E 291 002.

HENWOOD Pamela Marjorie ID 280413 0037 08 1 + 23 Dec 2016 of Le Domaine, 10 Accutts Drive, Hillcrest. ESTATE No 001314/2017. ROBIN ANTHONY KEMP AGENT FOR THE EXECUTOR TESTMENTARY for BAKER TILLY MORRISON MURRAY PO Box 1098 Westville 3630. TEL:- 031 2675300. FAX:- 031 2671838

NAIDOO Lutchmi ID 361026 0100 08 3 + 1 Jan 2017 of 84 Rainham Rd, Greenbury, Phoenix. ESTATE No 260517/2017/DBN. YVONNE SINGH & ASSOCIATES Shop 64 , 333 Chris Hani Rd Phoenix.  TEL:- 031 502 7285

PILLAY Narasamulu ID 331016 5191 08 1 + 17 July 2009 of 181 Bridgevale Crescent, Rydervale Phoenix. ESTATE No 016174/2016. ARCHIE MAHARAJ & ASSOCIATES 42 Turners Ave, Berea, Durban 4001.

PILLAY Tharamathi ID 430426 0360 08 8 +30 Dec 2015 of 181 Bridgevale Crescent, Rydalvale, Phoenix. ESTATE No 16172/2016/DBN. ARCHIE MAHARAJ & ASSOCIATES 42 Turners Ave, Berea, Durban 4001.


BONGUMENZI SIFISO CYRIL ID 750927 5366 08 9 +8 June 2010 of 27 Spathodia, Isipingo, Durban. ESTATE No 12090/2010. ATTORNEYS ERASMUS FERREIRA & ACKERMAN WCMAS Building Cnr Tambo & Susanna Street, Witbank. TEL:- 013 656 1711.

HARRY John ID 400218 5051 08 5 + 8 Nov 2015 of 453 Bombay Rd , Northdale, Pietermaritzburg. ESTATE No. 4845/2016/PMB. SAMEERA CASSIMJEE ATTORNEYS, 414 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg 3201. TEL:- 033 342 4247.

KAPP Ernest Bazil ID 290301 5081 08 9 + 10 Oct 1998 of Flat 206, Galway Rd 35,Durban 4001. ESTATE No. 19918/2010/DBN. RS SINGH & ASSOCIATES 290 Lenny Naidu Drive, Suite A8, First Floor Rocket Towers Bayview Chatsworth 4092.

PADAVATTAN Shemuel Matthew ID 880902 5111 08 5 * 2 Sept 1988 + 29 June 2015 of 122 Hyacinth Rd, Red Hill, Durban North 4051. ESTATE No. 9522/2015/DBN. MERVYN MILLAR PO Box 1357 Hyper By The Sea 4053. TEL:- 031 5647276.

27 March 2017


HARROWER Joan + 16 March 2017 . Now with er daughter Helen-Bessie, David her brother ,Ray & Joe her parents and family and friends. Memorial on 24 March 2017 at 11am at Midrand Anglican Church St Monnica's.

MACLEOD Donald 17 Jan 1928 ---23 March 2017 x Pam. Father of Neil & Glenda, Ian & Peta, Ross & Jean, Janet & Chris and grandfather.

28 March 2017


BRAYLEY David Lloyd (Dave) x Sally. Father of Genevieve and Jonathon. Father-in-law of Michael and Lynne. Grandfather of Lara, Luke and Eva. Thanksgiving Service on 28 March 2017 at St Annes Chapel Umzumbe at 11am.

EDGCUMBE David John 23 Feb 1951 ----23 March 2017. Brother of Lorraine. Brother-in-law and uncle. Funeral on 29 March 2017 at 12:00pm at Hilton Christian Fellowship.

KATHRADA Ahmed (Kathy) 21 Aug 1929 in rural Schweizer-Reneke + 28 March 2017 at age 87 years at Donald Gordon Hospital in Johannesburg. He will be buried according to Muslim religious rights in Johannesburg on 29 March 2017. He is survived by his wife Barbara HOGAN. A struggle stalwart. DAILY NEWS REPORTER.

KERSLAKE Tony Andrew + 23 March 2017 Tragically x Trish. Father to Kinah and Tren. Son and brother. Memorial Service at City Hill Church Hillcrest on 29 March 2017 at 11am. ;Condolences to Tricia, Kinah and Tren on passing of husband and father from Highbury Family Preparatory School. OAKLEIGH 031 205 9959.

LLEWELLYN Trevor John + 26 March 2017. Father and grandfather of Gaylene, Debbie, Meeghan and Belinda. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

MACLEOD Donald 17 Jan 1928 ----23 March 2017 x Pam. Father of Neil & Glenda, Ian & Peta, Ross & Jean, Janet & Chris. And grandfather.; Funeral at The Durban North Presbyterian Church Sunningdale on 31 March 2017 at 11am. OAKLEIGH 031 205 9959.

MC DOUGALL nee MULOCK BENTLEY Iresesa Moonyeen "Bunty" + 7 March 2017 at age 84. Memorial at Community Centre Winston Park at 10:00am on 31 March 2017. OAKLEIGH 031 205 9959.

MILLER Yvonne Eileen 30 Jan 1941 ----24 March 2017. I will always Love you RIP Brian. Wife, Mother and gran of Brian, Kevin, Justin and Vaughn.

PEARSE Simon passed away this weekend at the farm Morton Gate in Dargle. Will be missed by Nicola, the girls Catherine and Alice, together with Anne, Chris & Janet, Matthew & Roz, Mick & Paula and all the HYATT Family.

PORTER Bevan Marcel. Son of Melvyn & Faith. Brother, Father and grandfather. Requiem Mass on 29 March 2017 at Christ The King Parish Wentworth. Viewing at 11:30am Mass at 12:00noon Cremation Private.

STIRLING OWEN Mary 20 June 1933 ---24 March 2017 RIP Mom We love you from Rob & Gina, Glynnis & Peter.

STOFFELS Stella Sheila 14 Feb 1937 ----24 March 2017 x Lewis . Mother to Dean, Rory, Cheryl, Trevor, Sasha, Richard & Claude. Mother-in-law, grand and great-grandmother of 16.


LERCHE Robert Spence x Maurine. Father of Debs, Susan and Claire.

MIDDLETON Eddie (Ginger). Remembered and missed by Maureen and family.

WOODCOCK Ted 29 March 29 -----29 March 17 . Happy Birthday Wish you were here. Love you from Mayra, Helen and family.

30 March 2017


DEANA Gianni & Lucy announce the birth of a boy, Enzo Alberto * 27 March 2017. Blessings to Kevin and Dominique. Brother to Gianna.


CAIRNDUFF Robert & Geraldine. Both were born deaf. They married 50 years ago at Holy Trinity Church in Musgrave. Parents of 3 daughters who are not deaf at all. - BEREA MAIL


BALL "Ballbag" Terry 17 March 1946 ----29 March 2017 (Parkinson's) x Sue. Father to Kerry, Tammy, Laurie and Adam. Father-in-law to Steve, Gavin, Peter and Zoe. Grandfather. Celebration of his life at Northwood Crusaders Sports Club on 3 April 2017 at 4pm. ; Sue, Kerry and teve, Tammy and Gavin, Laurie and Peter, Adam and Zoe and grandchildren . Our Condolences RIP our friend From Gordon & Barbara.

DAVIES Gloria May + 20 March 2017. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

DOMONEY Ron + 25 March 2017 x Inge. Father of Bruce, David, Sandy and their families. Stepfather of Petra, Peter, Kevin, Nikki, Craig and their families; Memorial at Durban North Presbyterian Church Sunningdale on 3 April 2017 at 09:30am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

KASAVEL PERCY 20 May 1949 ----29 March 2017. Father of Janine and Kathryn. Funeral at Lorne Street Methodist Church Durban . Viewing between 10:00 ---11:00am Service from 11:00am ----12:00noon. Proceeding to Stellawood Crematorium. DOVES 0860025500.

KENDALL Harry Sympathy to Bertha and family from Ivan & Jeanne CLARK.

LLEWELLYN Trevor John. Companion for last 3 ½ years to Dagmar. Thank you for being ther for Mom from Karin and family.; Funeral at St Michael's Anglican Church Marine Drive Umhlanga on 31 March 2017 at 15:00pm Cremation private. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

MARTIN Hilda Gladys 25 Jan 1923 ---25 March 2017 x + Billy MARTIN. Mother to surviving children Terrence, Christopher, Roy, Pamela, Pauline and Geraldine. Funeral on 1 April 2017 at The Sacret Heart Catholic Church Woodlands 10:00 ---11:00am. Viewing from 11:00am---12:00noon. Mass from 13:00pm Cremation at Clare Estate Crematorium Reservoir Hills Durban.

NAIDOO Eric 15 Dec 1967 ----30 March 2017. Brother, usband and father. From your wife Karen & children, siblings Rita, Sardha, Lawson & Lorraine, Edwin, uncle of Natasha and Tyrone.

NKOSI Gugu Pretty + 20 March 2017 was gunned down by her partner in front of Gugu's daughter. She was a teacher at Briardale Primary School. - BEREA MAIL.

OSBORNE Norma Kathleen 20 June 1930 -----27 March 2017. Wife, mother, mother-in-law, sister and aunt.

SHABANE (Warrant Officer) Sakhile + 28 March 2017 at uMzinto at about 8pm. He was 47 years old.

SMITH Audrey Elaine 24 June 1922 ----25 March 2017. Mother of Gillian and David FAIRWEATHER, Marion and Murrion IRVING, Barry and Anne Marie SMITH. Grand and great-grandmother. Memorial at Golden Pond Retirement Village Hilton on 4 April 2017 at 10:00am. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.

STOFFELS Stella Sheila 14 Feb 1937 ----24 March 2017 x Lewis. Mother to Dean, Rory, Cheryl, Trevor, Sasha, Richard & Claude. Mother-in-law, grand and great-grandmother of 16. Funeral on 31 March 2017 at Holy Family Parish Catholic Church. Viewing at 10:00am Service 10:30am. Cremation private.

WILLIAMS Marie Thelma. Funeral at St Catherine's Catholic Church on 31 March 2017 at 10pm. Cremation private . SHANLEY'S 031 2057644

ZANK Hugh + 28 March 2017. Husband , father ; Memorial at Pineville Junction Pinetown on 31 March 2017 at 2pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.


BENNEWITH Roy Graham. Gone 11years now. From Paul, Candy, Toyah , Kane and Zoe.

31 March 2017


BENATAR Sarah + 29 March 2017 in Cape Town. Mother of Gary and partner Bernard, Zysa / Joy x Marty. Grandmother of Elana and Daniel. Prayers Thursday evening at Sephardic Shul Sea Point.


MORRISON Shirley Dorothy ID 311104 0024 08 7 + 26 Sept 2015 of 15 Tafta Park, 52 Church Ave, Bellair 4006. ESTATE No 013022/2015. MOHAMMED N PHAROS PO Box 4696 Durban 4000.

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