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Daily News

Daily News 2015 11 November

2 November 2015


VEERANNAH Ramasiva + 1 Nov 2015 x Saras VEERANNAH. Father of Shane, Paroshini and Seleena. Funeral at Kharwastan Temple Hall on 3 Nov 2015 from 11:30---14:30pm.

VINDEN Vera. Daughter of + Mr & Mrs N VINDEN. Funeral on 3 Nov 2015 at St Columba Church Parkhill. Viewing from 1345 ---14:30pm Service thereafter.Cremation private. Ashes will be interred in Dundee by her sister Demla.

4 November 2015

CONSECRATIONS:-Tombstones erected in momory of late:-




WARTSKI Denise --- will be unveiled and solemnly consecrated on 8 Nov 2015 at Redhill Jewish Cemetery at 09:30am.


BEYNON nee CROUCH Daphne Joyce 10 Nov 1920 ----1 Nov 2015 x + William (Bill) BEYNON. Aunt of Norma FRASER. Great-aunt of David & Leigh-Anne FRASER and Alison & Robert MAWREY and great-great-aunt of Gillean, Stephanie, Kristen and Sarah FRASER and Douglas & Elizabeth MAWREY. Memorial at The Methodist Church Ladysmith on 5 Nov 2015 at 11am. Donations to Juana Maria Home in lieu of flowers.

BROUGHTON Anthony 3 May 1931 -----31 Oct 2015 x Margaret. Father of Charles, David, Michael, Dick and Diana. No funeral by requiest. Life celebration at Durban Ski Club at 16:30 pm on 6 Nov 2015.

COELO Antonio + 29 Oct 2015. Father of Carla x Ian. Grandfather of Delon and Tahlia. Memorial on 5 Nov 2015 at 11am at The San Jose Catholic Church, Stamford Hill Rd, Durban.

COELO Antonio Paulo Redrigues (Tony) 12 April 1943 ----30 Oct 2015. Father of Sergio, Marco and Carla. Memorial at St Jose Catholic Church, Stamford Hill Rd, Durban on 5 Nov 2015 at 11am. AVBOB 031 2061831.

ELAND nee WILLIAMS Ethne Lesley + 29 Oct 2015 in Cape Town at age 98 years. Deputy Head of Gordon Rd School for many years. Missed by husband Keith Richard and daughters.

FARR Beryl + 31 Oct 2015 x + Len. Mother of Howard and + Brian BECK. Mother-in-law of Kathleen. Grandmother of Zoё and Ben.

FINNEGAN Jimmy + 1 Nov 2015. Father and grandfather. Memorial at Living Waters Church Durban North on 6 Nov 2015 at 10:30pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

FRIEL Evelyn 19 Sept 1943 ----31 Oct 2015. Mother, grandmother. Funeral on 6 Nov 2015 at Saint Francis Xavier Catholic Church Bluff at 14:00 pm. Cremation private. Donation to St Vincent De Paul , St Francis Xavier Catholic Parish. AVBOB 031 2061831.

JOHNSON Valerie (Val) Elizabeth Rendle + 31 Oct 2015 at Hillcrest Private Hospital x Ron. Mother of Mark, Sue, Tim and James. Grandmother. ; Funeral on 6 Nov 2015 at St Agnes Church Kloof at 11am. Buriel Service on 7 Nov 2015 at Himeville Cemetery Himeville. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

MERCURY Weston + 31 Oct 2015. Son of Mary-anne. Husband of Nicole and father of Channing and Brogan. Grandson of Margaret. Nephew of Desmond and cousin of Laurence and Gregory.

NEWPORT Sheila + 28 Oct 2015. Mother of Errol, Susan, Carol and + Graham. Graveside Service at Stellawood Cemetery on 5 Nov 2015 at 2pm. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

PRETORIUS Barend Godfried + 30 Oct 2015. Cremation Service at Prestbury Methodist Church Stott Rd on 5 Nov 2015 at 11am DOVES 0860025500.

STANLEY Quintin. Funeral at Glenwood Presbyterian Church Umbilo on 5 Nov 2015 at 2pm. Cremation private.

VAN ROOYEN Emmanuel Jacobus (Manie) 15 Feb 1932 ----30 Oct 2015. Memorial at Methodist Church Hillcrest on 6 Oct 2015 at 11am. DOVES 08600225500

WYLLIE AUDREY FAWCETT nee CAHILL + 28 Oct 2015. Sister of Patrick and + Roger. Stepmother to Malcolm and James and aunt to Margaret, Susan and Wendy. Thankgiving Service for her life at The Sanctuary at Amberglen Howick on 6 Nov 2015 at 14:30pm. Donation to Howick Hospice. BAKER & BAKER 033 342 8764.


JONES Brian Michael. 1 year gone now. Still missed from Albert, Cynthia, Charles, Shirley-Ann, Mark and Children.

MONTY Cherie Marie Louisa 1930 ---2015. Mother of + Peter MONTY, Rebecca (Becky) SEEDAT, Yvette MOHAMED and Akbar (John) KAJEE. Grandmother and great-grandmother.

SHIRRA Jeanne (Jen) 5 Oct 1950 ---4 Nov 2007 Wife of Tom, sister,sister-in-law and aunt.; Sister and aunt is Trish, Kels and Jared.

5 November 2015


MOOSES Mari + 4 Nov 2015 murdered . She was 80 years and lived in Phoenix. NOSIPHO MNGOMA


GIBBS Russ .Son was killed 8 years ago in KZN. Son of Bob & Shirley. Bev, Genevieve, Caroline and families.

6 November 2015


LEGGE Raymond Llewellyn ID 421124 5519 08 6 + 25 Aug 2015 of 48 Hilltop Rd, Hillcrest .ESTATE No 012649/2015/DBN. MORRIS FULLER WILLIAMS INC 1 Knightsbridge 16 Westville Rd, Westville 3629.

VAN HEERDEN George Sebastian ID 411027 5061 08 6 + 7 July 2015 of 4 Evesham Village, Westville Rd, Hillcrest. ESTATE No 10000/2015 /DBN. EXECUTOR BEYERS GIDEON JOUBERT PO Box 11007, Hatfield 0028.


BALMAKHUN Roopnarain ID 410827 5069 08 3 + none x Kewalpathie BALMAKHUN ID 520913 0033 08 9 of 31 Burlington Rd, Reservoir Hills, Durban. ESTATE No 24082/2014/DBN. SNYMAN & GARACH ATTORNEYS PO Box 58 Durban 4000.

HARMS Frieda Dorothea Maria ID + ESTATE No 002833/2015/PMB. BAKER TILLY MORRISON MURRAY PO Box 1098 Westville 3630. TEL:- 031 2675300. 

9 November 2015


SAM Craig + 7 Nov 2015. He was shot dead. He had two pending murder cases against him. He was 23. Daily News Reporter.


DIXON Ian George + 9 Nov 2011 Father of Lesley (Daughter) and Baphoo of Lesley, John and Nicholas.

10 November 2015


MORGAN Pete & Sandy announce engagement of their youngest son Christopher to Shani ,youngest daughter of Francois & Wilhelmina DU PLOOY of Johannesburg.


KALSEN Anne Margrethe (Grethe) + 7 Nov 2015. Sister, aunt and great-aunt.

HOBEL Johannes Victor 27 Oct 1952 ----6 Nov 2015. Funeral at NG Kerk Umhlanga on 11 Nov 2015 at 1pm. DOVES 0860025500.

KONINGKRAMER Trevor Herman 29 June 1940 ----7 Nov 2015 x Loraine for 51 years. Father of Deborah, Mike, and + Shane. Grandfather of Craig, Lauren, Michaela and Troy.

MARITZ Salamo Stephanus 10 Sept 1932 ----7 Nov 2015 x Joan Patricia (Pat) for 58 years and 2 months. Father and grandfather to Nicholas and Colleen, Nicole and Stephen, Mark and Jennifer, Bridget and Michael, Gerrard and Janelle, Jade and Gareth, Caroline and David , Andrew and Murray DUNN.; Memorial at Alison Homes (RAM Hall) Burger Street Pietermaritzburg on 16 Nov 2015 at 11am. BAKER & BAKER TEL:- 033 3428764.

NAIDOO Dan & Queenie (63) drowned when a big wave knocked them over. They were celebrating Dan 65th Birthday at Fairmont Zimbali Resort. The sister Shane (39) also drowned. They leave behind a daughter and sister Sarnia. Daily News 9 Nov 2015. SHERLISSA PETERS.


MUDALY Neelakandan 11 May 1936 ----10 Nov 2013.. From your wife and family.

11 November 2015


AMMAN, JORDAN:- WHITEHORN Conrad Vaughn was killed He was from Johannesburg , unmarried and of age 37. Brother of Meagan x Jaco VAN DER MERWE. Bernadette WOLHUTER & REUTERS.

12 November 2015


BOSTOCK Gillian May Ormsby + 9 Nov 2015 x John BOSTOCK . Mother of Rory, Bridget, Gary and Lisa. Sister to Paddy.

CHAMANE Innocent +10 Nov 2015 -Durban Metro Police Senior Manager- was murdered . He was 52 years old. He is survived by his fiancee and 4 children. DAILY NEWS REPORTER.

DE VILLIERS Alvin Gerard 1 April 1941 ---- 7 Nov 2015. Husband, father and grandfather. Celebration of his life at the Harvest Church in Sunningdale at 3pm on 13 Nov 2015.

DOUGLAS Joy Francis Ann + 9 Nov 2015 x + Ian DOUGLAS. Mother of Bron, Lea, Meg, grandmother to Tannith, Kelby , Luke and Heath. Memorial on 17 Nov 2015 at 2pm at Harvest Church Sommerset Park.

DRŐGEMŐLLER Ruth Theresa Magdalene . Memorial at Hermannsberg Lutheran Church on 14 Nov 2015 at 11:30am. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.

GODDARD Joan Maud + 10 Nov 2015. Mother of Darryl, Sorin, Cindy, Justin and Brett. Grandmother of Storm, Hannah, Alexandra, Codie and Kieran. Thank you to Highway Hospice.; Memorial at Fynnlands Baptist Church on 13 Nov 2015 at 2pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

GOVENDER Yoganathan Arthiemulan (Gary /Sagie) 30 March 1959 ---30 Oct 2015 x Saro GOVENDER. Father and rest of family. 15th Day Memorial on 13 Nov 2015 at Woodhurst Multicultural Centre Chatsworth at 5:30pm.

KHAN Nawaaz . He went missing on 31 Oct 2015. His body was found on 7 Nov 2015. He was a disabled cricket player. Zainul SAWOOD

MCCARTY Lorraine Colleen + 9 Nov 2015 x Leon. Mother to Kelvin, Priscilla, Julia, Sarah and Junior. Grandmother to Levi, Morgan, Madison, Zayden.; Memorial at DOVES Greyville at 12 noon on 13 Nov 2015. Proceeding to Woodlands Sports Club.

MILTON Nigel 22 Oct 1953 ---5 Nov 2015 . Husband and father of Sharon, Gareth, Darryn and Bianca. Service on 13 Nov 2015 at 11am at Stellawood Cemetery Umbilo.

PAUL Francis Reginald + 7 Nov 2015 in Cape Town. Father, brother and uncle. From PAUL & HENRY Families.

PILLAY Rajgopalan Nadesan (Eddie).Funeral on 13 Nov 2015 at Jeshurun Reformed Church Phoenix at 1pm. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium at 2pm. Body will lie in state at church from 11pm CENTAL Funerals.

SINCLAIR Neil Craig 5 March 1942 ----10 Nov 2015. Husband, father and grandfather. Love from Maggie, Fiona, Norma, Michael, Carina and grandchildren.

TOMS Barry + 9 Nov 2015. Father of Deborah & Hans, Roz & Howard, + Adrian. Grandfather to Dylan , Lara, Liz, Matthew and Tayla. Memorial at Golden Years Home Hillcrest at 2pm on 13 Nov 2015.


BRADFIELD Lyn. From your friend Col.

HOLMAN George 6 Jan 1952 ----12 Nov 2014.Husband ,father and grandfather of Odette, Maxine, Travis, Kelly, Taso, Gina & Luca.

SIMONS Henry. 19 years Gone now. Husband of Gill.

WESLEY L/Cpl Selwyn Lesley. Love from Dad, Clint, Riaan, Selwyn (jnr).

YOUNG Daphne + 12 Nov 2011. From your family , Dave, Vanessa, Carolyn, Denis, Barry, Craig and Lindy.

13 November 2015


MTHEMBU Bongani (Glebeland hostel resident) + 12 Nov 2015. He was murdered.


ABDULLA Shaik ID 290407 5066 08 5 + 13 Sept 2014 of Lot 19 Blackburn Village, Mount Edgecombe 4300 x Zola Bee Bee ABDULLA ID 400106 0065 08 7. ESTATE No 001830/2015/DBN. ZAIN FAROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19/20 Croftdene Drive Croftdene Chatsworth 4092. TEL:- 031 4010031 REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/mn/05 A166 001.

BOTES Eileen Pamela ID 360930 0104 08 5 + 24 Aug 2015 of Kloof Rest Home, 40 Abelia Rd KZN 3610. ESTATE No 11787/2015/DBN. ATKINSON,TURNER & DE WET ATTORNEYS REF:- Mr Atkinson/lp/03/T0842 478 Lilian Ngoyi Rd Morningside Durban 4001 TEL:- 031 3121303.

SAMUEL Roy Samuels ID 521129 5666 08 3 + 1 July 2009 of 467 Westcliff Drive, Westcliff, Chatsworth 4092.ESTATE No 11092/2009/DBN. DM GOVENDER ATTORNEYS PO Box 5528, Durban 4000.


DUNN Sydney Edwin ID 310323 5076 08 9 + 2 Nov 2014 of 26 Ballerina Terrace, Wentworth KZN x Rona DUNN ID 390527 0111 08 8. ESTATE No 30787/2014/DBN. ZUBEDA K SEEDAT & COMPANY ATTORNEYS 19/21 Hunt Rd Glenwood 4001. TEL:- 031 2020031.

GUMEDE Langa Albert ID 480503 5666 08 8 + 9 May 2015 of Esikhaweni H2, 3297 Umjikijolo Street 3887. ESTATE No 003786/2015. NGCOBO SERVICES TRUST PO Box 2897, Pietermaritzburg 3200.

HADEBE Vusi Wilson ID 531130 5289 08 0 + 14 Aug 2015 of Mzimkulu Mafo Location Dundee 3001 x Thandi Maureen HADEBE ID 600512 0707 08 1. ESTATE No 007266/2015. NGCOBO SERVICES TRUST PO Box 2897, Pietermaritzburg 3200.

NDLAZI Fakazi Tom ID 431230 5401 08 0 + 12 Feb 2010 of P O Box 3262 Ozisweni 2952 x Nana Berina NDLAZI ID 440428 0162 08 2 . ESTATE No 11447/2011. NGCOBO SERVICES TRUST PO Box 2897, Pietermaritzburg 3200.

NDLOVU Bernard Tsebang ID 681010 5697 08 6 + 8 July 2015 of 10249 Section 4 Madadeni 2940 x Elsie Nomusa NDLOVU ID 660829 0326 08 5. ESTATE No 5525/2015. NGCOBO SERVICES TRUST PO Box 2897, Pietermaritzburg 3200.

NDLOVU Tshengisile Alexina ID 460312 0197 08 9 + 30 Dec 2013 Ndanyana Area, Elandskraal Store 3017. ESTATE No 19/2014/PMB. NGCOBO SERVICES TRUST PO Box 2897, Pietermaritzburg 3200.

NYAWUZA Buiswa Cleopatra ID 890213 0361 08 1 + 13 April 2015 of 39 Gert Maritz Street, Barry Hertzog Park Newcastle 2940. ESTATE No 5170/2015 NGCOBO SERVICES TRUST PO Box 2897, Pietermaritzburg.

RAMANAND Ragunanan ID 441216 5125 08 2 + 22 May 2015 of Flat No 3, Ramphal Villa, 19 Ramphal Rd, Pietermaritzburg x Basanti RAMANAND ID 440412 0182 08 5.ESTATE No 5561/2015. NGCOBO SERVICES TRUST PO Box 2897, Pietermaritzburg 3200.

SINGH Vishnu ID 600929 5305 08 5 + 1 July 2015 of 36 Burbeeze Drive, Burbeese, Tongaat. Executrix: Benedine SINGH ID 751108 0145 08 8. ESTATE No 9084/2015/DBN. MERVYN GOUNDEN & ASSOCIATES PO Box 2051 Verulan 4340.

SMITH Lindsay Duff ID 490429 5162 08 4 + 22 May 2014 of 42 Chicks Drive Durban North. ESTATE No.022092/2014/PMB. ROBIN ANTHONY KEMP BAKER TILLY MORRISON MURRAY PO Box 1098 Westville 3630. TEL:- 031 2675300. FAX:- 031 2671838

WILKINSON David Roger ID 460702 5069 08 7 + 22 Jan 2015 of 299 South Ridge Rd, Durban 4001. ESTATE No 001378/2015/PMB. NEIL GERBER for BAKER TILLY MORRISON MURRAY PO Box 1098 Westville 3630. TEL:- 031 2675300.

XABA Bonga Jeffrey ID 611204 5486 08 8 + 22 April 2015 of Nquthu KZN. ESTATE No 12209/2015 . NGCOBO SERVICES TRUST PO Box 2897, Pietermaritzburg. 

ZWANE Petros Mbongeleni ID 600916 5409 08 2 + 12 June 2015 of B773 Mondlo Vryheid 3100 x Nomusa Rosemary Mayvis ZWANE ID 611021 0708 08 8. ESTATE No 5161/2015/PMB. NGCOBO SERVICES TRUST PO Box 2897, Pietermaritzburg 3200.

16 November 2015


RAMSAROOP Warrant Officer Niren + 14 Nov 2015 at age 40. He was killed while patrolling the Empangeni central business district. Benadette WOLHUTER and ANA.

18 November 2015


COOK Barbara 30 Aug 1922 -----11 Nov 2015. Missed by Howard and Liz, Warwick and Ann . Grandmother of Lauren and Iain, Vincent and Ryan. Memorial on 20 Nov 2015 at Pinetown Nursing Home at 2pm.

19 November 2015


GAINSFORD John born in Germiston + 18 Nov 2015 at age 77 years of cancer. He was a former Springbok centre. Son of John & Enid GAINSFORD. ANA, REUTERS.

GOUNDEN Vasie x Sadha. Mother of Kumaran and Thilo. Mother-in-law of Jenny and Treven. Sister of Sagen ,Indhran and Amutha. Funeral 19 Nov 2015 at MTSS Hall Merebank from 1pm ---4pm. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium. Cremation at 5:30pm. ISIPINGO INC PAM'S. 031 9022444.

MCKUUR Edward Nicholas x Yvonne. Father of David, Bernard, Yvette, Russell, Timmy, Andre, Gail, Anne, Nicky and + Ernest and Audrey. Grand and great-grandfather. Requiem Mass on 20 Nov 2015 at St Michaels Catholic Church Redhill. Viewing from 12noon ---12:30pm.

20 November 2015


BRENNAN Janice Bernadine ID 580622 0059 08 8 + 19 Aug 2015 of 24 Wessex Drive, ST Winifreds 4126. ESTATE No 007846/2015. MONIQUE SHARPLEY agent for EXECUTRIX DATIVE BAKER TILLY MORRISON MURRAY, PO Box 1098 Westville 3630.

MKHIZE Nkululeko Pius ID 701221 5696 08 7 + 16 Feb 2014 of 195753 Esikebheni, Inanda, Durban. ESTATE No 31824/2014. ANTHONY WHATMORE & COMPANY 45 Adelaide Tambo Drive, Durban North 4051. TEL:- 031 5637111.

VAN STADEN Johannes Petrus ID 550806 5075 08 4 + 1 May 2015 of 5 Lugano Drive Uvongo 4270. ESTATE No 11656/2015/DBN. H VENTER VENTER & CO PO Box 11983, Queenswood 0121. TEL:- 012 3320450.

VAWDA Rashida Goolam Hoosen ID 480408 0096 08 5 + 15 Oct 2015. No Address. MASTERS REF No 14020/2015/DBN. EXECUTOR EI VAWDA PO Box 3795, Durban 4000.


DAWOOD Thaira Bibi ID 450214 0019 08 5 + 25 Feb 2015 of 29 Planet Place, Woodhurst, Chatsworth x Elderes DAWOOD ID 390327 5307 08 2 ESTATE No 7904/2015/DBN. ZAIN FAROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19/20 Croftdene Drive Croftdene Chatsworth 4092. TEL:- 031 4010031 REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/05 D076 001.

HAYES Angelique Renee ID 600210 0092 08 9 + none of 16 Jasper Place, Wentworth Durban. ESTATE No 5631/2013KZN. ANTHONY WHATMORE & COMPANY 45 Adelaide Tambo Drive, Durban North 4051. TEL:- 031 5637111.

KUPPENS Bernardina Gertrudis Helena Josephina ID 280910 0077 18 1 + 26 Feb 2011 of 36 Harmony, Elise Marwick Rd Malvern, Durban. ESTATE No 9238/2011/DBN. MARINA ERASMUS c/o FOURIE STOTT 23 Jan Hofmeyr Rd, Westville 3629. REF:- S Fourie.

26 November 2015


GROOM Candice & Ryan married on 4 July 2015. (photo)

NAIDOO Menoka & Neville married 25 Oct 2015. (photo)

NICOLL Elrene & Juan married on 26 Sept 2015. (photo)

PERKS Julie & Matthew married 8 Aug 2015. (photo)

PIETERS Karyn & Wessel married 26 Sept 2015.(photo).

PILLAY Jacelyn & Sheldon married 1 Aug 2015 (photo)

PRETORIUS Siobhon & Radlon married 1 Aug 2015. (photo)

SLATER Simone & Dale married 31 May 2015 (photo)

STEENKAMP Sade & Farrel married 5 Sept 2015. (photo)

SWART Anri & Leon married on 26 Sept 2015. (photo)

UPNECK Tanya is winner she got married on 4 July 2015 (photo)


AKKERS nee SPIES Evelyn Marianne . Funeral on 27 Nov 2015 at St Joseph's Catholic Church Florida Rd, Morningside ,Durban. Viewing at 1:30pm. Mass at 2pm. Cremation private. ISIPINGO INC PAM'S 031 9022444.

GRADWELL Eunice Irene of Montclair. Funeral on 27 Nov 2015 at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church Montclair. Viewing at 10:30am. Service at 11am. Cremation Private. ISIPINGO INC PAM'S 031 9022444.

HARTSLIEF Brent Buster 26 June 1971 ----21 Nov 2015 x Rosemary. Stepfather to Roxanne, Sebastian and Jamie. Son of Danny and Sharon. Brother to Tania.; Memorial on 27 Nov 2015 at 2pm at 167 Inanda Rd Waterfall Crinkley Bottom Park Chapel.

NAIDOO Govindamma . 16th Day Memorial on 28 Nov 2015 at The Shri Parasakthie Temple Hall Merebank from 16h00 ----17h00pm thereafter supper and refreshments.

NDLOVU Aaron (Mseshi) + 25 Nov 2015. He was former Vice-chancellor, Professor at Mangosuthu Universaty of Technology (MUT). He will be buried on Sunday in Estcourt and a memorial service will be on Saturday at the Bhekuzulu Hall at the Universaty of Zululand's KaFlangwezwa campus. SIHLE MLAMBO.

O'REILLY Constance Muriel. Funeral on 27 Nov 2015 at St Michaels Catholic Church from 1:30---2pm followed by Mass.

PARUMALGAM DHARAM 16 Aug 1937 ----22 Nov 2015 x + Devanamma. Father of Jessica, Lindsay and Jayson. Father-in-law of Nancy, Vimal, David. Grandfather of 6. Funeral on 27 Nov 2015 at his residence 7 Shady Ave Westcliff at 10am to 11am. Proceeding to The Nazarene Church Westcliff proceeding to Shallcross Cemetery at 14:30pm -15:30pm. INFO :- Pastor Joshua
083 254 0261 / Lindsay 031 4038504.

SCHWAN Delphine June 13 June 1935 ---24 Nov 2015. Mother of Lynne.

STRYDOM Catherine (Kay). Funeral on 28 Nov 2015 at The New Apostolic Church Redhill at 10am. Cremation Private. ISIPINGO INC PAM'S 031 9022444

WALLACE Wendy (Loo/Mom/OB/ Nan Nan) + 23 Nov 2015. Wife, Mother, sister and aunt, grandmother (Nan Nan) DOVES 0860025500.


FISHER Thelma .10 years gone now From your sons and family. RIP Mom Des.

KOEKEMOER Julie Megan. 2 Years gone now . Wife of Cedric. Mother of Jennae. Daughter of Dawn & Graham HILLAN. Sister and friend of Debbie.

YOUNG Joan Elizabeth 3 Dec 1935 ---26 Nov 2010. Mother of Alan.

27 November 2015


SAMUEL ABRAHAM + 25 Nov 2015. Husband , father, father-in-law and grandfather. Funeral at Mobeni Heights Methodist Church on 28 Nov 2015 from 2-3pm Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium from 4-5pm.

TUSTIN Errol + 25 Nov 2015. He was a Captain in Police force and was 45 years old. He was a decorated Empangeni police dag handler. Memorial Service in Vryheid next Wednesday. ZAINUL DAWOOD.

WARRICKER Hennie (39) + 24 Nov 2015 . He was shot during a hi-jacking in Seaforth Rd , Pineridge Pinetown. He was married to Taryn for 17 years. Brother-in-law of of Taryn, Christo MEINTJIES gave the interview. BERNADETTE WOLHUTER


BASHFORD Maureen Eileen ID 311214 0023 08 6 + 15 July 2015 of Emmerson House, 1 Goodwin Drive, Morningside, Durban. ESTATE No 006921/2015/PMB. GLYNNIS IRENE SCALLAN 15 Landsdowne Crescent Durban North 4051. TEL:- 031 564 1163.

DUMITRU Zorica ID 481005 0114 18 5 + 22 Oct 2012 of 20 Kentucky Drive, Durban North 4051. ESTATE No 18621/2012/DBN. ANTHONY WHATMORE & COMPANY 45 Adelaide Tambo Drive Durban North 4051. TEL:- 031 5637111.

ESSOP Abbas ID 461106 5154 08 0 + 29 April 2015 of 109 Canbury Circle, Eastbury, Phoenix Durban x Zuleka ESSOP ID 500504 0147 08 8. ESTATE No 7106/2015/DBN. MARIAM CASSIM AND ASSOCIATES Suite C 111, Wakefields House, 79 Crompton Street Pinetown 3610 . TEL:- 031 7022786/7024786.

GORLEI Margaret ID 320613 0030 08 3 + 27 July 2015 of 323 Eden Roc, 119 Snell Parade, Durban. ESTATE No 12878/2015/DBN. WARWICK TRUST Postnet Suite 205 Private Bag X 3, Plumstead 7801.

GRIFFITHS Lewis Gordon ID 280901 5034 08 7 + 12 May 2015 of no address given. ESTATE No 4438/2015. J. SAYED & ASSOCIATES 17 Cochrane Ave, Westville.

HANSEN Kadharavalliammal ID 370125 0254 08 3 + 11 Jan 2003 of 11 Sunflower Rd, Crossmoor, Chatsworth. ESTATE No 1063/04/PMB . ZAIN FAROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19/20 Croftdene Drive Croftdene Chatsworth 4092. TEL:- 031 4010031 REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/mn/05 H096 001.

HIRALAL Doris ID 540421 0070 08 1 + 7 Sept 2013 of 16 Highmanor Grove ,Trenance Manor , Phoenix 4068, x Shawn HIRALAL ID 550603 5029 08 2. ESTATE No 012708/2015 /DBN. D. PADAYACHEE ATTORNEYS PO Box 729, Mount Edgecombe 4300.TEL:- 031 5076705.

MAHABEER Harrisunker ID 511005 5112 08 2 + 25 Sept 2015 of 92 Broadgrove Ave, Stanmore Phoenix 4068 x Dawanthee MAHABEER ID 530423 0135 08 0. ESTATE No 13733/2015/DBN. D. PADAYACHEE ATTORNEYS PO Box 729, Mount Edgecombe 4300. TEL:- 031 5076705

NAIDOO Clenton ID 750910 5172 08 7 + 24 July 2012 of 172 Tromplen Place, Northcroft, Phoenix x Priscilla NAIDOO ID 740601 0055 08 7. ESTATE No 15983/2012/DBN. D. PADAYACHEE ATTORNEYS PO Box 729, Mount Edgecombe 4300.TEL:- 031 5076705.

SCHLUSSELBERGER Gisela ID 531122 0007 18 7 + 28 April 2015 x Franz Josef Arnold SCHLUSSELBERGER ID 510323 5009 18 7 of Address not given. ESTATE No 014345/2015. GUNTER SCHLUSSELBERGER 16 Windsor Village 1 Blessing Ninela Rd , Hillcrest, Durban 3610. TEL:- 072 2908 645.

SUBBIAH Srinivasan ID 571104 5135 08 1 + 16 Aug 2011 of Waterboom Street, Dawnside Kwa-Dukuza. KZN. ESTATE No 28440/2014/DBN. RAVIN SINGH, ASHEENA SINGH & COMPANY PO Box 1236, Kwa-Dukuza 4450. TEL:- 032 5523505.

WORLOCK Eve-Ann ID 410620 0048 08 1 + 7 Sept 2015 of 125 Rolling Hills Autumn Drive Umhlanga. ESTATE No 12909/2015/DBN. ANTHONY WHATMORE & COMPANY 45 Adelaide Tambo Drive Durban North 4051. TEL:- 031 5637111.


ALLMAN Mary Harriet ID 280416 0065 08 5 + 4 July 2015 of 60 Pinehaven 14 Meller Rd Pinetown. ESTATE No 10200/2015. WARWICK TRUST Postnet Suite 205 Private Bag X 3, Plumstead 7801.

ESSOP Abbas ID 461106 5154 08 0 + 29 April 2015 of 109 Canbury Circle, Eastbury, Phoenix Durban x Zuleka ESSOP ID 500504 0147 08 8. ESTATE No 7106/2015/DBN. MARIAM CASSIM AND ASSOCIATES Suite C 111, Wakefields House, 79 Crompton Street Pinetown 3610 . TEL:- 031 7022786/7024786.

OSMAN Hassim Suleiman ID 451016 5132 08 9 + 22 Feb 2012 of 73 Cannon Ave, Overport Durban 4091 x Rabia OSMAN ID 480801 0123 05 9. ESTATE No 15004/2013/DBN. ZAIN FAROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19/20 Croftdene Drive Croftdene Chatsworth 4092. TEL:- 031 4010031 REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/05 D076 001.

30 November 2015


MCINTOSH Keith. Memorial at Grace Baptist Church, Kempton Park on 28 Nov 2015 at 3pm.

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