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Daily News 2016 03 March

15 March 2016


BIZLEY Bill 1 May 1942 ----12 March 2016. Funeral at St Alphegas Church Pietermaritzburg on 18 March 2016 at 10:30am. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.

BONHOMME Louis Ronald x + Shirley. Father of Beverley and Carolynn. Father-in-law of Andre.Grand and great-grandfather. Funeral on 16 March 2016 at Rheema Interfellowship Church Wentworth. Viewing at 10am. Service at 10:30am .Cremation private.

CRAMER Minnie 6 May 1932 ----21 Feb 2016.

FRANCIS nee BAUMANN Zelda x Earle. Mother of Jo-Anne, Oliver and Victoria. Grandmother of Eowyn, Isla and Eve. Memorial at Pinetown Methodist Church on 17 March 2016 at 2pm.

HARDY Joseph Pierre Cyril (Sikeni) + 11 March 2016 x Sylvie. Father of Anita, Sam, Linda, Steve, Paul, Katy, Rosemary, Mike . Grandfather of 17 and great-grandfather of 15.; Funeral at All Saints Church Ballito on 16 March 2016 at 11am.

HARMS nee MARÉ Tania Chantell + 10 March 2016 in United Kindom x Christopher. Mother of Roden, Scarlett and baby Jocelyn.

MAIN Merelle Stella 25 April 1940 ----12 March 2016. Mother of Michelle, Shaun and Peter. Mother-in-law of Wayne, Helen and Chanè. Grandmother of Darren, Paige, Tyler, Erin, Chloé, Tanzyn and Aedan. Funeral at Our Lady Star of The Sea Catholic Church Amanzimtoti on 16 March 2016 at 10:00am. Cremation private. DOVES 0860025500.

McMORRAN Joe 15 May 1930 ----11 March 2016 Now with Mom. Father of Deborah, Colin, Wendy .Grandfather of Melissa, Calvin, Gavin and Sean. Memorial 17 March 2016 at Athlone Park Methodist Church Athlone Park at 2pm.

SHOOBERT Elza (Babe) + 9 March 2016. Daughter, partner, sister, mother and aunt. Memorial Service at Frere Rd Presbyterian Church Glenwood on 17 March 2016 at 14:00pm OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

SLAVIN Gialerakis Patti + 13 March 2016 at age 76 x Andrew. Sister of Mike and friends.

STEIN Jana + 13 March 2016 x David . Mother of Chantal, Shane and Eugene. Sister-in-law of Linda. Remembered by Linda & Tony BERMAN and family.

16 March 2016


FORRESTER VAN DER MERWE Kerwin & Rozanne got engaged on 5 March 2016.


RAUCH Ian + 15 March 2016 in Cape Townx Juliana. Father of Janine, Nicola, Felice and grandpa of Daisy and Pearl. Funeral at St Thomas Church Rondebosch on 18 March 2016 at 11:00am.

17 March 2016


YOUNG Cecilie turned 100 years on 11 March 2016. Was married to Edmond YOUNG. He opened a pharmacy in Empangeni in 1956. Mother of Margie RICHARDSON and Jenny CHASTON. Her son died in 1969. She grew up on a farm in Kranskop with her brother Fred, during the ox wagon and trap and horses era. She is a descendent of the Voortrekkers on her mother's side and her great-great-grandfather fought in the Battle of Blood River. Her grandmother was the youngest of the Louis Botha Family. BEREA MAIL.


BANGER Phillip Maynard. Funeralat the Elim Community Church Bluff on 19 March 2016 at 10am. Cremation private. SHANLEY'S 031 205 7644.

BRISSETT nee GIBSON Rita . Mother of Selwyn and Hyrone (Lee Boy). Grand and great-grandmother. Cremation Service at Mountain Rise Crematorium Chapel Pietermaritzburg on 18 March 2016 at 10am. HOLBY 082 851 7398.

DOLLEY Les died over the weekend. He was married to Estelle for 64 years. Father of Rory, Linda and Shelley. Grandfather of six and great-grandfather of a boy. Les used to play piano at the Old Roma Restaurant for 6 nights a week for 30 years. BEREA MAIL

JIMMIE nee LOTTERING Dolly 26 Dec 1932 ---13 March 2016 x + Anthony. Mother of Cecilia, Mary, Annette, Raphael, Anastasia, Genevieve and Lucretia. Mother-in-law, grandmother. Also great-grandmother. Requiem Mass at St Theresa's Catholic Church on 18 March 2016 at 11:30am. Cremation private. DOVES 0860025500.

LOAGIE Steven Kenneth + 13 March 2016. RIP Dad. Memorial at All Saints Church Pietermaritzburg on 18 March 2016 at 11:30am.

MORRIS (Monica) Kasturi . Requiem Mass on 18 March 2016 at Christ the King Parish Wentworth. Viewing at 11:30am. Mass at 12noon. Cremation private.

PILLAY Saragoonum (Sally) 1954 ---2016 x Kenny. Mother of Reagan, Kershen. Sister-in-law of Debbie. 16th Day Memorial on 21 March 2016 at Shree Vishnu Temple Hall Havenside from 5---6:30pm Supper at 7pm. TEL:- 078 3883987/ 031 4010959

ROBERTSON Gwen + 16 March 2016. Mother of Mervyn, Barry, Lynette. Grand and great-grandmother. She was 90 years old. On request no funeral Service. 


DURWARD Charles + 17 March 2015. Remembered by May and family.

GOVENDER Kistensamy (Mitchell) x Devi. Father of Donavan, Darryl, Darlene and Melissa. Father-in-law of Gregory , Keshan, Michal. Grandfather of Ashlin, Keelan, Kiara, Shriya, Mekai and Micah. One Year Memorial on 18 March 2016 at Asherville Andhra Hall Asherville from 5:30pm.

GOVENDER Jaganathan (Roy) x Savy. Father of Saroshni, Luven. Father-in-law of Kassie , Seshni. Grandfather, brother and family. 1 Year Memorial at Veda Dharma Sabha Hall Brindhaven from 11am ---12noon on 19 March 2016.

GRIMMETT William Arthur . Gone 8 years now. From The GRIMMETT Family.

O'DONOGHUE Vincent Patrick 17 April 1937 ----17 March 2011. Husband ,father, grandfather and brother. Missed by Molly and family.

18 March 2016


HENRY Ivan Joseph ID 470128 5170 08 9 + 4 Sept 2015 of 9 Cherryfields, 3 Linnet Rd,Woodhaven Park 4004 x Margaret Rosaline HENRY ID 491220 0097 08 6 .ESTATE No 007144/2015/DBN. D SOMA & COMPANY Executrix Dative; 1003 Nedbank House, 30 Albert Street, Durban.

RATZEBURG Douglas Henry ID 500624 5018 08 2 + 13 May 2014 of 51 & 72 SS Amanzimtoti Gardens, 52-64 Fynn Rd Amanzimtoti. ESTATE No 10692/2015/DBN. PEERS ATTORNEYS Suite 604, 6th Floor Perm Building, 343 Anton Lembede Street, Durban 4001.

SEWNARIAN Sharitha ID 600514 0123 08 7 + 23 Oct 2014 of 11 Elderwood Place, Woodview, Phoenix x Gidhari SEWNARIAN ID 491001 5135 08 6. ESTATE No 004495/2015/DBN. D SOMA & COMPANY Executrix Dative; 1003 Nedbank House, 30 Albert Street, Durban.


ADAM Shaik Essop ID 360321 5208 08 1 + 22 Nov 2015 of 6 Maiden Fern, Oak Park, Pietermaritzburg x Kathoon Bee ADAM ID 411107 0247 08 6. ESTATE No 8967/2015. SAMEERA CASSIMJEE ATTORNEYS 414 Longmarket Street Pietermaritzburg 3201. TEL:- 033 3424247.

NAIDOO Mariamma ID 800486956A + 22 March 1990 of 82 Dahlia Rd, Wyebank, Kloof. ESTATE No 6920/1990/PMB. D.PADAYCHEE ATTORNEYS 33 Blenford Crescent, Sunford, Phoenix.

ROY Nardef Rasnath IF 640627 5197 08 8 + none given x Kashfi NUNDKUMAR ID 651002 0211 08 4 of 101 Winchester Drive, Reservoir Hills Durban. ESTATE No 20636/2010/DBN. CHARMAINE PILLAY & CO 431 Jabu Ndlovu Street Pietermaritzburg 3201. TEL:- 033 3947947.

22 March 2016


GATHORNE Roy (Buzzy) 21 Aug 1920 ----17 March 2016 x Barbara. Brother-in-law of Margaret and Michael and cousin of Mary-Ann. Requiem Mass at Holy Nativity on 23 March 2016 at 10am.

VARNDELL Jeff + 17 March 2016 x Barbara . Father of Judy and Peter. Father-in-law of Lindsay.Grandfather of Nicholas. Funeral on 23 March 2016 at St Agnes in Kloof. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.


MILLER Bradley (Brad) 18 Nov 1922 -----22 March 2005. Love and miss you from Ann (Jean); Father of Pat, John and family; Father and grandfather of Willem, Colleen and family.

23 March 2016


SCHOOLING Brian Anthony (Buzzy) x Anne. Brother of Darryl, Maxine and Dennis. Requiem Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Parish Westville on 23 March 2016 at 3pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.; Love from RABBIE family.


FFORDE (FAWCETT ) Paula 2 years on Human Rights Day dear sister, gone now, from Shell, Meliss, Grace and Amelia.

24 March 2016


Victims that died of toxic ecstasy:- DLUDLA Simphiwe (18); MNGADI Siyabonga (19) ; MVULA Nokwanda (25) and ZAKWE Mduduzi (29). SIHLE MLAMBO 24 March 2016

CONNELL Dr Allan + 18 March 2016 (73) died while scuba diving at Scottburgh beach. ZAINUL DAWOOD. 24 March 2016


SUBRAMANIEN Dharmalingum Kista ID 790119 5201 08 4 + none of 42 Katee Hartnoll Rd, Queensburgh 4093 x Depika SUBRAMANIEN (Dwarka ) ID 840825 0076 08 7. ESTATE No 6205/2015/DBN. MULLER & ODAYAR ATTORNEYS Suite 103, 1st Floor, Wearcheck House, 16 School Rd Pinetown. TEL:- 031 7021979.

29 March 2016


CONNELL Dr Allan + 18 March 2016 at age 73 x Dawn. Father of Garth He was a marine biologist. He was diving at a dept of 45 meters off Scottburgh. Condolences to Dawn, Garth and Tracy and the mongoose family in his garden that he loved so much. From Mike FRASER who dived with him and brought him to the surface.


BOND Steve 1946 -2009 Missed by Gill, Kirsten and Jonathan.

MATHARAI Doray. 18 years gone now. Father and grandfather of CHARLES family; RIP from Leela and family; Always loved and cherished. George, Emily and family; Always in our thoughts and prayers. Skelly, Rosemary and Kirsten.

31 March 2016


HAGEMANN - MIDDLETON Michelle & Trevor announce engagement of their eldest daughter Calli to Andrew, Son of Heather and John.


BARKER Keoma & Lauren married on 5 Dec 2015. (photo)

HEYNS Rogan & Haylea married 28 Nov 2015. (photo)

JOGNSON DRAAI Glen & Clarissa married 25 July 2015 (photo)

PRETORIUS Michael & Gabriella married on 25 July 2015 (photo)

STUART Rowan & Sarah married on 11 July 2015. (photo)


BURG Sarah. Long life to Ronny, Errol, Gary, Janine and all the family. You were like another granny to Sahara. Love from Simala.

CLAASE Lucy Joy 7 March 1938 -----25 March 2016. Wife, Mother & Grandmother.

GRENFELL Ingrid + 28 March 2016 x Colin. Mother to Angela and Kevin. Mother-in-law to Keith and grandmother to Luke, Laura, Joanna, Ewan, Oliver and Holly. Memorial at the Chapel Bryanston Methodist Church Bryanstone on 5 April 2016 at 11am.

JACOBS Mandy 15 Feb 1967 ----27 March 2016. Soulmate of Ian. Mother to Angus. Daughter to Arthur & Pam. Sister to Russell, Bradley and Robyn. Aunt to Cameron, Catherine, Christopher and Luke. Celebration of her life at The Litchi Orchards ,Salt Rock at 3pm on 31 March 2016. Bring and Share.

JOHNSON Penny. Funeral on 1 April 2016 at Living Waters Church Durban North. Viewing at 11am. Sevice at 12noon. Proceeding to Redhill Cemetery.

RAMA Prakash. Son of Chris & Kamla RAMA. Brother of Mahen, Rama and Shantum. Father of Denika, Nerel, Chadley, Kyle, Joshua, Jessica. Funeral on 2 April 2016. Body will lie in state at home, 37 Salseete Rd Merebank from 10:30am---11:45 proceeding to DOVES Chapel Greyville from 12:15---14:15. Cremation at Clare Crematorium between 15:00 -15:40pm.DOVES 0860025500.

STRAH Deloris "Del" 25 July 1931 -----29 March 2016. Mother of Karin and Helga. Grandmother to Brendon, Carmen, Tasmyn and Angela. Memorial on 1 April 2016 at Immanuel Lutheran Church Presbury Pietermaritzburg at 2pm. MARTIN'S PMB 033 342 1077

TAIT Barry Glen . Celebration of his life on 1 April 2016 at Assegai Shellhole Assembly Rd Wentworth at 2pm.

TURNBULL Frieda + 28 March 2016. Wife Mother and grandmother. Memorial Service 2 April 2016 at Hillcrest Presbyterian Church at 10am.

VAN DE VYVER Dorothy (Dot) 5 Aug 1928 ---29 March 2016 x + Alf van de VYVER. Mother of Lindsay and Peter HAINE, Gary and Gill VAN DE VYVER, Dee & Rob STEWART, Debi and Steve PENDER. Grand and great-grandmother. Memorial at Edenroc , 119 Snell Parade Durban on 6 April 2016 at 10am. Stanh you to Nursing Staff at Edenroc. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

VESAGIE Radnor Frederick (Rags) x Ann. Father of Roalien, Raqurl, Maresce, Fabian and Ronwyn and + Chantal. Grandfather, brother and uncle. Remains will lie in state at St Lukes Anglican Parish Woodlands on 2 April 2016 at 09am. Requiem Mass at 10:30am. Proceeding to Mauntain Rise Crematorium. HOLBY 082 851 7398.

VOSLOO Johnny 5 Sept 1931 ----27 March 2016. Wake will be on 1 April 2016 in Durban, Durban Bowling Club at 2pm. MARTIN'S 031 3128095.






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